15 Ekim 2010 Cuma

2 day intensive You will be talking to your Higher Self as well as you guides

2 day intensive.

After this 2 day intensive you will be able to receive the answers from your Higher Self, your I Am Presence and your Guides Clear and with confidence.

You will be working on creating a new reality within you to reach the highest possible outcome for abundance in every area of your life within this lifetime.

This is a great time on the planet for anyone to seek greater wakefulness, deepen their alignment with the Source of everything within, expand consciousness and raise their vibration by aligning with the earth's mission of ascension. Times of great chaos are the greatest opportunities to impact the new ordering of things and future directions-both on a personal and global level. The biggest challenge for most people will be to disengage the mind from reacting to outer conditions with fear, and to remain centered and able to create from visions of goodness and beauty within. These activations were developed to address the great challenges that many people are facing with the current upheaval and uncertainty in financial markets as well as the many personal challenges being experienced in these times of tremendous change.

This 2-day intensive is focused on receiving guidance as how and what to do to create your own reality, find your own path and to clear and activate your own divine blueprint as to become a clear communication channel for your own Higher Self, I Am presence and Guides. We will also work on activation the higher chakras and light bodies as well anchor many of the light codings that are available at this time.

After this 2 day intensive you will have a clear connection to your Higher Self, I Am presence and guides.

You will reach a higher awareness and the frequencies of your physical and energy bodies will be raised to the highest level possible at this time.

We will work on releasing any blockages that create a stop in the flow of abundance in every area of our life as well as we will be opened up to create a new reality within ourself with the assistance of our Higher Self, I AM presence and guides.

This is a 2 day workshop and will start on Saturday October 16 at 2:00 PM EST till about 6:00PM EST, and Sunday October 17 from 2:00 PM EST till about 6:00 PM EST

The cost for this 2-day Intensive is $ 999.00

You can register here

These are some of the things we will be working on as well as channeling and receiving complete answers

Physical and Spiritual Grounding and Alignment

Being physically grounded in earth energies will help you stay present with the tremendous changes that are occurring. Grounding will prevent reactions of wanting to escape in fear, while presence will enable positive transformation...This activation will support you to move from panic and resistance toward welcoming the changes and ensuring movement within, disallowing frozen energies that are necessary for the experience of fear...

Stopping Unconscious Replication of Chaos & Fear from Mass Consciousness

There is great fear on a global scale due to the current economic crisis-now more than ever we are witnessing how interconnected we all are and how chaos in one area affects all areas of life. Mass consciousness is gripped in visions of doom, scarcity, recession, or even depression-and it is easy to get caught in the drama, especially when one's own asset base is dwindling and job security is gone. And while you may personally be attempting to apply methods of conscious creation and increase your faith in a positive future, if you are unconsciously replicating mass consciousness patterns you will feel it's an uphill battle. Most people are not sufficiently conscious that they can easily sense the deeper negative influences they are picking up. Replication is an automatic process that serves us well when the environment is beneficent and all is rooted in love; but it is imprisoning otherwise. This activation prevents all fear-based replication that is not aligned to your highest good. It also clears all energetic allowance and weaknesses that enables a person to be impacted by the destructive and chaotic thoughtforms and forces of mind-control and manipulation.

Ability to Embrace Major and Continuous Change and Perceive the Positive Potential Within

The planetary changes are accelerating and the intensity will be with us for some time. This activation will support you to new ways of perceiving things as your familiar world continues to shift before your eyes. Many people are experiencing personal upheaval as the possibility for accelerated purification and evolution in consciousness is now possible. It is a time where all aspects of the false self are being exposed, and while it may feel uncomfortable, you will move through with far greater ease if you can keep focused on where you are headed.

This activation supports you toward new ways of perceiving things by connecting you at deeper levels of understanding, to the resolutions toward which you may move. In this manner, the immediate fearful effects become transparent as you can now see past to the wonderful transformations that exist as potential within the events. When you perceive or sense from a higher vantage point, you no longer will dwell on the immediate discomfort of change, but will already resonate with the new reality now. So not only will you move through with greater ease, but also by your openness, new opportunities will come that could not when in a state of mind that was negatively influenced by outer conditions.

Your conscious mind is the instrument of evolution in this dimension-how it responds to events and conditions impacts on the possibilities that may unfold for you. So long as your inner state of being is emancipated from outer conditions, you are a powerful agent of change in your reality. This activation provides deep support for you to think from the absolute rather than from outer conditions.

Being Fully Awake and Moving in Synchrony with the Times

This is a time of consciousness expansion in which we each have the opportunity for greater empowerment and responsibility in terms of what we are co-creating on the planet. Whether we like it or not, manifestation is accelerating and so greater accountability toward life is now necessary. Responsibility is not a burden, but rather it is the ability to respond to life. Each one of us now has the opportunity to expand and follow the path of ascension into a new world order.

This activation will support greater wakefulness in these important times. It ensures inner motion, disallowing stagnancy that translates into complacency and sleepiness. As you work with this activation, you will be assisted to see more clearly-to see the lies, the concealment or manipulation, and the ignorance and misguided practices going on around you. You will have much greater clarity and discernment, so that you can more easily choose what supports the highest good of all. With greater understanding and insight comes greater choice and ability to positively impact on life, choosing alignment with truth and positive evolution in all that you are and do.

Establish acceptance of current condition

· Necessary step to allow movement and change

·Increases self-understanding so can leave unwanted conditions

·Clears, guilt, shame, blame, judgment

·Give you your 'bearings' in life so you can know your direction and game plan

Clearing of hooks and identification with current dysfunctional conditions

·Emancipation from past and new level of empowerment

·Opens up new options

* Seeds impulse to reach for better

Resolve hidden agendas and neediness

·Clears unhealthy etheric connections to external surrogate sources of fulfilment

·Plugs you into true sources of fulfilment

·Vibrating wholeness and energies of all needs fulfilled so they will manifest in outer form

·Imparts clarity and directness

* Attracting even grander potential than you are able to imagine

Purify and align desires to Creator intent

·Alignment to true Self and Creator intent

·Harmonize with divine universal laws

·Sense of fulfilment

·Empowerment and enlightenment

·Desires activated in all dimensions

* Ability to wield the power of the universe

Clear resistances to desired reality

·Mental/emotional allowing of what is for your highest good

·Ability to reach for and receive the new

* Perception of current conditions as gradations of joy-firmly anchored on path of growth

Accept and Immerse in desires in their fulfilled state (Ability to hold new desired reality

·Propensities, capacities, and structures programmed into the body, to be able to hold and sustain the new reality

·Infusion and enforced anchoring of energies of desires in their fulfilled state

* Radiating a vibrational match to desires fulfilled

Ongoing guidance and energetic support

·Guidance to most optimal pathway to desires

·Magnetic tracking system to optimal future

·New insights, capacities, energies to support you toward your desired creation.

* Monitoring and reprogramming of opposing thoughts and negative self-talk

·The effects will be subtle at first; but in time you will notice many changes, such as:

·oOld behaviors and limiting patterns simply fall away

·oYour thinking and emotional state become more positive

·oIncreased self-assurance and self-acceptance

·oSense of inner guidance and intuition about purposeful action

·oGreater ease in life

·oEnhanced vitality and passion for life

·oFreedom to express and pursue your desires

·oPhysical and emotional healing

·oLatent capacities begin to feel accessible

·oGreater compassion and understanding of others

·oPeople treat you with more respect and interest

·oGreater happiness and joy
·oSense of personal power

Would you like to support our work and make more attunements and activations available for everyone?

Right now we have 22 attunements available for free in our store.

I would like to make this a lot more.

We are working under the Law of One, The Law of one is about balance.

The balance of the energies, as everything is energy.

So under this Law we have decided that for every $ 10.00 we receive in donations, we will make another attunement or activation available for free in our store.

In this way we all help each other to receive and gift freely.

You can find the free attunements here

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