5 Temmuz 2012 Perşembe

The energies of July Jennifer Hoffman

Enlightening Life Newsletter with
Jennifer Hoffman & Uriel
July 2, 2012

Dear Sevgi,

There will be no Enlightening Life radio show this week, the next show will be on July 11, 2012.

We can come out of hiding, June is over but don't get too comfortable because from now until September we have a lot of work to do. Most of it will be easy (really, I mean that) because it is about aligning ourselves with a new intention to be happy, to use our energy in self service and to create. This is a very creative month, so start practicing your manifesting skills.

It's time to start integrating our learning into our lives. On June 24 we were 'rebooted' (did you lose an hour or two, take a nap or feel very disconnected?) and new paradigms are now available. To access them, you have to integrate and align with what you have learned, accompanied by a desire to change. It seems like a lot to do but if you even have a slight idea of what I'm talking about, you are already there.

We're now getting support from many planets in direct motion, but we also have Mercury retrograde starting July 15 (it's already in its shadow). I don't feel this one will be as tough as previous ones but it's still Mercury retrograde, so back up your computer and double check your travel plans and all communications. .

More 'endings' are possible, as they make way for beginnings. So pay attention to the 'endings' that are happening in your life, whether you like or want them or not. We are in a period where alignment is very important and anything that is not aligned with the intentions you have set for yourself will be pushed out of your life.

If you missed a previous message or article, they are available in the Membership section on the website, click here for more details.

Have a wonderful week and I hope you can join me on the next Enlightening Life radio show on Wednesday, July 11 at 8PM US central time, where we discuss the newsletter articles, current topics and I take caller questions. See the link on the right to visit the show page.

Many blessings,
Jennifer Hoffman
Author, Intuitive Mystic, Channel
Your Guide to Masterful Living


The Energies of July
We can come out of hiding now because June has ended and while that is a relief, during July we will begin to see the effects of the massive energy shifts that were set in motion in June. These will continue throughout August and into September. Solar flare activity continues to intensify as we receive greater amounts of amplified radiation in response to our new levels of energy. Remember that children and pets feel these on a more intense level, so give them some extra calming attention during these periods..
Read the rest of this article on the blog by clicking here. You can comment and share your insights on the blog.
This week's featured product
The 7 Mastery Attunements
The 7 Mastery Attunements are 7 energetic downloads that are part of our Mastery Attunement (this was part of the 11-11-11 workshop). With this CD you can work with these attunements and clear your energetic blocks to mastery, while setting your intention for new vibrations in the areas of Alignment, Integrity, Acceptance, Trust and Faith, Compassion, Forgiveness and Unconditional Love. 70 minute CD with transcript and worksheet.
Click here for more information and to order this life changing product. (you will receive the transcript and worksheet as .pdf files by email, the CD is a hard copy and is mailed to you).
Do you want to read last week's articles? They are available, as are hundreds more, in the Archives, available through the Mastery Membership. Click here for more information.
About Jennifer Hoffman

Jennifer Hoffman is an author, intuitive mystic, channel, speaker, self and life mastery expert and host of the top-rated Enlightening Life radio show on Blog Talk Radio. Since 2004, Jennifer has written the weekly Enlightening Life newsletter, a source of education, information and enlightenment to its more than 2 million readers. Through Jennifer's work her clients experience profound soul level healing, self and life empowerment and experience more joyful and abundant living. A recognized leader in the transformational and self help fields, Jennifer regularly teaches, writes and speaks on the global stage. Learn more about her work at www.enlighteninglife.com

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