A Hathor Planetary Message
Through Tom Kenyon
Partaking From the Solar Winds
This message deals with the KA body (a term from ancient Egyptian Alchemy), and discusses how you can utilize this unique energy-body to draw to yourself ascension-energies from increased solar activity. For those unfamiliar with the KA—your KA body is an “invisible” second body that is the same shape and size as your physical body. This energy body both envelops the physical body and interpenetrates it. This body is sometimes referred to as the etheric double or spiritual twin. The KA shares similarities with what is called the Chi body in some traditions (Taoism) and with the pranic body or etheric body in certain yogic traditions. By its nature, the KA can draw to itself, and then into the physical body, highly benevolent energies that accelerate one’s spiritual evolution.
The Message
You are now entering a more volatile time in terms of planetary change.
Your Sun, the solar star of your planetary system, is increasing its energetic potential and is entering a period of increased volatility, solar flares and magnetic storms. While these actions will create real problems for you in terms of your telecommunications and weather patterns, there is also an immense evolutionary potential within this solar activity that we wish to discuss.
Like you, your Sun has an etheric body, a solar KA, if you will. This etheric body of the Sun extends millions of miles beyond the boundaries of the Sun itself. Your Earth is well within this auric field of the etheric sun, and, as the solar flares and solar winds that drive charged particles through your vicinity affect you physically, they also affect you etherically. Indeed, these very charged particles that pose a challenge to your physical dimension are a type of nourishment for your KA, your own etheric body.
Your mental attitude and emotional/vibratory state is what determines whether these solar particles are a source of nourishment and evolution, or rather a source of annoyance and de-evolution.
In this message we do not intend to discuss the many physical challenges that will emerge for you during this period of increased solar activity, rather we will focus on things that will assist you to take the greatest evolutionary advantage of what is occurring with the Sun of your solar system.
Just as there are eruptions of fire and photonic energy from the Sun during solar activity, so too, there are bursts of spiritual or interdimensional light from within your KA body. Indeed, from one perspective, increased solar activity equates with an increased activation of your own personal KA.
There are several things we suggest regarding taking advantage of this evolutionary catalyst. This catalyst of which we speak will extend well beyond 2012 and has to do with the flow of what we call the solar winds. These are distinct flows of photonic and magnetic energy that pass through and around your Earth. By opening yourself to these distinct forms of energy, and by incorporating them into your KA body, you strengthen your KA and greatly accelerate the ascension process for yourself.
As these solar energies increase, so will the volatility and uncertainty of your physical world, as well as your mental and emotional worlds. Irrationality and impulsive behavior will be on the rise. Challenges to cognitive functioning and memory will also take place during heightened cycles of solar activity.
The first step in utilizing these solar energies for your ascent in consciousness is to understand their nature and not to resist their effects.
It is important to understand that the causative agent in the increased solar activity at this time is not originating from within the Sun itself, but rather it is originating from the Central Sun of your own galaxy. This flow of highly catalytic energies from the Central Sun to your Sun is the primary reason for the evolutionary potentials of this particular cycle of solar activity. In turn, the Earth herself is also being affected, especially through her KA—her own etheric body.
So the first thing to understand is that there is no escape from this evolutionary catalyst. You are here to ride it out, whether you like it or not. So the first step is not to resist that which is imminent.
The second step is to embrace it and to utilize these energies with mastery—to ride the tail of the dragon, so to speak. In this instance, the dragon is referring to the Sun itself and the tail to the solar winds. You can ascend to great heights in this period, if you but find the courage and method to do so.
The third step in this utilization of the solar winds is to allow them to affect your KA directly, through an invitation, and this is done through your heart. Specifically you choose, through an act of personal will, to enter into the vibrational harmonic of appreciation or gratitude.
It is important to understand why we are suggesting this. You are not expressing appreciation or gratitude to the universe for the solar winds, per se. You are choosing to enter into one of these high emotional states because they will create an Energy Attractor. In other words, you are entering into a state of appreciation or gratitude for pragmatic reasons.
These emotional states increase the receptive harmonics of your KA, which transforms your entire KA body into a receptive vortex, drawing to itself the photonic and magnetic energies of the Sun, rapidly accelerating the rate of vibration within your KA, your own etheric body.
And it is through your KA that you enter into the ascension process. There are, needless to say, many paths and ways to enter the ladder that leads upward into higher states of consciousness, but regardless of how it is done, or through what spiritual lineage it is accomplished, the KA, your KA, is the foundation.
Creating an Energy Attractor
In this simple but highly effective method, you place your awareness in your second body, your KA. This energy body is the same shape and size as your physical body, but it is energetic in nature, rather than made of flesh and blood. It permeates every space of your body, and thus every cell of your body is within the KA. Your KA is also highly receptive to subtle energies especially to all forms of light and to the charged photons and magnetic energies that comprise the solar winds.
As you rest your awareness in your KA, you consciously and intentionally generate the feeling-state of appreciation or gratitude through an act of personal will. This shifts the harmonics of your KA to a higher vibratory rate, which is necessary for it to become an Energy Attractor.
As you continue to hold yourself in the emotional harmonic of appreciation or gratitude, know (realize) that you are immersed in the photonic and subtle energies of the solar winds. You are literally bathing in these energies whether you are consciously aware of them or not. As you hold this awareness, along with the emotional state of appreciation or gratitude, your KA will automatically draw into itself the ascension-enhancing energies of the solar winds.
Spend as long as you can in this state of high receptivity, partaking from the solar winds, and allowing your KA to receive these potent transformational and uplifting energies.
You will benefit greatly from the solar winds if you regularly and often engage this simple method.
The Crystal Palace Within Meditation
We also suggest that you experiment, from time to time, on a regular basis, with the sound meditation we gave previously entitled The Crystal Palace Within. (Links to the instructions for the meditation, which include the audio track for this sound meditation appear at the end of this message.)
As we view your current probable future, you collectively stand before a great storm. The birthing of this tempest is from the very heart of the cosmos and is nothing less than the harbinger of immense change. Do not fear its intensity. Embrace it and ride it to the heights of your own consciousness. By doing so, you will become a light to yourself and to each other.
The Hathors.
January 3, 2011
(Information given January 3, 2011; posted January 27, 2011.)
Link to the Instructions and audio file for the Crystal Palace Within Sound Meditation
Tom’s Thoughts and Observations
The Hathors’ method for Creating An Energy Attractor is the central crux of this message. Having worked with it many times and in multiple situations, I can honestly say it delivers the goods. And it is well worth the attention of those who wish to experiment with ascension energetics, especially during such optimal times as these for accelerated evolution (a’ la the solar winds).
One of the beauties of this simple, yet elegant method, is that it builds the KA quite rapidly, and it can be done without any hocus pocus, meaning you can get right down to it in a few minutes without any preliminaries. But there are some critical transition phases in the method that I think would prove helpful to elucidate further.
A bit of caution is advised.
Before we continue, I feel it would be good to insert a caution here. This is not a method for idle curiosity seekers. Charging the KA body with extra energy is a potent and profound undertaking, which should not (in my opinion) be entered into lightly.
One reason for this is that as the KA becomes energized there will be a marked increase in the likelihood that you will experience the physical world as illusionary.
For instance, after particularly strong sessions with the Method (i.e., Creating an Energy Attractor) I often (though not always) experience my KA as just as vividly real as my physical body. In these instances, I am aware of my physical environment as usual (through my five senses), but it has a surrealistic tonal quality, and I sometimes have the distinct impression that I am in two bodies simultaneously—my physical and my KA.
This is, in point of fact, one of the primary shifts of attention that can take place when working with the KA. And I think one would do well to be aware of this possibility. Thus, when/if it arises, you won’t think that you are losing your mental grip on reality—which is why I am belaboring this point.
I think it is fair to say if you practice the Method, you will eventually sense physical reality in new ways—especially when your KA reaches critical mass. By critical mass I mean those moments when your KA has been charged to such an extent that it affects your perception of reality.
In these moments, you may continue to, and probably will, experience the world through the five senses, but you might also see through the play of Maya (the illusion of the senses and the sensorial world). This can be amusing, exhilarating and blissful, or quite disorienting, quite frankly.
In point of fact, charging the KA can result, as I mentioned earlier, in the very odd perception of having two bodies simultaneously—one physical and the other energetic. While this is actually a sign of progress in terms of the KA’s development, it can be mentally challenging if you aren’t prepared for it.
Mental disorientation caused by seeing the world as an illusion should not be underestimated, especially if you are not prepared intellectually and philosophically for such a perception.
This, of course, brings us to a philosophical conundrum—is the world real or is it an illusion perpetrated by the dance of subatomic particles driven by the quirks and quarks of the quantum realm? For me, it (the world) is both real and unreal. And what determines our perception of it depends upon what is happening in our brains, and in the case of the KA, our etheric twin as well.
The Niyama of ethical constraint
I personally feel that anyone who chooses to charge his or her KA with ascension-energetics needs to have some philosophical underpinning regarding personal ethics—i.e., what you will allow yourself to do, and what you will not allow yourself to do.
The reason for this is that as your KA becomes energized, certain types of mental/spiritual powers will naturally arise. It is also vital to understand (in my opinion) that sometimes life-negative aspects of your consciousness may also arise as well. This inherently uncomfortable situation (i.e., the humble realization that there is something negative within you) is actually an opportunity for greater self-insight (if you choose to embrace self-awareness over unconsciousness).
Very simply put, the Niyama of Constraint helps you by placing a boundary on behavior, whether overt (meaning in the outer world) or subtle (meaning in the inner words).
It is up to you to determine what ethical constraint you choose. But for those who have not thought about this much, I offer a simple, highly beneficial niyama:
“I shall strive to remain harmless to myself and others.”
By striving to be harmless to yourself and others, you create a mental ally that will serve you, and others, as you climb the Ladder of your own consciousness to higher states of being.
But… if you are unwilling or unable to embrace this simple constraint on behavior, or another of your own choosing, then I strongly suggest you stay away from this way of building your KA.
Practical Suggestions
According to the Hathors, everyone alive is going to be affected by the solar winds, whether they invite the energetics or not. For some of us, these energies are going to be downright maddening and difficult to contend with. Others of us will use these same energies to elevate and move up the tonal scale of ascended awareness.
There are many degrees or gradations of the ascension process, and if you have not previously read the Hathor message entitled The Art of Jumping Timelines, I suggest you consider doing so. It explains the basic concept of ascension and how to engage it. You can find it in the Hathor Archives of our website.
If you are prepared for the rapid expansion of awareness and activation of your KA that this method brings, I have a few practical suggestions.
First of all, find your balance point. As you work with the Method you will find your own personal comfort zone, meaning how much increased energy in your KA you can tolerate. As you continue to work with the Method, you will be able to handle more energy. But don’t push the river, so to speak. Be gentle with yourself and be moderate.
I also don’t suggest doing this just before going to sleep, or you might not sleep! Again, each of us is different, and some of you may find it to be a great sedative. I do not.
Transition Phases of the Method
There are three fundamental phases in this technique.
First Phase
Place your awareness in your KA body, your spiritual twin or your ethteric double as it (the KA) is sometimes referred to. Since the KA is the same size and shape as your physical body, the inner space of your entire physical body is interpenetrated by this energy body.
Second Phase
As you hold your focus of attention on the entire KA body (from your head to your toes) shift your emotions into the harmonic of appreciation or gratitude. You do this by simply remembering the feeling of appreciation or gratitude. This creates the harmonic required for building the Energy Attractor. This emotional tone is absolutely necessary for creating the Energy Attractor as the Hathors describe it in their message.
Third Phase
Continuing to focus your mental awareness in your KA and simultaneously holding the harmonic of appreciation or gratitude, realize (know) that you are in a sea of photonic and magnetic energies. You are immersed in the solar winds without having to do anything. Once you successfully hold this concept along with attention in your KA and holding the harmonic of appreciation or gratitude, your KA will automatically start to draw in the ascension-enhancing energies of the solar winds.
This may be a tricky phase for beginners since the photonic and magnetic energies of the solar winds do not present themselves through the five senses. These energies are too subtle to be detected via the senses. However, the KA body can and will detect them and will draw them into itself much like (to use a biological metaphor) a plant senses the presence of water and draws the water into itself as needed.
Again, each person is unique in how he or she perceives the physical world and the subtle worlds of consciousness. Part of the discovery process that comes with the creation of an Energy Attractor is to find out how these subtle photonic and magnetic energies present themselves to you. As you continue to work with the Method you will become more familiar and comfortable with how you personally experience these unique subtle energies.
An Experiment in Consciousness and Healing
One of the fascinating things about this method of drawing energy to the KA is that it can be used to send healing and transformative energy to the physical body as well.
Since the KA interpenetrates every space of the physical body, there is no tissue, organ or system that is outside the KA. As a result of this, it is possible to draw ascension-energetics (i.e. via the solar winds) not only into the KA, but also into the physical body. This is, of course, a theoretical statement that will need to be proven as true, or not, by you through direct experience—your experience.
I call this application of the Method (i.e. Creating an Energy Attractor) An Experiment in Consciousness and Healing because each of us will find our own way to work with the healing potentials of this that are unique to us. Perhaps a few things I have noticed when working in this way with myself will prove helpful to others.
My own personal experience is that after I draw the energetics of the solar winds into my KA and let my KA body build itself for a while, I just shift my attention into any area of my body needing “healing,” and since energy follows awareness, the subtle energetics move from my KA into the area where I am focused.
This is not concentration. I repeat, not, concentration. It is as easy as taking a breath or lifting a feather. The subtle energetics in your KA will move effortlessly anywhere in your body you move your attention to—if you allow the movement.
As the flow of subtle energy flows from my KA into an area of my body needing “support” or “healing” I feel the tissues in those areas being energized somewhat like, though considerably less intensely, than when my KA is being energized by the solar winds (i.e. via the Energy Attractor). For me this energizing of my cells shows up as a physical sensation that is either comforting and/or energizing in the area where I am focused. Sometimes there are various presentations of interdimensional perceptions such as light and sometimes even inner (or psychic) sound.
If you choose to explore this realm of possibilities for yourself, you will, no doubt, become familiar with how you experience the subtle energies of healing as they flow into your physical body from your KA.
One thing to take into consideration is that healing and transformative energies from the KA have a faster vibratory rate (in relation to the physical body). Thus, you may find a type of psycho-spiritual detox taking place if there is a lot of energetic-congestion in an organ or area of the body where you are focusing.
It is certainly possible to send healing and transformative energy from the KA to an area of your physical body without having any uncomfortable reactions. However, if you do experience discomfort, especially of the mental/emotional kind, you might consider reading an article I wrote some time ago entitled—Psycho-spiritual Detoxification: Thoughts and Observations—which you can find in the Articles section of the website.
My other suggestion is to drink some water if you have experienced a particularly strong response in your physical body after doing the Experiment (in Consciousness and Healing).
Final Thoughts
I suggest experimenting with the Method (just building the Energy Attractor by itself, as described by the Hathors) in short sessions to begin with. Find a time and space where you won’t be interrupted. Five to ten minutes is more than enough time to begin with. After you charge the KA, spend a few minutes sensing your KA, your physical body, and your immediate environment as it presents itself to you through your five senses. This sensing of your KA, your physical body and the environment will help you to integrate the charged energies more effectively. Remember, the reality of the KA does not circumvent the reality of the physical world or your physical body. It is an enhancement to the physical; it is, in fact, another dimension of consciousness.
It is a totally subjective call on your part as to how long and how often you work with the Method. Besides entering this work with curiosity, I think one of the most important things is to be joyful when creating an Energy Attractor. After all, as a creator, wouldn’t you want joy to be part of what you create?
Copyright Notice: ©2011 Tom Kenyon All Rights Reserved You may make copies of this message and distribute it in any media you wish so long as you do not alter it in any way, do not charge for it, credit the author and include this copyright notice. www.tomkenyon.com
29 Ocak 2011 Cumartesi
28 Ocak 2011 Cuma
Timeshift - 2011 Allison Rae & Significant Energy Dates of 2011 earthkeeper.com
Timeshift - 2011
Allison Rae
Ready or not, here comes the next big wave.
If you're feeling edgy, apprehensive, maybe a bit fearful and sometimes ecstatic, you're tuned in to the next phase in the quantum evolutionary journey that is 2011.
With six eclipses this year, four planets changing signs and volatile outer-planet configurations on the way, 2011 is bursting with potential and equally enormous challenges.
Notice the massive upheaval we've already seen in the first few weeks of the new year, including historic flooding in Australia, political revolution in Tunisia, and tragic loss in an attempted assassination in the United States. And then there's the mysterious "aflockalypse" afflicting land, sky and sea creatures around the world as the environment continues to deteriorate.
The challenges are great, but we're up to it. As the waves of change come faster and faster, this year offers a rare opportunity to revolutionize our reality, and it's going to require vigilant focus and great love to do it.
The next two months will give us an idea how all this volatility will play out.
The Line-Up
Today the gas giant Jupiter completed his journey in the spiritual depths of Pisces and entered the initiating fire of Aries. On March 11, Uranus, planet of chaos, will follow. Between now and then, Saturn turns retrograde in Libra, Chiron enters Pisces, and the final underworld of the Mayan calendar begins.
The period of February 2-4 is especially potent with the Aquarius New Moon aligning with the cross-quarter gateway of Imbolc (or Lammas if you're in the southern hemisphere) and leading into a potent Full Moon in Leo/Aquarius on February 17/18.
In March the energies ramp up when Uranus blazes into Aries, igniting the Leo Full Moon just before the March 20 Equinox. On April 4, transiting Neptune joins brother Chiron in Pisces, opening a multidimensional gateway of illumination that will be confusing as well as enlightening.
And that's just the next two months!
The Universal Underworld in Carl Johan Calleman's interpretation of the Mayan calendar is the single most intriguing element of the 2011 landscape. Beginning March 9, the rate of consciousness evolution speeds up by a factor of 20, so a shift in consciousness that took a whole year from 1999 until now (or 20 years prior to 1999) will take only 20 days. This phase, and all nine underworlds in Calleman's system, end on October 28 of this year.
If Calleman's right, and I believe he is, life on Earth will look radically different before the end of the year.
Time as we've known it is collapsing, and we'll notice the biggest shift yet beginning in March. So thoughts turn into reality faster, and we're flooded with possibilities each moment. This new way of being is chaotic, but also exhilarating once we get the hang of it.
In Cosmic Time, Allison Rae explores cycles of time, our relationship to the cosmos and what's to come as the evolution of consciousness accelerates on Earth. A gifted natural clairvoyant and passionate teacher, Allison offers individual consultations by phone, and leads workshops, retreats and sacred sites journeys with groups. Visit http://www.StarPriestess.com for more information.
Copyright 2011 Allison Rae/www.StarPriestess.com
Significant Energy Dates of 2011
January 2011
January 3, 4 - The Quadrantids Meteor Shower: are
meteors radiating from the constellation Bootes. Meteors
heighten energy, amplify and bring insight.
New Moon - January 4, 09:03
Partial Solar Eclipse - January 4
Saturn Moves Into Retrograde - January 26
Full Moon - January 19 - Full Moon of the Orange Ray
February 2011
New Moon - February 3, 02:31
Full Moon - February 18 - Full Moon of the Red Ray
March 2011
New Moon - March 4, 20:46
Cosmic Trigger : March 19-20 - Intense Crystalline Transitional Phase of ther Planet
Full Moon - March 19, Full Moon of the Violet Ray
Equinox - March 20 The Vernal Equinox occurs in the northern hemisphere at 23:31 UT.
Mercury Goes Retrograde - March 30
April 2011
New Moon - April 3
April 3-4: Saturn at Opposition. The ringed planet will be at its closest approach to Earth.
April 9- Pluto Goes Into Retrograde
Full Moon - April 18, Full Moon of the Emerlad Ray
Lyrids Meteor Shower. April 21, 22 - The Lyrids are meteors radiating from the constellation of Lyra .
Mercury Leaves Retro & Goes Direct - April 23
May 2011
New Moon - May 3, 06:51
Eta Aquarids Meteor Shower. May 5, 6 - The Eta Aquarids are in the constellation Aquarius.
Full Moon - May 17,Full Moon of the Platinum Ray
June 2011
New Moon - June 1, 21:03
Partial Solar Eclipse. June 1 - The partial eclipse will be visible in most parts eastern Asia, Alaska, northern Canada, and Greenland. But keep in mind the Energy of Eclipses are effecting the entire planet through the Crystalline and Gravity Grids & the energy is felt by ALL. An excellent time for taking action for manifesting.
Neptune Goes Retrograde - June 3rd
June 13-Saturn Goes Direct
Full Moon - June 15, 20:14 - Extreme Power Date - Full Moon of the Purple Ray
Total Lunar Eclipse. June 15 - The Full-Moon Total Lunar Eclipse will be visible throughout most of South America, Europe, Africa, Asia, and Australia
Solstice - June 21
July 2011
New Moon - July 1, 08:54
Partial Solar Eclipse. July 1 - This partial eclipse will only be visible off the coast of Antarctica, but is occurring during the New moon and will effect the entire planet energetically. Excellent time for meditation, inner clearing and renewal.Set intent !
Uranus Goes Retrograde- Jul 10
Full Moon - July 15, Full Moon of the Golden Ray
Southern Delta Aquarids Meteor Shower. July 28, 29 - The Delta Aquarids will be in the constellation Aquarius.
New Moon - July 30, 18:40
August 2011
Aug 3- Mercury Goes Retrograde
Perseids Meteor Shower Peak: August 12, 13 - The Perseids is one of the best meteor showers to observe, producing up to 60 meteors per hour at their climax..The radiant point for this shower will be in the constellation Perseus
Full Moon - August 13, Full Moon of the Blue Ray
August 15 : Comet Honda
August 22 - Neptune at Opposition. The blue planet will be at its closest approach to Earth.
Aug 26 - Mercury Goes Direct
New Moon - August 29, 03:04
Aug 30 - Jupiter Goes Retrograde
September 2011
Full Moon - September 12, -Full Moon of the Golden Ray
Sept 16 - Pluto Goes Direct
September 23 - The Autumnal Equinox occurs in the northern hemisphere at 09:04 UT.
September 25 - Uranus at Opposition. The blue-green planet will be at its closest approach to Earth.
New Moon - September 27, 11:09
October 2011
Full Moon - October 12, -Full Moon of the Silver Ray
Orionids Meteor Shower: October 21, 22
New Moon - October 26, 19:56
October 29 - Jupiter at Opposition. The giant planet will be at its closest approach to Earth
November 2011
Nov 9 - Neptune Completes Retrograde and Goes Direct
Full Moon - November 10th - Full Moon of the Diamond Ray
The 11-11-11 - November 11 at 11:11 am- Crystalline Recoding of the Planet - Mer-Ka-Na Transition and Activation of Master Crystals-The Crystal of Multidimensional Interface
Leonids Meteor Shower. November 17, 18 : The Leonids is one of the better meteor showers to observe, radiating from the constellation Leo
Mercury Goes Into Retrograde- Nov 24
New Moon - November 25, 06:10
November 25 - Partial Solar Eclipse. This partial eclipse will only be visible over Antarctica and parts of South Africa and Tasmania.
December 2011
Full Moon - December 10, Full Moon of the Pink Ray
Total Lunar Eclipse. December 10 - The eclipse will be visible throughout most of Europe, eastern Africa, Asia, Australia, the Pacific Ocean, and the North America.
Uranus Completes retrograde and Goes Direct - Dec 10
Geminids Meteor Shower. December 13, 14 - Considered by many to be the best meteor shower in the heavens, the Geminids are known for producing up to 60 multicolored meteors per hour at their peak. The radiant point for this shower will be in the constellation Gemini.
Dec 14 - Mercury Goes Direct
Solstice December 21 - occurs in the northern hemisphere at 05:30 UT. The Sun is at its lowest point in the sky and it will be the shortest day of the year. This is also the first day of winter
New Moon - December 24, 18:06
Dec 25- J upiter Goes Direct
Eclipses of 2011
2011 Jan 04: Partial Solar Eclipse
2011 Jun 01: Partial Solar Eclipse
2011 Jun 15: Total Lunar Eclipse
2011 Jul 01: Partial Solar Eclipse
2011 Nov 25: Partial Solar Eclipse
2011 Dec 10: Total Lunar Eclipse
All Eclipse, Equinox & Solstice Timings Shown in UT (GMT)
Vernal EquinoxMar 20 201123:31 UT
Summer SolsticeJun 21 201117:16 UT
Autumnal EquinoxSep 23 201109:04 UT
Winter SolsticeDec 22 201105:30 UT
2011 Planetary Retrogrades:
In 2011, Mercury, Saturn, Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune & Pluto are in standard retrogrades. Venus and Mars do not go retro in 2011.
The energy of a retrograde planet is expressed more on an inner level Sometimes the individual has difficulty expressing the energy outwardly. Some part of that planets energy is held back. Retrograde planets often cause one to stop and reconsider the consequences, so that spontaneous expression is blocked in some way, yet inner exploration is enhanced. As such the outward behavior becomes exaggerated in an attempt to reconcile the inner doubts.
Full Moon Dates
Peak Full-Moon Times are listed in Universal Time (UT -GMT)
January 19 21:21
February 18 08:36
March 19 18:10
April 18 02:44
May 17 11:09
June 15 20:13 - Lunar Eclipse Total (Umbral)
July 15 06:40
August 13 18:58
September 12 09:27
October 12 02:06
Novovember 10 20:16
December 10 14:36 - Lunar Eclipse Total (Umbral)

ARKANSAS: Temple Crystal Locations & Sun Disc-Pyramids
Allison Rae
Ready or not, here comes the next big wave.
If you're feeling edgy, apprehensive, maybe a bit fearful and sometimes ecstatic, you're tuned in to the next phase in the quantum evolutionary journey that is 2011.
With six eclipses this year, four planets changing signs and volatile outer-planet configurations on the way, 2011 is bursting with potential and equally enormous challenges.
Notice the massive upheaval we've already seen in the first few weeks of the new year, including historic flooding in Australia, political revolution in Tunisia, and tragic loss in an attempted assassination in the United States. And then there's the mysterious "aflockalypse" afflicting land, sky and sea creatures around the world as the environment continues to deteriorate.
The challenges are great, but we're up to it. As the waves of change come faster and faster, this year offers a rare opportunity to revolutionize our reality, and it's going to require vigilant focus and great love to do it.
The next two months will give us an idea how all this volatility will play out.
The Line-Up
Today the gas giant Jupiter completed his journey in the spiritual depths of Pisces and entered the initiating fire of Aries. On March 11, Uranus, planet of chaos, will follow. Between now and then, Saturn turns retrograde in Libra, Chiron enters Pisces, and the final underworld of the Mayan calendar begins.
The period of February 2-4 is especially potent with the Aquarius New Moon aligning with the cross-quarter gateway of Imbolc (or Lammas if you're in the southern hemisphere) and leading into a potent Full Moon in Leo/Aquarius on February 17/18.
In March the energies ramp up when Uranus blazes into Aries, igniting the Leo Full Moon just before the March 20 Equinox. On April 4, transiting Neptune joins brother Chiron in Pisces, opening a multidimensional gateway of illumination that will be confusing as well as enlightening.
And that's just the next two months!
The Universal Underworld in Carl Johan Calleman's interpretation of the Mayan calendar is the single most intriguing element of the 2011 landscape. Beginning March 9, the rate of consciousness evolution speeds up by a factor of 20, so a shift in consciousness that took a whole year from 1999 until now (or 20 years prior to 1999) will take only 20 days. This phase, and all nine underworlds in Calleman's system, end on October 28 of this year.
If Calleman's right, and I believe he is, life on Earth will look radically different before the end of the year.
Time as we've known it is collapsing, and we'll notice the biggest shift yet beginning in March. So thoughts turn into reality faster, and we're flooded with possibilities each moment. This new way of being is chaotic, but also exhilarating once we get the hang of it.
In Cosmic Time, Allison Rae explores cycles of time, our relationship to the cosmos and what's to come as the evolution of consciousness accelerates on Earth. A gifted natural clairvoyant and passionate teacher, Allison offers individual consultations by phone, and leads workshops, retreats and sacred sites journeys with groups. Visit http://www.StarPriestess.com for more information.
Copyright 2011 Allison Rae/www.StarPriestess.com
Significant Energy Dates of 2011
January 2011
January 3, 4 - The Quadrantids Meteor Shower: are
meteors radiating from the constellation Bootes. Meteors
heighten energy, amplify and bring insight.
New Moon - January 4, 09:03
Partial Solar Eclipse - January 4
Saturn Moves Into Retrograde - January 26
Full Moon - January 19 - Full Moon of the Orange Ray
February 2011
New Moon - February 3, 02:31
Full Moon - February 18 - Full Moon of the Red Ray
March 2011
New Moon - March 4, 20:46
Cosmic Trigger : March 19-20 - Intense Crystalline Transitional Phase of ther Planet
Full Moon - March 19, Full Moon of the Violet Ray
Equinox - March 20 The Vernal Equinox occurs in the northern hemisphere at 23:31 UT.
Mercury Goes Retrograde - March 30
April 2011
New Moon - April 3
April 3-4: Saturn at Opposition. The ringed planet will be at its closest approach to Earth.
April 9- Pluto Goes Into Retrograde
Full Moon - April 18, Full Moon of the Emerlad Ray
Lyrids Meteor Shower. April 21, 22 - The Lyrids are meteors radiating from the constellation of Lyra .
Mercury Leaves Retro & Goes Direct - April 23
May 2011
New Moon - May 3, 06:51
Eta Aquarids Meteor Shower. May 5, 6 - The Eta Aquarids are in the constellation Aquarius.
Full Moon - May 17,Full Moon of the Platinum Ray
June 2011
New Moon - June 1, 21:03
Partial Solar Eclipse. June 1 - The partial eclipse will be visible in most parts eastern Asia, Alaska, northern Canada, and Greenland. But keep in mind the Energy of Eclipses are effecting the entire planet through the Crystalline and Gravity Grids & the energy is felt by ALL. An excellent time for taking action for manifesting.
Neptune Goes Retrograde - June 3rd
June 13-Saturn Goes Direct
Full Moon - June 15, 20:14 - Extreme Power Date - Full Moon of the Purple Ray
Total Lunar Eclipse. June 15 - The Full-Moon Total Lunar Eclipse will be visible throughout most of South America, Europe, Africa, Asia, and Australia
Solstice - June 21
July 2011
New Moon - July 1, 08:54
Partial Solar Eclipse. July 1 - This partial eclipse will only be visible off the coast of Antarctica, but is occurring during the New moon and will effect the entire planet energetically. Excellent time for meditation, inner clearing and renewal.Set intent !
Uranus Goes Retrograde- Jul 10
Full Moon - July 15, Full Moon of the Golden Ray
Southern Delta Aquarids Meteor Shower. July 28, 29 - The Delta Aquarids will be in the constellation Aquarius.
New Moon - July 30, 18:40
August 2011
Aug 3- Mercury Goes Retrograde
Perseids Meteor Shower Peak: August 12, 13 - The Perseids is one of the best meteor showers to observe, producing up to 60 meteors per hour at their climax..The radiant point for this shower will be in the constellation Perseus
Full Moon - August 13, Full Moon of the Blue Ray
August 15 : Comet Honda
August 22 - Neptune at Opposition. The blue planet will be at its closest approach to Earth.
Aug 26 - Mercury Goes Direct
New Moon - August 29, 03:04
Aug 30 - Jupiter Goes Retrograde
September 2011
Full Moon - September 12, -Full Moon of the Golden Ray
Sept 16 - Pluto Goes Direct
September 23 - The Autumnal Equinox occurs in the northern hemisphere at 09:04 UT.
September 25 - Uranus at Opposition. The blue-green planet will be at its closest approach to Earth.
New Moon - September 27, 11:09
October 2011
Full Moon - October 12, -Full Moon of the Silver Ray
Orionids Meteor Shower: October 21, 22
New Moon - October 26, 19:56
October 29 - Jupiter at Opposition. The giant planet will be at its closest approach to Earth
November 2011
Nov 9 - Neptune Completes Retrograde and Goes Direct
Full Moon - November 10th - Full Moon of the Diamond Ray
The 11-11-11 - November 11 at 11:11 am- Crystalline Recoding of the Planet - Mer-Ka-Na Transition and Activation of Master Crystals-The Crystal of Multidimensional Interface
Leonids Meteor Shower. November 17, 18 : The Leonids is one of the better meteor showers to observe, radiating from the constellation Leo
Mercury Goes Into Retrograde- Nov 24
New Moon - November 25, 06:10
November 25 - Partial Solar Eclipse. This partial eclipse will only be visible over Antarctica and parts of South Africa and Tasmania.
December 2011
Full Moon - December 10, Full Moon of the Pink Ray
Total Lunar Eclipse. December 10 - The eclipse will be visible throughout most of Europe, eastern Africa, Asia, Australia, the Pacific Ocean, and the North America.
Uranus Completes retrograde and Goes Direct - Dec 10
Geminids Meteor Shower. December 13, 14 - Considered by many to be the best meteor shower in the heavens, the Geminids are known for producing up to 60 multicolored meteors per hour at their peak. The radiant point for this shower will be in the constellation Gemini.
Dec 14 - Mercury Goes Direct
Solstice December 21 - occurs in the northern hemisphere at 05:30 UT. The Sun is at its lowest point in the sky and it will be the shortest day of the year. This is also the first day of winter
New Moon - December 24, 18:06
Dec 25- J upiter Goes Direct
Eclipses of 2011
2011 Jan 04: Partial Solar Eclipse
2011 Jun 01: Partial Solar Eclipse
2011 Jun 15: Total Lunar Eclipse
2011 Jul 01: Partial Solar Eclipse
2011 Nov 25: Partial Solar Eclipse
2011 Dec 10: Total Lunar Eclipse
All Eclipse, Equinox & Solstice Timings Shown in UT (GMT)
Vernal EquinoxMar 20 201123:31 UT
Summer SolsticeJun 21 201117:16 UT
Autumnal EquinoxSep 23 201109:04 UT
Winter SolsticeDec 22 201105:30 UT
2011 Planetary Retrogrades:
In 2011, Mercury, Saturn, Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune & Pluto are in standard retrogrades. Venus and Mars do not go retro in 2011.
The energy of a retrograde planet is expressed more on an inner level Sometimes the individual has difficulty expressing the energy outwardly. Some part of that planets energy is held back. Retrograde planets often cause one to stop and reconsider the consequences, so that spontaneous expression is blocked in some way, yet inner exploration is enhanced. As such the outward behavior becomes exaggerated in an attempt to reconcile the inner doubts.
Full Moon Dates
Peak Full-Moon Times are listed in Universal Time (UT -GMT)
January 19 21:21
February 18 08:36
March 19 18:10
April 18 02:44
May 17 11:09
June 15 20:13 - Lunar Eclipse Total (Umbral)
July 15 06:40
August 13 18:58
September 12 09:27
October 12 02:06
Novovember 10 20:16
December 10 14:36 - Lunar Eclipse Total (Umbral)

ARKANSAS: Temple Crystal Locations & Sun Disc-Pyramids
24 Ocak 2011 Pazartesi
Metatron Channel What's Up in Arkansas ? Transition in the Crystal Vortex
Metatron Channel Excerpt :
What's Up in Arkansas ?

" Masters, beneath the surface of the central region of Arkansas rest enormous beds of exquisite crystals the size and beauty of of which are visually stunning. Some of these quartz points are over 40 meters in length, seeded by the early Atlanteans. There are crystal caves beneath Arkansas that are esthetically mesmerizing exuding a symmetry and inner light that is sublime. These 'Master Crystals' are beyond the reach of your mining concerns, and that is purposed. These crystal entities are very ancient and have been in a dormant mode for millennia. They were programmed with specialized attributes by the Sirians & Atlanteans, and are now in joyous modes of re-activation. These awakenings are releasing efficacious dynamics energies that spawn unusual phenomena as they reboot, non of which will be malevolent, quite the contrary...indeed they are a gift of immaculate proportion and intricate value."
Question to Metatron: On the 1-1-11 (Jan 1, 2011) 5,000 birds apparently fell from the sky in Arkansas, and on the same day 100,000 fish died in the Arkansas River. Can you explain what happened, and is it related in any way to the Crystal Activation?
Metatron: "It was indeed an occurrence that raised quite a lot of attention. The demise of the blackbirds was in truth an aspect of the crystalline energies of Arkansas, the death of the fish was not...... continued below
....Scroll Down for the complete Channel.....

What's Up in Arkansas ?
Transition in the Crystal Vortex
Lord Metatron via James Tyberonn
Greetings! I am Metatron, Lord of Light! We encompass each of you in a vector and field of Unconditional Love within coded light. We nurture you, we honor each of you. We know you by heart, by tone, by name. It has always been so !
Every life is a sacred opportunity to explore and discover what dwells within. Upon the earth, the expanded dimensional overlays of the Crystalline Transition fulfills this promise by the hallowed movement into Mer-Ka-Na. Awareness evolves therein into wisdom, and wisdom into Conscious Mastery....and beckons the return home into the honored crystalline light of Divinity.
And so we speak of the Crystalline Transition and its anchoring in the Crystalline Vortex of the sacred ARK.
The Vortex is Completing
The activity of the Crystal Vortex is quickening. We have told you in previous channels that the vortexial portal of Arkansas is emerging to be one of the most important and powerful energies on the planet. It has grown logarithmically over the past 3 years, and many unusual phenomenon are beginning to be noticed in the Crystal Vortex.
We tell you Masters, this is just the beginning, for the crystalline energy is amazingly robust and effusively dynamic. This benevolent energy is indeed a force of omnipotent ubiquity that has not been seen on the planet in many millennia. It is a powerful combination of telluric, hyper-dimensional and cosmic forces that are capable of shaking the earth and opening dimensions. It is also capable of upshifting your frequency. All of these are in fact occurring, and exponentially so, as there are dynamics of crysto-magnetic physics at play that are beyond your current scientific comprehension.
Arkansas is the largest deposit of natural quartz crystal in the northern hemisphere, and the second largest deposit in the world, second only to Brazil. But it is the largest unsegmented, continuous deposit on the planet, and contains the most resonant crystals. Programmed crystals from the Law of One. The quartz deposits in Arkansas begin in the area of Little Rock and extend in a massive western curve for over 170 miles, with a width of 35-40 miles. Arkansas also contains unique combinations of magnetic minerals, aquifers and a diamond deposit, which work synergistically with the quartz. Because of this blend of energies, the Crystal Vortex of Arkansas is the most powerful in terms of the potency and utility of its vortexial-portal field. This is why the Atlanteans were especially attracted to the area, and why the Sirian-Pleiadean Alliance still retain underground bases in the area. It is rapidly completing, and is on path to soon become the Trigger of the Ascension.
Crystal Caves
Masters, beneath the surface of the central region of Arkansas rest enormous beds of exquisite crystals the size and beauty of of which are visually stunning. Some of these quartz points are over 40 meters in length, seeded by the early Atlanteans. There are crystal caves beneath Arkansas that are esthetically mesmerizing exuding a symmetry and inner light that is sublime. These 'Master Crystals' are beyond the reach of your mining concerns, and that is purposed. These crystal entities are very ancient and have been in a dormant mode for millennia. They were programmed with specialized attributes by the Sirians & Atlanteans, and are now in joyous modes of re-activation. These awakenings are releasing efficacious dynamics energies that spawn unusual phenomena as they reboot, non of which will be malevolent, quite the contrary...indeed they are a gift of immaculate proportion and intricate value.
Question to Metatron: On the 1-1-11 (Jan 1, 2011) 5,000 birds apparently fell from the sky in Arkansas, and on the same day 100,000 fish died in the Arkansas River. Can you explain what happened, and is it related in any way to the Crystal Activation?
Metatron: It was indeed an occurrence that raised quite a lot of attention. The demise of the blackbirds was in truth an aspect of the crystalline energies of Arkansas, the death of the fish was not. And although initially reported as occurring the same day, the fish began dying several days earlier. The fish died as a result of a bacterium in the river waters, which occurred as the result of residual traces of an agricultural pollutant that drained into the river far upstream.
The referenced occurrence took place when an enormous flock of red-winged blackbirds, hundreds of thousands of which nest in this area, flew into a piezo-electrical pulse of crystalline energy in that portion of Crystal Vortex. The birds flew into a electrical vortexial emission that sadly temporarily stunned them and approximately 4500 of a flock of more than 15,000 experienced a loss of equilibrium. They died as a result of trauma from the crash to the ground. Now we will add that this particular type of flocking bird operates in group-thought pattern, somewhat similar to a school of fish. This type of life form is actually a unified concentric beingness and one thought pattern regulates their awareness; which is how they manage to make such beautiful aerobatic swirls, as if precisely choreographed. In a manner of speaking these flocks are one entity with many units composing one awareness 'thought' pattern. They are not individual beings, per se, in the usual sense. As such, their composite beingness is still quite alive.
Now, let us add that what happened in Arkansas was not a result of HAARP or any covert military, secret government activity, despite the conspiracy theorists speculations. It was a natural occurrence that has taken place before in this area, albeit from different tension source. All quartz is piezoelectric. This is a mineralogical property of quartz well known to your science. Quartz is capable under certain pressurized conditions of emitting an electrical charge. However, in this case the charge was from the quickening pulses of the enormous Atlantean Temple Crystals in Arkansas. The pulsing activations of the Temple Crystals created a surface charge across the face of the massive quartz deposits and this released a crysto-electrical charge. The piezoelectric shock wave occurred briefly and at an elevation 2000 feet above the ground.
Now, we tell you that other 'unusual' incidents of the quartz properties have been occurring as a result of the quartz activating and will continue to manifest. Quartz has myriad properties, especially when combined with magnetics . These are as yet unknown to your scientists. Magnetite is widespread and abundant on earth, but magnetic minerals with properties exhibiting intrinsic polarity are quite rare. One of the most potent concentrations of intrinsic polar lodestone is in the quartz bearing center of the Crystal Vortex at Magnet Cove, Arkansas near Hot Springs.
Crystalline quartz is multidimensional and when blended with certain magnetic properties create what you term stargates and wormholes in space. These are intermittently occurring, appearing and disappearing in random apertures above the earth's surface in the crystal vortex at present. This activity will be regulated after the alignment and recoding of the Crysto-Sun disc on the 11-11-11.
Ionic Fog & Non-Faulted Earthquakes
Among the crystalline phenomenon that has recently been noted is the green magnetic fog that permeated the area of Mount Magazine on the 9-9-9 and briefly shorted the electrical grid. While the 'green' fog was reported by local media, it was not a water vapor, but rather an ionic emission that occurs typically within worm holes. We tell you that it was visible for a brief period on your satellite screenings and baffled scientists. It was the result of the activation of the Emerald Crystal opening multidimensional corridor frequencies.
On the 10-10-10 earthquakes occurred in areas that are not fault zones. These quakes were very unusual in other ways as well. They were not preceded by the typical frequencial shift of the Schumann resonance and the high pitched sonance that alerts animals and birds to the coming earthquake. Rather a tranquilizing 'white-noise wave' was emitted, and the birds continued singing, and the animals were unafraid. The quake was not a result of tectonic fault line pressure in the usual sense. Rather it was a direct result of the crystalline surge pulse creating a dimensional integrational expansion and a brief aperture in the membranes that define such parameters.
Crystals were indeed used inappropriately in military applications by the Aryans' in Atlantis to trigger earthquakes. What took place on the 10-10-10 was a random incident of their ability to manipulate light into hyper velocities that result in an aftershock. Just as sound waves can create 'sonic booms' when exceeding certain velocities of Mach speed , so can crystalline light create a velocity induced reverse wave when it exceeds the 'normal' speed of light.
An Omnipotent & Benevolent Power Source
Dear Ones, we again tell you that Crystalline Energy is an omnipotent power source that has implications far beyond humanities current understanding. Crystalline structure is formed by an essence of frequencial light resonance that is multidimensional and coherent, existing in matter and antimatter. It is the Metatronic divine template that sources all creation manifestation, and forms the very matrixial composition of every plane of existence. It is the enzyme of reality transduction and the vitality spring of the Divine Thought that forms the Cosmos itself.
Crystals are great receivers and transmitters, and a strong communication network occurs between Master Crystals and indeed Crystal Vortex-Portals. The two most powerful Crystal Vortexes on the planet are indeed Arkansas and Brazil. As such the connection of the Arkansas vortexial portal to the Brazil vortexial portal is extremely important in the Ascension and global crystal network, Two Master Temple Crystals are located in Brazil , in Bahia and Minas Gerais. The former is Atlantean seed, the latter LeMurian seed crystal. The energy of both is maintained and being reactivated in Brazil and connected to the Law of One Crystals in Arkansas. Keep in mind that while LeMuria is acknowledged as a civilization of great spirituality, there were thousands of years in which Atlantis harbored far greater frequency and enhanced levels of spiritual mastery that greatly exceeded that of LeMuria. Atlantis fractured into a polarized society before its demise, but many of the most important crystals were protected, uncontaminated and stored before they fell into misuse and destruction. The greater of these are stored in Arkansas and Brazil.
The Platinum Crystal & The Golden Sun-Disc
The intricate rebooting of the Crystal Vortex is nearing consummate integration, but will not be fully completed, fully networked in a global aspect until the 12-12-12. What has taken place over the past 3 years and what will occur on the 11-11-11 will bring the Crystal Vortex-Portal of Arkansas in its final processes of regional insular integrated function.
On the 11-11-11 the Platinum Crystal will be activated, it will set forth an enormous crysto-wave pulse that will in intertwine with the energies of the Blue Crystal of Knowledge and the Emerald Crystal of Healing. These energies will then trigger the Crysto-Golden Sun Disc located beneath sacred Pinnacle Mountain near Little Rock.
The Sun Disc activation is a significant event that will be felt across the Earth and Indeed the Cosmos. The Crysto Golden Sun Disc was put in place by the Sirians in alignment with 11 other locations across the planet. It originally weaved the energies of the areas of the Arkansas Crystal Vortex, the crystalline, the magnetic and the radioactive living waters. In addition to the Sun-Disc, there were Pyramidal Structures used to refine the energies of the vortex. The complexes of the Toltec Pyramidal Mounds were the last constructs of these and still remain visible today. The end result was a complex energy generator stream capable of myriad benevolent function. The capabilities varied from energy feeds to the Atlantean hyper tunnel system, the Crystalline Satellite (Second Moon of Atlantis) as well as feeding refined energies to the crystal poser system that powered Atlantis. The vortex was essentially de-energized in its true function after the demise of Atlantis.
It has in the past decade been prepared for its activation, or rather re-activation. The sacred codes for the reprogramming are within the Akashic Field, the Crystalline Paradigm, within the sacred conscious library of MAX, the 13th Crystal Skull of the Pleaidean-Sirian Alliance. . MAX will indeed be in the Crystal Vortex for the re-programming on the 11-11-11.
The final completions of the Crystal Vortex of Arkansas are extremely important to the Crystalline Transition of the Earth. And the crystalline transition is key to the Ascension.
That is why so many of you are drawn to Arkansas for the Triple Date Portal gatherings, and why many are choosing to relocate their residence to Arkansas. This will gain in momentum over the next few years. Many 'Crystal Children' are incarnating into this special energy.
A Spiritual Emergence In Crysto-Magnetics
The new emerging Crystal Vortex of Arkansas will be far more powerful and serve a different function than it did in the Atlantean era. This is because the Atlanteans placed three massive Temple-Crystals in Arkansas before the tsunamis inundated Poseida . The purpose and potency of these crystals have created a hyper dimensional field that is far more 'spiritual' in aspect and effect. The addition of these three to the huge natural crystals will add their succinctly specialized conscious programings of knowledge, wisdom, healing and multidimensional awareness. And while their sheer natural attributes are quite capable of shaking the grounds and bending the space- time continuum far more powerfully than the famed Fire Crystal beneath the Sargasso Sea in the area of Bimini, their regulation into refinement via the Sun Disc and Pyramidal controls will insure that they are kept in optimal benevolent purpose and balance.
It is the magnetics of this location in Arkansas, in fact that has held these crystal energies in balance. That is why the Atla-Ra specifically selected this area in Arkansas for their storage, and seeding. You have no idea of the energy these are capable of generating. You see it is the use of magnetic energies along with etheric light, light above and below the visible spectrum, light you refer to as ultra violet & gamma that is used to both subdue and amplify crystals. An etheric gateway has existed over this area for the past 20,000 years, and a gateway of high frequency light is able to be focused into this area. This capability is sharpening.
Tunnels & Electrum Gold
A vast network of hyper dimensional tunnels networks the areas below central and NW Arkansas. These lead to enormous chasms and crystal caves. Some of these are still in dynamic utility. The ability to detect these tunnels & chasms will not be within your scientific capabilities for many more decades. And that is because they exist in what may be termed intra-space within a frequency of parallel hyper-dimensionality. Yet those humans of sufficient light quotient indeed can sense them, and indeed their energies do intermingle with and code the natural beds of quartz in Arkansas.
A very rare form of the noble metal gold is present at deeper levels within the beds of quartz crystals below Arkansas. It is a form of unique, crystalline electrum. Much of this rare form of gold electrum was mined and exported from your earth. The deposits in Arkansas were not. These have been purposely guarded and protected in order to serve a great and greater purpose in the unique properties of the Crystal Vortex. Your geologists are well aware that gold often occurs in crystallized quartz, but have not as yet explored the unique fields, uses and energy that octahedronal crystalline gold electrum provides. The Great Atlantean Temple Crystals placed below the lands of Arkansas are actually an alloy conglomerate of quartz, silver and gold. These were manifested through Arcturian technology. The frequency of crystalline electrum gold is capable of combining with specific types of high frequency quartz to enable the 'bending & molding' of dimensional fields through an electro-alchemical process that transforms atomic structure. Dimensional access tunnels were often created in this methodology by the Atlanteans to create wormholes or dimensional tunnels within the Earth's mantle that could be accessed at a higher frequency.
Many of these hyper dimensional tunnels were laid into place along the flows of existing leylines of natural telluric currents that flow on the Earth. Tectonic shifts have damaged many, but not all of these. Some of these were simply deactivated. There are higher dimensional beings, from the Sirian-Pleiadean Alliance and the benevolent Ashtar Command Legion that have been given the task of protecting, repairing & recoding many of these currents, dimensional tunnels and crystals over the past three decades. Some of you such as the channel, work with them, and is why you are heavily drawn to be in this energy.
Ley lines and great crystals were de-energized at periods when the people of Earth went into the periods of consciousness decline, in the sad wake of Atlantis. This was done without damage to the crystals. The reactivation process of portals, crystals and hyper dimensional matrixes has been taking place since 1987, and will continue over the next two years through 2012, when it will be completed
The Law of One
You're very atomic structures are composed of perfectly aligned geometries, crystalline geometries, knitted into place with the thread of electro-magnetics. Electricity and magnetics are components of light. Your spectrum of visible light is but a candle in comparison to the magnificent geometric light of the higher spectrum. The crystalline aspect of Arkansas is not limited to the quartz. The energy of Arkansas is on higher dimension that of a multidimensional octahedron that has formed itself to the levels of the 9th through the 12th dimensional fields. The energy is transformed from the hexagonal of quartz to the octahedron of gold quartz and diamond. Diamonds project both an octahedronal and dodecahedronal geometry, and the kimberlite volcanic pipes in Arkansas that bears the energy of diamond, transform the cube to the octahedron. The hexahedron cubic is enclosed in the octahedron.The quartz Crystals of Arkansas are imbedded with the energy and wisdom of what is referred to as the Atlantean Law of One.
The Master Crystals placed there have frequencially transferred this vibration to the quartz indigenous to the area, and as we have explained, the Masters Crystals contained a higher dimensional alloy of gold conglomerate that has been received energetically by some of the natural occurring beds. The crystals from the McEarl mine carry this unique harmonic. These are especially potent. All crystals are alive, in a real sense, and have an ordered consciousness, and self-awareness, but each carries unique and specific blueprint patterns. This pattern is greatly varied according to the geology and astrological energies of the vector. Therefore seemingly identical gems and crystals can be quite different in their energetic projections according to the location in which they occur.
Tri Helixed Vortex
The Arkansas vortex is quite unusual in its movement. Most vortexes in the northern hemisphere of your planet spin in either ovaline or circular counter-clockwise flows. The crystal vortex of Arkansas has a very unique, very specialized ' to and fro' vortexial motion. Moving approximately one-third of its circumference counterclockwise, and then reversing back in clockwise motion. This occurs in 3 separate arcs of 120 degrees. The forward and backward shift of this vortex is quite unique, and is purposed in generating greater upward thrust of the crysto-magno-hydro energies. The energy of Arkansas has three succinct telluric forces that contribute to its tri-helixed field. These are the magnetic , centered in Talimena Ridge, Crystalline apexed in Mount Ida and the Radiated Hydro energy centered in Eureka Springs. These make up the 3 discreet ovaline gyros, that are regulated and tri-helixed through the Pyramids below Toltec Mounds and coded in the Sun Disc below Pinnacle Mountain in Little Rock. The unique pattern of the vortex generates the energy into incredible thrusts with both a receiving and transmitting manifold.
The geology of the area is extremely unique, more so than even your geologists recognize, and is precisely why the Atlanteans colonized and developed the area. It is why there are underground bases of the Sirian-Pleiadean Alliance in the area. The area is a rare mineralogical collation of natural quartz crystals, diamonds and magnetic lode stone. Pyramids to coordinate the natural projections of these energies and intricately intertwine their energies have existed in Arkansas for over 25,000 years. Remnants of the last 'surface' pyramid still exist in Toltec Mounds (State Park) just south of Little Rock. The Sirian-Pleiadean Alliance have maintained an enormous sub terranean Pyramid below the Toltec Mounds since Atlantean times. It is among the reasons so many crafts are sensed over the Crystal Vortex. Three such bases are in the Arkansas area. On the Triple-Date-Portal of the 11-11-11 the last of the thee Atlantean Temple Crystals, the Platinum Crystal of Interdimensional Communication will be activated from its long dormancy and join with the Emerald Crystal and Blue Crystal of Knowledge to finalize the combined components of the NEW ARK Crystal Vortex.
Three Atlantean Wisdom & Healing Crystals that once beamed magnificent light and celestial energy in the Temple of Healing, the Temple of One and the Temple of Knowledge on Poseida were placed in dimensional lock in the Atlantean Crystal Fields of Arkansas. The first of these was awakened in 2008, the second in 2009. In 2011 these further activate and align with the awakened Temple Crystals held in Brazil, Mount Shasta, and Lake Titicaca.
We will speak in more detail about the Platinum Crystal in a future assay. But we will tell you it is a nurturing energy of the Platinum Ray and facilitates balance between dimensions and energy sources. It provides an optimal communicative reception between what may be termed inter and intra consciousness planes. It also serves to adhere a cohesive interface between the duality planes and the integral planes. It lessens the arc of duality.
The Final Stages of the Transition
The Platinum Crystal will be thrust into activation from long dormancy at precisely 11:11 a.m. on the 11-11-11 from its dimensional lock, in a chasm below below Magnetic Mountain in NW Arkansas. It will be triggered by a Cosmic Force generated through the 144-Grid, initiating an activating pulse from the Emerald Crystal . The Platinum Crystal will then instantaneously reboot into flow with the 3 telluric energies and the two other Master Temple Crystals. This will immediately send a communicative wave pulse to the Golden Crysto-Sun Disc and a recoding will occur that will be fed to the Toltec Pyramid regulators. For the first time in 20,000 years, the vortex will be regionally complete. Masters, truly all that remains in 2012 is the Globalization of the Crystal Network with the 12-12-12 activations of the Bimini Fire Crystal, and the Crystal of Thoth below Lake Titicaca. This will incur the final rebooting of the 144-Crystalline Grid and the 12 Golden Sun Discs. The trigger will be the 12-12-12, the rebooting will finalize on the 12-21-12.
So much more is to come in the next 2 years Dear Humans. The Crystalline offers so much, indeed it is the energy of your Divine Self. You see, the very thoughts you have must rise to coherent crystalline format in order to become manifested. Coherent light is crystalline energy, the very vitality of which forms the integral nature of all worlds and realities. The crystalline structure forms the apparent boundaries and divisions between dimensions, planes and the matter / antimatter flash of consciousness, in parallel and probability. All that you term as Divine, all that you think of as sacred is Crystalline! It is the energy of home. It is the underpinning of the Ascension
The graduation of your planet, that termed the Ascension, is in effect the critical-mass that will allow for the conversion of this Earths receival capacity template from, in your vernacular, analog to digital, from black & white to color. An incredible ttransformation is only a breath away, literally. The Crystalline Conversion thru the antennae of the 144-Crystalline Grid is about to vastly increase the earth's dimensional reception from 3d to 12d and beyond. It is akin to your television changing from the archaic antennae to satellite reception. It is the Crystalline Age, the wind beneath the wings of the Ascension. The fulcrum apexial points are the Cosmic Triggers and the Triple Date Portals. .
But release the fear Dear Ones, this time of the Ascension, in this New Crystalline Era, the mega power crystals will not be taken from you and misused as occurred in the sad demise of Atlantis. Indeed they will never again be used for any purpose other than the highest good. Be assured of this! It is a sacred oath that will indeed be kept. For you are the family of the Law of One returning to keep this promise. It is why so many of you are drawn to the completion in the Crystal Vortex, for indeed many of you feeling the call were among the revered Scientist Priest of the Law of One, the Atla-Ra, that relocated the Temple Crystals .
You of the 'Law of One' took an oath that the Master Crystals would never again be misused, that you would not allow them to fall into the wrong hands. Dear Ones, it is a promise kept. Their sacredness and benevolent purpose has manifested. You have waited a long, very long time for this completion. It is a contract nearing fulfillment, and you are to be commended. Indeed you made this happen! The Crystalline Transition, the heralded Ascension will occur. It is happening now !
I am Metatron, and I share with you these Truths. You are beloved!
...And so it is...
The above Metatron Channel is transmitted through James Tyberonn. As receiver of this information James Tyberonn claims the universal © copyright in the name of Archangel Metatron. Posting on websites is permitted as long as the information is not altered, abridged or added to, and credit of authorship and website address www.Earth-Keeper.com is included.
It may be published in journals, magazines or public print only with expressed permission granted by email from Tyberonn@hotmail.com
What's Up in Arkansas ?

" Masters, beneath the surface of the central region of Arkansas rest enormous beds of exquisite crystals the size and beauty of of which are visually stunning. Some of these quartz points are over 40 meters in length, seeded by the early Atlanteans. There are crystal caves beneath Arkansas that are esthetically mesmerizing exuding a symmetry and inner light that is sublime. These 'Master Crystals' are beyond the reach of your mining concerns, and that is purposed. These crystal entities are very ancient and have been in a dormant mode for millennia. They were programmed with specialized attributes by the Sirians & Atlanteans, and are now in joyous modes of re-activation. These awakenings are releasing efficacious dynamics energies that spawn unusual phenomena as they reboot, non of which will be malevolent, quite the contrary...indeed they are a gift of immaculate proportion and intricate value."
Question to Metatron: On the 1-1-11 (Jan 1, 2011) 5,000 birds apparently fell from the sky in Arkansas, and on the same day 100,000 fish died in the Arkansas River. Can you explain what happened, and is it related in any way to the Crystal Activation?
Metatron: "It was indeed an occurrence that raised quite a lot of attention. The demise of the blackbirds was in truth an aspect of the crystalline energies of Arkansas, the death of the fish was not...... continued below
....Scroll Down for the complete Channel.....

What's Up in Arkansas ?
Transition in the Crystal Vortex
Lord Metatron via James Tyberonn
Greetings! I am Metatron, Lord of Light! We encompass each of you in a vector and field of Unconditional Love within coded light. We nurture you, we honor each of you. We know you by heart, by tone, by name. It has always been so !
Every life is a sacred opportunity to explore and discover what dwells within. Upon the earth, the expanded dimensional overlays of the Crystalline Transition fulfills this promise by the hallowed movement into Mer-Ka-Na. Awareness evolves therein into wisdom, and wisdom into Conscious Mastery....and beckons the return home into the honored crystalline light of Divinity.
And so we speak of the Crystalline Transition and its anchoring in the Crystalline Vortex of the sacred ARK.
The Vortex is Completing
The activity of the Crystal Vortex is quickening. We have told you in previous channels that the vortexial portal of Arkansas is emerging to be one of the most important and powerful energies on the planet. It has grown logarithmically over the past 3 years, and many unusual phenomenon are beginning to be noticed in the Crystal Vortex.
We tell you Masters, this is just the beginning, for the crystalline energy is amazingly robust and effusively dynamic. This benevolent energy is indeed a force of omnipotent ubiquity that has not been seen on the planet in many millennia. It is a powerful combination of telluric, hyper-dimensional and cosmic forces that are capable of shaking the earth and opening dimensions. It is also capable of upshifting your frequency. All of these are in fact occurring, and exponentially so, as there are dynamics of crysto-magnetic physics at play that are beyond your current scientific comprehension.
Arkansas is the largest deposit of natural quartz crystal in the northern hemisphere, and the second largest deposit in the world, second only to Brazil. But it is the largest unsegmented, continuous deposit on the planet, and contains the most resonant crystals. Programmed crystals from the Law of One. The quartz deposits in Arkansas begin in the area of Little Rock and extend in a massive western curve for over 170 miles, with a width of 35-40 miles. Arkansas also contains unique combinations of magnetic minerals, aquifers and a diamond deposit, which work synergistically with the quartz. Because of this blend of energies, the Crystal Vortex of Arkansas is the most powerful in terms of the potency and utility of its vortexial-portal field. This is why the Atlanteans were especially attracted to the area, and why the Sirian-Pleiadean Alliance still retain underground bases in the area. It is rapidly completing, and is on path to soon become the Trigger of the Ascension.
Crystal Caves
Masters, beneath the surface of the central region of Arkansas rest enormous beds of exquisite crystals the size and beauty of of which are visually stunning. Some of these quartz points are over 40 meters in length, seeded by the early Atlanteans. There are crystal caves beneath Arkansas that are esthetically mesmerizing exuding a symmetry and inner light that is sublime. These 'Master Crystals' are beyond the reach of your mining concerns, and that is purposed. These crystal entities are very ancient and have been in a dormant mode for millennia. They were programmed with specialized attributes by the Sirians & Atlanteans, and are now in joyous modes of re-activation. These awakenings are releasing efficacious dynamics energies that spawn unusual phenomena as they reboot, non of which will be malevolent, quite the contrary...indeed they are a gift of immaculate proportion and intricate value.
Question to Metatron: On the 1-1-11 (Jan 1, 2011) 5,000 birds apparently fell from the sky in Arkansas, and on the same day 100,000 fish died in the Arkansas River. Can you explain what happened, and is it related in any way to the Crystal Activation?
Metatron: It was indeed an occurrence that raised quite a lot of attention. The demise of the blackbirds was in truth an aspect of the crystalline energies of Arkansas, the death of the fish was not. And although initially reported as occurring the same day, the fish began dying several days earlier. The fish died as a result of a bacterium in the river waters, which occurred as the result of residual traces of an agricultural pollutant that drained into the river far upstream.
The referenced occurrence took place when an enormous flock of red-winged blackbirds, hundreds of thousands of which nest in this area, flew into a piezo-electrical pulse of crystalline energy in that portion of Crystal Vortex. The birds flew into a electrical vortexial emission that sadly temporarily stunned them and approximately 4500 of a flock of more than 15,000 experienced a loss of equilibrium. They died as a result of trauma from the crash to the ground. Now we will add that this particular type of flocking bird operates in group-thought pattern, somewhat similar to a school of fish. This type of life form is actually a unified concentric beingness and one thought pattern regulates their awareness; which is how they manage to make such beautiful aerobatic swirls, as if precisely choreographed. In a manner of speaking these flocks are one entity with many units composing one awareness 'thought' pattern. They are not individual beings, per se, in the usual sense. As such, their composite beingness is still quite alive.
Now, let us add that what happened in Arkansas was not a result of HAARP or any covert military, secret government activity, despite the conspiracy theorists speculations. It was a natural occurrence that has taken place before in this area, albeit from different tension source. All quartz is piezoelectric. This is a mineralogical property of quartz well known to your science. Quartz is capable under certain pressurized conditions of emitting an electrical charge. However, in this case the charge was from the quickening pulses of the enormous Atlantean Temple Crystals in Arkansas. The pulsing activations of the Temple Crystals created a surface charge across the face of the massive quartz deposits and this released a crysto-electrical charge. The piezoelectric shock wave occurred briefly and at an elevation 2000 feet above the ground.
Now, we tell you that other 'unusual' incidents of the quartz properties have been occurring as a result of the quartz activating and will continue to manifest. Quartz has myriad properties, especially when combined with magnetics . These are as yet unknown to your scientists. Magnetite is widespread and abundant on earth, but magnetic minerals with properties exhibiting intrinsic polarity are quite rare. One of the most potent concentrations of intrinsic polar lodestone is in the quartz bearing center of the Crystal Vortex at Magnet Cove, Arkansas near Hot Springs.
Crystalline quartz is multidimensional and when blended with certain magnetic properties create what you term stargates and wormholes in space. These are intermittently occurring, appearing and disappearing in random apertures above the earth's surface in the crystal vortex at present. This activity will be regulated after the alignment and recoding of the Crysto-Sun disc on the 11-11-11.
Ionic Fog & Non-Faulted Earthquakes
Among the crystalline phenomenon that has recently been noted is the green magnetic fog that permeated the area of Mount Magazine on the 9-9-9 and briefly shorted the electrical grid. While the 'green' fog was reported by local media, it was not a water vapor, but rather an ionic emission that occurs typically within worm holes. We tell you that it was visible for a brief period on your satellite screenings and baffled scientists. It was the result of the activation of the Emerald Crystal opening multidimensional corridor frequencies.
On the 10-10-10 earthquakes occurred in areas that are not fault zones. These quakes were very unusual in other ways as well. They were not preceded by the typical frequencial shift of the Schumann resonance and the high pitched sonance that alerts animals and birds to the coming earthquake. Rather a tranquilizing 'white-noise wave' was emitted, and the birds continued singing, and the animals were unafraid. The quake was not a result of tectonic fault line pressure in the usual sense. Rather it was a direct result of the crystalline surge pulse creating a dimensional integrational expansion and a brief aperture in the membranes that define such parameters.
Crystals were indeed used inappropriately in military applications by the Aryans' in Atlantis to trigger earthquakes. What took place on the 10-10-10 was a random incident of their ability to manipulate light into hyper velocities that result in an aftershock. Just as sound waves can create 'sonic booms' when exceeding certain velocities of Mach speed , so can crystalline light create a velocity induced reverse wave when it exceeds the 'normal' speed of light.
An Omnipotent & Benevolent Power Source
Dear Ones, we again tell you that Crystalline Energy is an omnipotent power source that has implications far beyond humanities current understanding. Crystalline structure is formed by an essence of frequencial light resonance that is multidimensional and coherent, existing in matter and antimatter. It is the Metatronic divine template that sources all creation manifestation, and forms the very matrixial composition of every plane of existence. It is the enzyme of reality transduction and the vitality spring of the Divine Thought that forms the Cosmos itself.
Crystals are great receivers and transmitters, and a strong communication network occurs between Master Crystals and indeed Crystal Vortex-Portals. The two most powerful Crystal Vortexes on the planet are indeed Arkansas and Brazil. As such the connection of the Arkansas vortexial portal to the Brazil vortexial portal is extremely important in the Ascension and global crystal network, Two Master Temple Crystals are located in Brazil , in Bahia and Minas Gerais. The former is Atlantean seed, the latter LeMurian seed crystal. The energy of both is maintained and being reactivated in Brazil and connected to the Law of One Crystals in Arkansas. Keep in mind that while LeMuria is acknowledged as a civilization of great spirituality, there were thousands of years in which Atlantis harbored far greater frequency and enhanced levels of spiritual mastery that greatly exceeded that of LeMuria. Atlantis fractured into a polarized society before its demise, but many of the most important crystals were protected, uncontaminated and stored before they fell into misuse and destruction. The greater of these are stored in Arkansas and Brazil.
The Platinum Crystal & The Golden Sun-Disc
The intricate rebooting of the Crystal Vortex is nearing consummate integration, but will not be fully completed, fully networked in a global aspect until the 12-12-12. What has taken place over the past 3 years and what will occur on the 11-11-11 will bring the Crystal Vortex-Portal of Arkansas in its final processes of regional insular integrated function.
On the 11-11-11 the Platinum Crystal will be activated, it will set forth an enormous crysto-wave pulse that will in intertwine with the energies of the Blue Crystal of Knowledge and the Emerald Crystal of Healing. These energies will then trigger the Crysto-Golden Sun Disc located beneath sacred Pinnacle Mountain near Little Rock.
The Sun Disc activation is a significant event that will be felt across the Earth and Indeed the Cosmos. The Crysto Golden Sun Disc was put in place by the Sirians in alignment with 11 other locations across the planet. It originally weaved the energies of the areas of the Arkansas Crystal Vortex, the crystalline, the magnetic and the radioactive living waters. In addition to the Sun-Disc, there were Pyramidal Structures used to refine the energies of the vortex. The complexes of the Toltec Pyramidal Mounds were the last constructs of these and still remain visible today. The end result was a complex energy generator stream capable of myriad benevolent function. The capabilities varied from energy feeds to the Atlantean hyper tunnel system, the Crystalline Satellite (Second Moon of Atlantis) as well as feeding refined energies to the crystal poser system that powered Atlantis. The vortex was essentially de-energized in its true function after the demise of Atlantis.
It has in the past decade been prepared for its activation, or rather re-activation. The sacred codes for the reprogramming are within the Akashic Field, the Crystalline Paradigm, within the sacred conscious library of MAX, the 13th Crystal Skull of the Pleaidean-Sirian Alliance. . MAX will indeed be in the Crystal Vortex for the re-programming on the 11-11-11.
The final completions of the Crystal Vortex of Arkansas are extremely important to the Crystalline Transition of the Earth. And the crystalline transition is key to the Ascension.
That is why so many of you are drawn to Arkansas for the Triple Date Portal gatherings, and why many are choosing to relocate their residence to Arkansas. This will gain in momentum over the next few years. Many 'Crystal Children' are incarnating into this special energy.
A Spiritual Emergence In Crysto-Magnetics
The new emerging Crystal Vortex of Arkansas will be far more powerful and serve a different function than it did in the Atlantean era. This is because the Atlanteans placed three massive Temple-Crystals in Arkansas before the tsunamis inundated Poseida . The purpose and potency of these crystals have created a hyper dimensional field that is far more 'spiritual' in aspect and effect. The addition of these three to the huge natural crystals will add their succinctly specialized conscious programings of knowledge, wisdom, healing and multidimensional awareness. And while their sheer natural attributes are quite capable of shaking the grounds and bending the space- time continuum far more powerfully than the famed Fire Crystal beneath the Sargasso Sea in the area of Bimini, their regulation into refinement via the Sun Disc and Pyramidal controls will insure that they are kept in optimal benevolent purpose and balance.
It is the magnetics of this location in Arkansas, in fact that has held these crystal energies in balance. That is why the Atla-Ra specifically selected this area in Arkansas for their storage, and seeding. You have no idea of the energy these are capable of generating. You see it is the use of magnetic energies along with etheric light, light above and below the visible spectrum, light you refer to as ultra violet & gamma that is used to both subdue and amplify crystals. An etheric gateway has existed over this area for the past 20,000 years, and a gateway of high frequency light is able to be focused into this area. This capability is sharpening.
Tunnels & Electrum Gold
A vast network of hyper dimensional tunnels networks the areas below central and NW Arkansas. These lead to enormous chasms and crystal caves. Some of these are still in dynamic utility. The ability to detect these tunnels & chasms will not be within your scientific capabilities for many more decades. And that is because they exist in what may be termed intra-space within a frequency of parallel hyper-dimensionality. Yet those humans of sufficient light quotient indeed can sense them, and indeed their energies do intermingle with and code the natural beds of quartz in Arkansas.
A very rare form of the noble metal gold is present at deeper levels within the beds of quartz crystals below Arkansas. It is a form of unique, crystalline electrum. Much of this rare form of gold electrum was mined and exported from your earth. The deposits in Arkansas were not. These have been purposely guarded and protected in order to serve a great and greater purpose in the unique properties of the Crystal Vortex. Your geologists are well aware that gold often occurs in crystallized quartz, but have not as yet explored the unique fields, uses and energy that octahedronal crystalline gold electrum provides. The Great Atlantean Temple Crystals placed below the lands of Arkansas are actually an alloy conglomerate of quartz, silver and gold. These were manifested through Arcturian technology. The frequency of crystalline electrum gold is capable of combining with specific types of high frequency quartz to enable the 'bending & molding' of dimensional fields through an electro-alchemical process that transforms atomic structure. Dimensional access tunnels were often created in this methodology by the Atlanteans to create wormholes or dimensional tunnels within the Earth's mantle that could be accessed at a higher frequency.
Many of these hyper dimensional tunnels were laid into place along the flows of existing leylines of natural telluric currents that flow on the Earth. Tectonic shifts have damaged many, but not all of these. Some of these were simply deactivated. There are higher dimensional beings, from the Sirian-Pleiadean Alliance and the benevolent Ashtar Command Legion that have been given the task of protecting, repairing & recoding many of these currents, dimensional tunnels and crystals over the past three decades. Some of you such as the channel, work with them, and is why you are heavily drawn to be in this energy.
Ley lines and great crystals were de-energized at periods when the people of Earth went into the periods of consciousness decline, in the sad wake of Atlantis. This was done without damage to the crystals. The reactivation process of portals, crystals and hyper dimensional matrixes has been taking place since 1987, and will continue over the next two years through 2012, when it will be completed
The Law of One
You're very atomic structures are composed of perfectly aligned geometries, crystalline geometries, knitted into place with the thread of electro-magnetics. Electricity and magnetics are components of light. Your spectrum of visible light is but a candle in comparison to the magnificent geometric light of the higher spectrum. The crystalline aspect of Arkansas is not limited to the quartz. The energy of Arkansas is on higher dimension that of a multidimensional octahedron that has formed itself to the levels of the 9th through the 12th dimensional fields. The energy is transformed from the hexagonal of quartz to the octahedron of gold quartz and diamond. Diamonds project both an octahedronal and dodecahedronal geometry, and the kimberlite volcanic pipes in Arkansas that bears the energy of diamond, transform the cube to the octahedron. The hexahedron cubic is enclosed in the octahedron.The quartz Crystals of Arkansas are imbedded with the energy and wisdom of what is referred to as the Atlantean Law of One.
The Master Crystals placed there have frequencially transferred this vibration to the quartz indigenous to the area, and as we have explained, the Masters Crystals contained a higher dimensional alloy of gold conglomerate that has been received energetically by some of the natural occurring beds. The crystals from the McEarl mine carry this unique harmonic. These are especially potent. All crystals are alive, in a real sense, and have an ordered consciousness, and self-awareness, but each carries unique and specific blueprint patterns. This pattern is greatly varied according to the geology and astrological energies of the vector. Therefore seemingly identical gems and crystals can be quite different in their energetic projections according to the location in which they occur.
Tri Helixed Vortex
The Arkansas vortex is quite unusual in its movement. Most vortexes in the northern hemisphere of your planet spin in either ovaline or circular counter-clockwise flows. The crystal vortex of Arkansas has a very unique, very specialized ' to and fro' vortexial motion. Moving approximately one-third of its circumference counterclockwise, and then reversing back in clockwise motion. This occurs in 3 separate arcs of 120 degrees. The forward and backward shift of this vortex is quite unique, and is purposed in generating greater upward thrust of the crysto-magno-hydro energies. The energy of Arkansas has three succinct telluric forces that contribute to its tri-helixed field. These are the magnetic , centered in Talimena Ridge, Crystalline apexed in Mount Ida and the Radiated Hydro energy centered in Eureka Springs. These make up the 3 discreet ovaline gyros, that are regulated and tri-helixed through the Pyramids below Toltec Mounds and coded in the Sun Disc below Pinnacle Mountain in Little Rock. The unique pattern of the vortex generates the energy into incredible thrusts with both a receiving and transmitting manifold.
The geology of the area is extremely unique, more so than even your geologists recognize, and is precisely why the Atlanteans colonized and developed the area. It is why there are underground bases of the Sirian-Pleiadean Alliance in the area. The area is a rare mineralogical collation of natural quartz crystals, diamonds and magnetic lode stone. Pyramids to coordinate the natural projections of these energies and intricately intertwine their energies have existed in Arkansas for over 25,000 years. Remnants of the last 'surface' pyramid still exist in Toltec Mounds (State Park) just south of Little Rock. The Sirian-Pleiadean Alliance have maintained an enormous sub terranean Pyramid below the Toltec Mounds since Atlantean times. It is among the reasons so many crafts are sensed over the Crystal Vortex. Three such bases are in the Arkansas area. On the Triple-Date-Portal of the 11-11-11 the last of the thee Atlantean Temple Crystals, the Platinum Crystal of Interdimensional Communication will be activated from its long dormancy and join with the Emerald Crystal and Blue Crystal of Knowledge to finalize the combined components of the NEW ARK Crystal Vortex.
Three Atlantean Wisdom & Healing Crystals that once beamed magnificent light and celestial energy in the Temple of Healing, the Temple of One and the Temple of Knowledge on Poseida were placed in dimensional lock in the Atlantean Crystal Fields of Arkansas. The first of these was awakened in 2008, the second in 2009. In 2011 these further activate and align with the awakened Temple Crystals held in Brazil, Mount Shasta, and Lake Titicaca.
We will speak in more detail about the Platinum Crystal in a future assay. But we will tell you it is a nurturing energy of the Platinum Ray and facilitates balance between dimensions and energy sources. It provides an optimal communicative reception between what may be termed inter and intra consciousness planes. It also serves to adhere a cohesive interface between the duality planes and the integral planes. It lessens the arc of duality.
The Final Stages of the Transition
The Platinum Crystal will be thrust into activation from long dormancy at precisely 11:11 a.m. on the 11-11-11 from its dimensional lock, in a chasm below below Magnetic Mountain in NW Arkansas. It will be triggered by a Cosmic Force generated through the 144-Grid, initiating an activating pulse from the Emerald Crystal . The Platinum Crystal will then instantaneously reboot into flow with the 3 telluric energies and the two other Master Temple Crystals. This will immediately send a communicative wave pulse to the Golden Crysto-Sun Disc and a recoding will occur that will be fed to the Toltec Pyramid regulators. For the first time in 20,000 years, the vortex will be regionally complete. Masters, truly all that remains in 2012 is the Globalization of the Crystal Network with the 12-12-12 activations of the Bimini Fire Crystal, and the Crystal of Thoth below Lake Titicaca. This will incur the final rebooting of the 144-Crystalline Grid and the 12 Golden Sun Discs. The trigger will be the 12-12-12, the rebooting will finalize on the 12-21-12.
So much more is to come in the next 2 years Dear Humans. The Crystalline offers so much, indeed it is the energy of your Divine Self. You see, the very thoughts you have must rise to coherent crystalline format in order to become manifested. Coherent light is crystalline energy, the very vitality of which forms the integral nature of all worlds and realities. The crystalline structure forms the apparent boundaries and divisions between dimensions, planes and the matter / antimatter flash of consciousness, in parallel and probability. All that you term as Divine, all that you think of as sacred is Crystalline! It is the energy of home. It is the underpinning of the Ascension
The graduation of your planet, that termed the Ascension, is in effect the critical-mass that will allow for the conversion of this Earths receival capacity template from, in your vernacular, analog to digital, from black & white to color. An incredible ttransformation is only a breath away, literally. The Crystalline Conversion thru the antennae of the 144-Crystalline Grid is about to vastly increase the earth's dimensional reception from 3d to 12d and beyond. It is akin to your television changing from the archaic antennae to satellite reception. It is the Crystalline Age, the wind beneath the wings of the Ascension. The fulcrum apexial points are the Cosmic Triggers and the Triple Date Portals. .
But release the fear Dear Ones, this time of the Ascension, in this New Crystalline Era, the mega power crystals will not be taken from you and misused as occurred in the sad demise of Atlantis. Indeed they will never again be used for any purpose other than the highest good. Be assured of this! It is a sacred oath that will indeed be kept. For you are the family of the Law of One returning to keep this promise. It is why so many of you are drawn to the completion in the Crystal Vortex, for indeed many of you feeling the call were among the revered Scientist Priest of the Law of One, the Atla-Ra, that relocated the Temple Crystals .
You of the 'Law of One' took an oath that the Master Crystals would never again be misused, that you would not allow them to fall into the wrong hands. Dear Ones, it is a promise kept. Their sacredness and benevolent purpose has manifested. You have waited a long, very long time for this completion. It is a contract nearing fulfillment, and you are to be commended. Indeed you made this happen! The Crystalline Transition, the heralded Ascension will occur. It is happening now !
I am Metatron, and I share with you these Truths. You are beloved!
...And so it is...
The above Metatron Channel is transmitted through James Tyberonn. As receiver of this information James Tyberonn claims the universal © copyright in the name of Archangel Metatron. Posting on websites is permitted as long as the information is not altered, abridged or added to, and credit of authorship and website address www.Earth-Keeper.com is included.
It may be published in journals, magazines or public print only with expressed permission granted by email from Tyberonn@hotmail.com
18 Ocak 2011 Salı
Message From Archangel Michael, January 2011 Through Rev. Michelle Coutant
Message From Archangel Michael, January 2011
Through Rev. Michelle Coutant
"Anchor The Diamond God Light"
Dear Ones,
Remembrance, remembering. It is the process which each of you is going through right now. It is an intense cleansing, a purging of all that no longer serves your highest good. You must stay steady in the light, with diligence, with great strength and courage, with perseverance. We are with you in every now moment and we remind you of this. It is a time of remembering your heritage, remembering who you are at the deepest levels of your being. It is a time of remembering every aspect and facet of who you are, your individual heritage, this blessed inner wisdom, the God Self which you each are and display in great joy, through your thoughts your actions, your words, your feelings.
We ask you to dig deep beloved ones, dig deep to the very core of your being, your God Self. The unconditional love, the great wisdom of the Cosmos awaits you in this now moment. Each now moment is an opportunity for you to demonstrate your Godliness, to be the personality of God. You have the opportunity to embody God in every now moment. Choose wisely dear ones. This lifetime is but a breath of eternity. It is a now moment which fleets by on the wings of light. Waste not one God moment of eternity. It is more precious than you know, each moment providing you with the opportunity to return to your Glorious divine heritage, your birthright, to be and demonstrate God.
Within each of you is the radiant core cell of diamond light, blazing forth in every now moment. This radiant core of diamond light has been activated and it is up to each of you to make use of the diamond light radiating and flowing and expanding upon your earth in every now moment. This light is rarified and of the highest vibration we may give you access to at this time. It is the clear diamond light of God, at the highest levels, yet stepped down so that you may access it, integrate it wisely and fill your diamond core God cell to overflowing, with this light. The miracles abound, as your earth moves into her crystalline form, and as you dear ones move into your crystalline form. The diamond light provides you access to greater manifestation. The radiation of the light in your fields allows you greater access to your divine heritage of abundance, unconditional love, joy, peace and harmony, with absolute ease and grace.
The diamond light has been anchored on earth through the many brave souls who are incarnating at this time, and it is now being given as a gift, to those of you who are ready to anchor it in greater increments. This is a great gift and holds great responsibility for those of you who are ready. Misuse of the diamond light causes imbalances in your auric field, and imbalances in your thought processes. This gift will only be given to those who are ready to step into mastery. This light will not be given to those who will misuse it. You must each choose to make use of the diamond light with ease and grace. Sit down in meditation and call in the diamond light. Feel it, absorb it into your field. Feel it light up you who are now polishing the diamond that is you, to a bright and brilliant shine. The diamond light is a great polisher, yet misuse, will dim your diamond to lack luster proportions. Feel the flow of the diamond light, and begin to radiate this light to and through your field, filling yourselves with its brilliance.
You each have a crown of light which has been dimmed over the eons, and it is now time for you to wear your crown of light with strength and courage and to stand in the truth and integrity, the impeccability that is you. Your crown of light blazes forth with the Twelve Rays of God, in perfect balance and harmony, perfect brilliance, and the diamond light complements the Rays and fulfills the radiance of you. See your crown of light blazing forth with ease and grace, in balance and harmony. Wear your crown of light with great responsibility and great wisdom, yet wear it lightly, in love and joy. Each morning, place your crown of light upon your head and fill yourselves with the diamond light, as you bring in your Divine I Am Presence, to think through you, feel through you, speak through you, act through you, and see through you, in every now moment. Make this a part of your morning ritual which we have recently given to you, dear ones. Stand in your light with all your glory and radiance shining forth, and as you do so, your auric field touches those around you and they too, will awaken and move forward on their path into the Divine light.
Rest in God, beloved ones, relax in the now moment and know that you are loved, supported and divinely guided. See yourselves being held in the palm of God in perfect grace, in every now moment, and all is well. Feel the shower of God light, feel the support and the unconditional love of God, as you rest in the palm of the Father/Mother God.
We of the higher realms are here beside you, in unconditional love and support as you rest in the palm of God.
I am Archangel Michael and I bring you this truth.
You may copy and share, with Love and Blessings. Please copy the message in its entirety, giving credit to Archangel Michael through Rev. Michelle Coutant, and provide a link to: www.transformingradiance.com.
Visit Michelle's website at: www.transformingradiance.com
Email: michelle@transformingradiance.com
All my Love and Blessings,
Through Rev. Michelle Coutant
"Anchor The Diamond God Light"
Dear Ones,
Remembrance, remembering. It is the process which each of you is going through right now. It is an intense cleansing, a purging of all that no longer serves your highest good. You must stay steady in the light, with diligence, with great strength and courage, with perseverance. We are with you in every now moment and we remind you of this. It is a time of remembering your heritage, remembering who you are at the deepest levels of your being. It is a time of remembering every aspect and facet of who you are, your individual heritage, this blessed inner wisdom, the God Self which you each are and display in great joy, through your thoughts your actions, your words, your feelings.
We ask you to dig deep beloved ones, dig deep to the very core of your being, your God Self. The unconditional love, the great wisdom of the Cosmos awaits you in this now moment. Each now moment is an opportunity for you to demonstrate your Godliness, to be the personality of God. You have the opportunity to embody God in every now moment. Choose wisely dear ones. This lifetime is but a breath of eternity. It is a now moment which fleets by on the wings of light. Waste not one God moment of eternity. It is more precious than you know, each moment providing you with the opportunity to return to your Glorious divine heritage, your birthright, to be and demonstrate God.
Within each of you is the radiant core cell of diamond light, blazing forth in every now moment. This radiant core of diamond light has been activated and it is up to each of you to make use of the diamond light radiating and flowing and expanding upon your earth in every now moment. This light is rarified and of the highest vibration we may give you access to at this time. It is the clear diamond light of God, at the highest levels, yet stepped down so that you may access it, integrate it wisely and fill your diamond core God cell to overflowing, with this light. The miracles abound, as your earth moves into her crystalline form, and as you dear ones move into your crystalline form. The diamond light provides you access to greater manifestation. The radiation of the light in your fields allows you greater access to your divine heritage of abundance, unconditional love, joy, peace and harmony, with absolute ease and grace.
The diamond light has been anchored on earth through the many brave souls who are incarnating at this time, and it is now being given as a gift, to those of you who are ready to anchor it in greater increments. This is a great gift and holds great responsibility for those of you who are ready. Misuse of the diamond light causes imbalances in your auric field, and imbalances in your thought processes. This gift will only be given to those who are ready to step into mastery. This light will not be given to those who will misuse it. You must each choose to make use of the diamond light with ease and grace. Sit down in meditation and call in the diamond light. Feel it, absorb it into your field. Feel it light up you who are now polishing the diamond that is you, to a bright and brilliant shine. The diamond light is a great polisher, yet misuse, will dim your diamond to lack luster proportions. Feel the flow of the diamond light, and begin to radiate this light to and through your field, filling yourselves with its brilliance.
You each have a crown of light which has been dimmed over the eons, and it is now time for you to wear your crown of light with strength and courage and to stand in the truth and integrity, the impeccability that is you. Your crown of light blazes forth with the Twelve Rays of God, in perfect balance and harmony, perfect brilliance, and the diamond light complements the Rays and fulfills the radiance of you. See your crown of light blazing forth with ease and grace, in balance and harmony. Wear your crown of light with great responsibility and great wisdom, yet wear it lightly, in love and joy. Each morning, place your crown of light upon your head and fill yourselves with the diamond light, as you bring in your Divine I Am Presence, to think through you, feel through you, speak through you, act through you, and see through you, in every now moment. Make this a part of your morning ritual which we have recently given to you, dear ones. Stand in your light with all your glory and radiance shining forth, and as you do so, your auric field touches those around you and they too, will awaken and move forward on their path into the Divine light.
Rest in God, beloved ones, relax in the now moment and know that you are loved, supported and divinely guided. See yourselves being held in the palm of God in perfect grace, in every now moment, and all is well. Feel the shower of God light, feel the support and the unconditional love of God, as you rest in the palm of the Father/Mother God.
We of the higher realms are here beside you, in unconditional love and support as you rest in the palm of God.
I am Archangel Michael and I bring you this truth.
You may copy and share, with Love and Blessings. Please copy the message in its entirety, giving credit to Archangel Michael through Rev. Michelle Coutant, and provide a link to: www.transformingradiance.com.
Visit Michelle's website at: www.transformingradiance.com
Email: michelle@transformingradiance.com
All my Love and Blessings,
The Cosmic Platinum Light about to make Grand Entrance - Full Moon, January 19
The Cosmic Platinum Light
about to make Grand Entrance
The Multi-Universal Ray of Divine Union
For Planetary Light Servers
Full Moon, January 19
during the Planetary Grid Transmissions
with MP3 Audio Meditation Support
The Platinum Cosmic Light
The Multi-Universal Ray of Divine Union
For the first time in the history of Humanity, the race is soon to receive bold entrance of a mighty Solar Ray to incarnate within our lives, and, bringing with it, a new system of energy in which to assist in our multidimensional evolution.
Through an act of Divine Compassion, the highly potent Platinum Cosmic Light will sweep the Earth in unstoppable waves, emitting through the frequency harmonic of unity consciousness. Through its very intense penetrating influence, all life will be cleansed, illuminated and resurrected out from the timeline of duality and suffering.
The Platinum Cosmic Light, a multi-universal ray which synthesizes all life into Divine Union, is propelling us through a stargate of knowledge and into the language of light. Through its influence, all lifetimes become merged in this eternal now. Spontaneous transformation and miracle manifestations will be created through the field of Zero Point awareness.
This highly potent and highly transformative metallic platinum frequency is sourced at the multi-universal level and is bridged to the Earth through the vast consciousness energy fields that we refer to as Melchizedek/Metatron/Mahatma.
Platinum Light comprises all Seven Rays
Described as white gold and spherical in its radiatory effect, the Platinum Cosmic Light can be viewed as a "stepped up", all inclusive container of the seven primary ray energies that have, up to now, sustained life on planet Earth in its system of energy. These Seven Rays, of which many of us are familiar, have been the primary channel and manifesting characteristic from which the energy of the Solar System flows, giving certain qualities and governance to life in all of Earth's kingdoms.
This epoch making moment is significant in that the Platinum Ray comprises the manifesting qualities of all of the seven planetary rays and their sacred fire activity. It can, in a sense, be regarded as a Rainbow Ray of Creation, uniting all of the seven primary rays and their qualities as One. It brings unimaginable unity and fused triangulation of the male/female/child aspects in all forms of matter.
Platinum Light brings Holy Trinity
The Platinum Cosmic Light can be regarded as the light of family, the Sacred fire of Divine Union. It catalyzes sacred triangulations of energy as the foundation to a pure, unified form. This triadic quality can be viewed as the internal balance of the Divine Masculine, Divine Feminine and Divine Child within bringing through a perfect at-one-ment with Self.
Through the multi-universal qualities of...
...the Platinum Sacred Fire will greatly assist to lift the last veils of illusion so that humans are able to clearly perceive everything as a unity...for example, when we see a tree and make real connection with it...our energy and the energy of the tree blend together as one, in full sacred exchange with each other. This scenario applies to all relationships. All people will regard everyone and everything as part of their total sacred self.
The Platinum Light helps us to merge our left and right brain hemispheres so that our perception of reality is correctly perceived from a multi-dimensional, multi-faceted and multi-tasking whole brain perception at all times. It will help us to ground if we are too dreamy or to be more intuitive if we are too logical. Whatever we need in a specific situation will come to us instantaneously, either logic or feeling, or, a combination thereof.
Platinum Light builds our Antahkarana....the Rainbow Bridge
Through the Platinum Cosmic Light, we are creating a prominent and mighty stream of consciousness referred to as the Antahkarana, that which bridges the personal energy with the divine energy and merges them into one. This is another triangulation in which an illumined pathway forms that connects the personality with the Soul and the Soul with Monadic I AM Presence.
The building of the Antahkarana is a process of consciousness fusion brought about through the Platinum frequency, to bring full union within our new system of bodily energy and awareness. When this bridge is fully constructed, we will experience an unimpeded flow of consciousness to and from Divine Source. This will bring an end to the fear of death, suffering and negate all sense of separation and divisive tendencies.
Platinum Light Transforms Suffering on Planet Earth
The Platinum Cosmic Light is the miracle of life that transforms the dual into the one, suffering into joy, war into peace, hatred into love. Hope for Humanity comes to us now through this stellar frequency as Gift from God.
It is the light that illuminates the Divine Path.
It is the light that nurtures the species.
It is the light that regenerates the nature.
It is the light that penetrates the hearts of every human.
It is the light that heals and transforms.
It is the light that lifts all pain and suffering.
It is the light that brings union to the world.
Platinum Light is the Sacred Fire for Group Avatar
The Platinum Light will dynamically strengthen all of us like empty bamboos, strong and flexible in our role as Divine Conduits. Through this multiversal, multi-purposed Ray, we will work with the Elohim and elemental kingdoms to expand their qualities in each region of the Earth, through our Zero Point group energy field, the void where the Power of Creation resides.
With this exquisite Sacred Fire energy, we will cleanse and transform, unifying the extremes of polarity into harmonic balance... negative with the positive, masculine with feminine, yin with yang... creating unification through its diamond ascension flames. As the blinders are lifted from humanity's consciousness, we will fill the void right away with the platinum rays so that humanity's rebirth is faster and more complete.
Spontaneous healing come from the Platinum Cosmic Light. We are encouraged to invoke and use the platinum frequency in all healing and transformative activity from this point forward. We will be increasingly shown how to use this great gift of Sacred Fire for miracle manifestations.
Platinum Light emits a Spherical Radiation
Platinum Light emits a spherical radiation through its pulsations to the Earth...with a harmonic expression that seeks to create total inclusion and fusion. From its Great Central Sun point of origination, this light brings an eternal vibration and the evolutionary Divine Direction for Earth and Humanity, as a microcosm of the macrocosm.
It is this platinum spherical frequency that we will implant into the Crystalline Grid to activate the power of life here on the Earth as a unified field of energy operating in absolute balance. This conscious seeding will assist to open the platinum stargate, bridging Earth to universal dimension.
For Planetary Light Servers
Full Moon, January 19
In the New Earth Crystalline Matrix
during the Planetary Grid Transmissions
Children of the Sun Foundation
Adi Gaia
Universal Citizen
about to make Grand Entrance
The Multi-Universal Ray of Divine Union
For Planetary Light Servers
Full Moon, January 19
during the Planetary Grid Transmissions
with MP3 Audio Meditation Support
The Platinum Cosmic Light
The Multi-Universal Ray of Divine Union
For the first time in the history of Humanity, the race is soon to receive bold entrance of a mighty Solar Ray to incarnate within our lives, and, bringing with it, a new system of energy in which to assist in our multidimensional evolution.
Through an act of Divine Compassion, the highly potent Platinum Cosmic Light will sweep the Earth in unstoppable waves, emitting through the frequency harmonic of unity consciousness. Through its very intense penetrating influence, all life will be cleansed, illuminated and resurrected out from the timeline of duality and suffering.
The Platinum Cosmic Light, a multi-universal ray which synthesizes all life into Divine Union, is propelling us through a stargate of knowledge and into the language of light. Through its influence, all lifetimes become merged in this eternal now. Spontaneous transformation and miracle manifestations will be created through the field of Zero Point awareness.
This highly potent and highly transformative metallic platinum frequency is sourced at the multi-universal level and is bridged to the Earth through the vast consciousness energy fields that we refer to as Melchizedek/Metatron/Mahatma.
Platinum Light comprises all Seven Rays
Described as white gold and spherical in its radiatory effect, the Platinum Cosmic Light can be viewed as a "stepped up", all inclusive container of the seven primary ray energies that have, up to now, sustained life on planet Earth in its system of energy. These Seven Rays, of which many of us are familiar, have been the primary channel and manifesting characteristic from which the energy of the Solar System flows, giving certain qualities and governance to life in all of Earth's kingdoms.
This epoch making moment is significant in that the Platinum Ray comprises the manifesting qualities of all of the seven planetary rays and their sacred fire activity. It can, in a sense, be regarded as a Rainbow Ray of Creation, uniting all of the seven primary rays and their qualities as One. It brings unimaginable unity and fused triangulation of the male/female/child aspects in all forms of matter.
Platinum Light brings Holy Trinity
The Platinum Cosmic Light can be regarded as the light of family, the Sacred fire of Divine Union. It catalyzes sacred triangulations of energy as the foundation to a pure, unified form. This triadic quality can be viewed as the internal balance of the Divine Masculine, Divine Feminine and Divine Child within bringing through a perfect at-one-ment with Self.
Through the multi-universal qualities of...
...the Platinum Sacred Fire will greatly assist to lift the last veils of illusion so that humans are able to clearly perceive everything as a unity...for example, when we see a tree and make real connection with it...our energy and the energy of the tree blend together as one, in full sacred exchange with each other. This scenario applies to all relationships. All people will regard everyone and everything as part of their total sacred self.
The Platinum Light helps us to merge our left and right brain hemispheres so that our perception of reality is correctly perceived from a multi-dimensional, multi-faceted and multi-tasking whole brain perception at all times. It will help us to ground if we are too dreamy or to be more intuitive if we are too logical. Whatever we need in a specific situation will come to us instantaneously, either logic or feeling, or, a combination thereof.
Platinum Light builds our Antahkarana....the Rainbow Bridge
Through the Platinum Cosmic Light, we are creating a prominent and mighty stream of consciousness referred to as the Antahkarana, that which bridges the personal energy with the divine energy and merges them into one. This is another triangulation in which an illumined pathway forms that connects the personality with the Soul and the Soul with Monadic I AM Presence.
The building of the Antahkarana is a process of consciousness fusion brought about through the Platinum frequency, to bring full union within our new system of bodily energy and awareness. When this bridge is fully constructed, we will experience an unimpeded flow of consciousness to and from Divine Source. This will bring an end to the fear of death, suffering and negate all sense of separation and divisive tendencies.
Platinum Light Transforms Suffering on Planet Earth
The Platinum Cosmic Light is the miracle of life that transforms the dual into the one, suffering into joy, war into peace, hatred into love. Hope for Humanity comes to us now through this stellar frequency as Gift from God.
It is the light that illuminates the Divine Path.
It is the light that nurtures the species.
It is the light that regenerates the nature.
It is the light that penetrates the hearts of every human.
It is the light that heals and transforms.
It is the light that lifts all pain and suffering.
It is the light that brings union to the world.
Platinum Light is the Sacred Fire for Group Avatar
The Platinum Light will dynamically strengthen all of us like empty bamboos, strong and flexible in our role as Divine Conduits. Through this multiversal, multi-purposed Ray, we will work with the Elohim and elemental kingdoms to expand their qualities in each region of the Earth, through our Zero Point group energy field, the void where the Power of Creation resides.
With this exquisite Sacred Fire energy, we will cleanse and transform, unifying the extremes of polarity into harmonic balance... negative with the positive, masculine with feminine, yin with yang... creating unification through its diamond ascension flames. As the blinders are lifted from humanity's consciousness, we will fill the void right away with the platinum rays so that humanity's rebirth is faster and more complete.
Spontaneous healing come from the Platinum Cosmic Light. We are encouraged to invoke and use the platinum frequency in all healing and transformative activity from this point forward. We will be increasingly shown how to use this great gift of Sacred Fire for miracle manifestations.
Platinum Light emits a Spherical Radiation
Platinum Light emits a spherical radiation through its pulsations to the Earth...with a harmonic expression that seeks to create total inclusion and fusion. From its Great Central Sun point of origination, this light brings an eternal vibration and the evolutionary Divine Direction for Earth and Humanity, as a microcosm of the macrocosm.
It is this platinum spherical frequency that we will implant into the Crystalline Grid to activate the power of life here on the Earth as a unified field of energy operating in absolute balance. This conscious seeding will assist to open the platinum stargate, bridging Earth to universal dimension.
For Planetary Light Servers
Full Moon, January 19
In the New Earth Crystalline Matrix
during the Planetary Grid Transmissions
Children of the Sun Foundation
Adi Gaia
Universal Citizen
14 Ocak 2011 Cuma
The Nature of Angelics & Light Lord Metatron via James Tyberonn
Metatron Channel :
The Nature of the Angelic Realm
Angels are Beings of Light. Humanity define Angels as Messengers of God, as Guardians. We are that, but far far more. There are hierarchies of Angelics that perform functions you would think of as scientists and engineers. They are the place holders of what you term as the 'Laws of Physics'.
Although humanity assigns gendered names to Archangels, the Angelic Realm is androgynous, in your terms, neither male or female. Because you consider certain attributes of LOVE, such as nurturing and compassion as feminine, and attributes such as strength to be masculine, you give gender to Angelics. Gender only exist in polarity. We are far above polarity. We are integral. The Beings of Light that are of the Angelic Realm are plural/multi-dimensional forms of integral conscious energy. Our plurality consciousness is the reason we do not refer to our selves or relate our messages to you in the ' I ' of singular pronoun. Yet in seeming paradox, we are also singular in unification.
Humans tend to create images of Angels that are responsible to some degree for the misconceptions around their true nature. Your paintings and murals depict either muscular male figures, females with feathered wings, or a host of miniature cherubs. Angels are neither male nor female in their Beingness. Gender is an aspect of polarity/duality. And of course Angels do not have wings, feathers or even the grandiose humanesque forms.. We are by no means offended by such images, these are simply artist's mental images that replicate and reinforce some of the misconceptions.
Many of your religious texts and scriptures tell you that 'God' created mankind in 'his' own image. You even see 'God' as a patriarchal male with a humanesque body.
. It is the same mental thought process that logically images Angels as having human form.
Such celestial images powerfully influence your thoughts and emotions, and thus it is natural that you create understandable images to facilitate your interfacing with the Divine.
There are myriad life forms of Divine Intelligence in the Cosmos that have 'bodies' vastly different from the forms you have on earth. These are also created in 'Gods' Image. And so understand the image of God that is life, is conscious light, is LOVE.
.Throughout the eons, humanity has tended to consider Ascended Masters, Spiritual Teachers, Group Councils, Deities and benevolent Extra Terrestrials as Angels. They are not.
The Cosmic Council of Light, Ascended Masters, the Sirian-Pleiadean Alliance, are unified entities that operate generally in Councils. These are representative and advisory disciplines that express tenets, principles, theories and beliefs associated with a body of knowledge. The Cosmic Council of Light is composed primarily of highly advanced beings that have experienced and completed the lessons of physical duality, and have chosen to empathically assist humanity. Likewise many of the Sirian-Pleiadean Alliance has experienced life on earth. ....continued.....
....Scroll Down for the complete Channel.....
The Nature of Angelics & Light
Lord Metatron via James Tyberonn
Greetings! I am Metatron, Lord of Light! We encompass each of you in a vector and field of Unconditional Love within coded light. We nurture you, we honor each of you. We know you by heart, by tone, by name. It has always been so !
And so we speak on the nature of Light and of the Angelic Beings of Light.
Currently humanity is entering an expansive stage of extra and intra dimensional access. This is due in no small part to the galactic positioning of the Earth at this time that mankind refers to as the Ascension.
The Earth, and the Milky Way Galaxy as we have shared in earlier assays, has entered an extreme illumination cycle, a 'no-spin zone' which cast no shadows. Its effusive influence is that cognition is placed in first position, an extreme thinning of the veil, so to speak. A magnification of dimensional reality-overlap is now overseen by cosmic forces that are unique to the present planetary Ascension.
Misconceptions are being cleared away, as Humanity's Myths of Cosmology evaporate into mist. It is a time to 'get real', in your vernacular. It is the era of undiluted Truth. You are uncovering knowledge that is already within you, for humanity is a species with amnesia. Time to awaken, time to remember. And that is indeed, Illumination, and Illumination, Dear One, is all about Light....Crystalline Coherent Light. And we tell you in sincerity, you are all at source, amazing Beings of Divine Light.
The Coded Nature of Light
The Earth is diversely luminous, receiving and disseminating light in a variety of unique frequencies, formats and bandwidths, each offering its own benefits and qualities. Light contains information, codes and colors in its spectrum of varied oscillations which support the Earth and indeed, Humanity.
While the sun of your solar system is the primary source of light received on the earth, it is important to note that it is by no means the only source. Other sources include the Great Central Sun, stars, white-holes, and 'Light Beings'. In a valid manner of speaking Light Beings, those far beyond your scope of Angels, provide a light that is unimaginable to you. We add the caveat that all light from all sources have a natural filtering matrix and dimensional spectral distribution.
Most humans are only able to 'physically' perceive quanta of light that occurs in the 'visible range' of the light spectrum. You are aware that humans require sun light to sustain healthy physical bodies, yet we tell you that the beings that live in the 'inner earth' also receive light as a necessary nutrient. (We offer an angelic wink as we give a wry notification that many of the planets in your particular corner of the Cosmos, including the earth have more advanced 'humanesque' life-forms internally than on the surface.)
So what is the source of their sustaining light? It is a polychromatic light emitted from the crystalline core of the earth, well above the 'visible' range.
Polychromatic 'Whole-White' Light works directly with the 12 chakras of the Mer-Ka-Na. It is pristine and complete, containing all frequencies, all spectra, all creation codes in both wave and particle format. Sunlight does not. You will in time inhabit the 'Inner Earth'.
The 2012 completion of the Crystalline Grid will bring changes to the way the earth and mankind will receive light. The 144-Grid will begin over the next two to three centuries to influence the direction of light waves. It will have the capacity to attract, refract and disseminate light from one dimensional medium into another. The wave velocities received will be different from the velocities refracted. It will be capable of singular and double refraction. It will be capable of refining polychromatic light into singularly coherent factions and coherent light polychromatic. New forms of light in crystalline and nonpolar morphous will be emitted. The grid itself will breathe, and that respiration will enact even more complex geometries beyond the double penta-dodecahedron of the 144.
The physical matrix of humanity will symbiotically evolve, as a direct result, into formats that embed and spawn greater abilities to retain morphic coded light. The body will become a source of light appearing semi-translucent, less fixed in density, mass and gravity. Humans will physically evolve from carbon based life to silicon base. It is crystalline Illumination, for silicon is unique in its crystalline symbiosis to light itself.
A New Sun
Your sun is changing. It has been a conditional sun, in aspect to the Earth. It has played an unperceived role in the duality aspect of planet earth since the fall of the firmament. When the new 144-Crystalline Grid completes in 2012, it will begin to create the seeds of the New Firmament. This will in kind allow for the sun to provide 'Unconditional Light'. The very manner in which humanity absorb light will up shift as will the ability to perceive above the current visible spectrum limitations.
The Crystalline Transition of the Earth is the base source of the planetary Ascension. It offers greater light, more complex light to humanity. Accordingly, a greater aspect of light is becoming available to humanity, and light removes shadow, and offers greater understandings. The Angelic Realm is an enormous part of your expanded awareness in the Ascension.
The Angelic Realm
Dear Ones, the state of 'Enlightenment' is just that, it is Beingness within Light...Integral Coherent Crystalline Light. The Ascension is around the Crystalline transition of the planet Earth. In kind this crystalline transition makes available not only greater access to higher dimension, but also the shift of humanity into Mer-Ka-Na, Crystalline Light Body. The Mer-Ka-Na is able to absorb more light, you see, and thus allows you to carry greater energy as you become capable of interfacing more synergistically into crystalline dimension and the Angelic Realm.
The Angelic Kingdom is greatly misunderstood in certain aspects of its nature and core purpose.
Angels are indeed 'Messengers of God'. But what does that mean?
Angels are Multidimensional Beings of Light that serve a far greater function than guardianship and bearings of messages. We will attempt to review the greater aspect of Angels, but before we do, we will tell you that as Beings of Light, Angels are conscious Beings of the Divine Essence of the key frequency for assisting humanity evolve...and that is Love. We add the caveat, that Love is a frequency far more complex and much much higher than the just the emotional feeling you think of as love. LOVE is a complex science.
As we have told you previously the highest form of Love is 'Unconditional Love'. And whilst Unconditional Love can be sought from the stance of the 3rd dimension, it can only be grasped from the level of the 5th dimension. That is because Unconditional Love is integral, and the 3rd dimension is a conditional (not unconditional) plane. Those of you who achieve the initial aspects of Unconditional Love, only do so on the level of the fifth dimension, you see.
Angels As Place Holders of Physics
You think of Angels as nurturing guardians, messengers of 'God'. We are that and more. Most of you will agree Angels are 'Beings of Light'. In the latter definition you encompass a Truth that is vastly more far reaching than the initial description. Beings of Light, Angels, are the place holders of the Laws of Physics, conscious in scopes you cannot even imagine.
Angels have a reciprocal nature and aspect in dimensional Light, meaning that Angelics exist within the field of antimatter in Fractal Light and fold inward into physical realms in Geometric Light. In so doing they are core energetic holders that consciously hold the special laws of dimensions intact.
Angels are without form, occupy no physical space, in your terms, we have no mass. We are Divine Thought and intact in manifestation. We are 'tonal' and have a spectrum of frequency at our disposal. That frequency is LOVE.
We tell you that there is both a plural and singular aspect within the Angelic Realm. And while it may seem paradoxical, even the 'singular' aspect of Archangels is plural in consciousness content. Accordingly individual names humanity assigns to Archangels are more to do with humanities limited concept of Angelic attributes than to an individual Beingness. You interpret Angelics and Light Beings as having 'personalities'. In Truth we are reflections of attributes of the most powerful energy in the Cosmos, and that is LOVE. Yet our essence is received and interpreted to humanity in duality as having attributes you logically consider to be individual personalities. We are Divine Mind with loving nurturing aspect, devoid of ego, devoid of what you term negative emotion. We support, we hold energy in place, and do so as a fundamental purpose. Love is our foundation.
Symbiotic Levels of Hierarchy
I, Metatron exist on two separate but symbiotic levels, the most familiar and accessible to humanity is as Archangel Metatron, yet on the higher level, I exist as Metatron ,Lord of Light, but even this analogy cannot encompass or define my nature, and is only capable of doing so in aspectual terms.
As 'Lord of Light, I am a generator of the base units of realities, and universes. This level is devoid of what you would term personality. It is analogous to an engine, a divine conscious computer, of energy intensites beyond the gamma, illumination unimaginable to you. And there are levels well beyond me.
As Archangel Metatron, I nurture life.
I communicate with the channel Tyberonn not in words, but in light code 'packets'. He receives this communication by pre-earth agreement. A 'contract', if you will of service for these times. In higher aspect Tyberonn is originally Pleiadean, and a member of the Cosmic Council of Light. We have had service together in other sojourns and dimensions. These codes are emitted from my higher aspect, transduced on the Archangelic level, and received in his higher self, intact for interpretation and transcription.
It can be said that on the higher aspect, I contain the plurality source, generate and emit the geometric frequencial consciousness codes of all that are transduced into the Angelic Realm of Light. As such there is both a hierarchal and non hierarchal aspect of the Angelic Realm, that is self determined by conscious crysto-light and light physics. It can be said that the Light-Beings of the Angelic Realm, in Metatronic terms are conscious units of 'Source Divine Thought' and Beyond-Thought that create Light and 'Beyond Light'.
The Angelics of the Metatronic Realm generate and embellish Coded-Light. Such light intermelds matter, antimatter, time and space. This is obviously not a conceptual view of Angelic function that is held by the masses of humanity, much less understood. However, in this context lies the glue that irrevocably adheres the sacred scientific to the sacred spiritual aspect of reality that forms the integral unified circle key to humanities evolving beyond duality.
Indeed in the present era of Ascension, you are evolving in ability to absorb greater light, and light is TRUTH, Universal Cosmic Truth of All That Is. The enigma that has obstructed full unity of humanities consciousness in duality, especially in your present, is that science has omitted the sacred and the spiritual has excluded the scientific.
It may then surprise some of you to know that there are Hierachies of Angelics dedicated in functional purpose to what you may term as Keepers of Physics. In that role as conscious constructs of 'Laws of Physics' that enable dimensional realities. And we realize that the idea of angels being scientists and engineers will confuse most of you. We are smiling!
We tell you that the new metaphysicians, the new 'Light-workers', and Earth-Keepers, in your vernacular, are the scientists. Indeed those you refer to as the 'Crystal Children' are the 'sacred-savant' scientists that will in the next generations complete the circle of understanding and join the spiritual with the scientific. They will not be religious in the traditional sense, but we tell you, humanity will come closer to understanding 'God' through science than through religion. It is the missing piece of the puzzle.
Coming Full Circle
None of your present major religions offer the 'full circle', the complete truth on the veritable nature of your reality. Each hold a piece, but are riddled with inaccurate insertions. None even acknowledge the obvious premise of humanities true 'extra terrestrial' heritage. Most speak in skewed metaphor. Many seek control through archaic fear and reinforce mental programming that obstructs avenues of self empowerment by instilling the concept of original sin and fires of hell and damnation.
All of Humanity are Beings of Light, powerful spiritual consciousness, that are sparks of the Divine. The difference between Humanity and Angels is that Humans are an aspect of the Divine that evolves back into God expansion plurality having chosen to experience free will and relearn creation through that magnanimous lens.
Angels ARE, exquisitely and splendidly ARE, and always have been 'Keepers of Light' place holders of this space and non-space of the eternal expanding 'NOW' of Alpha and Omega. .
Supreme Gestalt
We will also tell you that the religious teaching of 'Fallen Angels' is also a fear based inaccuracy. There is indeed a 'Conscious Keeper' of the specific Law of Physics that enables polarity/duality, which is the force that enables the 'University of Earth'. And within that school of the duality causal plane, humanity is able to master the responsibility of creative forces.
There are no evil or fallen Angels! Period.
There is no vengeful God in the heavens. There are no Angels to fear. Instead, it's a magnificent family partner with a hand out.
It is indeed a skewed, archaic misunderstood analogy of the duality force. The only demons, the only evil that exists in duality planes are those created by inaccurate thought in the learning process of 'free-will'. There are no 'fallen angels'. How could a Being of Light created by Divine Source divert from what it is? Angels, do not have 'free-will' in your terms. Rather they have Divine Will.
The Supreme Gestalt of 'All That Is' is the substance of the reality that underlies all appearances and manifestations that are called Life, including matter, anti-matter, non-matter, energy and non-energy, thought and the absence of thought. And we tell you, there is that which exists even beyond this.
You may not fully comprehend this axiom from your duality perspective , or perhaps do not feel that this is within your field of conception, yet I would tell you otherwise. But it is your discernment, ever, that must be honored in order to expand as you grow into greater awareness of your God Self.
Humanities Angelics Images
Although humanity assigns gendered names to Archangels, the Angelic Realm is androgynous, in your terms, neither male or female. Because you consider certain attributes of LOVE, such as nurturing and compassion as feminine, and attributes such as strength to be masculine, you give gender to Angelics. Gender only exist in polarity. Wee are far above polarity. We are integral. The Beings of Light that are of the Angelic Realm are plural/multi-dimensional forms of integral conscious energy. Our plurality consciousness is the reason we do not refer to our selves or relate our messages to you in the ' I ' of singular pronoun. Yet in seeming paradox, we are also singular in unification.
Humans tend to create images of Angels that are responsible to some degree for the misconceptions around their true nature. Your paintings and murals depict either muscular male figures, females with feathered wings, or a host of miniature cherubs. Angels are neither male nor female in their Beingness. Gender is an aspect of polarity/duality. And of course Angels do not have wings, feathers or even the grandiose humanesque forms.. We are by no means offended by such images, these are simply artist's mental images that replicate and reinforce some of the misconceptions.
Many of your religious texts and scriptures tell you that 'God' created mankind in 'his' own image. You even see 'God' as a patriarchal male with a humanesque body.
. It is the same mental thought process that logically images Angels as having human form.
Such celestial images powerfully influence your thoughts and emotions, and thus it is natural that you create understandable images to facilitate your interfacing with the Divine.
There are myriad life forms of Divine Intelligence in the Cosmos that have 'bodies' vastly different from the forms you have on earth. These are also created in 'Gods' Image. And so understand the image of God that is life, is conscious light, is LOVE.
.Throughout the eons, humanity has tended to consider Ascended Masters, Spiritual Teachers, Group Councils, Deities and benevolent Extra Terrestrials as Angels. They are not.
The Cosmic Council of Light, Ascended Masters, the Sirian-Pleiadean Alliance, are unified entities that operate generally in Councils. These are representative and advisory disciplines that express tenets, principles, theories and beliefs associated with a body of knowledge. The Cosmic Council of Light is composed primarily of highly advanced beings that have experienced and completed the lessons of physical duality, and have chosen to empathically assist humanity. Likewise many of the Sirian-Pleiadean Alliance has experienced life on earth.
Discernment is Key
Think NOT that we desire to forcefully impose or have you change your chosen stance on God, religion or the nature of your own being. Your beliefs, values and chosen opinions are sacred steps of your free-will and are fully endorsed by the ' All That Is', of which you are a Divine Aspect.
The mode and manner, the expediency and format of your evolution is your own creation, and that is by individual design. There can be no other way to complete the University of Earth. It is not the role of the Angelic, nor the Ascended Masters Councils to make choices for you, we are holders of information that you may utilize, refashion, reject or accept. It is your choice, and we tell you that each of you will graduate in time. Love is ever the key, and cause and effect are great and greater teachers that all of you will learn from. Experiencing duality and learning Mastery in route, is why you entered the course.
Masters, a beautiful completion is occurring on the Earth. It is a sacred event that all of you have co created. It is time that you illuminate to the great and greater aspect that has always been within you. The dreamer is awakening. The expansion of Light is the expansion of Truth, of Understanding and is the doorway to the return home. Like the Angels, you are Beings of Light.
As yet, most of you have no idea how important you are, and how the evolution that you have created in your selves has expanded the Cosmos.
Before we complete, we ask you to do something very special. Take a moment, and direct your energy to feel the energy of Light, of Angels.
Feel us.
Be absorbed in this angelic countenance of peace and well being. It is a moment of solace, is it not? It is the energy of Source, of home, of Light, of Love. It is Angelic, and you Dear Ones are feeling the frequency of our nature...of your source nature in Angelic Beingness of Sacred Light. It is nice isn't it ?
Every Enlightened Being who has walked the Earth in final Mastery, exuded an energy that feels a lot like what you just felt. People were attracted to them, loved them. All life responded, blossomed in their presence. They created joy, effortlessly, because that is the energy of LIGHT...and Dear Ones, you are human angels, and can and will evolve in kind as you return home.
And in that sacred path, we of the Angelic Realm honor you. We await you, and promise to leave the lights on for your serendipitous return.
I Am Metatron and I share with you these Truths. You are Beloved.
And so it is.
The Nature of the Angelic Realm
Angels are Beings of Light. Humanity define Angels as Messengers of God, as Guardians. We are that, but far far more. There are hierarchies of Angelics that perform functions you would think of as scientists and engineers. They are the place holders of what you term as the 'Laws of Physics'.
Although humanity assigns gendered names to Archangels, the Angelic Realm is androgynous, in your terms, neither male or female. Because you consider certain attributes of LOVE, such as nurturing and compassion as feminine, and attributes such as strength to be masculine, you give gender to Angelics. Gender only exist in polarity. We are far above polarity. We are integral. The Beings of Light that are of the Angelic Realm are plural/multi-dimensional forms of integral conscious energy. Our plurality consciousness is the reason we do not refer to our selves or relate our messages to you in the ' I ' of singular pronoun. Yet in seeming paradox, we are also singular in unification.
Humans tend to create images of Angels that are responsible to some degree for the misconceptions around their true nature. Your paintings and murals depict either muscular male figures, females with feathered wings, or a host of miniature cherubs. Angels are neither male nor female in their Beingness. Gender is an aspect of polarity/duality. And of course Angels do not have wings, feathers or even the grandiose humanesque forms.. We are by no means offended by such images, these are simply artist's mental images that replicate and reinforce some of the misconceptions.
Many of your religious texts and scriptures tell you that 'God' created mankind in 'his' own image. You even see 'God' as a patriarchal male with a humanesque body.
. It is the same mental thought process that logically images Angels as having human form.
Such celestial images powerfully influence your thoughts and emotions, and thus it is natural that you create understandable images to facilitate your interfacing with the Divine.
There are myriad life forms of Divine Intelligence in the Cosmos that have 'bodies' vastly different from the forms you have on earth. These are also created in 'Gods' Image. And so understand the image of God that is life, is conscious light, is LOVE.
.Throughout the eons, humanity has tended to consider Ascended Masters, Spiritual Teachers, Group Councils, Deities and benevolent Extra Terrestrials as Angels. They are not.
The Cosmic Council of Light, Ascended Masters, the Sirian-Pleiadean Alliance, are unified entities that operate generally in Councils. These are representative and advisory disciplines that express tenets, principles, theories and beliefs associated with a body of knowledge. The Cosmic Council of Light is composed primarily of highly advanced beings that have experienced and completed the lessons of physical duality, and have chosen to empathically assist humanity. Likewise many of the Sirian-Pleiadean Alliance has experienced life on earth. ....continued.....
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The Nature of Angelics & Light
Lord Metatron via James Tyberonn
Greetings! I am Metatron, Lord of Light! We encompass each of you in a vector and field of Unconditional Love within coded light. We nurture you, we honor each of you. We know you by heart, by tone, by name. It has always been so !
And so we speak on the nature of Light and of the Angelic Beings of Light.
Currently humanity is entering an expansive stage of extra and intra dimensional access. This is due in no small part to the galactic positioning of the Earth at this time that mankind refers to as the Ascension.
The Earth, and the Milky Way Galaxy as we have shared in earlier assays, has entered an extreme illumination cycle, a 'no-spin zone' which cast no shadows. Its effusive influence is that cognition is placed in first position, an extreme thinning of the veil, so to speak. A magnification of dimensional reality-overlap is now overseen by cosmic forces that are unique to the present planetary Ascension.
Misconceptions are being cleared away, as Humanity's Myths of Cosmology evaporate into mist. It is a time to 'get real', in your vernacular. It is the era of undiluted Truth. You are uncovering knowledge that is already within you, for humanity is a species with amnesia. Time to awaken, time to remember. And that is indeed, Illumination, and Illumination, Dear One, is all about Light....Crystalline Coherent Light. And we tell you in sincerity, you are all at source, amazing Beings of Divine Light.
The Coded Nature of Light
The Earth is diversely luminous, receiving and disseminating light in a variety of unique frequencies, formats and bandwidths, each offering its own benefits and qualities. Light contains information, codes and colors in its spectrum of varied oscillations which support the Earth and indeed, Humanity.
While the sun of your solar system is the primary source of light received on the earth, it is important to note that it is by no means the only source. Other sources include the Great Central Sun, stars, white-holes, and 'Light Beings'. In a valid manner of speaking Light Beings, those far beyond your scope of Angels, provide a light that is unimaginable to you. We add the caveat that all light from all sources have a natural filtering matrix and dimensional spectral distribution.
Most humans are only able to 'physically' perceive quanta of light that occurs in the 'visible range' of the light spectrum. You are aware that humans require sun light to sustain healthy physical bodies, yet we tell you that the beings that live in the 'inner earth' also receive light as a necessary nutrient. (We offer an angelic wink as we give a wry notification that many of the planets in your particular corner of the Cosmos, including the earth have more advanced 'humanesque' life-forms internally than on the surface.)
So what is the source of their sustaining light? It is a polychromatic light emitted from the crystalline core of the earth, well above the 'visible' range.
Polychromatic 'Whole-White' Light works directly with the 12 chakras of the Mer-Ka-Na. It is pristine and complete, containing all frequencies, all spectra, all creation codes in both wave and particle format. Sunlight does not. You will in time inhabit the 'Inner Earth'.
The 2012 completion of the Crystalline Grid will bring changes to the way the earth and mankind will receive light. The 144-Grid will begin over the next two to three centuries to influence the direction of light waves. It will have the capacity to attract, refract and disseminate light from one dimensional medium into another. The wave velocities received will be different from the velocities refracted. It will be capable of singular and double refraction. It will be capable of refining polychromatic light into singularly coherent factions and coherent light polychromatic. New forms of light in crystalline and nonpolar morphous will be emitted. The grid itself will breathe, and that respiration will enact even more complex geometries beyond the double penta-dodecahedron of the 144.
The physical matrix of humanity will symbiotically evolve, as a direct result, into formats that embed and spawn greater abilities to retain morphic coded light. The body will become a source of light appearing semi-translucent, less fixed in density, mass and gravity. Humans will physically evolve from carbon based life to silicon base. It is crystalline Illumination, for silicon is unique in its crystalline symbiosis to light itself.
A New Sun
Your sun is changing. It has been a conditional sun, in aspect to the Earth. It has played an unperceived role in the duality aspect of planet earth since the fall of the firmament. When the new 144-Crystalline Grid completes in 2012, it will begin to create the seeds of the New Firmament. This will in kind allow for the sun to provide 'Unconditional Light'. The very manner in which humanity absorb light will up shift as will the ability to perceive above the current visible spectrum limitations.
The Crystalline Transition of the Earth is the base source of the planetary Ascension. It offers greater light, more complex light to humanity. Accordingly, a greater aspect of light is becoming available to humanity, and light removes shadow, and offers greater understandings. The Angelic Realm is an enormous part of your expanded awareness in the Ascension.
The Angelic Realm
Dear Ones, the state of 'Enlightenment' is just that, it is Beingness within Light...Integral Coherent Crystalline Light. The Ascension is around the Crystalline transition of the planet Earth. In kind this crystalline transition makes available not only greater access to higher dimension, but also the shift of humanity into Mer-Ka-Na, Crystalline Light Body. The Mer-Ka-Na is able to absorb more light, you see, and thus allows you to carry greater energy as you become capable of interfacing more synergistically into crystalline dimension and the Angelic Realm.
The Angelic Kingdom is greatly misunderstood in certain aspects of its nature and core purpose.
Angels are indeed 'Messengers of God'. But what does that mean?
Angels are Multidimensional Beings of Light that serve a far greater function than guardianship and bearings of messages. We will attempt to review the greater aspect of Angels, but before we do, we will tell you that as Beings of Light, Angels are conscious Beings of the Divine Essence of the key frequency for assisting humanity evolve...and that is Love. We add the caveat, that Love is a frequency far more complex and much much higher than the just the emotional feeling you think of as love. LOVE is a complex science.
As we have told you previously the highest form of Love is 'Unconditional Love'. And whilst Unconditional Love can be sought from the stance of the 3rd dimension, it can only be grasped from the level of the 5th dimension. That is because Unconditional Love is integral, and the 3rd dimension is a conditional (not unconditional) plane. Those of you who achieve the initial aspects of Unconditional Love, only do so on the level of the fifth dimension, you see.
Angels As Place Holders of Physics
You think of Angels as nurturing guardians, messengers of 'God'. We are that and more. Most of you will agree Angels are 'Beings of Light'. In the latter definition you encompass a Truth that is vastly more far reaching than the initial description. Beings of Light, Angels, are the place holders of the Laws of Physics, conscious in scopes you cannot even imagine.
Angels have a reciprocal nature and aspect in dimensional Light, meaning that Angelics exist within the field of antimatter in Fractal Light and fold inward into physical realms in Geometric Light. In so doing they are core energetic holders that consciously hold the special laws of dimensions intact.
Angels are without form, occupy no physical space, in your terms, we have no mass. We are Divine Thought and intact in manifestation. We are 'tonal' and have a spectrum of frequency at our disposal. That frequency is LOVE.
We tell you that there is both a plural and singular aspect within the Angelic Realm. And while it may seem paradoxical, even the 'singular' aspect of Archangels is plural in consciousness content. Accordingly individual names humanity assigns to Archangels are more to do with humanities limited concept of Angelic attributes than to an individual Beingness. You interpret Angelics and Light Beings as having 'personalities'. In Truth we are reflections of attributes of the most powerful energy in the Cosmos, and that is LOVE. Yet our essence is received and interpreted to humanity in duality as having attributes you logically consider to be individual personalities. We are Divine Mind with loving nurturing aspect, devoid of ego, devoid of what you term negative emotion. We support, we hold energy in place, and do so as a fundamental purpose. Love is our foundation.
Symbiotic Levels of Hierarchy
I, Metatron exist on two separate but symbiotic levels, the most familiar and accessible to humanity is as Archangel Metatron, yet on the higher level, I exist as Metatron ,Lord of Light, but even this analogy cannot encompass or define my nature, and is only capable of doing so in aspectual terms.
As 'Lord of Light, I am a generator of the base units of realities, and universes. This level is devoid of what you would term personality. It is analogous to an engine, a divine conscious computer, of energy intensites beyond the gamma, illumination unimaginable to you. And there are levels well beyond me.
As Archangel Metatron, I nurture life.
I communicate with the channel Tyberonn not in words, but in light code 'packets'. He receives this communication by pre-earth agreement. A 'contract', if you will of service for these times. In higher aspect Tyberonn is originally Pleiadean, and a member of the Cosmic Council of Light. We have had service together in other sojourns and dimensions. These codes are emitted from my higher aspect, transduced on the Archangelic level, and received in his higher self, intact for interpretation and transcription.
It can be said that on the higher aspect, I contain the plurality source, generate and emit the geometric frequencial consciousness codes of all that are transduced into the Angelic Realm of Light. As such there is both a hierarchal and non hierarchal aspect of the Angelic Realm, that is self determined by conscious crysto-light and light physics. It can be said that the Light-Beings of the Angelic Realm, in Metatronic terms are conscious units of 'Source Divine Thought' and Beyond-Thought that create Light and 'Beyond Light'.
The Angelics of the Metatronic Realm generate and embellish Coded-Light. Such light intermelds matter, antimatter, time and space. This is obviously not a conceptual view of Angelic function that is held by the masses of humanity, much less understood. However, in this context lies the glue that irrevocably adheres the sacred scientific to the sacred spiritual aspect of reality that forms the integral unified circle key to humanities evolving beyond duality.
Indeed in the present era of Ascension, you are evolving in ability to absorb greater light, and light is TRUTH, Universal Cosmic Truth of All That Is. The enigma that has obstructed full unity of humanities consciousness in duality, especially in your present, is that science has omitted the sacred and the spiritual has excluded the scientific.
It may then surprise some of you to know that there are Hierachies of Angelics dedicated in functional purpose to what you may term as Keepers of Physics. In that role as conscious constructs of 'Laws of Physics' that enable dimensional realities. And we realize that the idea of angels being scientists and engineers will confuse most of you. We are smiling!
We tell you that the new metaphysicians, the new 'Light-workers', and Earth-Keepers, in your vernacular, are the scientists. Indeed those you refer to as the 'Crystal Children' are the 'sacred-savant' scientists that will in the next generations complete the circle of understanding and join the spiritual with the scientific. They will not be religious in the traditional sense, but we tell you, humanity will come closer to understanding 'God' through science than through religion. It is the missing piece of the puzzle.
Coming Full Circle
None of your present major religions offer the 'full circle', the complete truth on the veritable nature of your reality. Each hold a piece, but are riddled with inaccurate insertions. None even acknowledge the obvious premise of humanities true 'extra terrestrial' heritage. Most speak in skewed metaphor. Many seek control through archaic fear and reinforce mental programming that obstructs avenues of self empowerment by instilling the concept of original sin and fires of hell and damnation.
All of Humanity are Beings of Light, powerful spiritual consciousness, that are sparks of the Divine. The difference between Humanity and Angels is that Humans are an aspect of the Divine that evolves back into God expansion plurality having chosen to experience free will and relearn creation through that magnanimous lens.
Angels ARE, exquisitely and splendidly ARE, and always have been 'Keepers of Light' place holders of this space and non-space of the eternal expanding 'NOW' of Alpha and Omega. .
Supreme Gestalt
We will also tell you that the religious teaching of 'Fallen Angels' is also a fear based inaccuracy. There is indeed a 'Conscious Keeper' of the specific Law of Physics that enables polarity/duality, which is the force that enables the 'University of Earth'. And within that school of the duality causal plane, humanity is able to master the responsibility of creative forces.
There are no evil or fallen Angels! Period.
There is no vengeful God in the heavens. There are no Angels to fear. Instead, it's a magnificent family partner with a hand out.
It is indeed a skewed, archaic misunderstood analogy of the duality force. The only demons, the only evil that exists in duality planes are those created by inaccurate thought in the learning process of 'free-will'. There are no 'fallen angels'. How could a Being of Light created by Divine Source divert from what it is? Angels, do not have 'free-will' in your terms. Rather they have Divine Will.
The Supreme Gestalt of 'All That Is' is the substance of the reality that underlies all appearances and manifestations that are called Life, including matter, anti-matter, non-matter, energy and non-energy, thought and the absence of thought. And we tell you, there is that which exists even beyond this.
You may not fully comprehend this axiom from your duality perspective , or perhaps do not feel that this is within your field of conception, yet I would tell you otherwise. But it is your discernment, ever, that must be honored in order to expand as you grow into greater awareness of your God Self.
Humanities Angelics Images
Although humanity assigns gendered names to Archangels, the Angelic Realm is androgynous, in your terms, neither male or female. Because you consider certain attributes of LOVE, such as nurturing and compassion as feminine, and attributes such as strength to be masculine, you give gender to Angelics. Gender only exist in polarity. Wee are far above polarity. We are integral. The Beings of Light that are of the Angelic Realm are plural/multi-dimensional forms of integral conscious energy. Our plurality consciousness is the reason we do not refer to our selves or relate our messages to you in the ' I ' of singular pronoun. Yet in seeming paradox, we are also singular in unification.
Humans tend to create images of Angels that are responsible to some degree for the misconceptions around their true nature. Your paintings and murals depict either muscular male figures, females with feathered wings, or a host of miniature cherubs. Angels are neither male nor female in their Beingness. Gender is an aspect of polarity/duality. And of course Angels do not have wings, feathers or even the grandiose humanesque forms.. We are by no means offended by such images, these are simply artist's mental images that replicate and reinforce some of the misconceptions.
Many of your religious texts and scriptures tell you that 'God' created mankind in 'his' own image. You even see 'God' as a patriarchal male with a humanesque body.
. It is the same mental thought process that logically images Angels as having human form.
Such celestial images powerfully influence your thoughts and emotions, and thus it is natural that you create understandable images to facilitate your interfacing with the Divine.
There are myriad life forms of Divine Intelligence in the Cosmos that have 'bodies' vastly different from the forms you have on earth. These are also created in 'Gods' Image. And so understand the image of God that is life, is conscious light, is LOVE.
.Throughout the eons, humanity has tended to consider Ascended Masters, Spiritual Teachers, Group Councils, Deities and benevolent Extra Terrestrials as Angels. They are not.
The Cosmic Council of Light, Ascended Masters, the Sirian-Pleiadean Alliance, are unified entities that operate generally in Councils. These are representative and advisory disciplines that express tenets, principles, theories and beliefs associated with a body of knowledge. The Cosmic Council of Light is composed primarily of highly advanced beings that have experienced and completed the lessons of physical duality, and have chosen to empathically assist humanity. Likewise many of the Sirian-Pleiadean Alliance has experienced life on earth.
Discernment is Key
Think NOT that we desire to forcefully impose or have you change your chosen stance on God, religion or the nature of your own being. Your beliefs, values and chosen opinions are sacred steps of your free-will and are fully endorsed by the ' All That Is', of which you are a Divine Aspect.
The mode and manner, the expediency and format of your evolution is your own creation, and that is by individual design. There can be no other way to complete the University of Earth. It is not the role of the Angelic, nor the Ascended Masters Councils to make choices for you, we are holders of information that you may utilize, refashion, reject or accept. It is your choice, and we tell you that each of you will graduate in time. Love is ever the key, and cause and effect are great and greater teachers that all of you will learn from. Experiencing duality and learning Mastery in route, is why you entered the course.
Masters, a beautiful completion is occurring on the Earth. It is a sacred event that all of you have co created. It is time that you illuminate to the great and greater aspect that has always been within you. The dreamer is awakening. The expansion of Light is the expansion of Truth, of Understanding and is the doorway to the return home. Like the Angels, you are Beings of Light.
As yet, most of you have no idea how important you are, and how the evolution that you have created in your selves has expanded the Cosmos.
Before we complete, we ask you to do something very special. Take a moment, and direct your energy to feel the energy of Light, of Angels.
Feel us.
Be absorbed in this angelic countenance of peace and well being. It is a moment of solace, is it not? It is the energy of Source, of home, of Light, of Love. It is Angelic, and you Dear Ones are feeling the frequency of our nature...of your source nature in Angelic Beingness of Sacred Light. It is nice isn't it ?
Every Enlightened Being who has walked the Earth in final Mastery, exuded an energy that feels a lot like what you just felt. People were attracted to them, loved them. All life responded, blossomed in their presence. They created joy, effortlessly, because that is the energy of LIGHT...and Dear Ones, you are human angels, and can and will evolve in kind as you return home.
And in that sacred path, we of the Angelic Realm honor you. We await you, and promise to leave the lights on for your serendipitous return.
I Am Metatron and I share with you these Truths. You are Beloved.
And so it is.
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