21 Mart 2011 Pazartesi

The Karmic Board ~ They Are Here to Assist in Many Ways..Meleriessee

The Karmic Board ~ They Are Here to Assist in Many Ways
March 21, 2011 — Christine Meleriessee Heliohah

Many may not realize how very important the Karmic Board may be to our present life circumstances. We are in an age in which we are clearing our Karmic Rebirth and sometimes when we meet individuals the interactions can be challenging. Working with the Karmic Board will assist us in feeling the freedom we desire in our relationships.

What is the Karmic Board? The Karmic Board consists of a group of Ascended Masters that oversee each soul’s evolution on planetary and soul levels. The Karmic Board overlight the laws of the galaxy, as they apply to the planet, Earth and meets twice a year to consider petitions from the Brotherhood and unascended beings. They meet at the Grand Teton Retreat during June 15th through July 14th and then again in December 15th through January 14th. They are not only here to assist each of us but we can call upon them any time that we wish to assist in clearing away energies that are stopping us from having our full potential while in body. They also meet monthly at the Grand Teton Retreat to assist initiates in their pathway but the work done in the 6 day period is of a lesser degree than the twice-a-year conference. Initiates are invited to attend during December and June during their meditation and sleep states.

The Karmic Board consists of the following Ascended Beings of Light:

The Karmic Board Members: Lady Portia (Goddess of Justice, spokesperson for the Board), the Goddess of Liberty, Lady Nada (Goddess of Love), Pallas Athena (Goddess of Truth), Elohim Cyclopea, Kwan Yin (Goddess of Mercy), and the Great Divine Director (Manu of the Seventh Root Race). In addition Lord Adama, of Telos, oversees all souls that are entering Telos after exiting the body.

The petitions that are backed by the largest amount of energy, have the greatest chance of being approved. Generally, those petitions with the greatest amount of support from both the human kingdom and the ascended realm will be chosen. Note that Cosmic Law is very strict. It may not be superseded except under exceptional circumstances. After consulting with Alpha and Omega, the Karmic Board renders a decision, which is final.

The Karmic Board opens up the Book of Life which is the summary of the experiences of the last embodiment for each individual who passed through the experienced known as death. The Book of Life shows how the individual used the energy of the last embodiment in a constructive way. They examine each individual who wants to come back into embodiment and decides whether or not to grant the individual the opportunity to re-embody at a certain place or time.

The members of the Karmic Board are not beings waiting to punish souls. Their service to God is to assist individuals to be given the greatest opportunity for spiritual progress, to balance out their debts, and to complete their ascension process. The Karmic Board is a merciful body of helpful intelligences, not to punish the bewildered souls.

They are here to assist us in various ways. If you find that you are having issues with an individual bothering you psychically, you can put out a request to the Karmic Board to alleviate the interaction. In addition they are here to help remove any discordant chords that are impeding your progress for your Highest Good. They will tell you exactly what can occur if the chords are removed. In some cases it may be previous lifetime connections and you may want to open up the doorway for a better relationship with this person. Other times it could mean that the relationship would be severed. They will communicate exactly what the consequences can be when the chords are removed.

You can recite this decree to assist in creating perfect and harmonious relationships:

I came to this Earth to heal my wounds

There are times I am unsure how to do so

I call upon the Karmic Board to assist me

They acknowledge my souls’ worth and growth

And always have my best interests at heart

I go to Lady Portia who is the spokesperson for the group

She shows me how my own Divinity will serve its purpose to the Earth

I then ask for Goddess of Liberty

She assists me to understand the karmic relationship I have with my birth parents

As I transcend all karmic issues that are not for my Highest Good

I call upon Lady Nada, the Goddess of Love

She helps me to focus within my heart center to see we are all sentinent beings of love

This I share with everyone I meet

I ask for Pallas Athena, the Goddess of Truth

She shows me the way to Inner Truth in all my endeavors

Her Light melts away all my fears within me and around me

I embody Truth and allow myself to be totally Humble in all my relationships of self and others

Elohim Cyclopea shows me that with the power of concentration

All will be manifested within my world

There is nothing I cannot achieve as he shows me all can be accomplished at all times

I then ask for Quan Yin, the Goddess of Mercy and Compassion

To show me my inner compassionate nature in all my relationships to transcend all karmic ties

This assists me in fully actualizing my Inner Self with the love that is embodied within me

The Great Divine Director who is the Manu of the Seventh Root Race walks with me

He assists me in understanding my pathway upon this Earth, called Gaia

He shows me the way of the Cosmic Rays as he is the overlighting energy of Planet Earth

I walk with him on the Pathway of Mastership to do service

Individually each of the members of the Karmic Board assists me in my present incarnation

Together they show me the guideposts so that my Being will be fully realized

I call upon the Karmic Board whenever I need assistance

Within my own pathway and others that are hindering it

I Am that I AM

I Am Honored to work with the Karmic Board in each moment

For the pathway of my soul into ascension

I Am that I Am

In addition you can utilize this decree through listening to an attunement located under Ascension Tools, Attunements, http://lifestationearth.com/attunements_64.html on my site.

As a special dispensation since my trip to the Grand Tetons in September, the Masters have asked me to open up the doorway for others to join in the Retreat on the full moon of each month. It is imperative that you utilize the visualization on my website, http://lifestationearth.com/teton_recording_75.html or join us during our Full Moon Ceremony which is held monthly. The Retreat is open during the Full Moon and three days afterwards.

On a personal note I have been working with the Great Divine Director for many years and it has assisted me in ridding energies that were very uncomfortable. At times, there may be individuals that are very highly psychically attuned and do not understand the ways of honor and walking into someone’s space. I have experienced this several times and the Karmic Board will aid you completely. It is also very helpful to understanding if the current relationships one may be involved with assist your highest purpose. Sometimes we still need to work out the issues on the earth level for the full acceptance of the karmic rebirth process. In any case they will let you know the outcome if you choose to release certain karmic bonds whether it is good or bad.

This work is also very helpful in understanding what your purpose is upon the Earth and how to best access your Divinity Within the physical vehicle. If you should have any questions or need assistance, I am available for a private session to do this work more fully with individuals. It is our time to fully access our full potential and have harmonious relationships in full love consciousness as it is intended by the Higher Realms.

In Expressions of Oneness,

Rev. Christine Meleriessee Heliohah

Ascension Coach ~ Vibratory Mastery ~ Cosmic Messenger

Divine Language Network

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