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27 Şubat 2010 Cumartesi

The Polarity MerKaBah is Obsolete The Crystalline MER-KA-NA Lord Metatron via James Tyberonn

The Polarity MerKaBah is Obsolete
The Crystalline MER-KA-NA

Lord Metatron via James Tyberonn

Greetings, I am Metatron, Lord of Light ! And I embrace each of you in nurturing LOVE. Unconditional LOVE, a love that can only be truly reached in the initial crystalline plane you call the dimension of 5. Masters, take a moment and feel the energy we embue upon each of you, for indeed it is the energy that is home.
And so we speak of a very important transition that is ushered into place thru the 2nd phase of the heralded Cosmic Trigger on the March Equinox of 2010. This is truly a tantamount event in the Crystalline Transition of the planet, and indeed a benchmark for humanity.

Masters, the MerKaBah is now obsolete, and it is being replaced in the Crystalline Age with the non-polarity geometrics of the crystalline Tri-Level MerKiVa system toward the goal of evolving into crystalline MerKaNa. We tell you that the MerKaBah that has served as the Star Tetrahedron Vehicle to higher dimension for the past 12,000 year cycle is now being transposed into greater capacity. Indeed it is evolving into progressive expansive mode to the Crystalline MerKiVa System.

Understand then that it is the energy of the Earth in the Ascension in parity with the 144-Crystalline Grid that is enabling the crystalline energy expansion of the Earth into greater dimensional reach. And take note Masters, the energy from 5d to 12d that is accessible to you is only the beginning. For the aspect you term zero field is the aspect of crystalline dimension. It is non polar and non gendered.

It expands into energy dimensions that indeed exist within you, but have been dormant to the masses of humanity, yet these dimensions are your true origin, and you exist in higher form within them. These are areas you term 'dark matter' and anti-matter. This we have previously shared with you.

The three levels of Crystalline Light Body termed the Mer-Ki-Vic System are:

· Mer-Ki-Va - 8 pointed star tetrahedron

· Mer-Ka-Va - 12 point stellated dodecahedron

· Mer-Ka-Na - 20 Point stellated icosahedron.

The emergence of the Crystalline Mer-Ki-Va System has been in waiting, and with the 9-9-9 Crystal Activation ushering in of the initial phase of the Crystalline Energy Transformation of the Earth, many of you are awakening to your sacred unity potentials. Indeed the development of the Mer-Ka-Na is the ultimate goal of the system and is truly an accomplishment many of you on the Path have waited many lifetimes for the opportunity to achieve.

The Polarity MerKaBah is Now Obsolete

Phase ll of the Cosmic Trigger, which will occur on the March Equinox of 2010, and will stage another important release of the crystalline transformation. You see, your human mind in duality was designed to assist you to gather and process information and to discern truth, but the wisdom that carries you into the higher Crystalline Realm dwells beyond the reach of the dual polarity MerKabah.
Therefore the establishment of the new Crystalline MerKiVa and MerKaNa are requisite to expand into the Crystalline Energy of the Ascension. Indeed the higher realms of the celestial dimensions made available thru the Ascension lie in Unified Divine Consciousness. As such, access to them requires integral crystalline light, and this cannot be entered in the previous system of the gendered polarity MerKaBah.

Accordingly the old model of the 'polarity' MerKabah is obsolete, unable to carry the far greater frequency of unified crystalline coherent light. Thus comes the requisite transition into the Crystalline Mer-Ki-Va, Mer-Ka-Va and MerKaNa.

The 8-Point (Star Tetrahedron) Crystalline MerKiVa stage is initially accessible on the crystalline phase of the Cosmic Trigger, occurring on the March Equinox of 2010. In essence the old MerKaBah is evolved thru intent and focus into the Crystalline MerKiVa. It forms into a different format of the star tetrahedron that is non gendered/non-polar & rotates uniformly in an anti clockwise spin. The 12 Point Crystalline MerKaVa becomes fully available on the 10-10-10.

In 2011 the MerKaNa becomes available as the 20 point star, and in 2012, the MerKaRa the exalted 24 point star of Kristos Ascension is available. The processes and mechanics of this transformation will be made available through the teachings of the 'Metatronic Keys'.

Question to Metatron: You have said the Mer-Ki-Va, Mer-Ka-Va and Mer-Ka-Na are not fully accessible until certain 'grid alignment' dates occur. Can you expand on this? Does this mean we are unable to develop these light bodies before hand?
AAMetatron: Indeed, the timing for development into initial stages is appropriate and desirable in the NOW. The Level One Mer-Ki-Va is the first stage for all, and while it will not be 100% functional until the Cosmic Trigger of 2010 (March 20, 2010) it is indeed available for initial staging and installation now, and has been so since the 9-9-9. Just as your 144-Crytsalline Grid does not achieve full power until the 12-12-12, your Mer-Ki-Va does not achieve full power until March 20, 2010.

Question to Metatron: What do you mean by 'full-power"?

AAMetatron: Exactly that. The coded crystalline energies that will be released on phase ll of the Cosmic Trigger are required to dislodge, discharge and disseminate within the 144 Grid in order to fully synergize the planet and humanity into synergistic crysto-geometric harmony in non polarity access. It is well to begin the installation of each phase well in advance of its full potential.
Full powering of Level One occurs on March 20, 2010, full powering of Level Two is available on the 10-10-10 and full powering of the Mer-Ka-Na, Level 3 on March 20, 2011. Yet understand that full powering is still dependent on each person's 'Light-Quotient', and ability to master, achieve and sustain the optimal 13-20-33 ratio of Auric Circuitry.

Each new matrix, each new geometry will occur in layers through dimensional openings that will occur through the rapidly expanding portals of the Ascension. Each requires effort and work to establish. The inertia of your planet is rapidly increasing as the 144-Crystalline Grid nears total energy activation and completion.

As such there are very significant changes in the function, geometry and mechanism in the upshift to Crystalline MerKiVa and the initial function of these will be given to you in this assay. What each seeker must do is in aspect the intentional development and willful evolution of the expansive human spirit in integration with the Crystalline Zero Point Field. It is in essence a unification of physical duality into etheric coherence. It combines the frontal mind into the crystalline nature of the super subconscious or God Mind in a purposed bioengineered process of Impeccable Wholeness.

Merging the Male / Female into Sacred Oneness

The previous version of the (gendered-polarity) Mer-Ka-Bah had components of 'male' and 'female' energy fields within its two tetrahedrons that rotated in opposing motion. These were appropriate to your level of consciousness to initially enter into this field.

The Crystalline nature of the Upshift then is in a more unified aspect within the genderless zero field of non-polarity. This then is crystalline in nature becoming sacred ONENESS.

Dear Ones, most forms of life in duality on your planet have the polarity of gender, in one form or another. As such gender is a form of creative expression within duality employed by Spirit to enable polarity experience. In this manner of gender polarity, life force in duality seeks its compliment, and there is myriad purpose in this. And while gender does not express spirit, spirit expresses through gender whilst in polarity. Spirit is the active force employed by All That Is, but it is in Oneness in the higher realms above duality. And while most forms of all life in duality are in one form or another of gender matrix, the crystalline aspect of the Mineral Kingdom is not. Indeed that that is in perfect unity is Crystalline, and so the Celestial Kingdoms are in Crystalline Oneness.

Neither the Ascended Masters, Celestial Beings nor the Angelic Realm truly encompasses what would be in your linear-duality terms, actual gender. However, such celestial energies powerfully influence your thoughts and emotions with attributes that in humanities linear-field of polarity, is oft interpreted and identified as being of a specific gender.

Accordingly your human male-female/passive-aggressive textural forms affect your linear perception, and a predisposed gender disposition is triggered in your view. This in why you assign certain polarity-gender attributes to an otherwise androgynous being that are in the higher realms of the Unified Crystalline Field of Divine Oneness. But in TRUTH, the Archangels you perceive as having gender are in fact non gendered, neither male or female, rather are they in the indivisible state of Sacred Unity, Divine Oneness. It is again, your limited perception in linear duality that views Angelic Beings as male or female.

Now we will add the caveat, that many of what you humans perceive your 'guardian-angels' are souls of family members and dear ones who have passed over. They work with you in highest intent, in pure love and guardianship. Often these guardians do appear and speak to you in a familiar gendered format. But while they are in a realm above your linear aspect, they are not in the higher realms of the Crystalline Oneness. And though they appear to you as an angel, grandmother, grandfather, brother or sister, in actuality they are in an integral field of androgyny.

The Crystalline Mer-Ki-Va is above polarity, and in Sacred Unified Oneness, and that aspect is quintessential. In the ongoing dawn of the Crystalline Ascension, it is requisite that you understand this. The ongoing crystalline integration will dissolve old belief structures and offer you new possibilities, which in turn will accelerate your multidimensional consciousness beyond any boundaries you may perceive today.

Merging with the Twin Flame

In order to move higher in the 3 Levels of MerKiVa, you must merge with your other half, your 'twin flame'. This means if you are female, you must merge with your complimentary male aspect, and if you are male, discover and merge into sacred harmonic balance with your female aspect. In higher aspect, Dear Ones, you are neither and both. That statement may seem a paradox, but it is not. Sexuality as you think of it in biological duality does not exist in higher realms, but those emotional attributes that you assign a gender label to in duality, do exist in higher realms, but such attributes as nurturing and strength are without gendered labels in the quantum crystal resonance of the celestial dimensions.

This is why many advanced souls are drawn to the balance of the 'Divine Feminine' with the "Divine Masculine", and both within, in order to achieve internal integral 'Soul-Arc' balance. This is why many of you are in lifetimes in which the old paradigm of the once and forever 'Soul-Mate' no longer serves. Edge-lines of sexual polarity are becoming blended in this process for many. Divine Solitude is the path chosen for many master souls who seek to blend internally with the other half of self. In zero field, Masters, you do not require a partner, rather a unification of the androgynous self, well above polarity aspects of gender. This is your true and truer nature above polarity, and within it you merge further on higher level yet, into the Divinity of what may be termed Group Consciousness, flowing into the supreme All-That-Is.

Dear Ones, there are infinite probabilities, timelines, and paths that have created what you term the Ascension, and enabled the present return to the Crystalline Mer-Ki-Va. Yes, we said return. We tell you that the Crystalline Mer-Ki-Va is not new; indeed it is how you arrived here.

Aeons ago, much longer ago than humanity realizes you came here to undertake a specific path of evolution, by means of the 4th level of the Crystalline matrix or Mer-Ka-Ra. As you took on dense duality, the crystalline matrix was replaced by electromagnetic polarity, and coherent light became fractured and fragmented. The coming Ascension is returning mankind to the gateway of crystalline coherent light. But the path has not been a direct one, because your consciousness has needed a variety of experiences in order to expand, and these you have garnered from all aspects of your multidimensional SELF.

Neither your present Earth nor Humankind were ready or able to move into Crystalline Consciousness until now. Not only was your frequency not yet within the same band of compatibility but it could also be said that you both had your hands full, so to speak.

Dear Ones, the Ascension for the Earth is pre- required for mankind's Ascension. And so understand that the Earth will indeed Ascend before mankind, in order for mankind to Ascend into Crystalline nature. And so the Ascension of 2012 is largely planetary. It is only the beginning for humanity, the true Mass-Illumination of Humanity is as yet 2 to 3 centuries away. Indeed many of you will chose to return in Mer-Ka-Ra for that event.

And we tell you this; the Ascension opens the portals of expanding your dimensional access. But it will be another two centuries before the collective consciousness of Mankind and frequency on your planet will be able to fully support, fully live the resonance and thus project the complete light quotient required to sustain your full participation in the multidimensional Earth and Omniverse in conscious awareness within simultaneous time. And both now and until then, humanity will not ascend in mass, rather individually one heart, one mind at a time. It has always been so, albeit great and greater will be the opportunities and numbers.

The 10-10-10 Activates Crystalline Metamorphisis
The 999 ushered in the Crystalline Field that enables both the Earth and mankind to move consciousness into the Unified Crystalline Field. The Cosmic Trigger and 10-10-10 will further advance the cause of Crystalline Consciousness via Mer-Ki-Va, you see.

In your Divine Mer-Ki-Va, Mer-Ka-Va and Mer-Ka-Na you are indeed fully conscious across the infinite dimensional corridors of the Cosmos and within these vast crystalline corridors wisdom reveals itself and emerges as multi-dimensional layers of Truth when the soul achieves sufficient quotient of Crystalline Light. Your Divine Self, your over-soul is not disturbed by the infinite vastness of space, or by the fact that a universes can exist in the Cosmos vacuum as easily as in an atom or molecule. Space like time is an illusion. Your mind does not comprehend this within duality, but your 5th dimensional consciousness does as you begin entry into the Crystalline Mer-Ki-Va.

As an example, consider the metamorphisis of the butterfly. The caterpillar wraps itself in a silk cocoon and transforms into a liquid gel to morph into the splendid form of the butterfly. That very cocoon is the MerKaBah that enabled its first stage of evolutionary metamorphisis. But the butterfly, once emerged cannot return to it, indeed it has risen above and its beautiful gossamer wings are its MerKiVah that allows it to flutter and fly above the trees into sparking air, no longer confined to the ground. Dear Ones, you can never return to energies of lesser awareness. You may for a time slip and fall, but the greater awareness is retained and is the very divine impetus that urges you into requisite wings of renewed flight and forward progression.

The Levels of MerKiVa

The Crystalline Transformation is requisite for all who seek to the ability to carry the expanded light energy that is being showered upon the expanding energy of the Earth. MerKiVa occurs in 3 primary stages and evolves into a final formation that is called MerKaRa:

· 1: The 8-Point Crystalline Mer-Ki-Va -Star Tetrahedron (anti-clockwise rotation) - This stage quickly transforms into the true MerKiVa, the 12 point star, the stellated dodecahedron

· 2: The 12-Point Crystalline Mer-Ka-Va -Stellated Dodecahedron (clockwise rotation)

· 3: The 20-Point Crystalline Mer-Ka-Na - Stellated Icosahedron (dual inner rotation with double infinity flows)
Understand that Mer-Ka-Na is the ultimate goal in the Mer-Ki-Vic system. The intricate details and mechanics of this shift will be made available in Metatronic Keys teaching and offered to all, for there are other attributes of rotation to be understood and installed.

There is indeed a fourth level, that called Mer-Ka-Ra, that is rarely present on the Earth, it is the 24 Point MerKaRa of Exalted Kristos Light, that of the Kristos Avatar. Yet some of you are ready and will achieve this. Those referred to as 2nd stage 'Walks-In' have access to this geometric matrix.

Masters, many changes have occurred over the past few years on your Earth, but the changes that will occur from 2009-2012 are logarithmic. Indeed the up shifts of 2009 alone are greater than the sum of all transitions since 2001. 2010 offers infinitely more.

The Cosmic Trigger

In March of 2009, the initial phase of the Cosmic Trigger occurred in the release of coded electro-magnetics across your planet. This was the most potent surge of energy on your planet since the Golden Age of Atlantis. But this was only the beginning. The 999 brought the activation of 5 of the 9 Atlantean Master Crystals and the 144 Grid launched into 75% function. The March Equinox of 2010 will be the release of extraordinary stored and coded crystalline energies, to bring in the crystalline component of the Cosmic Trigger. And the 10-10-10 further activates the grid into 84% function. (The 11-11-11 achieves 92% and the 12-12-12 achieves full function.)

Dear Ones, the energy of the Earth is vaulting into hyper phase, and you will not be able to maintain this energy without the transmutation into the Crystalline MerKiVa. The 'rebooting' into MerKiVic System enables a much expanded field, with exponentially greater capacity to hold Crystalline Light. Without this your previous 'auric body' will fissure into etheric short-circuit and throw you into imbalance. This short-circuitry is in essence the shedding of the 'old-skin'. One which you have outgrown and no longer serves you. So understand that your transition into MerKiVa is requisite. You will not be able to hold the light required to experience the Ascension without the new MerKiVic Light body. The quickening of life itself will be overwhelming to you without the transition into a more complex geometrical form.

Orbs Are Metatronic Crystalline Codes

The quickening of the crystalline energy is evidenced by the appearance of what you term 'orbs'. Indeed these have created quite a stir in the 'New Age' of metaphysics. We tell you these orbs are tangible evidence to those of you who see them and photograph them on your digital technology cameras. Orbs are one very real aspect of the emerging crystalline field on the earth. Those of you that choose to evolve into Crystalline MerKaNa will indeed begin attracting and generating orbs as you achieve the Integrity of Sacred Oneness.

These are affirmation of increased and increasing ability to perceive energies of higher dimension within the coherent light of the Divine Self.

You see, crystalline orbs are geometric emanations of Metatronic coherent light. They are codes and communications that are the demonstrative underpinnings of revelations. Revelations that reveal that the overlaying veils that have separated your from the 'Impeccable Gestalt' of Creator God are evaporating.
There are several types of orbs. Some are for humanity in mass, others for individuals. All orbs are of Metatronic origin and carry a coded geometric imprint of unique purpose. The ones that are charged masses of swirling energy, are (*among other utilities) etheric energy telegrams. They are then the artists & authors of your true Crop Circles. Others are intended for the individual as you grow into Mer-Ki-Vic, Mer-Ka-Vic and Mer-Ka-Nic Consciousness. These orbs can and do manifest specifically to interact with you as you seek to shed the old fragmented aspects of polarity and develop your coherent crystalline nature.

The geometrics and crystalline orbs helix in a pattern that assists you in reprocessing and upshifting 12-strand DNA, 6-Strand RNA and the 3 sacred glands. You see crystallization is also required for the pineal, pituitary and thymus. These also are super imposed with the geometrics of the individual level of your Mer-Ki-Va, Mer-Ka-Na and Mer-Ka-Na and rotate in sync within and without them in matter/antimatter flux. These activate a double wave of the infinity pattern within.


As we have told you, the world remakes itself now and whether or not humanity in micro or macro is supportive of expansive change or against it, it is truly a moot issue as the inertia of time-chronology speeds past more quickly today than it did yesterday in linear terms. All is quickening, time is accelerating as the Ascension draws nigh. So as time reshapes itself it will also reshape the experience of mankind, of visible and invisible forces of nature and that of the face of the Earth itself. This is indeed the Crystalline Cosmic Trigger, and its time is here.

Imperious is the transition within and without of Crystalline Tri-Level Mer-Ki-Va. Indeed the goal of which is the exalted Mer-Ka-Na. Without it the quickening energy cannot truly be optimized or completely sustained. This is both a challenge and a gift, a gift that opens the veil and allows infinitely more light into your integral consciousness. Integrity is driven by the first cause of creative expansion and growth into fulfillment.
The acquisition of Crystalline Mer-Ka-Na is vastly facilitated by organized study, yet can be achieved in solitude by the individual thru diligent intent, focused will and practice. Indeed the Hermetic Masters did not attend the scholastic Universities to acquire access to Universal Mind, but few have the opportunity in the caves of the Masters in today's rapid-paced world.

Indeed the Ascension is but a step before you. The Equinoxes, Solstices, Triple Date Stargates and Eclipses are the most potent of events afore December 2012. These remaining dates are exponential in their magnified energies, relative to comparative occurrences the years prior. Well to gather and amplify the energies in group, where possible. Truly the sum is greater than the parts.

The transition into Mer-Ki-Vic Tri-System is geometric and as such is an element of that termed the Metatronic Keys. The Keys are the sacred science of crystalline geometric consciousness, which indeed is the fabric of Cosmic Mastery. It is imbedded and coded within each of you. Seek within and without, seek and you will find, that is an indelible Law. Intent and action are the rule! And Dear Ones, we say again, this information is within each of you that truly seek it.
I am Metatron and I share with you these Truths. You are Beloved.
And so it is.


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16 Şubat 2010 Salı

Anchoring the Creator’s Beauty by Lord Buddha

Anchoring the Creator’s Beauty by Lord Buddha

Channelled through Natalie Glasson- 15/02/10

I am Lord Buddha, I am the Planetary Logos and overseer of the Earth from a planetary level. It brings me great pleasure to connect with your energies and minds as I wish to bring forth some special guidance and insights that will benefit your spiritual ascension and development on the Earth. In my role as Planetary Logos it is my mission and purpose to oversee the spiritual energies and existence of every soul on the Earth, I am one with you, our energies are integrated as one because we are the same; we are all aspects of the Creator. I am so devoted to the Earth and its inhabitants; I integrate my energies with the life force of the Creator that you breathe. I am here as a guiding light, I understand all that is needed to aid your development on the Earth. I hope that you will recognise that there is a unique and deep bond between Mother Earth and myself, Mother Earth inhabits and fuels the physicality of the Earth while I energise and oversee the spiritual energies and vibration of the Earth. It is my purpose to ensure that all grow at a steady rate remaining harmonised and balanced, while ensuring that spiritual ascension and awakening occurs in the most appropriate way, guided by the soul of the Creator.

I now step forward to ask you to exist as an essential energy binding with Mother Earth and I, as a powerful trinity of light. The Creator has most recently extended a source of consciousness and energy that is so magnificent; it is filled with wisdom, inspiration, ideas and enlightenment. It is a great and powerful consciousness held within a source of light that will not only raise the vibration of the Earth but will awaken the hearts and minds of many, both those who connected with the energy and those who do not. Within this source of energy is essential and necessary energy to assist the shift in consciousness and focus of humanity in preparation for a new beginning on the Earth in 2012. In truth the energy source most recently imparted from the Creator is the next stage of ascension, change and the anchoring of love. It is I who holds the responsibility for this magnificent source of consciousness which currently exists within my energy and within the Planetary Logos Ashram on the inner planes. It is akin to a brightly glowing beacon of light. Those who have linked with this energy from the inner planes, explain their experience and insights as pure beauty. It is my belief that this energy will bring an essence of beauty to the Earth, clearing away many false visions and negative outlooks so that they may be replaced by the outlook and vision of beauty. Many people on the Earth accept beauty as a physical manifestation but it is also a sacred energy that is truly divine, beauty is an extension of love. When we see the beauty of the Creator all around us and within us we are appreciating the manifestation of love within everything. There are many who see the presence of fear and negativity within every person and situation around them, we wish to now alter this and let the presence of beauty or love to be prominent, eternally glowing and growing. This source of light and consciousness now existing within my ashram is the manifestation of the Creator’s beauty; it is the consciousness, wisdom, thoughts, emotions, energy and light of beauty. It is not a beauty that we associate with the Earth and may never have been experienced on the Earth; it is the beauty of the Creator’s soul intertwining within everything and everyone. This source of light will assist in raising the vibration of love of the Earth to help the manifestation of an era of love beginning in 2012.

In order to truly anchor the beauty of the Creator it is my belief that humanity must be involved and must act as anchors and channels for the beauty of the Creator. I feel that if we as ascended masters were to send this divine energy into the Earth, as an energy wave, its energy may go undetected, resulting in humanity overlooking many wonderful lessons of growth and the understanding of love. Each person must learn to honour the beauty of the Creator within themselves and within all situations and people on the Earth. This is a powerful way of dissolving false and negative views and thoughts. In truth this source of light holds the purpose of altering your state of mind, bringing your focus from negativity and fear to love and truth. Many may say that such alterations cannot be achieved with the simple presence of energy and light, and that beauty is a manifestation of the material world, but within this energy is the consciousness of the Creator’s beauty, the consciousness of love. We are aware of the power of love as a transformational energy even within the physical world and planes. An alteration of the mind is simply a change of consciousness or a new understanding entering into the mind, which I believe can be achieved by aligning to the powerful source of light now made available and concentrated by the soul of the Creator.

It is my proposal that those who wish to be of assistance, wish to anchor the beauty of the Creator into their realities or wish to embody the beauty of the Creator take some time now to connect with my energy, asking to be made a sacred and divine channel and anchor for the Creator’s energy of beauty now in existence within the Planetary Logos Ashram. If you feel attracted to achieve and experience this energy anchoring and flowing through your being and wish to anchor it into the Earth then I ask that you call on me to assist you. It is an essential and worthwhile service for the Earth as it will nurture and awaken people to the presence of love. Realisation or becoming aware is the most powerful tool for manifestation because realisation is to accept, understand and to believe. I would be deeply honoured is you would allow yourself to be an anchor of the Creator’s beauty, letting this sacred energy flow into your mind to allow your thoughts and vision of the Earth to be aligned to the presence and existence of love and beauty. I wish to now guide you in achieving this wonderful service to yourself, humanity and the Earth.

Allow yourself to sit peacefully, gaining a deep meditative state in your own comfortable way. Focus is needed on your breathing in order to quieten and sharpen your mind.

Say out loud;

‘I invoke my angelic and ascended master guides to draw close to me and to channel your energy deep into my entire being. Please support and protect me, raising my vibration to the most appropriate level so that I may accept the light of the Creator with ease.

I invoke the presence of the Lord Buddha and the Planetary Logos Team, I ask you to pour your light into my being, please surround me in a cylinder of your light and let it seep into every aspect of my being, both spiritual and physical.

Lord Buddha, I wish to act as an anchor and channel for the new energy and consciousness of beauty, essential for the Earth’s growth, which has now anchored into the planetary level. I understand that the energy that I am about to align with is of the beauty of the Creator. It is my wish to hold the consciousness of beauty within every aspect of my being, help me to understand the beauty of the Creator, its meaning and influence. Let me feel the presence of beauty and recognise the beauty of the Creator in every aspect of my reality and my own manifestation on the Earth. Assist me in anchoring the vibration of beauty into the Earth so that the beauty and love of the Creator may become the dominate focus of all, eradicating false and fearful beliefs so that all may exist in a reality of beauty, peace and love. Lord Buddha, assist me in sharing the beauty of the Creator with every soul that I meet and connect with in order to assists the Earth’s embodiment of love.

Lord Buddha, the Planetary Logos Team and the Creator, I ask that you now align my heart and mind to the source of consciousness and light focused on beauty in existence with the Planetary Logos Ashram. Let the energy of beauty flow through my entire being continuously, settling within my energy bodies, soul, mind and heart. Please align my thoughts, beliefs and general outlook to the beauty of the Creator. Let me now become an embodiment of the Creator’s beauty, radiating beauty, channelling beauty to others and anchoring beauty into the Earth. Assist all of humanity and I in realising and recognising the beauty of the Creator in everything, every situation and person around us. Let the beauty of the Creator manifest on the Earth and within our minds and hearts eternally.

I now allow the Creator’s energy of beauty to flow into my being, from my feet into the Earth and from my heart into the atmosphere and energy of the Earth. I now exist as an eternal anchor for the light of the Creator. Thank you and let it be.’

Take time to imagine, sense or acknowledge the light flowing through your being, allow yourself to comprehend the feeling, vibration, consciousness and colour of the energy of beauty from the Creator’s soul. You may practice this each day to build the presence of Creator beauty within you, within your mind and within your reality, acting as an example of beauty and love to all. A beauty that is so different to any kind of beauty currently recognised on the Earth.

It is important to realise that the energy of the Creator’s beauty is both healing and inspirational to the mind and your energy vibration. Experiencing the energy of beauty can awaken your soul and energy systems bringing a clearing or it may make you aware of your negative thoughts and outlook, encouraging you to focus on the energy of beauty within your mind, in order to bring harmony and peace. As the presence of love can initially create some confusion or a process of releasing so can the energy of beauty, this is due to its high and quicker vibration of light. As you focus on experiencing and sharing the energy of beauty with others, I ask that you concentrate on creating thoughts of beauty within your mind, acknowledging the beauty and love within yourself and all who exist around you. Even in the most negative person or situation you will find beauty, when you search for its presence and discover its energy you will have discovered and connected with the truth and love of the Creator which is within everything but is sometimes concealed.

Allow yourself to search for the beauty of the Creator, experiencing it in heart and mind. I hope that you will assist me in bringing forth this consciousness from the Creator and anchoring the energy that is essential as a gradual awaken for humanity to the beauty of the Creator, the Earth and their manifestation.

With blessings of beauty,

I am Lord Buddha, Planetary Logos

Natalie Glasson, Wisdom of the Light,

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15 Şubat 2010 Pazartesi

SaLuSa 15-February-2010

SaLuSa 15-February-2010

Events continue to move forward that will invoke the kind of response, that will make way for changes that will alter the course of Mankind. A general view of activities on Earth indicates that the old paradigm is all but finished, as it no longer carries the impetus or energy to go on much longer. Meanwhile, the new ideas that will establish considerable changes and carry you in the right direction are manifesting. It is always difficult to overcome the natural reluctance, to something new that removes people from their comfort zone. However, the changes are coming regardless of any attempts to stall progress, and some inconvenience is inevitable. Considering the extent to which they will alter your lives, much attention will be given to ensuring that you are made aware of exactly what it entails. Communication on these subjects is most important, so that you know where it is leading and your role in it. It is imperative that you are well informed as to the ultimate goal of the changes, which is of course Ascension and your return to full consciousness.

We are keen to get Disclosure out and it is not necessarily dependent upon President Obama, but it would be desirable in view of the role played by the US in suppressing information about UFO’s and E.T’s. However, we may have to take matters into our own hands, and we are fully prepared to mount our own Disclosure by presenting you with undeniable proof of our presence. The conditions upon Earth indicate a deterioration of the very fabric of societies throughout the world. The collapse cannot be halted, but if it is acknowledged and our coming is accepted, we know that you are very receptive to the idea and ready to meet us. We stand close by to assist in establishing a new leadership that will carry you forward. We are careful to emphasize that we have no desire to rule you, but to simply ensure that you are lifted into the next phase of your destiny. It will not happen until the old regime that has held you back is removed, and Dear Ones with true caring and love for you are placed in control.

The question you are always asking is when everything will get started, and we will respond by telling you that our allies are still moving closer to completion of their various tasks. In other words they are not idle and use their time very well, so that upon the command to come out into the open they are ready. When we or other sources inform you that it will get worse before it gets better, it is so that you realize the effect of the breakdown of the old systems will have consequences that will cause some turmoil. It is inevitable but will be quickly followed by beneficial changes that will set up a new way of living that can be built upon. That will involve introducing you to new technologies that are already available upon Earth, to which will be added many devices that we bring to you. It is a matter of quickly restoring a comfortable way of life, that overcomes your plight and brings peace to the world. These are gargantuan tasks for which we are more than prepared, and we eventually expect full co-operation from the different governments.

It is time to set aside your differences, and move more into the understanding of the Oneness of everything. Removing the root of your problems will be of considerable help, and it has been the deliberate plan of the Dark Ones to confuse and alienate you where other countries are concerned. As you know by now, fear is their principal weapon and used to set you against each other, by creating an enemy where none have existed. Confusion and chaos results and is used to tighten their control over you. Removal of the last cabal’s power will create a vacuum that will be filled by those who respect and honor your sovereignty.

Throughout your history religious battles have been at the root of many wars, but when you are given the full truth of your spiritual heritage there will be an appraisal of your beliefs. Much that is false will fall away and thus allow for a coming together as there is but the One Creator, and not the many Gods you have envisaged. You will recognize the Light within all souls, and that will lead you towards Ascension as the one great civilization that you are. Seek to know the common ground between each other’s beliefs, and you will begin the process of re-integration and comradeship. You have been separated for far too long and it is time to bring everyone back into the fold.

Man is at heart a peaceful Being seeking to share his love with others and once we are able to work together restoring the Earth, great friendships will come about. Most of you have traveled abroad and have found kindness and warm greetings wherever you have gone. Perhaps you have wondered why so many countries have pitted themselves against each other, as what you call the common people are found to be just like you. Dear Ones you have allowed the dark Ones to take your power from you for their own gain and world control. Their aims are now known, and people power is returning to help bring sanity and peace to a troubled planet. We know you are fully capable of overcoming the obstacles placed in front of you, and will turn your energies towards establishing a peaceful co-existence with the whole of civilization.

You do know exactly what you require, as deep within your subconsciousness are the memories of past times when you lived in Paradise. It is your destiny to return to those higher levels of existence, where you will enjoy the perfect life full of joy and happiness. Your glorious future is absolutely certain, and it is written into the plan decreed by the Creator. Duality is releasing its hold on you, and you have all but completed your time in that experience. It has given you much that has strengthened your spiritual Self and you stand as the Warriors of Light ready to travel the Galaxy. Yes, Dear Ones you are great Beings even if you do not feel as such, but you are yet to raise your vibrations to that level. That will occur within the period that prepares you for the higher dimensions, and is a quite natural step in your evolution.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius and tell you that we speak from experience, and are pleased to share our knowledge with you. There is so much more to give you, but a steady flow of knowledge is preferable to overpowering you too soon. There is plenty of time to expand your understanding and build on your present knowledge, and we shall enjoy helping you do so.

Thank you SaLuSa.

Mike Quinsey.

14 Şubat 2010 Pazar

Portal to Imagination Plane

Portal to Imagination Plane

Portal to Imagination Plane

Imagination is real!!! It is a bona fide level of being that does exist. It is a buffer between the Limitation Plane and the other dimensions. What has kept it hidden from you up to this time is your enthusiastic enjoyment of it, coated with your total denial of its tangible reality and importance. Imagination is the layer of density closest to the conscious mind, which had direct interface with the other dimensions. It serves as a "decompression chamber" through which each of us must pass in order to enter and exit the Etheric Plane. With all the other work we have developed, especially the last level, Veil of Illusion, it is so apparent that the principal mechanism of keeping us here in Limitation has been our belief in and perpetuation of a certain cynicism, which keeps our imagination in perspective and anchors us in reality. We are anchored in Limitation. The Imagination Plane is an inner modem that can reconnect you with alternate existences, sub personalities, and inner landscapes that would have blown your mind if they were accessed too soon or by someone who had not integrated the energies that are represented there. WE are here to assist you in guiding you through the Portal to the Imagination Plane.

WHEN: Sunday Februari 14th AT 15:30PM EST

COST $ 25.00


Day 7 of 7 Days to Valentine's Day Preparing yourself for Love

Day 7 of 7 Days to Valentine's Day

Preparing yourself for Love

This week we celebrate Valentine's Day, a time when the world celebrates love-from a one-sided perspective. What we celebrate on Valentine's Day is love from others and with the hype and marketing we believe that if we don't have someone to show us how much they love us, we are missing out and there is something wrong with us. And that is where it is one sided because real love, the kind that is unconditional, incorporates all aspects of love, what we receive from others and most importantly, the love we have for ourselves.

So during the 7 days leading to Valentine's Day we will take a journey of love together, that will bring us back to our core of love and prepare us to manifest the loving, fulfilling relationship of our dreams. Let's get started.
Day 7 The New, Lovable You

With all of the work you have done in the past 7 days you are now ready to manifest your new relationship. It may not appear right away but do not get discouraged. We are working with divine timing and it does not always match our desired timing. In the meantime, there are things you can do:

Make a list of the qualities you want the person to have and include everything that is important to you. Refer to the list often as you are changing your mindset and you need to remind yourself of the transformation you are making.

Now make a list of the wonderful things you bring to this relationship, including all of your special gifts that your partner will appreciate in you. Be sure to keep your lists positive because any negative comments reflect your fears and you will attract them to you.

Remember that your partner is seeking you as much as you are seeking them, they want a relationship with a special someone and that person is you. Stay focused on what you want, be open to receiving and use your co-creative powers to manifest the relationship of your dreams.

Make today special, even if you are not going to receive flowers or candy or do not have a special someone in your life. Do something nice for yourself, give yourself a gift or call someone you love who is alone and let them know how much you appreciate them. This is a day for love, which is more than romance. So send love to yourself, to those you love, to the earth and all of humanity.

Happy Valentine's Day and I send you my best wishes that you find the love that lights your heart and brings you joy.

Many blessings,
Jennifer Hoffman
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Manifesting Class
You have asked for a class on manifestation and I am offering a four part series on manifestation, prosperity and abundance, intention and co-creation starting March 1, 2010 at 8PM US central time.

Visit the website for details and registration information.
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Expanding Love Project on Facebook

Join me in expanding the love energy that is available during this Valentine's Day week to everyone in the world. Join the project by searching for Expanding Love Project on Facebook, take the project commitment and invite your friends and fans.
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This program is brought to you by Jennifer Hoffman and the Uriel Heals community. For more information visit or email

13 Şubat 2010 Cumartesi

Day 6 of 7 Days to Valentine's Day Preparing yourself for Love

Day 6 of 7 Days to Valentine's Day

Preparing yourself for Love

This week we celebrate Valentine's Day, a time when the world celebrates love-from a one-sided perspective. What we celebrate on Valentine's Day is love from others and with the hype and marketing we believe that if we don't have someone to show us how much they love us, we are missing out and there is something wrong with us. And that is where it is one sided because real love, the kind that is unconditional, incorporates all aspects of love, what we receive from others and most importantly, the love we have for ourselves.

So during the 7 days leading to Valentine's Day we will take a journey of love together, that will bring us back to our core of love and prepare us to manifest the loving, fulfilling relationship of our dreams. Let's get started.
Day 6 Forgiveness

All healing work has a forgiveness aspect as every healing path exists because there is an energetic imbalance. The only way to resolve the imbalance is to bring the energies back to unconditional love and that is done through forgiveness.

Forgiveness is a gift we give ourselves. It is the gift of healing and release that is very 'selfish' in that we do it strictly for ourselves. When we forgive someone we release ourselves from all fear-based connections to them within the vibration of our relationship with them. What happened, what they did or did not do is not important. What we release through forgiveness is every emotion that is not at the vibration of unconditional love.

It is just as important to forgive ourselves as it is to forgive others. When we forgive ourselves we are releasing our judgments, anger and all emotions that we feel about this situation. We weren't stupid, blind, ignorant or gullible; we could not have done or known better and made the best decision we could at that time.

Today, forgive everyone in your life and feel the release of these connections that keep you tied to your past and karmic history. By doing this you open yourself to manifesting new relationships at different energetic levels. Then, forgive yourself for everything you have done in these relationships, including their creation, and see yourself as a new, fear-free, love-filled soul who is ready to manifest the relationship of your dreams.
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Manifesting Class
You have asked for a class on manifestation and I am offering a four part series on manifestation, prosperity and abundance, intention and co-creation starting March 1, 2010 at 8PM US central time.

Visit the website for details and registration information.
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Expanding Love Project on Facebook

Join me in expanding the love energy that is available during this Valentine's Day week to everyone in the world. Join the project by searching for Expanding Love Project on Facebook, take the project commitment and invite your friends and fans.
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This program is brought to you by Jennifer Hoffman and the Uriel Heals community. For more information visit or email

SaLuSa 12-Feb-2010 hidden continues to be revealed,disclosure,no unfulfilled wishes will remain,money will disappear,no physical pain,no aging

SaLuSa 12-February-2010

That which was hidden continues to be revealed, and so it will continue as you are entering new times where the truth and honesty will be the order of the day. For too long deception and dishonesty have blighted politics, and led to outright corruption. It has figured in all walks of life and supported the greed for wealth and power. When all are treated fairly and wealth is shared, the need to resort to other means to acquire it becomes unnecessary. Inequality is something you are longer prepared to put up with, and your intent that it shall be changed will manifest the result that will bring it about. Indeed Dear Ones, with your awakening and growth in consciousness you have realized that what you seek is your right. Used correctly the resources of Earth can comfortably meet your needs, but only when you move forward into an age of technological evolution. Almost at a stroke problems such as pollution will disappear, and new sources of energy will be non-polluting and freely available. Your whole outlook will change and life will become what it was always meant to be, one free from stress and instead a joyful and happy experience.

Working together so that every one benefits will replace competition, and no one will be held to ransom to share them. Instead of the survival of the fittest or strongest, those more able will help others who struggle. The satisfaction of sharing and knowing that no one is in need is a sign that the energy of love is strong and active. Working towards making all as One is a universal goal, and becomes more successful as you move through the higher dimensions. Your challenge however is to overcome the dark forces and their disruption, to first bring peace and harmony to Earth. With all of the forces of Light working with you that achievement looms large, and already its birthing pangs are being felt.

The move towards major changes continues, and our allies are busy pulling the net tighter round the last cabal. Their hands are tied in many respects, and their plans for world domination lay in tatters. Events have progressed too far for any revival and their control is waning. They are no longer able to work as a complete unit, and thereby it is their demise. However the Light workers are used to working in small groups, and that is their strength. Disclosure is now at the crossroads, and it is up to those in power to soon make a decision as to when it will be announced. It is still the key to much that awaits this first action, which is so near to being taken.

The media is under increasing pressure to report the truth of what is happening all around. The news is still carefully controlled, but through your Internet sources a greater degree of truth can be found. Naturally it also gives a platform to those who are misguided or deliberately false in their reporting. It will all change in the future, and your leaders in particular will present an honest and truthful account of whatever news they give out. Honesty is the best policy in all matters, and a good opportunity to move your mindset into one that prepares you for your Ascension. As you have often been informed, only the truth can exist in the higher dimensions, and it cannot be hidden behind anything less.

In the way that you measure time, it must be hard to believe that 10 years have already passed since this century commenced. Yet it is not surprising inasmuch that you believe time has speeded up, as it has from your perception. This is another indication that the changes are happening, and eventually you will have a different point of reference. When you have the ability to move backwards or forwards in time, it is easier to accept that it is all in the Now. Time for you is exaggerated inasmuch that your life span is so short, and so much is measured by your age. That completely changes when you ascend and find that you do not age, and live a life literally for as long as you desire. You are immortal and know that to be a fact, so there is evermore to do exactly what you will and no limit to the time involved.

Following Ascension so much is going to be new, and for most of you your life will bear little resemblance to what it is now. There will no physical pain such as many experience, and living will be a complete pleasure and bring you happiness and satisfaction. There will be no unfulfilled wishes, as having reached a state of complete trustworthiness you can experience whatever you desire. Since you will have the powers to create whatever you require, money will have long disappeared as it will be not be needed.

By now you are likely to have realized that our way of thinking is different to yours. As ascended Beings it is based on our connection with the Light energies, which are expressed in all we do. As we love and respect others so we love and respect ourselves. That is important, as so many of you denigrate yourselves and harm your bodies without any respect for the godly temple that it is. Love yourselves without reservations regardless of mistakes you may have made, as life is for living and experience is exactly what you came for. Live life as an ambassador of Light spreading it wherever you go, and you will be lifting others up. Each of you affects all others, and the result is your creation of a mass consciousness. It is what you draw from and determines the level you are at during the cycle of duality. However, as an individual soul you can and do rise above it though your own efforts.

It obviously helps you to have an awareness of how life evolves, so that instead of aimlessly traveling through it you can focus on what should be your objective. Knowing where you are going enables you to focus your energy, where it will do the most good for you. This is why there have never been so many teachers on Earth at this time, or contact through channels such as this one. You cannot have too much information, and it has to given in such a way that it satisfies those who approach it from different points of view. You will all eventually find the absolute truth, and the opportunity exists now to find what you seek.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and on behalf of the Galactic Federation bid you well in your seeking. A lot may cross your path but be discerning, as that which is of the Light should resonate with you.

Thank you SaLuSa.

Mike Quinsey.

12 Şubat 2010 Cuma

Day 3 of 7 Days to Valentine's Day Preparing yourself for Love

Day 3 of 7 Days to Valentine's Day

Preparing yourself for Love

This week we celebrate Valentine's Day, a time when the world celebrates love-from a one-sided perspective. What we celebrate on Valentine's Day is love from others and with the hype and marketing we believe that if we don't have someone to show us how much they love us, we are missing out and there is something wrong with us. And that is where it is one sided because real love, the kind that is unconditional, incorporates all aspects of love, what we receive from others and most importantly, the love we have for ourselves.

So during the 7 days leading to Valentine's Day we will take a journey of love together, that will bring us back to our core of love and prepare us to manifest the loving, fulfilling relationship of our dreams. Let's get started.
Day 3 Finding the Core

At our core we are unconditional love, whole, perfect and complete. But that core is covered in layers of beliefs from this and other lifetimes, each layer dimming the light of unconditional love from our core until we can see and feel it no longer. We then see ourselves as imperfect, unlovable and incomplete. Disconnected from our source of love, we look for it everywhere and in everyone and can't find it because it is within us, at our core.

Reconnecting to this love is simple and we do it by re-learning to love ourselves. It is a process of re-learning because we already know what it is to love ourselves from our spirit, we just have to connect that knowing with our humanity. It is by removing the layers of fear, guilt, shame, hurt and pain that we can find the light of our love-filled core and then send out the message that we are lovable. This is what will attract others who respond by mirroring our love back to us.

Today, consider what layers are covering your core of self love. Are you ready to release them and let your love-filled core shine? Be sure to write them down because that helps you bring them to the surface. Don't dwell on them, you are writing them down so you can identify them for release.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Manifesting Class
You have asked for a class on manifestation and I am offering a four part series on manifestation, prosperity and abundance, intention and co-creation starting March 1, 2010 at 8PM US central time.

Visit the website for details and registration information.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Expanding Love Project on Facebook

Join me in expanding the love energy that is available during this Valentine's Day week to everyone in the world. Join the project by searching for Expanding Love Project on Facebook, take the project commitment and invite your friends and fans.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
This program is brought to you by Jennifer Hoffman and the Uriel Heals community. For more information visit or email

Lord Arcturus and the Crystalline Body

Lord Arcturus and the Crystalline Body
14 October 2009 - 4:29am | cosmicascension...
Beth Trutwin

Greetings. This is Lord Arcturus.

We begin with a description of the Crystalline Body.

Begin at the crown at the top of the head. There is a portal opening where liquid light comes into the holographic system. Another name for this light is The Force. It is vibration, light and Source Love combined. Source Love is the basis of Life in All That Is. It is the 'Spark of Divine' that is in every living thing. It is in minerals, plants, animals, and humans; it is in every atom and subatomic particle. It has intelligence. It has Free Will. The Force, The particles of Source Love, are carried on an electromagnetic radiation of light and vibrational frequency shown as wavelengths. This electromagnetic radiation of light is the Cosmic Rays. The Cosmic Rays are emitted from the God Source of All That Is, through the Central Sun, down through space, and into the crown portal at the top of the head. This introduces colors and sound vibrations, encapsulated in particles of Source Love, which penetrate the electromagnetic circuitry in the top of the head. The Force moves through this circuitry, in a spiral fashion exciting the particles of Source Love in the centers of the brain. The next portal on the path of Cosmic Ray penetration into the body is the pineal gland, hypothalamus gland, hippocampus, and pituitary gland. These are simply electromagnetic pathways to allow the Force into the energetic portals running from the top of the body to the bottom. As the Cosmic Rays enter the body, they are transmitted to energy transducers along the electrical grid meridian system running through the body. These are transduced to the nadis, a smaller electromagnetic path circulating the Cosmic Rays through the energetic systems governing each organ.
After the Cosmic Rays enter the crown portal, they penetrate the electromagnetic transducers in the brain (the pineal gland, hypothalamus gland, hippocampus, and pituitary gland). This connects the Rays to the 24 Elders surrounding the Throne of Grace, also known as the 12 pairs of cranial nerves. This brings the Cosmic Rays into all the senses of seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, and feeling. These senses may be experienced on the 3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th, 12th and 13th Dimensions, all at the same time. The senses may be experienced on the Inner Planes, interdimensionally and the Outer Planes, multidimensionally simultaneously and synchronistically. The 12 pairs of cranial nerves, represent 12 masculine and 12 feminine electromagnetic ionic exchanges which join together, pulsing particles of love through every sense in the body. They then pair up as the Love Source moves through them, pulsing out, and the positronic energy results. The antimatter Love Source is stepped into particles of light and vibration which pulse out to all the other subtle bodies. This marries the Source Light infused through the senses into the Etheric body.

How does this impact the existing physical structure. Does it impact the existing until it becomes fully crystalline. From the multidimensional cosmic pineal, pituitary centers-where the cosmic light comes in.

Each individual body is now in a state of evolutionary change. Some have advanced further than others and as ascension takes place, the new body systems are phased in as an individual is ready. The old physical body in 3D had the use of two strands of DNA holding up the genetic codes to reproduce offspring with two strands of DNA. As we have evolved, the dormant DNA have been reactivated, and now there are 12 strands of DNA holding up the genetic codes of the physical body. Now that we have 100% crystalline bodies, the dormant etheric strands of DNA are now activated. There are 12 physical strands of DNA and 10 etheric strands of DNA. Physical reproduction happens through replication. Etheric reproduction happens through antimatter light production. This is how the 5D human galactic is positronic and etheric. Now that the physical and etheric DNA are available, it allows the crystalline body to hold more light. Now we are not only undergoing cellular replication, but also antimatter light transmission. These working together form new body structures. These new body structures are the basis for the amino acid based, electromagnetic ionic exchange in the crystalline body.

In the beginning, with the activation of the 22 strands of DNA, it increases One's ability to have better energy and clarity. It is easier to release old patterns as well as blocks to the energy centers. One may hold more light in their body and use larger amounts of their brain as a result. Now the body, instead of having 7 chakras functioning, there are 13 chakras open and the potential for more.

The 3D model of the body had organs dependent on hormones released into the bloodstream throughout the day and night to regulate functions in the system. The brain and nervous system depended on the transmission of insulin and blood sugar homeostasis in order to function. The new system relies on transmission of cosmic rays illuminating the Force, which is pulsed through the electric portals. This light exchange has an ionic basis of which amino acids are built up and broken down in the system, regulating the functions in the body systems. It is the carboxyl group on the amino acid which will change in the crystalline body. It will be formed from atoms which are not now seen in the basis of 3D body amino acids. These new amino acid structures are capable of carrying more light. It is the Force, holding light, vibration, and Source Love which is then carried on the atomic particles in the new amino acid structures. This is the Liquid Light, pulsing through the body, through the portals, through the meridians and nadis, flowing through the central conduit, lighting all the energetic centers, and the organs which makes the 5D body different.

As our Ships come to Earth, we land, and can bring our light computers for healing, more and more people will migrate into their fully awakened 5D bodies. Some prepared ones on Earth, have managed to initiate the migration on their own. Many on Earth have cleared the Annunakai Seals, or blocks placed in the body to block off the energetic system governing the organs. For Ones experiencing cancer in their organs, they often have self-imposed blocks, or the Seals are still in place. When we arrive with our technology, we will be able to remove all blocks form any who ask. This is available to any who now ask. We may take you to the Ship in dreamtime, with your physical body at home and your etheric body on the Ship. We go into the etheric body and remove the Seals, thus opening all the energetic systems. Many on Earth have activated their 22 strands of DNA. When we arrive we can activate all the dormant DNA, what is called the "junk" DNA. This too, is available now, for the asking and will be performed in dreamtime when One ASKS and ALLOWS. When we come to Earth with our Light Technologies, surgeries, computers, and machines, we will be able to correct imbalances in the system. Impediments to the progress of continuing with the migration will be corrected. There are other processes the new body may go through. Mainly, dematerialization and a light infusion form the inside out. Activations and Attunements such as these are able to jump start and accelerate the migration process. This migration will continue in each individual, at the rate they chose.
The migration process involves activating more DNA, opening more chakra centers, anchoring in higher cosmic rays, and a conversion from the hormone based system to the amino acid based system. When the amino acid based crystalline body is functioning at a certain level, it is then brought into an interface with the computers on the Ships. These computers are coordinated with those at Shamballa, Porthologos, and Soltec's Silent Watcher computer interface. When this is available to an individual, there are more and more augmentations which become available. This is where levitation, teleportation, telepathy, as just a few, become available.
The migration involves how energy is moved through the body in the energetic centers called chakras. As more chakras are added, the system becomes more refined. We also will see a migration of the organs. We will now gain the ability to live on liquid light. There will be much less and then no waste coming form the body. The bones cells will be augmented with nanocrystalline diamonds and the joints will not wear out. The muscles will derive their energy from nanocrystalline structures. The organs will be augmented as a part of the migration. The organs will stream line as they no longer rely on hormones to function. The actual organs will change over time to function as light transmitters. Some will shrink in size as their functions diminish. All of this migration is event-based, not gauged by linear time. As we come back to Earth, we will be able to assist dramatically in this migration process along with complete healings of the body structure.

In the 12 strand chakra system, still the old system, can you move from there into the 10 stranded system - How do you get to the 12 stranded etheric system? Then you have moved into positronic etheric fullness. How do we activate the final two etheric strands of DNA.
How does it work? Is that the 13th Gateway.
The etheric body is the energy blueprint body that is the energy blueprint that the physical body follows. The subtle part of the physical body. The Etheric body has 12 strands of DNA. The physical body has 12 strands of DNA. This is a correspondence to the 24 + 1 Elders sitting around the Throne of Grace in the physical brain, the cranial nerves. The energetic pathways of the cranial nerves each pair up, male and female, forming 12 pair. The etheric body and physical body have 12 pairs, male and female, transmitting electricity, vibration and Source Love from the physical to the etheric, from the etheric, to the physical. When everything together, in these two systems are flowing freely, through all of the 12 pairs, through the senses and the body systems THIS OPENS the 13th GATEWAY. This is the gateway through which Higher Gifts manifest as an integrated part of the positronic etheric body.
~Lord Arcturus
Beth Trutwin/Mark Huber

11 Şubat 2010 Perşembe

SaLuSa from Sirius..Don't get distracted with the cleansing of the old earth, centre within self & concentrate on your immediate tasks to ascend

SaLuSa 10-February-2010

Your ability to rise above the chaotic conditions around you is within your power. You are supreme Beings just discovering how well you can block the negative energies, through your power of thought. At all times lower energies swirl around you, but providing you centre your energies within self you are safe. You become that proverbial beacon of Light, that wards off assaults aimed at penetrating your defense. The dark ones deliberately create discord and fear, hoping to bring you down and take your attention off your goal. Keep concentrating on your immediate tasks to carry you on to Ascension. That way your mindset will be undisturbed by what is going on around you. When physical changes cause disruption and destruction, know that they will have no effect in the long term on your destiny to ascend. The old Earth has to be cleansed but will not be your home, as already the new Earth is taking form.

You have been through many unsettling times, and periods of utter despair yet here you are at the door of a New Age ready to put all of that behind you. It no longer has any bearing on your future, as you already tread the new path to glory and fulfillment. You will not be surprised to learn that the new experiences will soon consign the past to history, where it can no longer harm you. It is fortunate that you cannot recall all of your previous lives, as they would distract you from the far more important task of successfully completing this cycle. Dear Ones, as fascinating as it maybe to learn about who you were, the important point is that you carry the value of the experiences with you. These will help you overcome similar problems, and your evolution goes marching on.

After thousands of years in this cycle you approach the end times, and yet in the little time left will accomplish more in that period than any other one before. The growth of your consciousness is accelerating all of the time, and we see an overall surge in the numbers of you awakening. That is bringing about profound changes for the good, as the Light is becoming stronger, and stronger. It is why we can tell you that the battle between the Light and dark is really over, and it is only the last gasps of the dark Ones that keep it going. Everything is illusory anyway, as you are coming to realize. Your reality is not in the lower dimensions, as you are Beings of Light deserving of a future in the higher ones. You have tried your hand at creation in duality with little success, yet you have clung to your Light and the knowledge that you are more than what you seem to be. There is an inner knowing that has enabled you to realize your greater potential, so face the current challenges with complete confidence.

Going through so many trials and tribulations has made you fearless and warriors of freedom. You are standing up to those who would still impose themselves upon you, and they are concerned that you are no longer bowing down to their pressure. People power has returned and you are finding that there is strength in numbers. Events taking place are assisting you in your fight, and the dark Ones are collapsing into a hole they have dug for themselves. A favorable time draws near for the first announcements to take place that will seal their fate, but it still has to be timed correctly for the maximum effect. Disclosure will release so much information that it will change the world quite dramatically, and there will be no going back to the old beliefs. Those who already know the truth about us will not be shocked by the outcome, but some who had little idea about it will become disorientated for a while. That is something we wish to deal with quickly by a series of programs that will enlighten people as to why we are here. One thing will follow another until the imagination of all people will be excited by the prospects of what we will offer. It is the fact that we can carry out our promises, because of the size of the Galactic Federation and its immense resources. Also because we come to help you through the remainder of this cycle, and ensure you ascend.

Dream your dreams Dear Ones; your time has arrived when your freedom and sovereignty falsely taken from you shall be restored. It may take time to fully do so, but it shall be done with our help. Many reforms will be made with a view to bringing back justice, and seeking out corruption and criminal activity. You want a society based upon fairness and honesty where you can trust each other, and that is what you will get. Be assured that the plans for this have already been meticulously made to ensure absolute success. Our allies simply wait their instructions to proceed, and that is not too far away.

All that has been hidden from you is being revealed, which prepares you for greater revelations that will shock many people. However, the truth must come out which will help you understand why the changes will be so sweeping. The tentacles of the dark Ones have penetrated most of the great institutions on a worldwide basis. They have infiltrated the governments, military and big business often buying their way into them. All these issues have to be addressed, and they shall be sorted out to remove those who are guilty of going against your interests.

When we say there is a lot to do, we are clearly not underestimating the size of the tasks ahead. We already know those amongst you who have offered your services to us, and we are happy to include as many as possible in our plans. You have skills that will make you suitable for assisting us in our projects, that will call for people with technological experience. There are two years coming of intense activity, and it will be joyful work because you will know it benefits everyone. Last but not least there is Mother Earth deserving of your loving help, as she too must be ready in time to ascend.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and with each message hope to have painted a little bit more of the picture that we call your future. As you have learnt your lives will eventually be totally changed, and we want you to be prepared as much as possible for what is coming. There is nothing to fear, as the story of your time in duality has a happy ending. Our love surrounds you as always and is sent with our blessings to you all.

Thank you SaLuSa.

Mike Quinsey.

Day 4 of 7 Days to Valentine's Day

Day 4 of 7 Days to Valentine's Day

Preparing yourself for Love

This week we celebrate Valentine's Day, a time when the world celebrates love-from a one-sided perspective. What we celebrate on Valentine's Day is love from others and with the hype and marketing we believe that if we don't have someone to show us how much they love us, we are missing out and there is something wrong with us. And that is where it is one sided because real love, the kind that is unconditional, incorporates all aspects of love, what we receive from others and most importantly, the love we have for ourselves.

So during the 7 days leading to Valentine's Day we will take a journey of love together, that will bring us back to our core of love and prepare us to manifest the loving, fulfilling relationship of our dreams. Let's get started.
Day 4 What Do You Need?

Every relationship fulfills a need and when we approach relationships from the point of need we attract needy relationships. Our personal agenda is active when we are looking for relationships because we have important needs that we want our prospective partner to meet. Our needs for companionship, sharing, connection, partnership and love are all part of the reason we want relationships. But when we approach them from our needs, the partners we attract have the same needs we do. And are needs are not met.

Today, consider what needs you have around relationships. Do you want someone to spend time with, to provide emotional or financial support, to provide stability or to just be a presence in your life so you are not alone? All of these are important needs and if they are your primary focus, they will either attract someone with similar needs or drive every prospective partner away because they will see you as needy. And your needs represent your expectations, what you want people to do for you. To manifest the relationship of your dreams you must be willing to fill your own needs and not expect to find a partner to do that for you. Your energy must be whole and complete so you attract a partner who is also whole and not needy.

Write your needs down, be very honest, so you can know what your expectations are and learn to release them so you can approach your relationship from a point of wholeness.
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Manifesting Class
You have asked for a class on manifestation and I am offering a four part series on manifestation, prosperity and abundance, intention and co-creation starting March 1, 2010 at 8PM US central time.

Visit the website for details and registration information.
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Expanding Love Project on Facebook

Join me in expanding the love energy that is available during this Valentine's Day week to everyone in the world. Join the project by searching for Expanding Love Project on Facebook, take the project commitment and invite your friends and fans.
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This program is brought to you by Jennifer Hoffman and the Uriel Heals community. For more information visit or email

9 Şubat 2010 Salı

Your Reality is Within You by Master El Morya through Natalie Glasson

Your Reality is Within You by Master El Morya

Channelled through Natalie Glasson- 08/02/10

I am deeply gratefully to be asked to bring forth the third piece of enlightenment that I believe brings completion to my teachings for humanity at this time. During my first communication I spoke of how our spiritual skills and abilities are stepping stones to our ultimate goal of integration with the Creator’s soul. In last week’s communication I spoke of the controversy that exists on the Earth and the inner planes due to different understandings and interpretations of the Creator’s will. Now finally I wish to bring your attention to the controversy and turmoil within you. This insight has been spoken before through the mouths and minds of many because it is one of the greatest lessons or challenges for humanity to overcome and achieve. As I extend my consciousness to you, and after connecting with the will of the Creator for such a lengthy period, it is this insight that is the most valuable and requires your immediate action and thought.

In my previous communication I spoke of the energies and situations occurring around you but the space that requires your attention the most is within you. I am not simply speaking of taking your attention to your soul or essence presence but I am asking you to dissolve the controversy, disharmony and separation that has manifested within you. This is not to judge you in anyway, as I love you unconditionally and dearly, but I simply wish to offer you the tools of an ascended master to aid your further spiritual development and ultimate goal of integration with the Creator’s soul. Many people feel a separation between their spiritual or soul bodies and their physical body, it is as if each have their own focus and goals, sometimes not working as one as they should be. Many people feel the battle between their personality’s desires and their spiritual desires; the personality wishes to take one path while the soul yearns to flow in the other direction. A separation may be felt between the mind and the soul with also a battle between the positive presence of the mind or consciousness and the ego. A constant focus on fear and a desire to focus on joy can also create disharmony within our bodies, it may at times feel that we are not only battling with the outer world but we are battling with our inner reality, trying to bring harmony between the physical body, personality, mind, soul, emotions, spiritual energies, fear and positivity.

Many people do not even comprehend the disharmony of their inner reality but those who open themselves up to their spiritual path are faced with a major challenge that can be daunting at times and yet powerfully inspirational at other stages.

Firstly, I wish for you to know that you have the complete and absolute support of the Creator, your guides, the angels and ascended masters; you are loved unconditionally and cradled in love of the purest vibration.

Secondly, I wish for you to understand that your inner reality is in truth your only reality. It is your link to the heavens, to the inner planes and to the Creator’s soul. Through your inner reality you will manifest your outer reality. So your inner energy and presence is vitally important because you will draw the Creator’s heaven and soul into your inner reality before you manifest it in your outer reality. I also wish to state that you are the Creator and therefore the soul, heaven and sacred sanctuary of the Creator is your inner reality, you just have to find the door that opens you to this reality. This means that what you search for isn’t in the universe but is within you.

Thirdly, I wish to point out that the disharmony, separation and controversy within you is not your truth, it is not you but is simply a product of physical existence; it is your challenge. It is as if the Creator has given you an electrical device that you must wire into your home. Only once you have discovered the connections and linked them together appropriately will a complete circuit manifest thus allowing integration and fusion. With these three understandings, that you are supported, your inner reality is your only reality and that you are not the disharmony within you, then you begin to make your challenge of dissolving separation and creating tranquillity within you much easier.

When we begin to look within us we notice that outside influences can help and support us but it is our own dedication to bringing harmony to your inner energies that will aid our connection with the Creator. There are three ways that you can assist yourself in gaining inner harmony, these are through the focus of your mind, through the alignment of your soul or Creator energies with your physical body and reality, and the cleansing and clearing of all particles of energies or unneeded energies within your entire being. It is through these processes that you will gain an inner stillness and an inner sanctuary for you to exist within and as, which will influence your outer reality building experiences of love and positivity. It is through the clearing of disharmony, separation and controversy that you will gain a sense of your truth self, wisdom, presence, ability and magnificence, thus embodying an existence that allows integration with the Creator’s soul to be easier and natural. Through harmony and tranquillity one is able to adopt the natural state of being of the Creator. This is a state of focus, peace, harmony and balance. I am speaking about those times when your mind is free from thoughts, your emotions harmonised and high, and your essence supportive and loving you. Those times when it feels as if nothing exists not even your physical body or your surroundings and you feel content in simply being. It is those times when you are at one with the Creator’s soul and you have found your inner reality. It is the physical and personality aspect of our being that must be active in body and mind and yet it is those moments of stillness that gives us most joy with feelings of achievement and unification. In many ways obstacles and challenges are placed in your reality to help you realise your inner reality, energies and presence and how this has more impact on your life than any pattern of worry, fear or doubt. It is a process of mastery, transcending above or releasing all the clutter that is no longer needed and fusing your energies together.

Due to your complex involvement in your physical reality to withdraw from your responsibilities and circumstances would be a mistake because they are your tools of practice, to help you practice bringing stillness to your mind, harmony to your emotions and unity to your physical and spiritual energies. The important thing to realise is that there is no set path to achieve these goals; it is for you to discover the correct path for you, a path of learning and mastery that inspires you and brings you further joy. And remember in my previous communication I stated that it doesn’t matter if you walk a different staircase to others because your pathway is correct for you.

By dissolving and releasing the controversy and disharmony within our minds, emotions and energies, we manifest peace, balance and love on the Earth. This gaol is so pure and worthy of your efforts, let yourself be devoted and allow yourself to discover the beauty, healing energies and enlightenment of your inner reality.

I thank you for your dedication and attention,

I am Master El Morya

Natalie Glasson, Wisdom of the Light,

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7 Days of Valentine Love -- Day 2

Day 2 of 7 Days to Valentine's Day

Preparing yourself for Love

This week we celebrate Valentine's Day, a time when the world celebrates love-from a one-sided perspective. What we celebrate on Valentine's Day is love from others and with the hype and marketing we believe that if we don't have someone to show us how much they love us, we are missing out and there is something wrong with us. And that is where it is one sided because real love, the kind that is unconditional, incorporates all aspects of love, what we receive from others and most importantly, the love we have for ourselves.

So during the 7 days leading to Valentine's Day we will take a journey of love together, that will bring us back to our core of love and prepare us to manifest the loving, fulfilling relationship of our dreams. Let's get started.
Day 2 Changing the Imprints

Every relationship creates psychic, emotional mental and physical imprints. These imprints create new beliefs and support those that we brought into this lifetime with our karmic history. Our imprints are very active, creating energetic messages that we send out to others, which act as magnets to attract corresponding energies that make them true. So an imprint of unworthiness will attract someone who will make us feel unworthy. Are you looking for someone to take care of you? You will attract someone who will not be able to or who is unwilling to do that. In fact, they will want you to take care of them. Are you looking for someone to fill your need for love and attention? The partners you attract will be as unloving to you as you feel about yourself.

Today, write down all of the imprints you have received from others, especially those from your most challenging relationships. Through these imprints, you are attracting new relationships. This will give you insight into why you seem to attract the same kind of person, no matter how hard you try to avoid it. To change the pattern, you have to change the imprints and their message.
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Manifesting Class
You have asked for a class on manifestation and I am offering a four part series on manifestation, prosperity and abundance, intention and co-creation starting March 1, 2010 at 8PM US central time.

Visit the website for details and registration information.
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Expanding Love Project on Facebook

Join me in expanding the love energy that is available during this Valentine's Day week to everyone in the world. Join the project by searching for Expanding Love Project on Facebook, take the project commitment and invite your friends and fans.
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This program is brought to you by Jennifer Hoffman and the Uriel Heals community. For more information visit or email

8 Şubat 2010 Pazartesi

7 Days to Valentine's Day - Day 1 Jennifer hoffman

7 Days to Valentine's Day - Day 1

Preparing yourself for Love

This week we celebrate Valentine's Day, a time when the world celebrates love-from a one-sided perspective. What we celebrate on Valentine's Day is love from others and with the hype and marketing we believe that if we don't have someone to show us how much they love us, we are missing out and there is something wrong with us. And that is where it is one sided because real love, the kind that is unconditional, incorporates all aspects of love, what we receive from others and most importantly, the love we have for ourselves.

So during the 7 days leading to Valentine's Day we will take a journey of love together, that will bring us back to our core of love and prepare us to manifest the loving, fulfilling relationship of our dreams. Let's get started.
Day 1 Who is in your love life?

How long has it been since you had a Valentine's Day partner? A month, year, five years or longer? For many, Valentine's Day may be a reminder that for too long they have been without a true love, a partnership that fulfills their human need for connection. For many of us, our relationships have been learning experiences, opportunities to heal our karma, to reclaim our power and truth. If this is a Valentine's Day when you will not be receiving flowers, candy, or professions of love from someone else, take heart. You can make Valentine's Day a day of celebration, of acknowledging yourself and taking steps to bring the partner and love you want into your life. First you have to release the memories that are in your heart.

Today, think of your last relationship, or the most difficult relationship you have ever had in your life. Are you glad it is over? Because it is not over. As long as you can think of that person with any kind of regret, they are your relationship and you are still connected to them. With that person in your heart and that affects your ability to create a new relationship. And you can't have a new relationship because you already have one, with the feelings of the past. Are you willing to let those feelings go now? By letting go of the past, you make room for manifesting something else in the present.
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Manifesting Class
You have asked for a class on manifestation and I am offering a four part series on manifestation, prosperity and abundance, intention and co-creation starting March 1, 2010 at 8PM US central time.

Visit the website for details and registration information.
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Expanding Love Project on Facebook

Join me in expanding the love energy that is available during this Valentine's Day week to everyone in the world. Join the project by searching for Expanding Love Project on Facebook, take the project commitment and invite your friends and fans.
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This program is brought to you by Jennifer Hoffman and the Uriel Heals community. For more information visit or email

6 Şubat 2010 Cumartesi

Veil of Illusion ( we are getting this sunday 10:30 pm turkish time

Veil of Illusion

Illusion is a form of veil that causes one to perceive the veil as true and accurate rather than the truth that is so behind the veil. Over time Earth became layered with layers of illusion or non-truth. The belief in anything by anyone is an example of a veil of illusion, for all beliefs are founded upon illusion. When we came to Earth, our personal energy was not compatible with the magnetic energy and radioactive energy, our energy became distorted. When there is a distortion in our energy field it could cause a foggy or cloudy area in our auric field. The fog makes it difficult for anyone to see clearly through our own energy field. The more dense the fog, the harder it is to see one's truth. We as seekers of truth, whose auric fields are so foggy that we would have no access to our truth as soul, the fog distorts whatever truth is present to such a degree that it ceases to be truth at all. We can assist you in dismantling all fantasy realities that make up the Veil of Illusion. You will then be able to see beyond the veil.

WHEN: Sunday Februari 7th AT 15:30PM EST

COST $ 25.00


1 Şubat 2010 Pazartesi





Greetings beloveds. We join you this day with great love and appreciation for your courageous appearance on planet Earth, in order to fulfill your part of the divine plan. You chose to come forth into this life experience, dear ones. For some of you that is hard to believe, for you do not feel comfortable on your planet of residence and would rather be somewhere else. We assure you, dear ones, that you wanted to undertake your earthly adventure, and were enthusiastic about the opportunity to serve at this auspicious time of unprecedented transformation.

As you transform your earthly experience to a higher vibration, you transform much more, for all is connected. You may not be able to change that which does not please you; however, you can change your attitude about it. You cannot alter the attitudes or actions of other people; you can only make change within yourself. By adjusting your beliefs and attitudes, you change your world which, in turn, alters your interactions with others and how you perceive them. The effective way to make change in your world is to transform yourself by modifying your attitude or belief about whatever it is you would like to change.

Is there something that you do not like about what is taking place on your planet or your relationships with others? If so, look within and alter something about yourself. You have no control over another person (or groups of people), no matter how hard you try, but you can change the dynamics of the situation by exerting control over your feelings, your emotions - how your react to people and events in your life. If something does not please you and you focus your attention on the problem, you give energy to it. By the same token, when you focus your attention on the solution, you energize the solution.

Beloveds, it is of paramount importance that you are conscious and in the moment, if you wish to manifest this transformation within yourself and your world, for that is where your power lies - within the moment.

For example: When/if someone (or a group of people) says or does something that brings forth the feeling of anger or fear, allow it to dissipate as you embrace the feeling which is permeating your body. Breathe deeply and center yourself in the present before you say or do anything else. Notice and embrace the feeling of anger or fear as it dissipates. It may not totally dissolve, but it will dissipate enough for you to act in a conscious manner, bringing stability and a higher vibration to the situation. You have the ability to increase your frequency even more by bringing forth the feeling of love as the anger dissipates.

As you change the energy of the encounter, you will affect your energy field and the energy of those involved, which will in turn radiate out into your world, for everything is connected and a part of the whole. As this energy permeates the whole, your action on a personal level has affected the collective consciousness in a positive manner.

When you see something about yourself or the world that does not appeal to you, we encourage you to look within and make an adjustment within. As you do so your life, the world and the cosmos can be transformed one thought and one feeling at a time.

Dear ones, you are loved beyond your knowing. We embrace you with love, knowing of the power you have within.

I AM Melchizedek

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Artwork by Matia Michaelson
Image Copyright * Star* Quest * Ronna Herman

All rights reserved Randall T Monk,
You may distribute & copy freely. Please cite author and website.

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Life Mastery Tools for The Age of Ascenson
Becoming an Alpha Master CD program
DISCOVER YOUR LIFE PURPOSE with my eBook or private phone sessions

Many Blessings,
