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30 Aralık 2009 Çarşamba

Aging - Going Into Immortality - transmission on 3rd Jan 22:30 Turkish time

We are getting this transmission on 3rd Jan, actually it seems already here but it will be more powerful at that time!!!! In line with humanity healing from Dibarak to come...and Arcturians eteric crystals and Crystal Pyramids :))) being multidimensional and in the interdimensional realm...
love and light

Aging - Going Into Immortality

This level is giving the individual the ability to become physically immortal in this lifetime. Immortality means you have the ability to choose when you can "leave" the physical 3rd dimension. (It doesn't mean you HAVE to be physical forever). In ages past, the people who were vibrationally ready achieved immortality through a series of tasks, using the chambers in the pyramids or the kivas of the indigenous people. These tasks may have taken many lifetimes. Immortality to us means that our soul comes to live in our physical body(ies). (Bodies meaning, the physical, mental, emotional plus the spiritual). Our bodies merge as one in this 3rd dimension, but isn't limited to the third dimension. Our bodies become multidimensional.



COST $ 25.00


13 Aralık 2009 Pazar

5th Energy Wave- Acceptance of Transition- Lord Shiva, Lady Isis and Lord Ganesh

5th Energy Wave- Acceptance of Transition- Lord Shiva, Lady Isis and Lord Ganesh

Channelled through Natalie Glasson- 11/12/09

From the 19th December 2009, sensitive or receptive souls on the Earth may feel a definite shift in their energy vibration but most prominently in the energy that is being anchored into the Earth. This shift is being caused by the fifth wave of light from the Energy Wave of Acceptance which originally anchored in 09/09/09. The energy wave is anchoring one more phase of light, consciousness and qualities into the Earth in the year of 2009, the energy will then stay at this heightened and measured vibration of light throughout the year 2010 until 10/10/10, giving humanity time to allow the energy wave to settle completely into their beings and onto the Earth. Since 09/09/09 there have been many phases of energy anchoring into the Earth all have stemmed from the Energy Wave of Acceptance, this has influenced people’s lives differently depending on their divine plan but has caused a feeling of disruption and inference because of the powerful energy of love that has been anchoring. With the fifth wave of energy and qualities anchoring many will find themselves being pushed onto the most appropriate path for them, thus manifesting a feeling of contentment for the true experience of accepting the love of the Creator.

As the Energy Wave of Acceptance has anchored onto the Earth it has helped us to explore the qualities of acceptance, love, balance, detachment and mastery. These are lessons that we can remind ourselves of always in the future to enhance spiritual development. As the final energy wave anchors we see that it holds the most important qualities of all, acceptance and change. The energy wave reminds us that we must learn to be accepting of the Creator’s energy, will and love, whether it flows through your body or is expressed from another. We also realise that we must be accepting of the many aspects and manifestations of the Creator, especially those on the Earth who have not yet awoken, may hold negative energy or hold diverse opinions to us. The energy wave asks us to accept with an open loving heart and mind, but to also be strong in our own mind. With the practice of acceptance we learn to be balanced and at harmony, these qualities will spread across the world to bring forth a great ability of patience and tolerance of the beliefs of others. We must remember that every mind on the Earth is an aspect of the Creator; while minds can be misled the truth will always be evident and active within the mind waiting to be revealed.

The fifth energy wave also presents to us the importance of change, alteration and shifts on the Earth, in the same energy it warns us that change will occur and that we must prepare for change focusing on ensuring that every shift in our lives is a positive and advantageous alteration to lead us deeper into the heart and soul of the Creator. The energy wave wishes us to realise that change is a natural process of both the cycle of life and our spiritual development; it is not a quality to fear especially when we adopt the belief that every situation in our life always has a positive outcome and result.

As you move into the Earth’s new time phase we ask you to focus on adopting the qualities of acceptance and love with the awareness of change as a positive tool in your reality.

With the presence of the fifth energy wave anchoring on the 19th December 2009, we have been guided to assist in humanity’s acceptance of this energy and to aid a deep clearing process for all. We feel that old energies need to be addressed and released so that many may embark on new paths of growth in the New Year. We accompany the new energy wave and offer our service to all, we are Lord Shiva, Lady Isis and Lord Ganesh, our energies are deeply integrated and we present the power of the trinity.

Lord Shiva represents the ability to shed old habits, beliefs and unneeded energy, holding the quality of goodness and kindness, he destroys all negativity.

Lady Isis embodies the feminine Creator energies which are so vital on the Earth; she holds the ability to boost your inner power, confidence and courage so that you may make the necessary transformations with ease.

Lord Ganesh represents the realisation that everything in your reality even your own energies are limitless and expansive, allowing all obstacles to be dissolved in order to create a clear and secure path for you to walk into the arms of the Creator.

You may understand that when we anchor the fifth wave of light into your being along with our own energies and abilities we are able to tremendously but lovingly influence your reality, cleansing your being and life so that you are able to accelerate forward guided by your soul and the Creator.

It is our wish that on the 19th December 2009 and thereafter that you ask for the fifth energy wave to be anchored into your being guided and supported by Lord Shiva, Lady Isis and Lord Ganesh.

‘Protected by the Creator, my Angelic and Ascended Master guides, I now gain a deep meditative state of being and mind, asking that my entire being is aligned to the mighty soul and light of the Creator. Allow my divine integration with the Creator to be intensified now so that I may truly feel at one with the Creator.

I now invoke Lord Shiva to draw close to me, anchoring the most appropriate vibration of light from your soul into my being. Lord Shiva, please align me with the light of the Energy Wave of Acceptance and assist me in accepting the consciousness and quality of the fifth energy wave now anchoring. Help me to exist as goodness and kindness on the Earth at all times, while shedding old habits, beliefs and unneeded energies to aid my spiritual ascension.

I now invoke the beautiful feminine presence of Lady Isis. Please allow me to feel your presence around me and flowing into my being. Support me with your love and empower my being with confidence, self belief and courage as you anchor the most suitable vibration of light from the fifth energy wave into my being.

I now invoke the nurturing and powerful presence of Lord Ganesh. Please help me to accept the consciousness, qualities and love of the fifth energy wave now into my being while you support me in assisting all obstacles in my life to now dissolve. I ask that you teach me to understand the limitless and expansive energy of my soul and the Creator’s soul.

I ask that Lord Shiva, Lady Isis and Lord Ganesh now assist me in experiencing a cleansing so that I may embody and exist within the pure love of the Creator throughout 2010 and beyond.

I thank you for your assistance, support and love.

I am the Creator’s qualities of Acceptance, Love, Balance, Detachment and Mastery.’

Working with us and the energy of the fifth energy wave will enable you to clear all hindrance that may stop you experiencing the true love of the Creator. It is essential to work with us intensively and then to call on us each week to cleanse your being and reality of all unneeded energies.

I am Lord Shiva, I am Lady Isis, I am Lord Ganesh,

I am goodness, courage and expansiveness.


I wish to thank all of you for supporting my channelled work; I hope that the wisdom that has come through has assisted and benefited your life and growth. I wish to send many blessings and love to you as a gift of appreciation and thanks. The Weekly Messages will resume in the New Year. If you want to catch up on any previous messages during this break please visit the Message Archives.

Best wishes,


Sacred School of Om Na-Channelled downloads written and mp3 to aid the spiritual education of humanity. Visit

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Please coalesce the Sacred Feminine around Copenhagen

Subject: Please coalesce the Sacred Feminine around Copenhagen

A LightPages Cross-Organizational Communique:

There is a momentum building...
it is the deep intentionality of women and men worldwide
to participate in co-creating a better world.
At the Parliament of the World's Religions in Melbourne, December 3-9, 2009,
it was seen as the Sacred Feminine arising.

At every event that converges perspectives, it is being grown exponentially.

This is an invitation to coalesce and activate this sweet energy of change
around the UN Copenhagen Climate Change Conference, December 7-18, 2009,
that all who participate there may be motivated by their highest impulse
to serve their nations and their world.

Are you a field-maker? Please co-create around these words.

Together, we are creating a field of love and acceptance around the Copenhagen Climate Change Conference:
… that all voices be truly heard.
… that political positions be softened.
… that win/win solutions emerge gracefully.
...that together, we care for each other and our common home, the earth.

Are you called to other actions around the Copenhagen summit, Please consider these.

* INTEND LOVE AT CANDLE VIGILS WORLDWIDE. Candle vigils are being invited by, for the evenings of Dec 11,12. Please use these and other moments to hold the entire human family in a loving embrace for the greater good.

* JOIN A PRAYER CIRCLE FOR COPENHAGEN. The Sacred Feminine made visible at the Parliament of World Religions continues its journey into the heart of the UN Copenhagen Climate Change Conference. A daily 30 minute prayer circle is being held at 9 pm EST until Dec 18. 218.936.4700, access 235418.

Intention: That the leaders, in particular those from the US, China and India, are creating and signing the document in Copenhagen for the common good of our home, planet earth.
Time: 10 p.m. your local time for 20 minutes or more.

* SEND A MESSAGE TO WORLD LEADERS AT COPENHAGEN. Over 11,000 messages have been entered and are displayed on the opening page of the UN Copenhagen Climate Change Conference website at . Go to to add your message.

* JOIN/CREATE A LOCAL-GLOBAL ACTION EVENT, DECEMBER 11-13. Many demonstrations will make visible grassroots concern for the climatic well-being of the whole earth. Search for or register events at,,
Note especially in COPENHAGEN, SUNDAY, DEC 13, 3 pm. Marking the end of a high profile ecumenical celebration at the Lutheran Cathedral, the Church of Our Lady – the churches in Denmark will ring their bells, and people around the world are invited to echo them by sounding their own bells, shells, drums, gongs or horns 350 times.

See more about women and climate change at and about the Sacred Feminine at the Parliament of the World’s Religions and the UN Copenhagen Climate Change Conference at …,,


This is a Cross-Organizational Communiqué from Jeanie DeRousseau at LightPages. These communiqués will be sent occasionally as alerts to currents of global movement that become apparent through the networks at LightPages. Please keep us informed of other waves of global import by joining and posting at . As we continue to develop other channels of collaboration, your participation is most welcome.

This Communiqué has been sent to a wave of related women’s initiatives, including LightPages members of:

Circle Connections,, Women connecting to create a new earth, one circle, one connection, one step at a time. Bringing visibility to women in leadership on, Mondays 12:30 PST.

Evolutionary Women,, Creating events, gatherings, forums and services for women called to the Co-Creative Feminine. Featuring 44 Evolutionary Women’s stories in their book Conscious Choices .

Gather the Women Global Matrix,, Networking women and women’s organizations who share a belief that the time is now to activate the incredible power of women’s wisdom on a planetary scale. Inviting local circles into waves of global gathering, next: International Women’s Day, March 8, 2010.

Millionth Circle,, Inviting circles with a spiritual center to become a worldwide healing force through feminine values of relationship, nurturing, interdependency, with the aim of celebrating the millionth circle.

Offerings,, On-going conversation that fosters the story of women evolving themselves, their lives, their world. With foci on birthing, new politics, money, women’s networks, using art, in-person and online channels.

SisterSpace,, A library of interviews with women in leadership, now continuing at Offering an online conference called “As One, I am my Sister’s Keeper”, considering and healing from the long-standing violence against women, at

Spheres Circles,, Promoting the principles of positivity and connectivity through the Spheres Circular E-zine, and Spheres Circles. Launching Pollyanna Power and products, “Positive attitude in action”!

Standing Women,, Following Sharon Mehdi’s story of the Great Silent Grandmother Gathering, inviting women worldwide to stand in silence for a better world every Mother’s Day.

Vessels of Peace,, Providing practices that invite the Sacred Feminine to be experienced and embodied, radiating peace within and without. Online community soon to be anchored in a physical location, Sweet Water Sanctuary near Pittsburg, PA.

Ways Women Lead,, Engaging and connecting women and girls on their journeys of self-discovery, empowerment, and leadership for the common good. Launching a conscious leadership training program in May 2010 in Sophia, Bulgaria, and a global event there in Oct.

Women’s Spirit Council,, Exploring the many dimensions of the Sacred Feminine, the healing of feminine leadership, and new paradigms of planetary collaboration. Convening multi-faith ceremony celebrating the Sacred Feminine.

All of these women’s organizations have interactive pages at Contact for more information about LightPages, or to subscribe or unsubscribe as an organization.

Jeanie DeRousseau

12 Aralık 2009 Cumartesi

Holographic Matrix Realignment

Holographic Matrix Realignment

Holographic Matrix Realignment is designed for people whose purpose for incarnating on this planet is universal synergy. It deals with vast holographic structures that people are carrying from other planets, stars, and universes, as well as, many structures from within this planetary game.

Holographic Matrix Realignment

The transformation is in three stages of three days, three weeks, and three months. In the first three days, the inner reality landscape reconstructs itself. You may not be able to hold a thought in your head and feel like you were energetically hit by a truck.

In the next three weeks, the outer reality shifts and people drop in and out of your life. If you have been doing karmic monads and co-dependence with someone, that person will probably pitch a fit. If your parents are alive, usually Mom calls within twenty-four hours with; "I was worried about you" This is because we cut the parental cord.

By the end of three months, you will look back and see that the entire basis of reality has changed. The changes may not be traceable though because the change is holographic and happens everywhere at once.

The cocoon that we infuse at the end is made of interlocking fibers. They are designed to screen out other people's telepathic images, monads, cords, thoughtforms, and emotions. It gradually moves out away from the body over three weeks, growing thinner over time. It dissolves at about the three-week point. If you encounter any negativity in that period, you can say, " Please tighten cocoon." It will tighten back to the original position but move out faster.

Effects of Karmic Matrix Removal or Holographic Matrix Realignment

Complete and sudden life shift. Any relationship or situation may suddenly go into crisis, release or disappear.

Sudden personality / identity shift. Since lots of the matrix is self karmic, if your identity is based in dysfunctional patterns of limitation, you may have an identity crisis or a breakthrough into a vaster multi-dimensional identity.

Change in relationships. Anywhere a relationship is karmic based is likely to dissolve. Relationships based on Spirit will strengthen. That means people will likely leave your life.

Descensions of Spirit. This is very common soon after. It's often a very intense descension with lots of physical manifestations such as shaking, rushes, dizziness, and nausea, as Spirit does a shake out of density, stuck emotions and closed systems.

A deep sense of freedom and completion of the old game of limitation. A whole new level of vision and determination emerges. This technique allows the old world to die and the new world to be born simultaneously. It drops out the time lag between the release of a dysfunctional pattern and the infusion of a new vaster vision from Spirit. Focus on the new life that is emerging rather than on what is leaving. It makes the integration much faster and less traumatic.

Saturday December 12 at 9:30pm EST

Cost $ 25.00
you can register here

8 Aralık 2009 Salı

The Energies of December Jennifer Hoffman-Uriel

The Energies of December

If November was hard for you, December will appear to be much easier on many levels. But we are still in an important cycle of release and transformation which we have been on for many years and it is bringing us closer to our core areas of healing. This is where things become challenging as we are faced with releasing beliefs, feelings, hopes, expectations, dreams and any blocks to our accepting higher energetic vibrations. And we have learned that no matter what someone else does or what situation unfolds, the cause as well as the key to its resolution lies within us.

This month provides as many opportunities for rest as for action, for healing as well as to take stock of how far we have come. When we are on a healing journey we become so focused on the healing and the work involved that we forget to acknowledge ourselves and assess what we have done. And we have done a lot. Think back ten years ago and consider the changes you have made in your life. There were significant opportunities for healing and clearing, ranging from annoying and frustrating to devastating. We had two choices, step up or give up. What did you do?

Now we are on the other side of that journey but we still have work to do. And in December we have two energies that will help us, a Mercury retrograde starting the 26th, whose shadow period begins on the ninth, and a lunar eclipse on December 31. Retrograde planets always give us an opportunity to review and create closure and this one is no exception. The question is how do you want to end the year and what do you want to bring with you into the new year? Do it now because you do not want to take any baggage into 2010, a year of glorious blessings.

The eclipse is in the moon's sign, Cancer, focusing on emotions, family, the mother and our home, and is challenged by Pluto and Saturn, representing transformation and discipline. It is interesting that this year ends with an eclipse because Archangel Uriel has said that 2010 will be a wonderful year for those who have done their healing work, released cords and set their intention for what they want in their life. Have you made your wish list for 2010? Now is the time to start it, include what you want to manifest as well as what you are willing to release. Then follow your guidance through December and get ready for an amazing journey through 2010.

3 Aralık 2009 Perşembe

SaLuSa 2-December-2009 Two cycles overlapping

SaLuSa 2-December-2009

We are aware that many of you wonder why the end times are a whole series of problems that severely try and test you. You wonder why it cannot be a smooth transition from the old cycle to the commencement of the new one, that is both an enjoyable and happy experience. In actual fact there is an overlap of both cycles, and the conditions you are experiencing are brought about by the new energies as they clear out the old ones. It is unavoidable as there is a current conflict between the energies. The outcome has already been determined, and the upliftment cannot be curtailed in any manner. Ascension has started and will reach its completion as the cycle ends, and it is then that your full participation will take place with great happiness and joy.

Be aware that with every incarnation you take on no more than you are prepared for, and those of you present at this time have chosen it as your last opportunity to clear your karmic responsibilities. There is so much happening that it is bound to appear chaotic, not least of all with the attempts of the dark forces to take your focus away from your goal. You will therefore realize that what you are going through is not at all unusual in the circumstances. Within all that is happening the plan is still working that will raise you to the higher dimensions. Your final days are to be very rewarding, and all that you have wished for that is of the Light will be yours. Your consciousness levels are ever increasing as higher energies are beamed to you from afar. Dear Ones, you cannot fail if you have set your sights on ascending, and have dedicated yourselves to doing so.

The battle between the Light and dark no longer rages in the higher dimensions, and the power of the Light is rapidly confining it to Earth where it will finally be transmuted. The Light surrounds your Earth and grows in intensity until the critical mass is reached, and all changes. That which is not of it will move away to levels that are of a like vibration. The Universe functions like a well-oiled machine, and its enormous size presents no problems as it all answers to the Laws of the Creator. When you have achieved full consciousness such matters will be understood by you, but for the time being it is asking too much of your finite minds. As you learn more it will be tantalizing to find that you still have so many more questions to ask. All comes in good time, and you are limited at present because you mainly think in terms of linear time. Once in the “now” you will soon adjust to going wherever you want through the power of thought.

As you are beginning to understand, Ascension brings to you a totally new way of life. One that takes away the need for all of the chores that now takes up so much of your time. The necessity of work as you term it will no longer apply as it will be unnecessary, your needs being obtained through own power of creation. Such freedom is something you have not experienced upon Earth, and could not have expected with all of the restrictions placed upon you. Your time is rarely your own to use as you wish, and you have little opportunity to search for the meaning of life. It is important that you can set aside those moments of peace and tranquility, and enter those levels of higher consciousness that link with your Higher Self.

In all of the circumstances you have done so well to ride out the storms, and still stand firm in your Light. That shows strength of character and an understanding of your purpose of life. An ability to stay focused and thus ward off any attempt to divert your attention to lesser matters. There is no need to get involved in the chaotic conditions around you, except that you help those who are the victims of them. Certainly there are many opportunities to show the compassionate side of your nature, and by sharing with those who are worse off, you are expressing your love for all life. A kind deed is attracting more Light, so that you also benefit from such acts of kindness. Life is continually presenting you with such opportunities, and this is why spiritual progress can be made more quickly upon Earth.

Awakening to the truth can be a shock to some of you, who have accepted political leaders as ones who are sincere and have your interests at heart. Regrettably, the majority are self-serving, and have followed the edicts of the powerful families that really rule your world. It is this cartel that has to be removed, and the Galactic Federation working with our allies is progressing with their plan to do so. Our advantage is that we know what is planned, against those who are working to release you from the dark forces. They can therefore carry out their responsibilities knowing that we are protecting them.

Sit back and take note of what is happening, and you may see a pattern emerging that indicates the progress made towards achieving some of the changes that are imminent. The evidence of past misdeeds and the covert actions against Humankind cannot be hidden much longer, and their perpetrators will be revealed. History is in the making, and this cycle of duality will end with a beautiful upliftment into the Light of the higher dimensions. It is as planned, and will ensure that every soul will have the opportunity to choose to ascend.

Dear Ones we feel your needs as you search for some way out of the darkness, and also your welcoming thoughts in anticipation of our coming to Earth. We will not let you down, but allow for our knowledge to determine when the circumstances are best for our arrival. The announcement of our existence will be made of necessity to draw all nations together. It is important that each one understands that we will come for the benefit of all people, and will not favor one over another. Our mission may start with the major powers, but decisions made will be applied to all of you. Bringing you together will eliminate possible objections to us, as it will be acknowledged that we are approaching you with a view to bringing peace to your world.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius and bring you the blessings of so many of your friends. You are so much more connected with us than you can imagine, and in time the full extent of our links with you will be made known. We are no strangers to you and have worked with you on many occasions. This time it will bring us back together in a loving relationship between old friends.

Thank you SaLuSa

Mike Quinsey.

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30 Kasım 2009 Pazartesi

Uriel's Message -- Celebrate Yourself

Uriel's Message -- Celebrate Yourself

Your human presence is a cause for celebration because it is the light of transformation for ascension, which is your contract with Source and the earth. You are the embodiment of the light and its manifestation in the third dimension. Your physical presence, lessons, learning and healing are all celebrations of the victory of the transformation and the continuation of ascension. This is the energy you must embody to allow the unfoldment of the ascension process across all aspects of the third dimensional energy.

Each of your emotions corresponds to a specific third dimensional energetic vibration whose presence is undergoing transformation. Your mastery journey includes the re-alignment of your emotional body with your divine blueprint so that you no longer carry the lower vibrating energies of fear-based emotions. When you feel angry, tired, powerless, unworthy or undeserving of the joy and love that are your birthright, you see your human aspect as a burden or punishment. Yet it is a blessing that can be celebrated.

Do you dislike your body, your life circumstances or your reality? Can you celebrate the presence of the energies you are transforming because together with your experience of them you also have the tools for transforming them into higher octaves of light? You can choose to stay in the energy of what you dislike or transform it into its higher vibration. Every energy has a higher vibration but you cannot access it if you are not aware that through your intention you set the vibration of your energetic experiences.

Be in the spirit of celebration at every moment for this is how you transform energy, shed light on the darkness, resolve energetic patterns of chaos and fear and move into the highest possible energetic experiences. Your choice to celebrate or to be in mourning for what you believe is proof of your disconnection from your Source and inner divinity. But you are achieving great things and becoming masters of this dimension, allowing transformation through your experiences and intention to transform them. Celebrate yourself and every aspect of your reality as you set your intention for transformation and mastery as you bring peace, love and joy to your dimension whose ascension is unfolding with every moment.
Get the Cord Disconnect and Healing Meditation CD

Multi-Dimensional and Timeless - Uriel/Jennifer Hoffman

Multi-Dimensional and Timeless
Every lifetime we have centers around our reconnection purpose, which is about the healing we create to resolve our separation. Our multi-dimensional soul chooses the best realities and dimensions that will allow us to fulfill our healing purpose. These are represented by the people and situations we encounter in each lifetime and sometimes, we have several experiences in a single lifetime, all of them occurring simultaneously. This provides us multiple options to heal many different aspects of an energy so we create the most complete, thorough healing process.

Our awareness of life is limited to what we can know through our third dimensional senses, which is whatever is right in front of us at any moment. However, as our raised vibrations expand our awareness, we have access to many other potential realities, all of which participate in our healing. And by becoming aware of the presence of these timelines, we can also become aware of the solutions they provide. Each one represents an aspect of an energy that we must connect with to transform it. We can do this individually or encompass several in a single healing process.

From the ego's perspective, every problem or dilemma has a solution that comes from our past experience. But we can also tap into other dimensions to find solutions that the ego cannot imagine. We do this when we ask our angels and guides for their help. They are aware of a multitude of solutions because they can connect with all of our soul's aspects, besides the one that resides in the third dimension.

One of our ascension challenges is to expand our awareness of ourselves as multi-dimensional, timeless and "super natural" beings and then use that new awareness as we create new realities and access new potentials. We know that we have access to dimensions beyond the third but can we also know that we have aspects of ourselves that are already part of those dimensions? This week, consider a problem or challenge that you are facing and ask for a different solution. Be willing to accept multi-dimensional solutions that go beyond anything you can imagine for yourself. Then be willing to take a risk and allow healing to happen so your path to connection is complete.

Read the December article. You can read the Frog and Scorpion fable in last month's message by clicking here.

The Uriel Heals Enlightening Life radio show
There was no radio show last week but I have posted some comments on YouTube, click here to watch. The next Uriel Heals Enlightening Life radio show will be Wednesday, December 2 at 8PM Central time on Blog Talk Radio. We will discuss the newsletter and readings are available to callers in the second half of the show. Call in at 718-664-6504 . Click
here for show details and to download or listen to previous shows.

22 Kasım 2009 Pazar

Message from Archangel Michael LM-11-2009

Message from Archangel Michael

Transmitted Through Ronna Herman

Beloved masters, it is important for you to remember that "service" is an integral part of the ascension process. Many of you came to Earth from far-distant Star Systems as cosmic messengers. Time and time again, you have been bearers of truth and cosmic wisdom; however, the task you agreed to for this lifetime is more important than any other you have ever experienced since you came into your individualized consciousness as an aware Spark of Divinity. Much of what you are learning as you traverse the path of ascension is a remembrance of what you already have experienced. We have stressed the fact that what we are asking of you, you have done many times before, so that it will not seem so unattainable. That is why so much of the history and the details of the past we relay to you seem so familiar.

You now have greater and greater amounts of Cosmic Life Force Energy available to you; however, you are responsible for how you utilize that energy. You must stay firmly grounded upon the Earth as you reach higher and higher into the refined dimensions of expression, and it is of vast importance to your physical well-being that you learn to balance and harmonize your energetic grid system (called your auric field or Adam/Eve Kadmon perfected body of Light). You may draw forth as much of the Essence of Divinity as you can hold; however, after integrating that which you need personally, you must radiate forth the remainder out into the world of form. You cannot hoard God Light, dear ones; it is meant to be used and shared for the benefit of all.

Please be aware that there is limited access to the power and magical transformative properties of the Violet Flame within the push/pull duality of the third- / lower fourth-dimensional environment. However, when you attain a level of harmonious vibrational patterns that attune you to the mid-fourth dimension, you gain access to the Divine alchemy of the Violet Flame, and you also have the ability to draw forth the transforming Adamantine Particles of Creator Consciousness. While existing within the lower dimensions of limitation and chaos, it is almost impossible to consistently radiate unconditional love from your heart center. As you have learned, the Creator Particles of life must be activated via your altruistic, loving intention. Be aware, beloveds, that at each higher level of God Light you attain, the power of the Violet Flame and the quantity of White Fire Particles of Creation increase exponentially.

There are two streams of collective-consciousness thought forms surrounding the Earth at this time, instead of one swirling maelstrom of negative thought patterns that has, up until now, made up the aura of the Earth. The negative band of distorted energy is an accumulation of many thousands of years of fear, hate, self-serving interests and actions. It has created the shadow-side of the broad spectrum of Light and Shadow: the illusional world in which humanity has existed since the fall into what could be termed a semi-conscious state of awareness.

Most of humanity has been caught up and stuck in a third- / fourth-dimensional form of mind control throughout their many lifetimes, for they have been ensnared in the beliefs of their forefathers, both racial, political, cultural and religious. Many dear souls have hardly ever had any original thoughts of their own. The negative mass consciousness belief system is all about doom and gloom, unworthiness, strict rules and dogma that discourages original, independent thinking, which has kept everyone in a state of guilt, fear and inertia. This has been called the "Herd State," wherein everyone looked to their religious and ruling leaders to tell them what to do, think and be.

Every great religion began with inspired teachings from a great Master who was given specific wisdom teachings to impart to humanity. They were Over-Lighted by and under the direction of our Father/Mother God, and during their lifetime the concepts were adhered to and remained pure. However, upon the transition of the Master, over time, the teachings became distorted and were changed to suit the selfish interests of those in charge. They veered from the inspired truth and wisdom teachings, which were designed for the particular era to assist the masses in developing a personal relationship with our Father/Mother God as they strove to attain a certain level of Self-mastery and en-Lighten-ment.

We have said before, "You are very brave to step outside of the popular belief system, the collective consciousness of humanity, which has been a prison of sorts for so long." We know you have been criticized, scoffed at, ostracized, and maligned in this and many other lifetimes, beloveds. However, we wish you to know that even though you may presently be in a minority, your numbers are growing by leaps and bounds. Many of what has been called "New Age concepts" are filtering into the minds and conversations of the masses, and the belief in angels and interaction with the Beings of Light from the higher realms is no longer totally discounted as it has been in the past.

The good news is that there is a new band of higher frequency emotional patterns and thought forms circling the Earth above the negative band. This band of energy is filled with Light, hope and a strong desire for self-expression and mastery. Gradually, the Crystalline Grid System is encompassing the Earth, and the Creator-Consciousness Band of Light is growing stronger every day as more and more of you access the Cities of Light and become conveyers of the Adamantine Particles of Creation. The masses are beginning to question their leaders and are holding them accountable for their actions. More and more people are beginning to question the dogmatic rules and restrictions of organized religion and are seeking their own higher truth by alternative means.

We understand that a great majority of earthly Souls are in the throes of pain, suffering and uncertainty. Unfortunately, those who are caught up in the collective consciousness belief system do not learn the lessons of turbulent times. They do not understand that the painful situations they are experiencing have been created by excessive and imbalanced thoughts and actions. The Karmic laws of cause and effect are returning to the "senders" that which has been created much more quickly than in the past, so that it can be rectified and re-qualified. For every Soul on Earth at this time, the most important life task is to strive to return to balance and harmony within both the inner and outer worlds of existence.

Those of you who agreed to come into physical incarnation at this particular time brought with you the major lessons or imbalances in your physical/mental/emotional bodies that needed to be harmonized so that you could begin to work compatibly with your Soul or Higher Self. You have come into this lifetime to balance your masculine and feminine natures: using the Divine will, power and authority of the Father Creator, but also to integrate the love/wisdom, compassion, nurturing, creative aspects of the Mother Creator. You came to experience the Earth and being fully in the physical body, while integrating Spirit into your physical Being and consciousness. You are here to balance knowledge and communications; to learn through intuition what your own truths are and to live those truths as an example for others; to learn the balance of communication skills, when to speak and when to hold your silence; to be non-judgmental, learning that each person is on their own individual path and have their own lessons to learn.

For those of you who have listened to the whisperings of Spirit and who have stepped onto the path of En-Lighten-ment, it is time for each of you to remember that the Earth is not your home; you are on assignment here. You are from far-distant star systems and galaxies and possibly even other universes. It is time for you and the many faithful warriors of Peace/Light to know how magnificent you are, and how brave you were to answer the clarion call to descend into the density of this earthly experiment. The events in your galaxy, solar system and on Earth are quickly moving forward and great change is in the offing. Therefore, it is important that you focus on what is right in your world and not get caught up in all the negativity and fear that is spewing out into the ethers. Remember, you give energy to that on which you focus your attention.

It is time for you to step fully into Self-mastery and reclaim your Divine Birthright. What would you like to become? What would you like to do? You have the ability to become or create anything you can envision, as long as it is in harmony with your Divine Blueprint. You have wondrous Light packets of information stored within your Sacred Mind, just waiting to be called forth. As you build and perfect your Pyramid of Light in the Fifth Dimension, you will find that your creations will manifest more and more quickly. Teaching by example is one of the most effective ways to show others how to become masters of their own destiny. Always ask for the highest outcome and for the good of all—you will not be led astray. We know it is not easy to step out of your comfort zone, for you have allowed others to make you doubt yourself and your abilities. We ask you to be a brave example to those around you, those who are stuck in cultural beliefs and limitations of the collective consciousness of humanity.

Each of you has experienced life many times in either a male or a female body. You have also experienced the physical vessel in a great variety of races, forms and cultures. Beloveds, when you judge others, you are really only judging yourself, for you have experienced most all of the many facets of earthly existence. It is a great privilege to be allowed to incarnate on Earth, and there has always been a list of millions upon millions of Souls waiting to experience the physical reality that the Earth has to offer. You are no exception, for you were anxious to experience earthly creation in as many ways and expressions as possible. Therefore, as the veil of illusion is gradually lifted, you will develop great understanding and compassion for those who are stuck in the pain and suffering of the Third- / Fourth-Dimensional distorted reality. We are asking you to become a brave example for those around you. As you dare to step out and claim your mastery, others will follow your example.

Many of you are experiencing a Divine discontent, as well as dramatic life changes at this time. Things that used to bring you pleasure no longer satisfy, and you may have lost any common interest with many of your friends. This is because your Soul-Self is nudging you to move forward, to expand your vision and to take control of your destiny. You must let go of preconceived ideas about the structure of your life. You must let go of beliefs that keep you stuck in a "binding" set of structural boundaries. "Letting go" gives you the power to expand your consciousness and your picture of reality. The higher your vibrational patterns become, the more fluid the time/space continuum, or the sequence and timing of events become. Structures become habits which bind you to the illusion of the Third/Fourth Dimensions. Do not become attached to the "structured life" you have created. It is important that you are willing to change your life to include new concepts as you expand your vision and awareness of the potential of the future. Never forget, you are cocreators, either of pain, suffering and limitation, or of love, joy peace and abundance. The choice is yours.

It is not by coincidence that so many brave souls chose the Seventh Ray of Transformation as their Soul Ray for this lifetime. See this blessed Sacred Fire blazing up and around you and radiating out in ever-widening circles as you join others in helping to lift the consciousness of humanity back into the frequencies of Love/Light. Remember, during these times when the evolution of the Earth and humanity are being accelerated, you can make a difference. We are aware that many of you are disturbed by all the negativity and injustice around you. However, deep within, you know that the great changes taking place will eventually be for the betterment of all. Be assured that you can be an instrument for change. Allow us to send forth the love of our Father/Mother God to and through you, filling you to overflowing. Dear ones, your radiance and Love/Light, added to that of other Light Warriors, will assist humanity and the Earth to move gracefully into the wondrous New Age of tomorrow. Know that you are dearly loved and you are under my protection.


20 Kasım 2009 Cuma

Grid Visioning : New Moon Monday

New Moon

Planetary Grid Transmissions

Monday, November 16

water consciousness

Visioning Intention

~ Shifting into Higher Dimensional Earth ~

The Crystalline Grid is a Unified Field of Source Consciousness weaving together and fully merging "As the Mantle of Spirit".

This New Moon on the Grid, we inspire collective visioning. Our intent is to create and maintain a higher energetic plane which draws, much like a vacuum, all UP within Itself. The outcome is not predetermined, but allowed to be drawn from Divine Will.

We join in Unified Field as pure and surrendered channels of Universal Consciousness. As we connect into the prismatic diamond grid matrix of crystalline light, we radiate horizontally from the still, center point of our awareness to all of the Earth. As above, so below and through horizontal merkavic access*, we further create and strengthen the dynamic of energetically lifting all into the higher dimensional Earth.

As a prismatic rainbow bridge of information and communication transfer, we make connection horizontally, vertically and spherically while infusing and encircling the entire Earth plane.

"Merkavic access", may be explained as the action of the Divine Merkaba containing both a vertical and horizontal communication. It relates to the spinning of the horizontal axis/plane which draws the Unified Consciousness of matter and antimatter into Center/Zero Point from above, below and within. It communicates through the continuous layer of ethers, the energy, vibrations and frequencies to All.

As Love.

18 Kasım 2009 Çarşamba

Aligning the Trinity - This has nice energies to work with

November 19, 2009 Aligning the Trinity 4 teleclass series
8PM US Central time Online teleclass $35 each/$99 for the series
Sign up now and receive a FREE 30 minute reading*

In the Aligning the Trinity series of teleseminars we will focus on aligning the body, mind, emotions and spirit with our soul purpose of ascending into the miracle vibration. Each class provides information on an aspect of our earth presence that is important to the fulfillment of our divine mission. When they work together we walk in enlightened purpose and joy. When they are separated, we walk in chaos and fear.

In each class we will discuss the aspect, its function in our karmic and ascension journey, its strengths and weaknesses, how to put it into alignment with our purpose, how illness and dis-ease manifest, what we can do to heal its separated aspects. We will do clearing exercises to help you bring yourself into alignment in all areas of your being.

Registration and details are available on the website, click here. Each class is one hour, there are four classs, dates are Nov. 19, Dec. 3, 10 and 17, 2009. You will receive a study guide by email a few days prior to each class. All classes will be recorded and you do not have to be on the call to have access the recording.
* Only available to those who purchase the 4 classes. Your reading must be completed by Dec. 17, 2009
Select your date and time by clicking here, ignore the paypal button on the second page. You must have paid for the classes before scheduling a reading.

13 Kasım 2009 Cuma

Advanced Lightbody Activations

Advanced Lightbody Activations

Never before has humanity been ready for this transition to seek the higher dimensions of reality. You have but to seek the light inside yourselves to understand your divinity and God-given right to achieve the higher realms of Ascension and evolution! This is no small task, but through devoted diligence, learning your spiritual lessons and tests, and living as examples to your Brothers and Sisters of God, you shall become teachers, leaders and Integrated Spiritual Masters in this lifetime! We give forth this wisdom from God as we, the Ascended Masters, are examples ourselves and are still growing and achieving the higher levels of Ascension. This process is not complete in your physical lifetimes on Earth. It continues to evolve into the higher realms of existence. We are honored to give you this wisdom and knowledge from God and pledge our devotion and service to humanity to help you achieve these goals of constructing your Integrated Light Body!
Ascension is now a higher process of integration and balance in all aspects of the physical/earthly plane, psychological development, mental attunement, emotional even-mindedness, and living in Spiritual/Christ/Buddha/God consciousness! The achievement of your higher light bodies can be attained by each and every one of you through the right use of your will and personal power.

The Light Bodies :

1. PHYSICAL/ETHERIC BODY - The physical body is your base structure of light. This dense and wondrous body encases the light of God within. It is a compilation of an entire recipe consisting of DNA, RNA, electrons, neurons, atoms, cells, blood, tissue, intellect, consciousness and your divine blueprint as an individual.
The Etheric body is the body of protection for the physical body. It protects and holds the blueprint or grid work for the physical body. This body of light has a golden-white shimmering appearance with the grid lines for the physical body flowing through it. This grid work is the foundation for electrical and divine energy impulse transmission and reception for the physical body. This is a very intricate body of light and its purpose is not only for protection but also a transducer station for creative light emanation.

2. EMOTIONAL/ASTRAL BODY - This body of light holds and manifests all emotional attributes. Thoughtforms created by our minds emanate through the emotional body. The emotional body decides through the intellect and our free will what action or re-action will occur. If we are continually living in our Spiritual/Christ/Buddha/God consciousness, our emotional body will act and re-act in the way our consciousness dictates. It is only when one's negative ego/fear-based / separative consciousness is allowed to dominate, that one's emotional state will become negative and destructive to one's emotional consciousness. The emotional consciousness of a being can certainly affect the physical body in terms of physical illness, physical performance, depression, and a multitude of other conditions. All thoughtforms that are created, emanate through the chakra and meridian system of the body and cause a ripple effect throughout all light bodies.

3. MENTAL BODY - The mental body expands into infinitude! The latitude of space the mental body has to work within has no boundaries. The mental body is the source of all mental thoughts created by the central mind, your brain, the source of thought consciousness for your being. The mental thoughts one can produce is only restricted by one's mind or negative ego/fear-based/separative thinking! So, imagine the multitude of thoughts one can produce! It is mind boggling to imagine the infinite process of the mental body! The mental body holds the highest vibratory rate in the lower base structure of light bodies. Your mental vibration creates thoughts, which are transmitted through the chakra system creating an action or re-action to your mental consciousness at that moment. You are in control of your thought-creating ability and you are in control of mastering Spiritual/Christ/Buddha/God consciousness with every level of light body! The mental body's appearance in the aura is the color of red or ruby of the lightest hue. The mental body's vibration takes your thoughts and transmits them through all other light bodies and into the Universe where they are manifested.

4. BUDDHIC/CAUSAL BODY - The Buddhic/Causal Light Body is known as the "Spiritual Body." This body is used and developed with the specific path of developing your soul on every level. This Spiritual Body has a multitude of experiences it uses in service to God and humanity. This Spiritual Body is used in soul travel for the purposes of serving God and also to acquire higher knowledge on the inner plane. This body is used to go to Spiritual School at night while you are sleeping. Most people are not consciously aware that we soul travel at night to gain the higher knowledge and wisdom of God. The use of this Spiritual Body to its highest potential would be ultimately characterized by living and maintaining Spiritual/Christ/Buddha/God consciousness. Your Spiritual Body is paramount in learning of spiritual ascension. Your Spiritual Body maintains its balance throughout your light body structure through your thought process mainly derived from your perspective of spiritual consciousness. You must become diligent and devoted to achieving purity in the spiritual part of your consciousness in the same way that you integrate and balance the psychological and physical/earthly aspects of your being.

5. ATMIC BODY - The Atmic Body of Light is one of higher intellect and protection for all the other light bodies beneath it. It is not to be confused with your Merkabah, which holds similar qualities. The Atmic Body's appearance in your aura is one of transparent luminescence with an overall color of gold. There are varying degrees and shades of gold as there are with all colors. The purpose of this light body in your overall light body structure is one of protection, reception and transmission of light and energy. Through the intellect of this Atmic Body, it is determined at what vibration and force you can handle light, energy and higher wisdom descending from God to your physical body and consciousness. It is through the semi-permeable construction of the Atmic Body that you are able to transmit your conscious thoughts into the Universe where manifestation occurs. Through every stage of light body, it is your level of consciousness that creates a balance or imbalance causing a ripple effect throughout the light body system. This a good time to remember the words of Master Jesus, "Your Thoughts Are Things and As You Think - So You

6. MONADIC BODY - The Monadic Body of Light is a very powerful body. Its function within your light body system is one of a directional force. By this I mean its force and power are always directed to the higher realms of the Godhead. This Monadic Body takes the energy and thoughtforms of the other layers of light body beneath it and sends this energy in the direction of God. The color of the Monadic Body is of a luminescent silver and blue, with tints of violet. The Monadic Body is very intelligent in its actions and takes its direct command from God. This body of light helps facilitate the energy and thoughts you are transmitting out into the Universe. The Monadic body is instrumental in aligning itself with the higher energy and light of God and is set up as a receiving station for this energy and love. It also acts as a Big Brother or Big Sister to your Higher Self. What is meant by this? You all know Big Brothers and Big Sisters historically try to protect and teach their younger siblings and this is what the Monadic Body does. It tries to protect and teach its younger or lower bodies of light beneath its level. As light bodies are achieved to the higher levels, their potential and responsibility are greatly increased with each stage and level. The Monadic Body has a somewhat different structure in as much as God gives a different recipe to each individual's Monadic Body depending on the stage and level the initiate has achieved and to what degree within that initiation. The best way to explain this is to picture a pot of boiling water. There are varying degrees of boiling. You can have a subtle small rolling boil or you can have a fierce strong boiling over the pot boil! This is a good analogy to show you the varying degrees to which a lightworker will achieve a level of light body. You have achieved that level, but each initiate will have achieved that level to a different degree.

7. LOGOIC BODY - The Logoic Body is associated with your Higher Self and Monad. At this stage and level your soul has fully merged with your Higher Self and Monad. You have reached your seventh level of initiation in the Ascension process. Your Higher Self is directly connected to your Monad or Mighty I AM Presence, and has become your new teacher. The Logoic Body has an appearance in your aura as one of violet and luminescent seafoam green of the lightest hues. This body of light helps with the direct energy and teachings of God to all layers of light body within your system. There are all kinds of lessons directed to each different layer of light body. You all know this to be true. Some have emotional lessons, some mental lessons, and so on. You can see the direct correlation of lessons to different and separate layers of light body. God in His infinite wisdom gives us lessons to help and strengthen all layers of our light body system. This helps with our growth and development and keeps our light bodies and structure growing in a balanced and integrated way. I am sure not many people have ever thought of it in this way before, but God never leaves a step out! At the stage of the Logoic Body, you are attuned to a higher level of vibration and energy. Your consciousness in all areas of your light body system should be more balanced and positive. There are still lessons to learn, however, usually at this stage you have come to realize the importance of keeping an approach of even-mindedness through the lessons using your Higher Self and Monad as your guide without hesitation.


Saturday November 14 at 3:30pm EST
Cost $ 25.00
you can register here

Prepare for the NEW WORLD

Prepare for the NEW WORLD

These new set of Codes will be used by you when you move into the NEW EARTH. They will be inserted into you at this time so the transition of going into the NEW WORLD will be done with ease and grace. As the NEW WORLD will mean a lot of changes, we can do a lot to prepare ourselves for that. This set of codings will do just that.

They will assist in this world as well, but will be fully active once we move into the NEW WORLD.
the energies we are in right now are still of a too low frequency to have them fully active, but even partially they can be of great assistance in the now.

These codes for the new world are a spiritual dispensation for all those who are choosing enlightenment. In the past, not just on earth, but through the eons of time in this universe and beyond, there has been great mastery and learning through many modalities and systems that
led one to spiritual enlightenment and ascension. Also during this great period of expansion and
learning, there were those who allowed the ways of "ego" to influence the blessed material
coming in to them and they altered it to meet their own needs, causing certain ideas and
concepts to be lost in the translation and the creation of new concepts and ideas that were not ofthe highest purity in the name of the divine to be added that served to feed the "ego".

These new codes below will restore the master codes previously stored in your archives of
learning and knowledge to its utmost purity and divinity, as the Creator intended it, prior to anyalteration or manipulation. It will benefit individuals greatly to embrace all of these, for we haveall been different beings at different times and have studied these modalities at one time oranother throughout our evolution in the quest for enlightenment and to know the "GOD" within.
By accepting these codes, it will re-write the history of "you" in any and all stages of your
evolution and thus greatly accelerate the "you" on your path to enlightenment in this lifetime. Byaccepting these scrolls of light with these new codings, you will become a beacon of "truth" to
assist in the anchoring of this next Golden Age of Enlightenment. We commend you on your
choice to shine!

Listing of the Codes for the New World

1. Abundance Codes
2. Anasazi Codes
3. Angelic Codes
4. Apollo Codes
5. Ark of the Covenant Codes
6. Ascension Codes
7. Astrological Codes
8. Athena Codes
9. Buddha Codes
10. Camelot Codes
11. Central Sun Codes
12. Christ Codes
13. Communication Codes
14. Compassion Codes
15. Creation Codes
16. Divine Father Codes
17. Divine Mother Codes
18. DNA/RNA Codes
19. Dragon Codes
20. Druid Codes
21. Egyptian Codes
22. Elohim Codes
23. Enochian Codes
24. Excalibur Codes
25. Feng Shui Codes
26. Gaia Codes
27. Galactic Codes
28. God Codes
29. Greek God Codes
30. Holy Grail Codes
31. Holy Spirit Shekinah Codes
32. Immortality Codes
33. Isis Codes
34. Kumara Codes
35. Leadership Codes
36. Mahatma Codes
37. Master Healing Codes
38. Melchizedek Codes
39. Merlin Codes
40. Metatron Codes
41. Numerology Codes
42. Omniverse Codes
43. Osiris Codes
44. Resurrection Codes
45. Sandalphon Codes
46. Shamballa Codes
47. Sirian Codes
48. Solar Codes
49. Thor Codes
50. Tree of Life Codes
51. Universal Codes
52. Violet Fire Codes
53. Void Codes
54. White Universe Codes
55. Wind God Codes
56. YHWH Codes

Friday November 13 at 9:00pm EST
Cost $ 15.00
you can register here

Thirteenth Ray of Solar Service - Antares

Thirteenth Ray of Solar Service - Antares
We will travel to Antares, which holds the energy signature of the thirteenth ray of Solar Service through the Antarian Co-Creative Council of Twelve. With the assistance of your Antarian Higher Self of the Light, the archetypes related to thirteenth ray of Solar Service, and overlighted by Helios and Vesta, and Archangels Raphael, Gabriel and Sandalphon, you find the symbols related to this ray, that of the pyramid, magical circle and sandals. Following this, you will embody the magical images, those of a young woman, crowned and veiled, a beautiful, strong, naked man, a majestic king, a child, and a sacrificed god. You will then be taken to the Ascension Seat on Antares, where you will merge with the archetypes related to this ray as well as your Antarian Higher Self of the Light. You will activate your solar axiatonal lines and merge with your fourth dimensional selves, experiencing unification with all life in this solar system.

Sunday November 15 at 9:30pm EST
COST $ 20
Register here

9 Kasım 2009 Pazartesi

11-11-11 Jennifer Hoffman and Uriel's Message -- Be Peace in Action


This week introduces a new milestone for humanity, a powerful day with a powerful date. On November 11, the date will be 11-11-11, which combines 11, the number of the initiate, with 33, the master teacher. 33 is the sum of the master numbers 11 and 22, giving them new definition and the opportunity to express their energies at a higher level. So the question for us this week is how can we express our energies at a higher level and embody our mastery in our life at this moment?

This date is a reminder to us that we are the unfulfilled potential of our mastery and we have to express its energy for it to have a presence in our life. Until we own and use the energy that is available to us, it is just energy waiting for someone to claim it. How much unclaimed and unused energy is in your life? This is the week to start considering the untapped and unused potential that is within you, waiting for expression. What can you do to take action and claim your mastery?

At this stage of our journey, when we have done so much clearing after eons of being led by karma, we easily fall into the mode of waiting for someone to tell us what to do next. But as masters we get to choose what "next" is. We have the support of the Universe but it is not going to tell us what to do. We can create whatever we want, it is up to us to decide what that is going to be. And that is where we get stuck, wondering how we can be masters as we look back on every place where we stumbled, were afraid, despaired, felt powerless and let our power slip through our fingers.

Mastery is not about doing everything at the right moment, it is about taking action with faith and trust, having confidence in our power and knowing that there is a limitless pool of potential waiting to take form at our command. The only thing we have to figure out is what we want. So use the energy of this week to step into your mastery. Use this powerful day to expand your awareness beyond the human and into the spiritual. What is the greatest, most wonderful thing you can imagine for your life? That is your heart's desire, so set your intention for it and use your power to make it happen for you.
Spiritual attunements illuminate your path...

Uriel's Message -- Be Peace in Action

Your journey of mastery is a search for peace, the calm in the storm that is the energy of the third dimension. You seek peace in this storm and wonder why you cannot find it. There is no peace to be found on earth for peace is a gift from Source, the light that gives form to the darkness. This peace resides within you as your connection to Home, to Source, to your inner center of light that is within each of you. You are peace in action when you connect to this center and bring peace to the earth.

When you give unconditional love you are giving the gift of peace, which is the still voice within reminding you of your mission as Lightworkers and heralds of the new earth. You believe you have come to earth to find peace, to find the support and connection you believe is necessary for you to complete your work here. But your mission was to bring peace, which is bringing heaven on earth. You will not find it outside of yourself and cannot create it unless you manifest it from within. The peace you seek is within you, centered in your light.

The earth has no peace to give you for that is not its mission. Within every mountain there is a volcano, every cloud contains a storm, rains create floods and the sun both warms and burns. Peace transforms these energies into their higher octaves and the earth waits for you to extend the gift of peace you hold for its transformation. When you love yourself you create peace in your life. When you love others you open them to the peace that they have forgotten exists in the Universe because they cannot find it on earth. The third dimension is not a peaceful place, it is a storm of emotions and energies that know polarity and seek balance. It is not possible for peace to exist on earth without your help.

Within your divine center you have peace, knowledge, wisdom and understanding. It is your voice of guidance that steers you from karma and the pain of your emotions to stillness. And within the stillness is peace. This is what you radiate to the earth as you remember your mission to create peace on earth, to be emissaries of peace and divine love. Do not look for peace on earth, be peace in action and give the earth your gift of peace. You are the conduit for the energies of peace and love for the earth. Let them flow through you so the earth can receive what it needs for its ascension and to establish the template for the energies of heaven on earth.

6 Kasım 2009 Cuma

ASHTAR TELECONFERENCE 3 NOVEMBER 2009 - Ashtar St Germain Kuan Yin


Well, good evening everyone! It is so delightful to be here. Ah-Aloha! They did it.
Never had we any doubt, but we must recognize, and we do, the fact that this was quite a mission, quite a move, a transition, change, whole new lifestyle, new missions and oh busy, busy, busy. We have so many exciting, exciting moments ahead. Oh yes, they’ll have some time to rest too. You cannot be in a place like this without being inspired to just be very mellow and be very joyful. For those of you who live in places where it is a bit dark in the world now, hang on, we are here, and we will be able to make the adjustment in the world’s weather that we have promised. And they are coming very soon.

As a matter of fact you may be aware of the fact that there is a weather station, well it has been used not entirely as a weather station in the past, but it will be, it’s pretty much neutralized now, and its next life will be as one of the monitoring, shall we say keeping everything on even keel, stations. It’s on top of the sacred mountain called Haleakala. And we will be helping from that point. The Kumaras will be there making sure that the world’s weather is a nice sunny 72 degrees or thereabouts everywhere in the world where people want it to be. This is going to bring alive the desert because they won't be cooking any more; they will be conducive to the growing of many crops.

The ground itself, the earth, that which you might call the sands of the desert will become fertile growing ground for all manner of wondrous fruits and vegetables and grains and what you call the sustenance of life, and cities will grow up in these places that are barren and they will be alive with joyful sounds of happy Lemurians living in the gardens of abundance and plenty for all. Communities will spring up where there have been no communities before, and those communities which have been somewhat crowded, will be able to spread out. People will be called, just as these ones were, to different parts of the world, for the experience, the expression of whatever they have passion for and just for the joy of living the Lemurian lifestyle. Now we have spoken of the Golden Age, we have spoken of the Aquarian Age. Well, those are nam es and lifestyles and they are all meaning the same, and because we have a focus here in this land of Lemuria, this part of Lemuria, this heart of Lemuria, we can also refer to it as the Lemurian lifestyle.

Now the Lemurians had technologies that far surpass most of what is in place on Planet Earth today because they had their own built in what you call replicators. They could create whatever it was they chose to create. They were highly evolved masters who came to Planet Earth, and it was a Garden of Eden as you call it, and it was plentiful and abundant and everyone was happy and dancing and singing. But as you know the volunteers brought about what you call the lowering of the veil because they had mission and purpose and it was not to have this high dimensional lifestyle forever and ever upon Planet Earth. It was the experience that brought you down in vibrations of being a spiritual being in a human body that was so dense that people often lost touch with who they really are. That is until they laid down their bodies and came back t o the other side of the veil. And these volunteers, well let’s just say they are you and you are they, Beloved Ones, because every single one of you has been Lemurian in the past and you have within your wondrous beings the soul memories, the soul of the soul memories, the heart memories of what it is to live this Lemurian lifestyle, this Golden Age. And if you are feeling down in the dumpies, not quite feeling that you are high vibe Lemurians, just be patient with yourselves and understand that you are in a process, you are on a path and the path is the Ascension high road. You maybe just have a little more experiencing to do, a little bit of a pothole in the road, as you call it. And that’s all it is. You are not buried in it, and you will not be buried in it. You can leap out of it, you know that guy in the cape? He can leap tall buildings in a single bound and so can you, and you can certainly leap up and out of a pothole. But it takes focus, it takes concentration, it takes, Beloved Ones, your heart and your wisdom self, and that which you call your higher self, and your inner child and all the wondrous parts of you that you are, all of your bodies and let’s not forget that wonderful part you call your ego. If you have your ego doing a little bit of a tap dance on you, then stop and give it a hug. Be grateful because your ego often times sounds an alarm for you. It often illuminates where you are, and helps you to see with more clarity exactly where you are and then you can clearly point yourself in the direction of where you want to be, if you are not totally pleased with where you are.

And so we suggest to you that if you are feeling a little unclear, a little down in the dumpies, get with yourselves, and with the wondrous guides and angels that you have there for you and if you have not introduced yourself to your team, do it. You each have a marvelous team and because you are who you are Beloved Ones – Volunteers - who’ve been here many times, who have lived all of the different experiences you could possibly cram into a thousand or so lifetimes, you are ready and you have understanding. You have understanding of the experiences and the emotions that have come about, or shall we say, have guided you through these experiences, and so you have the love-based emotions, and you have the fear-based emotions. And you have all chosen, we’ve done some scanning you know we always show up a bit early, and while a ll of you were saying ‘hello’ and coming on to the call, we did a little scanning and we want to tell you each and every one of you is headed for Ascension. There’s no doubt about it. And you are all beaming, Beloved Ones.

You may not feel like a beamer at this moment, you may have a bit of a headache or a tummy ache or you may feel as though you’re down in the dumpies a bit, but you all have your beaming lights on and you all have your loving teams with you ready, ready to step in and connect, communicate and commune with you. So focus in that direction and know that all is in perfectly divine order in your kingdom. Don’t fight it. Don’t say yabbit, yabbit, yabbit. Say “OK I accept and allow that all is in divine order, now tell me what to do. Clarify, communicate with me and by the way, I can use a big hug. So let’s get into the communion state too. I want to be One with the All I AM and with all who are here to help and guide me along my way.” And you know that I, Ashtar, am always ready to discuss with you what it is, well we have a little technology to set up and get set up before the Voice can do those things [since the move to Maui], but you know what, try calling on me outside of this discussion and see what happens. And then if you want to, in a couple of weeks she will be back and able to do some discussions on the telephone from Lemuria. How about that!
Now we have many, many items to bring up tonight. So we are going to do a little bit of skimming over the top as it were. First of all, and you are hearing it here what you have already heard. Confirmed, confirmed, confirmed! Yes! We like to answer the question before you ask the question, but we know you are all asking the question, “Is this for real? Are we really on our way this time? Are you guys really going to get announced before the end of the year (as the calendar flows in your time)? What other questions do we have that we have just answered. Yes, we are looking at big, big changes in the entire financial structure of Planet Earth. They are already in progress. They are already in place. If you could see what we can see. There is a curtain, just imagine a curtain, you are looking at a stage and behind the curtain are all of the banking computers, practices, and oh, lets not forget the bazillions of dollars that are there in the form of gold, silver, platinum and other things that you regard as being valuable. Well they are. They do have value because they enable the shift that is happening. So if somebody calls you up and says “I’m afraid I am going to lose all my dollars in oh, you know, that bank, one of the banks that have been owned and controlled by the dark hats”, please do assure them their money is safe, their dollars will be replaced with dollars that are backed by these things we call the precious metals. It might get a little rough and bumpy and a little cash in a very secret hiding place, and we are not talking about under your mattress, but you know use your imagination, but a little bit of cash for a little bit of time, hmmm, no dat es of course, would not be a bad thing for transitional purposes. But you do not need to panic. You see the thing of it is, because you have given us permission we are here to partner with you, these changes while they may be sudden, while they may take a good part of the world by surprise, but not really because they’re that part of them that they’re not really in touch with now, knows and sees and has already accepted and called for the changes, facilitating Nesara to move forward, and Lady Liberty, hand in hand, and Lady Master Nada is right on top of the removals that have to be taken care of in order to make this seamless - well it’s going to be as close to seamless as we can possibly make it.

So you have been given some information tonight - treasure it. You have a rather unique place in your homes on your telephones that gives you access to this and if you are not buzzing with it, check it out, do your testing, or call upon your group, check it out, be sure that you ask for the highest of truths. Get out Excalibur if you want to and wave the blue, the Blue Ray of Truth, and start asking some questions and verify for yourselves and confirm and then look anyone in the eye who says, "Oh woe is me, the economy is in the dumpster and they are going to toss me with it," and say, “Let me tell you something, I have some good news for you. I am a Messenger of Truth, and Love and Peace." And then say whatever it is that you feel inclined to say. Intuition, Beloved Ones. That’s a great word. Intuition. F ollow your guidance, speak your truth. And if you have a question that you want some clarity on, we have just said it, we will say it again, get in touch. Because you need to be in assurance. You need to be standing tall and know that what you are projecting to the world is the very highest of truths. You are Lemurians, Beloved Ones. We are living Lemuria and we are here to stand tall for the world and to beam the lights of Truth and Love and Joy and Peace - Peace that passeth all understanding. It’s your gift to the world. You came here to be in expression of this truth, and no matter where you’ve been in this lifetime or others, no matter how rough you may feel your life is at this moment, remember, and remember that you are loved beyond words and you are never, ever alone. Ever. Be the Joy that you came here to be, and let others be upl ifted by your joy, by your love and by the truth and the peace that you project, and some excitement is perfectly appropriate because these are the most exciting times ever seen on Planet Earth. Planet Earth is accomplishing what it has never been able to do before and it is because of you, Beloved Ones, because you are here and our hearts are full in joy and love with you. And because this is such a happy, happy joyful time for Planet Earth, let’s have a little joy ride tonight, shall we? Now most of you have already been well-acquainted and oriented to your crystal elevators. But we will just start right at the beginning. This is going to be a very interesting exercise. So if you will just take some deep breaths.

And if you will just open your wisdom eye and see in front of you a beautiful crystal elevator. It sparkles and shines so much that you are immediately drawn to it and as you get close you will see upon it your name, right there. This is your own elevator. Each and every one of you have your own private one. So we invite you to come close and as you do the door opens automatically, you don’t even have to push any buttons. And you see inside how it sparkles and shines and you just want to come in. And it is such an inviting space so warm and so beautiful. You may feel a little cool breeze, you may feel a little warm. Just come on it. And feel the joy of being here. You may hear some beautiful music or see some glorious colors reflected from the walls and the ceiling and the floors which are all crystal. No need for any artificial lighting here, not even a candle here, it is so bright and beautiful.
So allow the door to close and just let yourself know how secure and safe you are in this wondrous elevator. Now the elevator knows where to go so you do not have to direct it but you may notice something. Whereas before the elevator normally goes up to access other dimensions, this time it seems to be going downward, and that is interesting, but remember there are other dimensions downward as well as upward, because they’re here, they’re there, they’re everywhere and wondrous beings, inhabitants of those dimensions you call the higher ones, but that’s just a numerical ordering.

And so allow yourself to go in your elevator and just be happy and joyful and kinda getting into a bit of a high vibe state, shall we say, even higher than when you entered the elevator. And now when you open the elevator, it’s a crystal tunnel and you are invited to walk through this tunnel. It’s very short, there is a lot of light at the end of the tunnel. But a door closes behind you which is most necessary, and as you reach the other end of a tunnel, a door opens, and you are in the sea. Precisely under the water of the sea. But you can breathe, and you can swim, and it is a most delightful world, and you can open your eyes, and it is a most vibrant sea and there are all manner of wondrous creatures there to greet you. And they are so delighted to see you, and you are delighted to see them, and you don’ t need your mask and your snorkel and your swim fins or any of that, you don’t need your wetsuit or your little yellow submarine. They invite you to come out into the waters which are the most beautiful shade of turquoise blue and all of the creatures there seem to have a special sparkle, and the colors are beautiful and they seem to be leading you to a very special place. It’s what you call an underground grotto. It’s kind of like an amphitheatre.

And you swim easily over the rocks that form the circle of the grotto and there is your welcoming committee. Your own special dolphin guides are there to greet you, and you can hear the wondrous music of the sea and the dolphins invite you to swim and to dance and even perhaps if you so desire to have a little bit of a ride on the back of one of them. And it is the most joyful reunion because you see the dolphins are family with you as well, and they welcome you because there was a time in that Lemuria long ago when you actually swam and danced with the dolphins quite freely, quite easily and you know them to be wondrous creatures, wondrous messengers and communicators. And they communicate with you and give you messages of Love and Joy and Peace on Earth for they know who they are as they always have known, and they have been on Planet Earth since the beginning . And yes, they have had some difficult times, but they bear witness and they have never ceased their great love for you, their love indeed just grows more and more each day, and that is why you can be close with them and commune with them, and understand them and tell them what it is that you want them to hear from you.
So just take a few moments. Blow some bubbles if you like, bubbles of joy, dance and sing and commune with these wondrous dolphin guides of yours, and be One with them in harmony, in love, and in joy of the moment. And if you have felt a pang of separation in the past, heal it, and so it is. Because now you know of your Oneness with these magnificent creatures, and through them your Oneness with the kingdom of the whales and indeed all of the creatures of the sea and with the elementals who inhabit the sea, the mermaids and the mermen and all of the other wondrous ones that you thought perhaps were imaginary or in a different world, that you have come to meet with them and to commune with them. So they are all here. So hugs and joy bubbles all over. Dance and sing an d celebrate this grand reunion, this return, this homecoming to that part of Lemuria which you have for the most part not accessed for eons of time. And be in joy and know that all you have to do to return to this magical kingdom beneath the sea, is return to your elevator, and so it is. Because you have been celebrated, your coming has been long awaited, and now when it is time to leave this magical place, you know how to get back any time you wish, and so you can assure this wondrous, wondrous family beneath the sea that you will return to dance, sing, love and hug and commune at any time that they call you or at any time that you choose to reach out to them.

And so as you dance your way back to that tunnel you see that the door is open and waiting for you, this wonderful tunnel of light, and you go through the door and there you are at the other end where the door opens just as the other one has closed behind you and there you are back at your elevator having had a wondrous adventure. And now you can come back in your elevator to the place where you began loving and savoring this time, this reunion. And thank yourselves, Beloved Ones, for having the courage, the heart and the love to come back to this part of Lemuria and to reactivate the energy of it within your entire beings, you can know it your heart and in your wisdom space. And return whenever you choose.

And so now as you come out of your elevators, just take some time and breathe and relax. This was an expansion for you, a reaching out to another place where you had not been for some time. So just expand with it and for those of you who have had the experience before of swimming with the dolphins know that this was a reunion of even bigger, bigger grandeur, because it solidified your relationships or shall we say reopened them, reenergized them with these wondrous kingdoms beneath the sea. And so come back at any time you choose. And I, Ashtar, thank you for joining in with this and for bringing your light and receiving the love of the kingdoms beneath the sea. And so now we have another speaker who is waiting for you, and so, Beloved Family, I shall say farewell in this moment. But remember that I, Ashtar, and the entire Ashtar Co mmand are with you always in loving service even as you are wondrous beings of love light in service to all of Planet Earth and indeed the universe beyond. And so it is. Salute.

St. Germain

Good evening. It is I, St Germain, and I come to congratulate you all. Well done, citizens of Planet Earth and indeed of the Universe. That which has been spoken of this evening is truth and there is more. You have co-created a marvelous canape of adventures and excitement, of wondrous historical times and of times not so joyful as you have indeed traveled upon Planet Earth and in other places. Your reward is NOW. Your return is NOW. We are speaking of your homecoming. We are speaking of your realization of this citizenship and the honoring of you for all that you have accomplished. You have enjoyed freedom the entire time though it may not seem so from your side of what little remains of the veil. You have all served as slaves, bound in some manner. You have all served in prisons. You have all suffered, been tortured and killed for your expressions, for your beliefs and for your cries for freedom, you have all been at some time or other what you might call Freedom Warriors. And if you think that those expressions were in vain, think again. Because of you, because of your efforts and your actions, you have kept the light of Freedom alive upon Planet Earth. Because you volunteered to be a Freedom Warrior, you are now a Peace Bringer to the planet. Lady Liberty stands ready to come fully upon the stage in all of her luminous glory and she does so with great joy and appreciation to all of you for what you have done.

Now I want to share with you a little bit more of the banking situation. As you all know I have had many lifetimes and identities upon Planet Earth and other places, but what is important now is that I set up this Trust when I could look through the centuries, because when you have an ascended status you see past, present and future all as one. And I could see that I needed to start what I called a Freedom Fund, a way to enable freedom for the citizens of Planet Earth so that they would be free to follow their paths of joy. You see, the Earth evolved in such a way that when Lemuria was in full bloom, there was no such thing as money, nor was there need of it. But there became in actual usage, various mediums of exchange, items that were valued. Salt is a good example, and we are talking about true salt, not what the chemists have given as salt. And you have access to tr ue salt today and it is rich for you. Gold - gold was much prized all over the planet. Not always as a medium of exchange, sometimes it is prized for its beauty and sometimes for its healing powers in a certain state, called the high-spin state, and so on. Gold has been prized upon this planet for a long time. It was the gold of certain ones, bankers and their families, to own all of the gold, and by doing so they felt certain they would own the planet.

So I started a fund. That fund is rich beyond what most of you can probably imagine, and thanks to the Kumaras of Venus and others from other places, we have brought in sufficient gold such that every man, woman and child upon the planet will have so much abundance that they will fast get to a place where they won’t need it any more. Imagine. Just imagine. We have talked about the desert blooming. The people will bloom and thrive and prosper.

Gold has healing capabilities as do other precious metals. We have technologies to utilize in the form in which they can help people to heal, in which they can energize the planet, power the planet if you will. And yes, they can be used to create beauty, and just to sparkle and shine. If you want to wear it, if you want to decorate with it, if you want to pave your streets with it, except that there won’t be much left in the way of streets, but rather walking paths. But you can decorate the streets with it anyway. Imagine unlimited gold and other precious items. Your bodies are changing to the crystalline bodies. Does that give you an idea of how precious your bodies are because you prize crystals as well as gold, and they are precious. And many people pay many dollars or gold to possess various crystals and here your body is becoming crystalline.
But there will be no need to weigh you and to say that your value is so much an ounce. Your bodies will be utilizing what you call the monatomic elements in the high-spin state, well let’s just get right down to it, that’s gold and other precious metals in a different state. You will have access to all of this and more. Because the truth of it is, it’s all here. Its like the bank computers behind that curtain that we spoke of. They are all there and they are all ready and it’s a matter of pushing a button and I, St. Germain, have my finger on that button at this moment. Lady Master Nada is leading off with the activities at The Hague. And we ask that you empower these activities in any way that you feel most comfortable doing. Many of you are familiar with the healing of Ho’oponopono – it’s very simple. Many of you are starting to get to your Q-tipping in the Q-tipping way. Q-tipping the Q-tipped areas and you know that you might have a little bit of anger or resentment toward those you call the dark hats or the Illuminati, or their leaving the stage. Long ago Ashtar spoke of the man just at the edge of the stage, back stage, with the hook, to take anyone off the stage that the audience was not appreciating, that is, did not appreciate the actions of the players upon the stage.

Lady Master Nada has that hook, it’s called a shepherd's hook, but just imagine that it’s big enough to corral all of the players who have insisted upon staying upon the stage, and they are being drawn off gently but firmly. And so as they go, we ask that you give them a final applause, a final burst of love beams, a final gratitude because you are so aware of the differences and the changes that are coming about as a result of the blatant way in which they have acted. The clarity that you have about their actions, to be without judgment but simply to allow them to leave the stage with the grace that you can extend. So take a moment to say, "Thank you. Your darkness has stunned me for life. I give my light to you if you choose to accept it, and I send you off without anger or hatred towards you. You played your par t, and indeed you have over-played your part, but all is well and divine and I stay where I am standing tall, a warrior for freedom, a peace-bringer to the planet, a loving being in full expression and beaming. You go your way, I AM on my path and you have not taken me from it. And I now see the way to Ascension quite clearly, and I thank myself for being here at this time and for being a recipient of the gold and all of the abundance that has been prepared for me during these centuries, these eons of time." And if you can do that, Beloved Ones, you are living the teachings that I, St Germain, the one you call Jeshua, Sananda, the Buddha and all of the others have brought to Planet Earth. So now get ready, you might wish to give a standing ovation to those who are leaving, and you might wish to leap for joy as the curtain is about to re-open on that which you call the Golden Age, the Age of Aquarius, Lemuria Living. Thank you, Belov ed Ones, for being with us in this great venture. It is you who have made it possible for the Bank of St. Germain to open in this grand time on Planet Earth.
And so it is. Namaste.

Kuan Yin

Beloved family it is I, Kuan Yin, and I come to add my words to that which has already been spoken. I ask for your Compassion for these ones who are leaving the stage. I ask that you remember that they too came in mission and even though their mission may have been hurtful, painful, and even a terrifying experience for you in many of your lives, you have prevailed, the sun shines bright, and so I simply say, Beloved Ones, forgive and express gratitude for these ones who are so over, done, on Planet Earth. Send them off with Love. They may not want to accept it. They have clung to their programs in defiance of all of the Love Light that you have been generating but you, Beloved Ones, are shining brighter and brighter, and some of them have indeed taken off the hats of the dark and are now shining with the lights of love. Bless them all and if it helps see them as little children even as I see all of you shining pure, I see your inner children and you are all so beautiful, Beloved Ones, and it is such joy to be here with you. We are here now, here on Planet Earth, walking hand in hand with you and joining heart to heart. So let us join together in heartfelt gratitude, love, forgiveness, from our compassionate hearts to reach out and to say farewell to these ones and let us say "hello" to Lady Liberty and Lady Nesara and yes, to the grand opening of the Bank of St. Germain, and to all of the Love and the Peace and the Abundance and the pure Joy that results. Thank you, Beloved Ones, for opening your hearts. We are One Always. And so it is. Namaste.

Many thanks to Deborah Urquhart for these timely notes.