The Harmonic Energy of 9-9-09 and the Activation of the Planetary Citys of Light.
ThePlanetary Cities of Light
The Tibetans and 5th dimensional masters have told us about the appearance of a great City of Light in these times. Some light workers refer to a planetary city of light as the "Shamballa" city energy manifesting in the physical.. In the Bible's Book of Revelation, John saw the descent of the "Holy City" coming from invisible realms of light. In Kaballah the ancient rabbis referred to the “heavenly cities of light.” Other spiritual prophecy foretells of the great Cities of Light that will make their physical emergence as the vibration of the planet has been raised.
Many people are now seeing, experiencing and receiving a greater deal of information on the Cities of Light . The Arcturians call these cities of light: Planetary Cities of Light. They contain blueprints for the New Earth structure. These Cities of Light already exist in their higher dimensional template. The Arcturians say that the Cities of Light will make their emergence in several locations of the world and all will be linked and operating as one. The “spirit” of planetary awareness is now uniting with the 5th dimension. These 5th dimensional energy patterns form the basis for the Planetary Cities of Light. They can come to activation in locations where typically “actual” cities exist on Earth. This is probably because these locations have been places of high energy since the beginning of time.
Now the Group of Forty project has the opportunity to activate manyPlanetary Cities of Light!
To accomplish this we are coming together on 9/9/9 at Mt. Shasta. We will be consciously linking into the Arcturian Etheric Crystals and the Mt. Shasta Grid to align more deeply with the 5th dimensional 9/9/9 harmonic that represents the New Earth frequency. We will use this harmonic energy at Mt. Shasta to activate many Planetary Cities of Light in this workshop.
15th Annual Arcturian Workshop
The Harmonic Energy of 9-9-09 and the Activation of the Planetary Citys of Light.
to be held at Mt. Shasta, CA
Tuesday, Sept 8-Wednesday Sept. 9th, 2009
When: Sept 8, 2009- Sept 9 2009 Tues. and Wed. 9:00 A.M.- 5:30P.M
Where: Best Western Motor Inn at Mt. Shasta, CA 1-800-545-7164 Cost : $200.00
Presenters include: David Miller, author/ channel
Gudrun Miller, visionary artist,
Linda Wurts, Health Educator in Yoga & Ayurveda,LCe 8-8-8 Harmonic Doorway
David has been a student and channel of mysticism for over 18 years. He works with the energies of the Arcturians, Kaballah, the ascension, shamanism and higher dimensional forces. David a coordinates a world wide meditation group know as the Group of Forty which has over 1000 members. David works with spiritual masters, such as Juliano, Sananda, Vywamus, the Arcturians, the healing energies of the Archangels and a fifth dimensional Native American guide known as Chief White Eagle . He has published numerous metaphysical articles from these masters. His published books include: Connecting with the Arcturians and Teachings from the Sacred Triangle volume one and volume two and three. His new book Spiritual Technology for the New 5th Dimensional Earth will be coming out in 2009 and will be published by Light Technolgy.
This channled workshop will be an opportunity to explore: yUsing New 5th Dimensional Spiritual Technology to accelerate a worldwide harmonic Energy. The harmonic energy of 9-9-9 will be used to activate the Citys of Light on the Earth
This workshop will also help participants bring their lives into spiritual harmony and flow with the 9-9-9- energies. New spiritual technologies will be explored focusing on the Arcturian energy and the energy of the 5th Dimensional Ascended masters. The concept and activation of the “Cities of Light” will be explored. A special Arcturian Recognition session will be held to honor members who have made special contributions to the GOF project Registration will be limited to 100 persons. ________________________________________________________________ use paypal, or send check or money order to:
Send registration form and fee to : call for more info: 928-776-1717 David Miller ( No refunds after Sept1, 2009)
P.O. Box 4074
Prescott, AZ 86302
your name and phone number:
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