23 Mart 2012 Cuma

2012 Earth-Keeper : Mystical Ireland - Land of the Divine Feminine


Earth-Keeper Events Update Newsletter
Earth-Keeper 2012 & 2013

Did you know that Pre-Christian Ireland was Spiritually a Matriarchal Led Society?
Email us at Tyberonn@hotmail.com if you are interested in our
Pilgrimage to Sacred Ireland - Land of the Divine Goddess

Introducing Mystical Ireland - Earth-Keeper Pilgrimage planned for
late August and September 2012. Scroll down for article & photos.

Archangel Channel-Videos Online
-Click Links Below to View-

Metatron via James Tyberonn

Part One
Part Two

3D & Angelic Realm - Matter-Anti-Matter

2012 & The Mayan Calendar

Completing the Cosmic Trigger-The 2012 Solar Eclipse Alignment
Moody Blue Pyramid - Galveston Island Tx
May 18-19-20, 2012

The Blue Octahedron - Meditations Inside for the Eclipse Weekend in May
Earth-Keeper Galveston
James Tyberonn with Special Guests:

Arthur Fanning and the Atlanteon Sphere
Adrienne Goff - Author & Crystal Healing Master
Linda Robinson & Cathy Kominos - The Golden Hathors
Anaya-Ra - Messenger of the Golden Dolphin

The Golden Hathor Messengers in Galveston

- Click Below Link for Galveston Registration at Early-Angel Discounted Rate -

Cosmic Trigger Gathering Discounted Rate Offer Expires in 3-Days-Register soon !

Galveston Cosmic Trigger Abundance Exchange - $444
$333 - Early Angel Discount

If Registered Before March 7th - Ends in 3 Days !
Special Discounted Hotel Rates for Earth-Keeper at the Moody Gardens Hotel

Questions ? Call 936 447-9119 or Email Anne at Tyberonn@hotmail.com

The Arkansas Crystal Completion
Earth-Keeper 12-12-12
In the Crystal Vortex

The Cosmic Crystalline Completion
In the Largest Strata of Quartz Crystal on the Planet

Earth-Keeper 12-12-12

Join the Earth - Keeper Family for the Final Triple Date Gathering in the
Crystal Vortex of Arkansas. Location Matters !


Featuring James Tyberonn with Very Special Guest:

Graham Hancock
David Hatcher Childress
John Van Auken
John Major Jenkins
Dr Semir Osmanagich
MAX - The 13th Crystal Paradigm w/ JoAnn Parks

With : Craig Galloway, Dr Daniel Condron, Dr Jeri Castronova, Anaya-Ra Nina Brown, Adrienne Goff, Lilia Phelps, Linda Roebuck, Colin Bradley, Sharon Sessions, Angie Carter, Crystal Walker, Eddie LeBlanc & Carole Miller, Mari Mendoza, Elaine Fidyk

... and Music from Fred Mitchim & Ron Crose !!!!

Registration Options & Links for the 12-12-12:

$488 - Full 4-Day Attendance

Register Now to Secure your Room in our Venue. Hotel Rooms on site will sell out. Limited number of rooms available with 2 Queen Beds.Rooms are selling out.

The onsite venue is exclusively for attendees. You must be registered for the Earth-Keeper 12-12-12 before listed for booking a room.

Register Now !

David Hatcher Childress at the 12-12-12

Dr Semir Osmanagich & David Wilcock

Graham Hancock at the 12-12-12
Origins of Man-Click Link:

John Van Auken at the 12-12-12
On Edgar Cayce, Thoth & Ancient Mysticism


We have over 15,000 subscribers to the Earth-Keeper Chronicles Newsletter. Click the above button to receive free Channels of Archangel Metatron via James Tyberonn & Event information.

- Earth-Keeper - Amsterdam Holland -
Metatronic Keys & The Law of Conscious Creation
April 7-8, 2012

Completing the Cosmic Trigger
The 2012 Solar Eclipse Alignment
Moody Blue Pyramid - Galveston Island Tx
May 18-19-20, 2012

The 12-12-12
Cosmic Crystalline Completion - Truth & Coding
Jan 15 - Sunday is the Last Day for 'Early-Angel' 12-12-12 Special Reduced Rate
DNA Activation in the Crystal Vortex

Earth-Keeper - Sacred Ireland
September 2012 - Reg TBA

Earth-Keeper Pilgrimage & Seminars in Australia & New Zealand- February 2013
Details Forthcoming Soon-TBA

Irish Astroarchaeology: - Ireland's megalithic stone circles,artworks and landscapes include the world's oldest known buildings and astronomical observatories - chambered passage mounds, dolmens, stone circles, standing stones and petroglyphs aligned to the sun, moon and stars on astronomically significant dates. Built by pre-Indoeuropean stone age indigenous people as far back as 5200 BCE, these proto-scientific instruments seem to have first enabled humans to observe and synchronise the sun and moon cycles, with revolutionary implications for accepted notions about the origins of the scientific method.

Ireland - The Mystic Land of Druids

A mystical country religiously ruled by women before the 12th Century, with impressive emplacements and constructions and a shining light that makes it even more mysterious and spiritual.

Mystical Ireland

For anybody who has explored this mystical Isle, for centuries called the "Emerald Isle of Europe", Ireland can be seen as the mysterious enchanted land where leprechauns & Fairies cross the roads and where Celtic music is played to the tunes of ancient communities. The land is decorated all over with Celtic crosses and amazing stone circles of energy, amidst lush rolling green hills. All these symbols of devotion to the land, its energy and its people - someone must have left them there...

What is often subtle , is the deep impression of the sacred depth of energies in Ireland.
Mystical Symbols & Society
Life had not relatively changed since the 5th Century, when St. Patrick came from Scotland and imparted the Christian religion across the Isle. Although its well-known violence from time to time, Ireland had these stunning stone circles that could have been used for peace and worship. And just like that, life in the Emerald country continued being the same, with its mostly matriarchal society...the Land of the Goddess still is exuded.

Ireland was where the Druids priestesses practiced their exaltations to nature, life and family and built 15 stone ceremonial grounds to represent the beauty of their beliefs. Women had the most important roles in society until the English came, the middle Ages began, and everything started to change.

The female roles began to be displaced and males started to dominate the society. Successively, in the following centuries the Irish society changed and the Druids totally disappeared. Today they are represented by witches that practice their religion within their communities, out in the middle of the nature.
Mystical Symbols & Memorials
By cruising through Ireland, what is left behind is mystical and profound. From Northern Ireland in County Atrim down to Newgrange, where Celtic Kings and Queens ruled and had their burial sites places, there is an impressive array of ancient emplacements and constructions. The sun dials shine were their guides in ancient times. From these experiences, folk tales were passed on from Druid to Druid and from generation to generation. It is interesting to note the Druids spiral patterns carved into the rocks at these vortexial sites. Newgrange is a must for the mystic!

One of the legendary and impressive constructions is the 'Giant's Causeway'. As the legend says, it was the work of the giant Finn McCool, the Ulster warrior and commander of the king of Ireland's armies. In reality, these almost perfectly formed steps were made by lava eruptions about 60 millions years ago.
The Newgrange, another remarkable creation situated on the east coast, is currently a burial ground fit for a King and Queen. It is a 55 foot underground tunnel that connects into a burial chamber with the form of a round mound, beautifully capped in green grass that shines from a distance in the sun. Some say it is a meditation site and portal.

There is more, of course,much more. And indeed one of the places to visit from ancient Ireland is the Burren on the South Western coast. The fields of lavender that shine with bright orange light give an additional feel of mysticism. In addition to the burial ground that can date back some 5,000 years of nobility and rulers of this place, there are some stories that have been told about how they lived, how they died and how the stones were erected in their honor. It's a place of mystery. Stones weighting several tones have been placed in these particular forms and styles and professional Archeologists are still trying to discover the unidentified.
Mystical Symbols and 'Circles of Life'
Stone Circles exist all over Ireland. Many are unaware of that fact. The circles represent life, community, spiritual adoration and even the transition into other realms. Flowing in an ancient manner through the land, most are thought to be erected around the 2nd Century BCE and some 150 years before the Common Era. But there are also megalithic sites in Ireland known to pre date the Pyramids, over 5000 BCE. The examples found in Drombeg (County Cork) show what Ireland was all about: love, community, self and spirituality.

Sundials are like a memorial through this country. They were the principal time-telling devices before mechanical clocks became ordinary. They are monuments within the Dingle Bay Peninsula and representations of writings within ancient stone that goes back over 900 years. Once the legacy of spirituality was established, ornaments and decorations spread all over the green hills and stones that have made this land an enchantment. Was it the original Garden of Eden?

Before the 11th Century, the Hill of Tara in County Meath represents what a land of Kings and Queens was. Furthermore, there were Circles built during the Iron Age that have represented the connection between the land and the sky. Mother-nature is all around, and the energy can be felt!

All of the Circles are impressive. Even the ones less intact exude an 'other world' aspect. Modern mystics gravitate to them. Especially the ones in Kerry and Cork. And this writer will say that to be in the center is quite impressive and very sublime , deeply impacting a spiritual energy that opens one to contemplation at the same time. This is the area with most of the major circles, eight in total. The timeline built was between some 3000 to 1200 BCE. Others say even older.

Skellig Michael, is another 'kettle of fish' entirely. It is an ancient site, some believe even pre Druid. It became an important Christian Monastic site post Druid. There is an undeniable spiritual energy on the Pyramidal granite Skellig. It was dedicated to Archangel Michael, because the early Priests and Monks had visions of Archangel Michael appearing there. It is perhaps the the most spiritual energy this writer has ever experienced. Something magical is there, no doubt.

To visit Mystical Ireland holds something hypnotic and it captures the senses. That is why, when traveling, the fun and enjoyment is to feel the connection between its people and their past. That's Ireland, one and all. Finding the past in its towns, hoping to see a Druid praying at a mystical "Circle of Life", slowing down the car in a crossing to let a Leprechaun pass by and wanting to make all the stories of Finn McCool come true! Then, truly, Ireland is for you. Its magic and unforgettable.


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