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27 Aralık 2012 Perşembe




Ronna Herman




Beloved masters, the God Rays which RAY-diated the Divine Blueprint/Seed Atoms for the Piscean Age have gradually diminished in power, for they are no longer receiving the Sacred Fire Seed Atoms of Creator Consciousness supplied primarily by the luminous frequencies of the Sixth Ray. The major focus for humanity during the Age of Pisces was the lower emotional nature. Humanity had emerged from the stupefying, vibrational forces of the lower, instinctual animal/human nature whereby the focus was on scarcity, survival and security. In the last 500 years of the Piscean age, many of the more mature Souls were beginning to tap into powerful forces of the Third Chakra / the physical Solar Power Center. They began to concentrate on their earthly-mental/human nature, developing their creative abilities on the physical plane of existence, and acquisition of material goods became their major focus. Some of the even more advanced Souls began to tap into the vibrational forces of the Heart Chakra, as well as the Solar Plexus Chakra, thereby initiating the development of their Spiritual Power Center (the Solar Plexus, heart, throat and thymus gland) as they gradually began the process of spiritual awakening.

In this Sub-Universe, the sacred geometric pattern for that era was the Vesica Piscis symbol, which portrayed the unified Trinity of our Father/Mother God and the first born sons/daughters. ARCHANGEL URIEL and LADY GRACE are the bearers of the Sixth Ray, which was the predominant radiance of God Consciousness for the Piscean Age. Archangel Uriel is often referred to as the Dove of Peace, and he and Lady Grace embody the Father/Mother God’s virtues, aspects and attributes of the Sixth Ray of devotion, forgiveness, mercy, grace and faith. This is the Ray of peace, tranquility and devotional worship. It was the vibrational patterns of the Sixth Ray that the beloved Lord Jeshua, Lady Mary and Lord Maitreya, along with many other great Beings of Light, anchored on Earth in preparation for these glorious times of transformation. They came to Earth to plant the Memory Seed Atoms of the resurrection and ascension process. A great host of angelic Beings assisted them from the higher realms in activating the Sacred Fire Seed Atoms and the powerful Violet Flame of transformation which were stored deep within the Earth’s great labyrinths and caverns. The powerful radiance of the Sixth Ray and the activated Seed Atoms’ radiance from within the Earth were the means of stopping humanity’s descent into the darkness and illusion of the third and lower-fourth dimensions so that the spiral of ascension back into the realms of Light and higher consciousness could begin.

As Christianity flourished, the golden center of the Vesica Piscis symbol – () – became the fish symbol of the Christian faith. Later on this symbol was replaced by the cross as a representation of the crucifixion. However, the true meaning of the cross, as a sacred symbol, was a vertical column of God Light and a smaller horizontal column of matter. The tall column of Light anchored within the Earth was symbolically reaching for the heavens, while the smaller horizontal column represented the accepted narrow spectrum of duality. The column of duality/polarity grew much longer, it became unwieldy and difficult to balance, thus increasing the pain and suffering of humanity. There has been far too much emphasis on the crucifixion and the pain and suffering it represents. It is time to rectify those negative thought forms, and to understand the true meaning of so many of the metaphors that were given during those dark times of the Piscean era.

We are relaying this information to you, for it has vast importance as to what is occurring at the present time. You, the Star Seed, who are diligently striving for Self-mastery, have a measure of crystalline Memory Seed Atoms stored within your Sacred Heart/Mind such as those we have just described to you. The majority of you who are now firmly on the path were either embodied on Earth or assisted from the higher realms of Light to steadily hold the Sacred Hologram in our minds as we all radiated forth the Piscean Sacred Fire Seed Atoms of resurrection and ascension. For those of you who were on Earth, this was done while in a deep dream state; nevertheless, the contribution humanity made was invaluable.

You, the Wayshowers, are preparing to play much the same role by joining the mighty heavenly forces of our Father/Mother God as we anchor the new Divine Blueprint, the vibrational patterns for the emerging Age of Aquarius. However, this time, you will perform this most important task while fully conscious and aware that it is taking place. The new Crystalline Grid is now firmly in place and active, and it is time for you, the Star Seed, to begin to magnetize to you, integrate and then radiate the new Divine Blueprint/Sacred Fire Seed Atoms for the Aquarian Age down into the Earth’s grid system and out into the world of form. This is your NEW GALACTIC MISSION, beloveds. This is what you have been preparing for during these chaotic, stressful years of awakening to your Divine Nature.


When you achieve a certain level of harmony within, you open the physical body gateways or portals to the higher dimensions: the ascension chakra or medulla oblongata at the base of the skull; the back portal of your Sacred Heart; your Sacred Mind which is located in the upper, back portion of the brain; and the expansion of the opening of the crown chakra. These are major physical steps in the ascension process, for they reinstate your connection with the River of Life, which contains the Living Light particles of Creation called Adamantine Particles. At that point, you begin to build a force field of full-spectrum Light as you strive to become a master of Self and a conscious cocreator who only creates those things which are for the greatest benefit of all. From that time forward, your breathing exercises and affirmations take on a whole new meaning.

When you are practicing the Infinity Breath exercise, you are breathing through the Sacred Heart, which creates a continuous flow of cosmic energy throughout the physical body. This process floods the system with Adamantine Particles of Divine, Sacred Fire Light.

In order to become a living tributary for the River of Life, you must prepare yourselves to allow the Essence of life to flow into and through you. You must use what you need and then allow the remainder to flow forth, ready and available to be molded into wondrous new creations. In this way, you will become bearers and servers of the Light. This is the ultimate message of all the teachings we have given you over these past years. This is the goal of Self-mastery. This is the way of ascension.

As you become more proficient as cocreators on the earthly plane, you must constantly monitor your energy patterns and seek to upgrade them. You must strive for sustained harmony and refined godly expression. You must liberate the power of the Sacred Fire within, which has lain dormant for many thousands of years. You must learn to direct and focus your energy into the areas of your life you wish to change. By establishing and constantly upgrading your Twelve Ray Creator Wheel of Life, you are planting the seeds of focused change; and you are supplying the Sacred Fire of Creation needed to manifest what you have envisioned. When you can do this proficiently, your personal world will become a wonderland, and you will become a beacon of Light for all to see.

When the awesome power of Creation connects with physical matter as an opposing force, there is always chaos. However, when this wondrous power is drawn into a compatible sensory receptacle, miracles abound. You must change the expectations you have of the people around you. You must release the fear of taking a stand, setting boundaries, and speaking your truth with an overlay of loving energy. It is imperative that you learn to remain centered when experiencing criticism. Do not respond with anger or low frequency energy. You must learn to rise above the everyday stressful situations so that you may transform moments of discord into hours of serenity.

The universe and especially the Sub-Universe in which we exist is in the midst of a monumental transformational process. Planets are shifting places and moving closer to the sun of the solar system of which they are a part; galaxies and Sub-Universes are expanding and moving upward, outward or downward depending on the viewpoint of the observer. New galaxies are in the formation stages as the impetus for expansion is ignited by a great infusion of Creator Particles of Light/Life, and the seed thoughts for new Creation are permeating the consciousness of all sentient Beings.

Never before have you had such an opportunity to serve humanity and the Creator. You are at a crossroads in your evolutionary process, for the world as you have known it is slowly fading away. As Divine Sparks of the Creator, you were given a great gift, a treasure chest of Creator Essence to use in any way you desired. You began this lifetime with a portion of Adamantine Particles of Light stored within your Sacred Heart and a reserve tucked away within your Root Chakra, the Sacred Fire Seed Atoms sometimes called Kundalini and portrayed as a coiled serpent. You have always had access to the Sacred Fire stored within your heart; however, you have to remember how to use your Keys to the Kingdom in order to ignite and effectively use this power source of Divine Light. The Kundalini or Serpent Fire is a different matter, for you must clear 51% of the distorted energy you have created in the past in order to tap into this reservoir of Metatronic Full Spectrum Light.

You are in the midst of a cosmic reunion process, my brave friends, and you will evolve in due time, in one way or another. You must be aware that this transformation process is a long and complex cycle; however, it can be a grand journey if you will take advantage of the wisdom teachings and the tools we are offering to you. The Law of the Circle states that every new creative endeavor must begin from within the Still Point of Will-Power, the Core Essence of the Creator/cocreator.

There is great concern that the devastation around the world is accelerating. We acknowledge that this is true and will continue for some time as the Earth releases the negative patterns and constrictive energies, for your Earth mother is striving to repair the damage that has been done to the planet over the aeons of time through humanity’s negative thoughts and actions. Humanity is responsible for the present state of the Earth, and it is up to all of you, along with the assistance of the Beings of the Higher Realms, to strive to correct as much of the damage as possible. You are being supplied with the tools and the Sacred Fire energy necessary to accomplish this task; however, you must incorporate and direct the energy appropriately. Your ascension and the Earth’s ascension are inexorably tied together, and we are committed to assist you in every way possible.

During this shifting of the Ages cycle, you are experiencing a great variety of transformative changes. You are reclaiming all the personal fragments of energy/thought forms that you created during your long journey into the physical expression. You are reuniting with the many Sparks of consciousness that make up your Divine Self and your Soul family, and you are also striving to become a spiritual/human adult while existing in an ever-expanding, multidimensional realm of physicality.

The Holy Spirit or your Higher Mental Self is the discerning higher intelligence which monitors and regulates the Light infusions and the gifts of Spirit that are allotted to you according to your level of spiritual awareness and your present needs. Special dispensations are also monitored and dispersed by your Holy Mental Self, which is the intermediary between you and your Divine I AM Presence / God Self. However, these special gifts must always be used for the greatest good. Remember, you are cocreators and you must always do your part.

There is a path open for each of you to follow, no matter in what station or circumstances you may find yourselves. There is a golden opportunity waiting to enable you to assume your power, tap into your creativity, and bring to the fore those many latent abilities you have stored deep within your memory banks. And now, as never before, we are close by, observing, waiting to assist, to encourage, create the miracles, smooth the way and assist you in moving onward and upward.

Your Soul Song is composed of mid-fourth and higher-dimensional vibrational patterns of unconditional love, wisdom, balance and harmony. As a Self-master, your Energetic Signature and your Soul Song will merge into a Celestial Mandala of Light, sound and color by which you will be identified in the higher Realms. You are recognized by the brilliance of your inner Light. The more Light Essence you incorporate into your physical vessel, the more brilliantly your aura will glow.

If you can view all that is presently in your life as transitory except the Love/Light and Spiritual Fire within your Sacred Heart and Soul, then you will know what we are trying to convey to you. Release your fear of the past and future, eliminate the emotional and mental controls others have over you and become the free Spirit you were meant to be.

True spirituality means adhering to the living truth, which is lived every day, and not practiced just one or two hours a week as is done in most religious ceremonies. It is an incessant burning desire to be in constant communion with Spirit. Humanity must move past the shallow waters of orthodox worship into the mystical river of life. Akashic records are vibrational patterns--positive or negative--which are stored within the cosmic library where the total history of Creation is recorded and maintained.

The vibrational patterns of the Violet Flame are the only ones which are accessible both from above, via the Crown Chakra and the Sacred breathing techniques, as well as from within the Earth. Envision this beautiful Flame blazing up from beneath your feet, surrounding your body, as it transmutes any discordant vibrational frequencies you may have around you, before radiating this Sacred Flame forth out into the world in greater and greater concentric circles. Remember, one person who is centered within his/her Sacred Heart and Sacred Mind can convey cosmic truths and inspired thoughts to millions of people, while the loving vibrations of his/her auric field blesses everyone with whom he/she comes in contact.

The World Pyramid is a Mid-way Station for your multiple Soul-Selves. Your good deeds are stored within the Treasury of Light Storehouse within the World Pyramid. There is a harvesting of good deeds every year, and your loving thoughts and deeds are magnified and stored there. The greater portion is melded with Creator Light to be used to create the greatest good for all humanity. You will receive your special gifts and Divine dispensations in accordance to that which you have contributed to the Storehouse of Light.

We ask you to put us to the test. With an open mind, study the basic concepts we have given, and slowly, but faithfully, implement some of them within your daily life. Give us permission to guide and inspire you, and by doing so, you will have the forces of Heaven behind you. You can only fail if you do not make an effort or if you give up, beloveds.


Transmitted through Ronna Herman *STAR*QUEST* 775-856-3654 * * * Email:

18 Aralık 2012 Salı

Karmic Tools > Weekly Forecast: December 16 - 22, 2012

Karmic Tools > Weekly Forecast: December 16 - 22, 2012

17 December 2012 - 2:07pm

a message from Kelly M. Beard

Sunday, 16 December, 2012

The Karmic Tools Weekly Forecast covers the current planetary transits which affect people in different ways and to various degrees of intensity. Take notice when it is a Personal planet (Sun / Moon / Mercury / Venus / Mars) interacting with a Social (Jupiter/Saturn) or Collective planet (Uranus / Neptune/Pluto). And pay extremely close attention when it is a Social planet interacting with a Collective planet because that means something *big* is brewing that will move large groups of people along their evolutionary paths. Tuning in to the energy and rhythm of the planets can serve as a useful *guide* as you move along your Individual Path. It also helps to understand your place within the context of the larger Social & Collective Story. Below, you will find out how these energies tend to manifest, as well as guidance and direction.

*NOTE* There are some days when there are NO CONTACTS (besides the Moon), please note that there are no missing entries, we just list the actual Activations of each week + the day they happen.

Weekly Forecast: December 16 - 22, 2012

12/16 ~ Venus (art & beauty) ~square~ Neptune (vision):

This energy is great for creative flow. If you are artistically inclined in any way, you will have access to an energy that will allow you to create something amazing. This energy is not so good for relationships. There may be a tendency to idealize your partner, only to be let down by the reality of the situation. If your relationship happens to end under this influence, it’s not necessarily a bad thing because it suggests that it was never on solid ground to begin with. Be thankful and move on.

12/17 ~ Mercury (communication) ~oppose~ Jupiter (optimism):

This is a great complement to the previous energy because it gives the optimism that is lacking in the previous energy. This energy gives so much optimism and tends to make you think "big" that alone, you could overlook necessary details. It's great to have access to this energy - plan, strategize, discuss with others, get input and feedback, bounce ideas around and be open and receptive to others' points of view (they may think of something you didn't).

12/19 ~ Venus (relationships) ~trine~ Uranus (unique):

This energy is likely to bring a little excitement into your life, one way or another. This is a good time to do something different; shake up your routine. Seek out diversions; try something new! Relationships will have an unusual energy to them; an established relationship may sparkle with some extra “spice” or a new relationship begun under this energy will be stimulating, unusual and probably short-lived. Use this energy to soak up some good energy from those who live on the fringes!

12/22 ~ Sun (identity) ~sextile~ Neptune (vision):

More sharp intuition available this week. You are able to step outside your Self and see how others' needs are important. You may feel the urge to be more giving and understanding than usual. This is also a good time for spiritual development. It won't be enough to merely know something, you will want to know the "larger" meaning. Your energy may be naturally low, that's an indication that it's time to focus more inwardly.

12/22 ~ Venus (love, art & beauty) ~oppose~ Jupiter (expansion):

This is a great energy for pleasure, joy and satisfaction - if you don't over-indulge. You won't feel like working as much as you will feel like playing today. And you may very well enjoy activities and other people but remember to watch the excesses. If you overdo it today, you may need another day to recover. With a little forethought and discipline, this is a very enjoyable, pleasant energy. If you are an artist or in a creative mood, this energy will expand your work immensely.

You are encouraged to share articles as long as copyright and contact info are always included. Thanks for your courtesy. Kelly M Beard ~ Published by GypsyChild Publishing Copyright © 2000-2013 Kelly M Beard All Rights Reserved

17 Aralık 2012 Pazartesi

Mother Mary Opens The 12.12.12 Gateway

Mother Mary Opens The 12.12.12 Gateway

a message from Mother Mary channeled by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

Thursday, 13 December, 2012

2808 views, 4 comments - login or register to comment I am Mary, Divine Mother, Giver of Hope, Giver of Love. I am She who comes to welcome you as I open my heart and my arms and bring you close to my breast. I bind you in love and I bind what hurts you. I bind what pains you and I bind what cries in your soul to be healed. I collect with love what tears fall from your eyes. Allow me to wrap myself around you. I come to speak to you about your divine responsibility.

I come on this day (12:12:12) in the vibration of twelve that once surrounded my son The Christ. I come to escort you into a higher understanding of what being divine means. The divinity that you seek does not live in some far off land, only accessible by the holy ones. Divinity does not wait for you to have a perfect body, hair, day. Divinity does not wait for the day that you are hallowed enough to be in its presence. The Divine part of you has sat on the shelf for eons waiting for you to remember that the time is now and the crown is of light not thorns.

The consciousness within your body exclaims, that it cannot receive this Divinity until you feel holy and whole in every droplet of your being. Self/Ego will not allow you to announce that you are ready to receive divinity. The ascension process depends upon when you place that beautiful crown of light upon your head. When you finally embrace in Allness that divine sector of your humanness. You each wait for a crucifixion, for the stigmata, for martyrdom, and for sainthood before you receive the divinity that is longing for your touch that is longing to be embraced by you.

So I ask you all to see in your mind's eye, a beautiful crown of light, sparkling with the stars in the heavens, the quasars and the galaxies, sparkling with love and holiness. See it by your feet. Now, in your mind's eye, reach down and pick it up. It feels as if you have the whole world in your hands, not just earth, but all of God's creations. Move that divine crown of light to your heart and place it as a sacred circle around your heart. Feel it open your heart up to levels of love that go beyond you're understanding. Now put the crown of light to your throat and let a light come forth that will allow you to speak to those in anger, in negativity, in confusion with words of love as sweet as a nightingale's song. Now move that crown up into your third eye and see as a seer that has the ability to see beyond the time space veil of illusion.

Open your perceptions to what is still invisible. Visualize with all of your light, with all of your love, everything that you have ever dreamt that you wanted to be, wanted to do! Divine Perfection in body and mind and spirit. Divine perfection within intention and heart. In that Divine intention, place this crown of light, this crown of divinity upon your head, Dear Children. You see it does not sit above it, but blends into your body and soul. Shrouding your body in holiness and love. Feel it move down to your feet and then see it becoming One with the flesh of Mother Earth. For as you receive your divinity into you heart and thinking she is released of the burden of awakening you and can thus place her loving attention on those that still slumber in forgetfulness.

The time for accepting and receiving your Divinity, your divine nature, your divine future, and your divine creation is now, this minute of this day. You ask for gifts from spirit. You ask for gifts from Christ. They sit about your feet as unopened presents because you do not embrace them into your presence that never has felt holy enough. Even those of you throughout time and space that have held sacred positions of priests and ministers, saints and nuns, healers and shamans, never have you felt Holy enough. In that fractured-ness, you caused a great ripple effect affecting the outcome and timing of this great Divine Presence within you that was seeking release.

as you have placed this Divine Crown of Light upon your head and received it into your cellular structure, you have made a pledge. The pledge says, "I embrace my divinity now! I am good enough now! Grand enough, smart enough, beautiful enough, rich enough, holy enough to be Divine now!. The activated Divinity will set into motion a series of events that entirely recalibrate the next steps of your journey. This is the piano that you have been waiting to play. This is the picture you have wanted to paint. This is the song that you have wanted to sing. In the past these expressions of self and soul existed in 'someday'.

You travel and travel to 'someday' but never get there. By you receiving in fullness the first cell of divinity, you have changed everything. You have changed your walk, your twinkle, your skin tone, your hair, your smile, and your words. You will walk more in a holy fashion and embrace what is more whole and holy within you. You will resist the temptation of others negativity to bring you into anger, into sadness, into remorse. Everything of life tries to escort you away from your light; do you not see that? As long as you are sad and fractured and upset and too busy, the light cannot land upon you. That is why evenings as such are so important, for you sit long enough to allow the spotlight of divinity to land upon you as a hummingbird that finally quits flying and lands upon a branch embracing the time of rest.

By opening and fully receiving your Divine innate natural nature and state of being, you move the possibilities of your life and your future to a destination that was not visible on the map of your soul. You have all looked for the stairway to heaven. You have jumped up to try to reach the golden hoop. You have tried to quantum leap forward. You have tried everything, but you could not get to that next level that you so seek. You could splash about in it for a moment, but it did not stay adhered. The reason it did not adhere is because you had not received in fullness your divine presence. This is the year that you unwrap that divinity for yourself. Each of you now wear it fully, what beautiful beings you are.

In your mind's eye you have always seen a picture of yourself that is grand and glorious and lily white. A picture of yourself where you walk, or rather float through your life, where your clothes are never dirty and you always wear white. Where your hair never needs washed and your halo is always shiny. Do not wait for death to receive these images. Realize them in life. You know that they are real. Receive them in the here and now - not in kingdom come - but on earth, let it be done.

As you embrace the Divine Crown that you have placed within your energy field, you also allow entrance for the Son of the Sun to come to you. Call forth to the Christ. Look at him at eye to eye. The picture that was given to you this evening is fully filled with my presence. I changed the colors deliberately so that it would be seen as a miracle. Believing is seeing, is it not? - For those of earth. When you need me, look into my eyes. It matters not what your faith, your religion, your belief - for I am here for all. Look eye to eye with your angels now. They are not above you. They are with you as is my Son, and the Ascended Masters. I am Mary and I wish you a Mary Christmas from my heart. Speak to others about finally being able to receive divinity while in human form. On Earth it will be done. I Love you and Bless you.

Gillian MacBeth-Louthan - PO box 217 - Dandridge, Tennessee 37725-0217 -

December 2012 Whale and Dolphin Cosmic Pulse

Dear Light Family,

Welcome to my December 2012 Whale and Dolphin Cosmic Pulse. I realize it has been 3 months since my last whale dolphin meditation and I want to apologize for my lack of communication during this time. Many of you have emailed and I deeply appreciate your loving support. I've been dealing with some health challenges brought on by committing the cardinal sin of working too much and not taking time for myself. I have been busy on the outside but quiet on the inside and trusted the timing would be right to re-connect.

Today we begin the final week before the much anticipated December 21st, Precession of the Equinox. On this sacred day our beloved Mother Earth, Sun and Center of the Galaxy will align in a unified straight line. This linking through the sacred heart will be a birthing of the "new" in all dimensions, in all time and space. Each and every one of us have been preparing for this event not only in this lifetime, but in many others. Within the sacred space of the heart, all worlds, universes, dimensions, all life found their creation. This much anticipated timing will unite and unify hearts of all life everywhere.

So much has been written about this timing that many of us feel overwhelmed with information. The frequency waves and harmonic modulations of the past weeks have been intense, dramatic and bringing forth all manner of clearing of the old.

The Whales and Dolphins today wanted to instruct us on the sacred heart vortex or spinning star tetrahedron that will be re-calibrated at the moment of the alignment. This space within the sacred heart is our birthing of the long awaited divine sacred feminine light that will wash over our beloved Mother Earth and offer all us enlightenment.

The truth of our light and our power is not outside of ourselves, although we often seek it there. It is truly held within our sacred heart, the place of our truth and knowing. All of our "light" is within yet we often look above and beyond to quantify.

The Whales and Dolphins have always been known as the "keepers of the grid". They navigate the ley lines and grids of our beloved Mother Earth and maintain the integrity of our Bio-Sphere. On Dec 21st the grids, ley lines, oceans, mountains and all living things were re-calibrated with the new harmonic signature.

Today the Whales and Dolphins along with our star seed families and beloved Magdalene journeyed with us to a holographic temple within the Great Central Sun. We then had an opportunity to examine where we restrict ourselves, no matter what the reason or situation. The Whales and Dolphins lovingly helped us understand that all of our relationships are undergoing massive change and reminded each of us that while this timing can feel overwhelming, it is by our personal divine design that we are assisting our beloved Mother Earth in becoming a star. Every thought is by divine design, every action experienced in perfection as we find balance.

The Whales and Dolphins work with the planetary frequencies on a daily basis as they balance the ley lines and grid lines of our planet. We are divine multi-dimensional beings merging with our human-ness on a daily path of enlightenment. The whales and dolphin support that journey in every way, and today they beamed to us the message that we are doing just great. We need not worry about what is coming in 2012, what "ascension" will look or feel like. They helped us understand we have all the truth and knowledge we need within our sacred heart.

I want to thank ALL that were able to join in and participate with me today. The love and energy allowed a deepening to our connection with the "Whale Matrix" which will be the foundation for all further meditations. The Whales and Dolphins showered us with the frequency of "Love" today, giving each of us a new found inner strength and a new level of trust.

We are and will remain in dramatic times of change over the coming months, and our beloved Whales and Dolphins are within us offering a cohesive integration and interface between our sacred heart and our 3D/ 5D bodies. The Whales and Dolphins offered support for us and our beloved Mother Earth, by weaving the vibrational frequency of LOVE, uniting ALL in this NOW timing.

Image courtesy of Jean Luc Bozzoli

Our beloved Whales and Dolphins along with our Beloved Arcturians, Pleiadians, Ascended Masters, and Star-Seed families will continue to support the interface of our 3D/5D systems as we continue to surf the crystalline vibrational upgrades of 2012 and beyond The entire meditation was recorded, below are the links.

It takes a few seconds for the recordings to begin.

Please note during today's meditation I lost the line for 1 minute and 20 seconds. The meditation continues - just stay in your sacred heart space during that time.

December Overview and Meditation For Listening on Desktop

For Download as an MP3 File

My January 2013 Whale & Dolphin Cosmic Pulse overview and meditation will be Sunday, January 27th 2013 @ 11:00 am PST. I now have new conference line call in. Conference line # is 559-670-1000 Access code 601636#. If you are calling in outside of Canada or the USA you can email me at

For your local call in number .

From my heart I wish to thank all the loving souls who have supported me and my work during the past year and I look forward to 2013 and sharing more together.

With Love and Deep Gratitude,


Shala's Whale & Dolphin Cosmic Pulse

10 Aralık 2012 Pazartesi

Message From VERONICA

Message From VERONICA
Belief Systems

"Every existence in the physical participates in a belief system that becomes relevant or irrelevant to the soul as it progresses.

There is no judgement from our perspective of which system perpetuates evolvement or not. Each experience is designed to bring clarity. Since the soul energy is unique and omnipotent it is only natural that there would be a variety of choices for every soul in every lifetime.

It is important for all souls incarnate to recognize the uniqueness they posses by existing in the physical. The honoring of other soul choices should not be excluded on the path to individual evolvement. As proven often in your physical sciences energy frequency is varied and multi-tiered in its intenseness. It is only natural that there would be many approaches to the alignment of the core energy from which one emanates, i.e., the source of your soul.

Questions have been posed as to the origin of our energy. We are as yourselves only not continuing the physical line. Our perspective is a bit broader due to the lack of linear drama often created on the way to understanding in physical.

We seek not to pontificate on the path you should take. We merely offer perspective on the truths you really already know & which you may have forgotten... or perhaps misinterpreted.

There is not a correct single belief system since there are many varied consciousness souls currently involved in physical. These systems are usually derived from culture, and serve the individual in their numerous lessons and perspectives.

Religion in its linear form also can shade the beliefs of an individual. We only remind you to seek the truth of your soul, not the outside dogma and ceremonies attached to a particular religious venue.

Always seek the energy of your soul. If indeed a particular path calls you then be where you must be. Eventually the truth of eternity will find you, until then simply listen to your soul.

The voice of the inner will always be the clear one regardless of the volume of the many."


7 Aralık 2012 Cuma

Live Stream Video of the 12-12-12

Live Stream Video of the 12-12-12

Take Part in the Ceremony & Hear the Amazing Speakers From Your Home

Register Here:

A Global Meditation

at the 12:12 of the Ascension

The Ascension Happens Only Once !

Take Part !!!

You Waited Lifetimes for 2012


Join Us in the Ascension

A Global Ceremony of the 12-12-12


Join us at 12 noon Central Time USA

In the Epi Centre of the Ascension

- The Sacred Crystal Vortex -

Activation of the Crystalline Sun Disc


Completion of the Crystalline 144 Grid

Take Part

from wherever you are and meditate with us for 12 minutes

12:00 pm until 12:12 pm on the 12-12-12

Times :

Hawaii - 08:00 am / Pacific - 10 am / Mountain - 11:00 am / Eastern - 1:00 pm

London - 6 pm / Holland 7 pm

Sydney Australia - Next Day Dec 13 - 5:00 am

Auckland, NZ - Next Day - 7:00 am


Time Converter Link


Ceremony of the 12-12-12

with MAX - The 13th Crystal Skull


Live Channel from Metatron


Etheric Participation from Wherever You Are

Just Invest the Time !


Come to the 12-12-12 in Arkansas


Subscribe by Visual LSV




4-Days of Magic, Music, Teaching & Ceremony

December 9-10-11 -12 - Little Rock, Arkansas

The Earth-Keeper 12-12-12

Crystalline Completion

Return of the Law of One

In the Sacred Heart of the Crystal Vortex

Epi Centre of the Ascension

We have over 650 registered attendees, with room for only 25 more.

There is time to register if you act quickly.

The $555 registration includes full participation for all 4 days.

Tickets are non-cancel. At the Door rate is $600

Its the Ascension - Don't Wait !! Join us !

Register - Click Red-Link Below


The Perfect Line Up

Earth-Keeper 12-12-12

Featured Speakers at the 12-12-12

2012 in the Crystal Vortex

Its Here !

Our 12-12-12 Team

Anne Tipton - Event Director

Colin Bradley - MC

Arielle Faith Michael -Staff

Ken Landis - Assisting Host

Bruce Durward IT

Buddy Englett-Pyro Media - LSV

Leon Vank - Staff

Cris Jacinto - MAX Asst

Becky Hannah - Staff

Denise Troyer-Staff

Julie Rainwater - Staff

DJ Jeter - Staff

Jack Marion - Staff


Attend the 12-12-12

From Your Home by Live-Stream Video

Register Here:

If you wish to attend the amazing & Transformational 12-12-12 Event in the Crystal Vortex, but are unable to travel, you may still take part in this Gathering from your home by Live-Stream Video. You will hear the cutting-edge Speakers, the music and be able to take part in the meditations and Activation Ceremonies from your home.

Live-Stream Video will include all activities scheduled from 09:00 am until 6:00 pm on Monday & Tuesday . and Wednesday will be included from 9:30 am until 12:30 pm . As a value added bonus Sunday will be included as a gifting to subscribers from 9 am - 6 pm !!!!... free of charge to LSV participants.

The videos will also be uploaded online and viewable for 10 days after the actual live event to allow you to watch at your convenience.

The 12-12-12 Ceremony will be broadcast and viewable with 700 attendees physically present and with MAX.

There will also be a performance of the 12 Codes of Ascension played live for the fist time by musical channels Kai Mitchim & Barra Crose on the morning of the 12-12-12.

If you cannot attend in person ( we have a few available openings to attend in person)- but are very close to sell out), then attend by Live-Stream Video. Don't miss the 12-12-12 !

It is a once in a lifetime you waited many millennia to be a part of ! It is the Ascension ! 2012 will not come again !!!!

Speakers Include : Graham Hancock, James Tyberonn, David Hatcher Childress, John Van Auken, John Major Jenkins and Dr Semir Osmanagich.


Live Stream 12-12-12

Abundance Exchange - $295


Discount Rate - $244

Ends at midnite on 8 December - Last Day for Discount

Act Soon Discount Expires on Dec 8

Click Below Link to Register

As an added bonus rrecorded video of the 12-12-12 will be posted on line after the event and will be available to registrants to view online for 10 addition days thru Dec 22nd. In the event you are unable to view live, the recordings allow you to watch at your leisure.

We have obtained top quality providers for this service with extra band width and will broadcast with superb quality. In the event you have issues, it is available for afterview.

Package is viewing only, event videos cannot be downloaded. The $295 rate is priced economically well below other comparable Gatherings of 12-12-12 offering Live Video Stream & we offer far more value ( 3 1/2 days) and truly top tier speakers . The discount is an excellent value!

Registrations for the LSV is non cancel. .Bandwidth is purchased according to viewer numbers.. LSV is not transferable from live attendance. Register soon, by cc or PayPal. No checks accepted at this point.


We have over 17,500 subscribers to the Earth-Keeper Chronicles Newsletter. Click the above button to receive free Channels of Archangel Metatron via James Tyberonn & Event information.


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Live Stream Video of the 12-12-12

Take Part in the Ceremony & Hear the Amazing Speakers From Your Home



LSV -Live Stream Video of the 12-12-12 !!!

If you are receiving this email, it is confirmation of your either subscribing to or being gifted attendance to the Live Stream Video of the 12-12-12 Earth-Keeper Conference.

The Live-Stream Video will include all activities scheduled from 09:00 am until 6:00 pm on Monday December 10, & Tuesday December 11 and and Wednesday from 9:30 am until 12:30 pm

Opening day Sunday December 9th will be included as a gifted' value added.

All of the videos from 9 am - 6p Dec 9-11 and from 9 am - 12-30 pm Dec 12 will be uploaded online and viewable for 10 days after the actual live event to allow you to watch at your convenience. We have secured a highly reputable Live Stream service and have secured ample band width .

**You will be sent a link and password on Saturday Dec 8th for the LSV with additional information.**

We purchase band width based on attendee numbers, so we appreciate your integrity in not sending the confidential password to others, we and the other viewers count on your honesty, as unregistered viewers can diminsh the broadcast signal that you and the others have paid to receive.

In the event you have any issues logging on for LSV , or during the broadcast or during after event viewing, please contact :

Bruce Durward Email -

Keep in mind there is a live chat board also that can be used.

There will also be a live chat line for you to discuss the event or any issues with staff during the live portion. Staff will Be Bruce Durward and Buddy Englett of Pyro Media. You will need a good internet connection, but in the unlikely event you have any issues during the live broadcast, it will all be on secure internet , as mentioned, for after view at your convenience thru Dec 22nd.

Speakers Include : Graham Hancock, James Tyberonn, David Hatcher Childress, John Van Auken, John Major Jekins and Dr Semir Osmangich.

Many Blessings,


EK Admin Mgr



Sunday, December 9

08:00 - 9:00 - Registration

08:30 - 09:00 - Music - Kai Mitchim & Barra Crose

09:00 - 09:30 The 12-12-12 - James Tyberonn

09:30 - 10:20 - Power of Mind & The Law of Belief - James Tyberonn

10:20 - 10:30 - Break with Music

10:30 - 12:00 - John Van Auken - Reincarnation & Karma

12:00 - 1:30 - Lunch Break

1:30 - 3:00 - John Van Auken - Edgar Cayce's Atlantis

3:00 - 3:15 - Break

3:00- 4:30 - Dr Semir Osmanagich - Pyramids of the Ancient World

4:30- 5:30 - Dr Daniel Condron

Monday, December 10

08:00-8:30 - Opening Meditation - Colin Bradley

08:30 - 09:00 - Carolyn Marie Solton - Learning to Live

9:00 - 10:30 - Dr Semir Osmangich - The Bosnian Pyramids

10:30 - 10:45 - Break

10:45 - 12:15 - John Major Jenkins - 2012 and the Galactic Alignment

12:15 - 1:45 - Lunch Break - (with Book-Signing)

1:45 - 3:15 - Graham Hancock - A Species With Amnesia

3:15 - 3:30 - Break

3:30 - 5:00 - David Hatcher Childress - Atlantis and Ancient Civilizations

5:00 - 6:30 - John Major Jenkins - 2012: A Retrospective

Tuesday, December 11

08:30 -8:55 Opening Meditation - Led by Colin Bradley

09:00- 10:30 - James Tyberonn - The Science of Earth Energies

10:30-12:00 - David Hatcher Childress - Tesla Technology & Ancient Aliens.

12:00- 1:30 Lunch Break ( With Book Signings)

1:30 -1:45 - Poetry of Michael Firewalker

1:45 - 3:15 Graham Hancock - Altered States, Parallel Realms & Human Future

3:15 -3:25 Break

3:25- 4:10 - Sacred Sites of Russia - Dr Irina Zhuravleva & Yuri Zuykov

4:10 - 5:00 - Dr Jeri Castronova - The Goddess and the Game Board

Wednesday, December 12

8:30 - 9:00 - Linda Roebuck & Lilia Shoshanna Rae

9:00- 9:45 - Dr Cheri St Arnauld & Dr Doris Christopher - Attributes of the Divine Feminine

9:45- 10:30 - Message of the Golden Hathors: Linda Robinson & Cathy Kominos

10:30-10:45 Break

10:45 - 11:30 - The 12 Tones of the Ascension - Kai & Barra

11:00 - 12:12 - Ceremony with MAX (JoAnne) & Live Channel - J Tyberonn

12: 20-12:30 - Closing Ceremony

The LSV will begin at 09:00 Central Time and end daily at the times shown, we may run a little over. We will not broadcasr live during lunch or breaks. All of the presentions between 9 am and listed closing each will be viewable online for 10 days after the event.

To convert our 'live' broadcast times as listed above to your time zone use the below link. We are broadcasting from Central Time USA:

Time Converter Link


Live Stream Video Line Up

Earth-Keeper 12-12-12

Featured Speakers at the 12-12-

Live Stream Video of the 12-12-12

Take Part in the Ceremony & Hear the Amazing Speakers From Your Home

Register Here:

A Global Meditation

at the 12:12 of the Ascension

The Ascension Happens Only Once !

Take Part !!!

You Waited Lifetimes for 2012


Join Us in the Ascension

A Global Ceremony of the 12-12-12


Join us at 12 noon Central Time USA

In the Epi Centre of the Ascension

- The Sacred Crystal Vortex -

Activation of the Crystalline Sun Disc


Completion of the Crystalline 144 Grid

Take Part

from wherever you are and meditate with us for 12 minutes

12:00 pm until 12:12 pm on the 12-12-12

Times :

Hawaii - 08:00 am / Pacific - 10 am / Mountain - 11:00 am / Eastern - 1:00 pm

London - 6 pm / Holland 7 pm

Sydney Australia - Next Day Dec 13 - 5:00 am

Auckland, NZ - Next Day - 7:00 am


Time Converter Link


Ceremony of the 12-12-12

with MAX - The 13th Crystal Skull


Live Channel from Metatron


Etheric Participation from Wherever You Are

Just Invest the Time !


Come to the 12-12-12 in Arkansas


Subscribe by Visual LSV




4-Days of Magic, Music, Teaching & Ceremony

December 9-10-11 -12 - Little Rock, Arkansas

The Earth-Keeper 12-12-12

Crystalline Completion

Return of the Law of One

In the Sacred Heart of the Crystal Vortex

Epi Centre of the Ascension

We have over 650 registered attendees, with room for only 25 more.

There is time to register if you act quickly.

The $555 registration includes full participation for all 4 days.

Tickets are non-cancel. At the Door rate is $600

Its the Ascension - Don't Wait !! Join us !

Register - Click Red-Link Below


The Perfect Line Up

Earth-Keeper 12-12-12

Featured Speakers at the 12-12-12

2012 in the Crystal Vortex

Its Here !

Our 12-12-12 Team

Anne Tipton - Event Director

Colin Bradley - MC

Arielle Faith Michael -Staff

Ken Landis - Assisting Host

Bruce Durward IT

Buddy Englett-Pyro Media - LSV

Leon Vank - Staff

Cris Jacinto - MAX Asst

Becky Hannah - Staff

Denise Troyer-Staff

Julie Rainwater - Staff

DJ Jeter - Staff

Jack Marion - Staff


Attend the 12-12-12

From Your Home by Live-Stream Video

Register Here:

If you wish to attend the amazing & Transformational 12-12-12 Event in the Crystal Vortex, but are unable to travel, you may still take part in this Gathering from your home by Live-Stream Video. You will hear the cutting-edge Speakers, the music and be able to take part in the meditations and Activation Ceremonies from your home.

Live-Stream Video will include all activities scheduled from 09:00 am until 6:00 pm on Monday & Tuesday . and Wednesday will be included from 9:30 am until 12:30 pm . As a value added bonus Sunday will be included as a gifting to subscribers from 9 am - 6 pm !!!!... free of charge to LSV participants.

The videos will also be uploaded online and viewable for 10 days after the actual live event to allow you to watch at your convenience.

The 12-12-12 Ceremony will be broadcast and viewable with 700 attendees physically present and with MAX.

There will also be a performance of the 12 Codes of Ascension played live for the fist time by musical channels Kai Mitchim & Barra Crose on the morning of the 12-12-12.

If you cannot attend in person ( we have a few available openings to attend in person)- but are very close to sell out), then attend by Live-Stream Video. Don't miss the 12-12-12 !

It is a once in a lifetime you waited many millennia to be a part of ! It is the Ascension ! 2012 will not come again !!!!

Speakers Include : Graham Hancock, James Tyberonn, David Hatcher Childress, John Van Auken, John Major Jenkins and Dr Semir Osmanagich.


Live Stream 12-12-12

Abundance Exchange - $295


Discount Rate - $244

Ends at midnite on 8 December - Last Day for Discount

Act Soon Discount Expires on Dec 8

Click Below Link to Register

As an added bonus rrecorded video of the 12-12-12 will be posted on line after the event and will be available to registrants to view online for 10 addition days thru Dec 22nd. In the event you are unable to view live, the recordings allow you to watch at your leisure.

We have obtained top quality providers for this service with extra band width and will broadcast with superb quality. In the event you have issues, it is available for afterview.

Package is viewing only, event videos cannot be downloaded. The $295 rate is priced economically well below other comparable Gatherings of 12-12-12 offering Live Video Stream & we offer far more value ( 3 1/2 days) and truly top tier speakers . The discount is an excellent value!

Registrations for the LSV is non cancel. .Bandwidth is purchased according to viewer numbers.. LSV is not transferable from live attendance. Register soon, by cc or PayPal. No checks accepted at this point.


We have over 17,500 subscribers to the Earth-Keeper Chronicles Newsletter. Click the above button to receive free Channels of Archangel Metatron via James Tyberonn & Event information.

5 Aralık 2012 Çarşamba

SaLuSa 5-December-2012

SaLuSa  5-December-2012 With only days to go to the first part of your experience of a powerful upliftment, we urge you to try and arrange to be free on the 12th. and able to relax and enjoy it. As a key moment in your Ascension process, it is one to be totally aware of and remembered for the intensity of the energy. It is not that every person will have an identical experience, but if you are prepared for it you will be left with some memory of the changes within. Some of you will wake up from your sleep before 11.11 Universal time, and will be able to have full awareness of what is taking place. Others will sleep through it, yet may have vivid dreams when the energies are at work. However, all will receive the energies and benefit from them regardless of their conscious state at the time. To have Ascension follow on so quickly after 12.12. means that you will have an ongoing experience, that will heighten your senses and leave you in doubt that you have benefitted from it. It will be a most uplifting occasion and there will be a new mood of happiness and joy within those you meet. You will be able to feel the difference in people around you, and sense a deeper calmness and peace as if suddenly all the darkness has gone. It will show in peoples eyes as after all it is the seat of the soul, and love will beam out more powerfully than you have noticed previously. The stresses of life will diminish to be replaced by a beautiful relaxed feeling, as though you do not have a care in the world and that Dear Ones is how we want you to be. The trouble and strife associated with your normal life, will gradually be eliminated by the changes that are in hand. If you are one who experiences little change in your self, do not be concerned as according to your metabolism it will affect some people in different ways. From this month onwards your progress will speed up, as the excitement builds up at the prospect of disclosure. It can come in different ways, so expect the unexpected as certain options remain open. We still prefer an organized disclosure, so that it can be made an official occasion that can go world wide. Many countries have already made it known that we will be welcome to visit them, and each one in turn will be paid a visit. Major events such as a flyover will happen a little later when there has already been a general acceptance of our presence. We are always cognizant of the possibility that the fear factor may not have been completely eliminated. People will soon start talking amongst themselves about the Ascension process, having heard that something major is due to take place. There will be some confusion as they will not know who to turn to for the truth. As Lightworkers you can come into your own and gently spread the word, taking care not to overdo the "end time" scenario. Too many people have latched on to the "end of the world" stories, without being told that the end simply signals a new beginning. The new Earth awaits you and will as previously supply your needs that will be quite different to what you have now. In fact because your needs will be very small, and non-polluting Mother Earth can concentrate on her own requirements. As you are beginning to understand, love is the key to everything and you will be God's expression of it as incarnate Beings. To be free to share your love with all life, will be a new experience for you. You may have had your moments in duality but in future you will know what it is like as a normal condition. However, remember to love yourself as it is in no way egotistical to acknowledge your godself. Be love and give of love and it will be returned to you tenfold. Imagine not having to question a persons intentions towards you, and being able to trust everyone. You will soon get used to the new conditions which will be more than welcome after your lives in duality. As your vibrations move higher you will find that you can not only halt the aging process, but also reverse it. That is welcome news for those of you who are amongst the older generations. Eventually all souls will carry bodies that will be crystalline, and in an expression of how you were in your prime. Perfect health will be yours, as disease cannot exist in the higher dimensions. It also means that you cannot carry any infirmity with you, for the same reason. Perfection exists in all higher realms applying to all forms of life, that will have a heightened level of consciousness. Talk to the trees or whatever takes your eye, and you will get reply. After all of the variations you get now where your weather is concerned, you will find it very nice in "day to day" temperate conditions. There is no necessity for day and night, as for one thing your need for sleep will be every much less than at present. With a lighter body that to some degree self regenerates, your need for sustenance will also be very slight. Much of your needs will eventually come from the energy around you, but we do still enjoy delicious natural drinks and some food. You will now understand why when we journey through the Universe in our Motherships we are self sufficient, but in any event only have very small needs. Understand that your bodies will be of a different composition, and you will not experience hunger pangs as you do now. Do not expect the changes to all come at once, as they usually come with your continued evolution and progress through the different dimensions. However, it is nice and comforting to know what lays ahead, and what you will be striving for next. For the time being the most important thing is for you not to relax your concentration on Ascension, and keep out of anything that is still strictly of the lower vibrations. You should be continuing to cleanse your body and releasing anything that is of the 3D world. You are leaving it now and cannot take the old remnants of your attachments to it. That should be easy as they will no longer serve you in any way. You may also find yourself moving from your old crowd of friends, because they do not represent your interests any more. I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and with my colleagues of the Galactic Federation of Light, wish you success in your personal journey to ascend. Be assured that many higher Beings will accompany you all of the way. I am SaLuSa.Mike Quinsey The above address is one way only – my address is: To unsubscribe/subscribe to my messages go to and click on “Subscribe to our Lists” in the left hand column.When changing your address please remember to unsubscribe your old address. Direct link to messages:

4 Aralık 2012 Salı

Think Through The Experience Message From VERONICA

A New Message From VERONICA

Think Through The Experience

"In physical reality the immediate need to create often overrides the value of the lesson.

If you find yourself experiencing lack or the tightness in the ability to create, it is important to consider that it may be a component of a much larger scenario.

Confusion sets in when one strives with what they perceive as gusto to create a linear event or thing.

They have followed all the rules and guidelines: The clearing of what they perceive as clutter, visualization, keeping their thoughts aligned, and still no pay-off for what they believe they need and desire.

It is in these moments that one should examine that what they may perceive as denial, as a stroke of great luck.

What one wishes in the linear may not line up with what they really desire as a soul: The mis-step in creating in what they believe they want, actually creating a vortex of energy that will surpass their wildest dreams.

So, believe my dear ones that everything you experience in the linear is part of a huge puzzle of your soul's journey.

Do not lament the perceived immediate outcomes. A higher purpose always prevails. Whatever is occurring is a part of a flow of energy that will lead you to the destination your higher self has designed.

Think through the experience and be patient. The best things in life are not always presented in pretty packages. Often the best comes from a difficulty.

Be open to seeing the whole opportunity.

It may give you the hope needed to create heaven."


2 Aralık 2012 Pazar


Website: email:

December is here and the Winter Solstice is fast approaching, along with Hanukah, Christmas, and New Year’s Day. We have almost reached the end of a major cycle and the beginning of a new one. It’s about time. I feel like we have been crawling to the finish line waiting for our abundance to appear. I have had a little challenge with money flow although I feel very grateful that I have a nice house to live in and a car to drive. I also have a wonderful family and lots of nice friends.

I know many people who are lacking abundance although they seem to make it OK even if there is a lot of stress connected with not knowing where the next dollar will come from. I am amazed at how they manage to create something out of nothing. They have become excellent creators and it’s time for them to start enjoying great abundance. According to the Bible, those who hold on until the end will be greatly rewarded.

In my last article I mentioned that the 26 degree Scorpio ascendant of the lunar eclipse on November 28th would be activating the west coast, including the area from Vancouver B.C to San Francisco. Scorpio is a water sign and rules storms. As I am writing this article San Francisco is getting an abundance of rain. The moon is activating 40N latitude and this is the latitude of San Francisco. How’s that for the accuracy of Astrology?

I also wrote in my last article that on October 26, 2012 a voice said to me “The Ark of the Covenant has been activated.” Along with this activation the Veil around Earth came down, and the storm called Sandy happened. The Veil coming down caused lots of negative thoughts to circulate around Earth and land on certain people. Negative thoughts cause a lot of acid in the system and can be relieved by seeing the violet flame of transformation flowing through your body. I think empaths experienced lots of those thoughts because they tend to draw people’s stuff to them to be transformed.

I think the Ark will continue to be activated as we move into this exciting time-frame. The next activation I see occurring is at the time of the upcoming new moon which is just after midnight on December 12, 2012, which is actually December 13th PST. This Stargate will stay wide open until Christmas, or maybe forever.

I know there is a group meeting in Arkansas on December 12 to activate the large crystals that are in that area. The first three letters in Arkansas is Ark. I believe this is where the crystals of Atlantis are located. They have been dormant for a long time but have started to come alive in the past year or so. With the large group that will be gathered there on December 12th there will very likely be a large activation of those crystals, and the Ark of the Covenant. I think it would be a good idea to activate our own crystals. Check out

I checked out the New Moon chart for December 13, 2012 and it is very interesting. First of all Lilith, also called the black moon because it is on such a high frequency that it is invisible, will be on 28 degrees Sagittarius at that time. This is where the galactic center is located. Lilith is the ruler of this upcoming new age that apparently starts at this time. She will be exactly opposing Ceres, which is the asteroid that represents Earth. They will work together to open the crystals in Arkansas that connect with the Galactic Center. What an energy that will be.

Juno, the goddess of marriage will be conjunct Lilith at that time and this could represent the marriage between our male and female self. This is referred to as the alchemical marriage that unites our positive and negative selves into one. This is when our brains become one. This could be the activation of unity consciousness, which is what the new age is all about.

According to the 13 sign zodiac, the sun will be moving through the constellation of Asclepius, which is the 13th sign of the zodiac. The Sun moves through this constellation from November 30 to December 16th. December 12/13 is when the Stargate opens and we can start coming into our power. It’s time to start manifesting our Christ (crystal) energy, and move into our Rainbow bodies that vibrate to the number 13.

The number 13 is what the new age is all about. We are fast reaching 13 hertz and zero point energy. The number 13 represents women and the Statue of Liberty. As I see it New York had to be cleansed to release all of the old energy that was stuck there. I know it had to happen but I feel much compassion for the people who are going through so much tribulation. New York represents women, and the United States is the New Jer (USA) lem. The Pacific Northwest, which runs from Mt Shasta to Vancouver, B.C., is the spiritual center of the New Jerusalem. This area is lined up with Alcyone, the central sun of the Pleiadean system.

The United States is the 13th tribe of Israel, the daughter tribe. Lots of people talk about the 12 tribes of Israel but very few people talk about the 13th tribe. This tribe has been hidden from sight for a long time just like they took the power of the goddess away. Now it is time for more people to become aware of the power of love.

Look at the symbolism of the number 13 with Washington, D.C. and the dollar bill. The number 13 is written all over the dollar bill. Check it out. We set up our government on July 4, 1776 which corresponds with 13 degrees Cancer, which is where the star Sirius is located. We have been under the guidance of Sirius for a long time. The main constellation the city was set up under is the sign Virgo, and the planet Venus. Our flag has several five pointed stars on it. The five pointed star represents the goddess and Venus.

We are about ready to enter 2013. Those are the two main numbers of the Dreamspell Calendar. There are 20 glyphs in that calendar and 13 wavespells. The Mayan calendar is based on the planet Venus and the Pleiadian Star System. We are about to move into a new cycle based on the number 13. Goddess energy is the love that flows from the hearts of both male and females and it’s time to start manifesting this love energy and live in peace and harmony.

I Iistened to William Henry on Coast to Coast on Wednesday night November 28th. He talked about the Ark of the Covenant. It was a very interesting program. His website is Please check out his website if you are interested in that kind of information.

I received a message from my friend Mona who said that at the time of the galactic alignment a feeling of peace will be felt all over the world. It will be a time when everyone will be able to experience what it is like to feel peace in their hearts. When I was listening to William Henry I heard him say that we are all connected to the Ark of the Covenant which is the throne of god in heaven, or on a higher dimension. I believe the Ark will be activated again and this is why we will all feel peaceful. What a wonderful Christmas present.

I also believe there is a gold box, which is also called the Ark of the Covenant, that is hidden somewhere on Earth. This box has the rod of Moses/Jeshua in it, the oil Mary Magdelene used to anoint Jesus, and maybe some other tools that are too powerful to use on Earth. Maybe this gold box will be found soon. We do live in interesting times. The planets will start to align on December 21st and will continue until Christmas when the moon enters this alignment. May you be wonderfully blessed this Christmas Season and please open your heart so you can live in peace, love, joy, and abundance. So Be It! Lots of love to you! ***** Mahala Gayle *****

I ’m sorry I haven’t had the time to answer all of my emails. I do the best I can.----- I am open to donations. They will be greatly appreciated and treated as a gift from God. Thank you in advance. Go to and look for or send to: 5028 S. 179th Pl SeaTac, WA 98188




Beloved masters, the SPIRITUAL TREASURE HUNT began in earnest when you, the Star Seed, started to respond to the nudgings of Spirit in the last half of the twentieth century. The vibrational frequencies of spiritual, mental and emotional awareness are bombarding the Earth and humanity in full force. However, you must have prepared yourself to receive this magnificent gift beyond compare. The treasures and miracle cures you are seeking can be found by tuning into the frequencies of love, joy and compassion. You must learn to maintain a loving indifference to small slights, differences and disappointments. You have millions of cellular response triggers, some are very powerful, some quite weak, with many frequency levels in-between. Practice and aim for balance and harmony as you engage with your Soul Self and not with your ego desire body. The pure Love found within your Sacred Heart and the wisdom of your Sacred Mind will give you the truth, power, compassion and fortitude to follow the nudgings of your Higher-Self/Over-Soul, for it will guide you to the innate, inborn condition you seek. Each of you were placed in a particular energetic environment with harmonic frequencies that would be most advantageous in assisting you to learn the life's lessons you chose before coming into this incarnation. In addition, you were given special talents, gifts and strong inclinations to assist you in learning your life's lessons so that you could fulfill your chosen life's mission.

Returning to the narrow path of ascension in consciousness is the beginning of transcending opposites where there is no good or bad, right or wrong, only harmonious personal choices within the accepted spectrum of duality . As a functioning Self-master you are learning to choose only the best choices for the benefit of ALL. It is vital that you free yourself from the strong, constricting forces of the solar plexus , which creates the push-pull interaction with others who are living in the third- / fourth-dimensional reality. You must strive to become harmless in order to tap into the wondrous God frequencies of Light stored within your Sacred Heart. First comes neutrality after which, over time, your capacity for love will increase to include all levels of creation. Gradually, as you tap into the more refined levels of your mental nature, you will begin to understand and integrate the many symbols and geometric patterns of the fifth dimension. Knowledge, talent and a high I.Q. does not create a genius. It takes concentration, courage, perseverance, tenacity and an ongoing drive, along with integrity, to tap into your spiritual genius potential . You must tap into and pursue your desire for excellence and strive to live your passion to the very best of your ability.

You are living in extraordinary times. To one degree or another, every human Being's Soul-self is straining to be released from the prison of thought forms that were placed around the physical/mental and emotional vessel at birth. The strain of bondage is affecting all of humanity. The ego creates the illusion of separation and instills a fear of nonexistence, which creates a self-centered drive for survival: "me verses everything that is not me." Awareness of the vaster Self begins with the Soul's nudgings to explore beyond the limitations of the ego-self.

Striving to know one's true Self can be a wondrous adventure or a painful, seemingly never-ending journey. Too often those who are struggling with the early stages of Self-mastery find that they cannot stand the pressure of the dramatic changes taking place within their personal world, and so they shift back into the frequency patterns which are comfortable. Even though they are dissatisfied and unhappy with their current personal reality, it is familiar territory, and they are not ready to move beyond the strong bonds of the mass consciousness belief patterns. These fragments of self that each of you has created are very strong-willed, and for many dear Souls it is a difficult struggle to gain control of the lower self. Those still stuck in the "herd state of consciousness " follow their leaders without question. They take the path of least resistance, which has already been established by others. They follow the ways of the past, for they fear the future.

As you access the more refined domains of expression, your knowledge and use of Light, Sound, color and, especially, the important Sacred Breath will greatly increase and will become an integral part of your spiritual philosophy of life. We implore you to take advantage of all the tools of mastery that we are supplying, for all of you are at a critical stage in the evolution process. The physical structure of those still mired in the third- / fourth-dimensional environment are in great distress as more and more strange maladies emerge. The origins and cause of many of these maladies cannot be diagnosed, and the traditional methods and drugs will not heal them. Therefore, the medical experts are becoming more frustrated and puzzled as to why so many new chronic conditions, for which there seems to be no permanent cure, are affecting the masses.

You must endeavor to shift from self-judgment to Self-love, which creates a resonance that extends beyond the physical body and begins to affect others. When it grows forceful enough, it can even assist in the healing process for those within your sphere of influence. The human body is a magnetic pole within the spectrum of Light and shadow or within the positive and negative forces of cosmic electromagnetic energy . The physical vessel is a complex organism which contains the Essence elements of all the lower dimensions: mineral, vegetable and animal, as well as the Stardust elements of Creator Light.

You have learned your lessons well, my sweet friends. You are mastering the ability to govern your thoughts and keep your emotions on an even keel. You have learned that pure Love must originate in the wellspring of the Sacred Heart, and you must first honor and love yourself before you can radiate this blessed gift to others. You are making great strides at becoming nonjudgmental and discerning as you allow situations and interactions with others to flow around you. You are fine-tuning your Inner Awareness so that you quickly garner the wisdom that is to be derived from the events of the moment. You are gradually beginning to sense the serenity and the magic of the higher dimensions as you weave in and out of the different levels and harmonic frequencies of consciousness.

Yes, there are still many lessons to be learned, and there always will be. However, you now have the insight to see the justice and perfection in the dance and drama of life that you must experience each day. You are being prepared to take a giant leap INWARD, OUTWARD and FORWARD, beloveds. The time has come for you to assume your proper role in this great event called, the Ascension of Earth and humankind. Your Light Quotient must blaze forth so that it can connect with that of other en-LIGHTEN-ed Beings, and in doing so it will gain strength and momentum. Eventually it will permeate and infuse the Crystalline Etheric Web of your home planet so that ALL will benefit from the CREATOR LIGHT OF TRANSFORMATION. Remember, using your "LOVE POTENTIAL" means sharing your earthly talents, gifts and riches with others. Love is the catalyst for Creation . By igniting the Adamantine Particles of Light which have been allotted to you and then sharing the resulting fruits of your labor with those around you, a steady flow of Sacred Fire Light to and through you will be assured. It is important that you understand the power and magnitude of the refined Creator Light as well as knowing how to use it effectively. Adamantine particles are much finer than the oxygen you breathe. When done properly, it could be called Soul breathing or breathing with intention whereby you breathe in the elements of Creation, energize them with your loving intention, and then radiate them forth into the world of physicality. In our last message we told you: The SACRED WHITE COSMIC FIRE, Adamantine Particles, that you magnetize to you as an awakened Self-master must continually circulate. Only a certain amount, that which is appropriate for each Soul to integrate at his/her current level of en-LIGHTEN-ment, can be stored within the physical vessel; the balance must be RAY -diated out into the world of form. As a gift, to assist you in the integration of the maximum amount of Creator Light, we have asked our beloved messenger to share a process that we inspired her to create. This is a gift of great magnitude; however, as with all the tools we offer to you, you must make use of them if they are to be effective.

I am honored to assist you to traverse the twists and turns you must endure on the ever-upward path of Ascension.. Won't you join me as a standard bearer in this, the advanced phase of expression and learning on planet Earth, as you prepare to move back into the realms of higher consciousness so that you may reclaim your Divine Birthright? Reach outward, beloved ones, reach inward as well, we are waiting to shower upon you all the love and gifts from our Mother/Father God that you can absorb. I AM Archangel Michael.

Transmitted through Ronna Herman * As transmitter of this article I, Ronna Herman, claim the universal copyright in the name of Archangel Michael. Posting on websites is permitted as long as the information is not altered, excerpted or added to, and credit of authorship and my Email and website address is included. It may be published in journals, magazines or public print with permission from :



Every morning between 5:00 and 5:30 AM, I walk out to our driveway to pick up the morning paper. As I walk to the driveway, I do twelve, deep INFINITY BREATHS. Sometimes, I keep them inside my body, from the Root Chakra to the Crown. Other times, I am guided to send them out into the skies and deep within the Earth as far as they will go. I face East, toward the rising Sun (even though it may still be dark outside), and I do the FIVE X FIVE * BREATH OF REJUVENATION. As I walk back into the house, I say the affirmation series given below three times, breathing the ACCORDION BREATH EXERCISE** as I say each word.

Before I come back inside, I move my consciousness into my Sacred Heart Center, and express my gratitude to our Father/Mother God-not in words, but through my feelings of great love, compassion and overwhelming gratitude and joy..

My heart and entire Solar Power Center swells with a sense of overwhelming love so powerfully sweet that it is beyond description. I know, without a doubt, that a Crystal Seed Atom filled with the Essence of our Father/Mother God resides within my Sacred Heart Core.

As many of you know, I am now in my 84th journey around the Sun. However, I have an over-abundance of energy and my health and vitality are excellent. I also know that this blessing is due to my constant practice of the many wonderful techniques that Archangel Michael has blessed us with. I am excited about our future.

You do not have to do the full routine as I practice it (such as first doing twelve Infinity Breaths or going outdoors), and you do not have to do it every day although I highly recommend that you do so. However, the exercise for the FIVE X FIVE BREATH OF REJUVENATION and for sending SEED THOUGHTS into our FLOWER OF LIFE CREATOR WHEEL** should be followed as Archangel Michael has instructed us to do so.

We feed our body food/fuel regularly and it is just as important, if not more so, that we FEED OUR SOUL on a regular basis. Let us all endeavor to make 2013 a year of miracles, blessings, loving interaction and joy. Let's show the world what can be created using "ANGEL POWER." Eternal love and angel blessings, Ronna

FIVE X FIVE * BREATH OF REJUVENATION (c)RONNA / SACRED SCRIBE THE PROCESS:1. The BREATH OF REJUVENATION is done with the mouth closed, breathing only through the nose. You will be building up a supply of Adamantine Particles of Light within your Sacred Heart. Some AP's will come from the Kundalini Seed Atom stored within the Root Chakra and some will flow into the Back Portal of your Sacred Heart via the Rays.

2. The FIRST FOUR BREATHS are a modified Infinity Breath, whereby you will keep the figure eight, INFINITY SIGN , within the confines of the body. These four breaths will be as deep as possible and somewhat forceful. Feel your stomach muscles ripple as you pull them up and inward in the Inbreath, and as you push downward on the Outbreath. After some practice, you will be able to do these four breaths very quickly and forcefully. You will also be building up and expanding your lung capacity. However, don't overdo at first, for it can make you feel Light-headed. (Appropriate term, isn't it)?

3. FIRST FOUR BREATHS: Breath the Infinity INBREATH from your Solar Power Center up to the CROWN CHAKRA (remaining inside the top of the skull).

4. The OUTBREATH is breathed down into the ROOT CHAKRA (again, keep the Infinity Sign inside the bodily form).

5. THE FIFTH BREATH IS A LONG, SLOW BREATH (not an Infinity breath). Envision a double helix, or two intertwined spirals rising up from the ROOT CHAKRA and going up and out the CROWN CHAKRA as far as they will go on the INBREATH. Then see them arcing and spiraling back down through the CROWN CHAKRA and into the spinal column as they exit through your ROOT CHAKRA-sending them as far down into the Earth as they will go on the OUTBREATH. (After a while, this process will come naturally and you will easily feel the spiral move up and down).

6. You are to do FIVE SETS OF FIVE BREATHS * FIVE X FIVE in one series.


I AM YOUTHFUL (Breathe) I AM STRONG (Breathe)




Copyright: 2012 * RONNA HERMAN *STAR*QUEST*

**(Illustrations and complete instructions for the ACCORDION BREATH and how to create and use your Twelve Ray Creator Wheel / Your Personal Flower of Life, can be found in REFERENCE & REVELATIONS * GLOSSARY & ILLUSTRATIONS) on RONNA'S website:

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Certified QUEST FOR MASTERY teacher's page: http://www.questformastery. org/teacherlist.html

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------------ EVENTS ------------

I will be participating in a 12-12-12 webinar hosted by Randy Monk.

Beyond 2012 - An Etheric Gathering on 12-12-12

From your own sacred space, join Ronna Herman with Archangel Michael, Peggy Black with her 'Team', Liah Howard with HOIYA, and Randy Monk with Lord Melchizedek, as they offer guidance for the auspicious New Age.

This event will be recorded for those who have a prior commitment, and would like to view it later, or would like to download the mp3 to listen again.

More Details:

Reno, Nevada - May 4 & 5, 2013




*Archangel Michael * Ronna Herman *

*Randy Monk * Lord Melchizedek*


Saturday * May 4 and Sunday * May 5, 2013

**Abundance Exchange : $233 **

Randy Monk may be taking a group to a couple sacred siites, Grimes Point and Pyramid Lake, on Monday after this event. More details to follow.

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Free Ask Archangel Michael TeleWebCast

The live event is free; an mp3 recording will be available within 72hrs of the TeleWebCast for $12 This event will last from 60 to 75 minutes.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

9:00am HAST (Honolulu, HI)

11:00am Pacific (San Francisco, CA)

12:00pm Mountain (Denver, CO)

1:00pm Central (Chicago, IL)

2:00pm Eastern (New York, NY)

19:00 GMT

Time Zone Converter:

TeleWebCast Access:

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Communicating with your soul/higher self, your spiritual guides and angelic helpers

Archangel Michael/Ronna Herman

with Randy Monk/Lord Melchizedek

*This is a stand-alone webinar; participation in #1 & #2 is not required*

Abundance Exchange: $33 (The replay of this webinar is still available)

We have given you much theory and information over the years, now it is time to transform the knowledge you have acquired into wisdom, and to integrate that wisdom into your daily life. Therefore, through the guidance of AA Michael, we have changed the theme for our upcoming Opening to Channel Webinar on September 8.

All of humanity, to one degree or another, is apprehensive about what the future holds. Questions abound about what will take place on December 12th and 21st, 2012. Some believe the predictions that it will be the end of the world and all of humanity. Some others believe that there will be great Light ships that will come down and rescue the righteous ones, leaving the rest of humanity to live in desolation and chaos. Those of us who have been seriously seeking Self-mastery by taking responsibility for our actions and striving for balance, harmony and an integration of the maximum amount of Sacred God Light have a vision of a grand new world where all will coexist in peace, harmony and abundance.




More than ever before it is of vital importance that you establish a strong connection with your Soul Self, your OverSoul / Higher Self, your Guardian Angel and spiritual guides in the higher realms of consciousness. During these coming critical times, it is important that you have the ability to receive your own personal timely and valuable information.

This experiential class will include a series of exercises and meditations to assist you in fine-tuning your extra-sensory abilities of Soul-inspired intuition and guidance. We will go through a process of activating your inner senses to assist you to become more sensitive to the signals your Body Element is giving you. This will help you move thorough the Ascension Symptoms more easily.

We will focus on connecting with your OverSoul Higher Self so that you may develop an ongoing interaction with this powerful aspect of your Self.

Archangel Michael will take us through a profound meditation of Blending our consciousness with the Essence of our Father/Mother God.

Register for the replay here:




Secrets of Self-mastery * Keys to Ascension

Archangel Michael/Ronna Herman

with Randy Monk/Lord Melchizedek

Eight * 1 to 1 1/2 hour * Webinar Classes

Beginning October 20, 2012

Nov.17 * No Dec. Class * Jan. 12 & 26 * Feb. 16 * Mar. 16 *Apr. 20 & May 18

Are you ready to step onto the accelerated path of initiation?

Are you ready to attain soul-awareness and God-consciousness?

Transpersonal inetration is a blending of physical, wor ldly intelligence and scientific data, overlighted by spiritual awareness.


Abundance Exchange: $144

We will be closing registrations for this series shortly.

Replays /mp3 downloads are available for the first two webinars.

More Details:

------------ BOOKS, CDs, ETC. ------------


 12-1 * BUILDING YOUR PYRAMID OF LIGHT/POWER IN THE FIFTH DIMENSION *$11 plus S &H **Archangel Michael and Ronna will guide you through a beautiful meditation taking you into the higher realms of consciousness. They will explain the various pyramids in the fifth dimension: what they are for and how to use them. You will leave an Etheric Replica of yourself in your personal pyramid which will constantly be infused with the appropriate frequencies of the fifth dimension. These Light frequencies will gradually filter down into your physical vessel, which will assist you to create a fifth-dimensional environment around you. Thousands of people are creating miracles in their lives by using the techniques/wisdom teachings Archangel Michael has given us.. 12-2 * USING THE UNIVERSAL LAWS OF MANIFESTATION * LIVING EACH DAY AS A MASTER MEDITATION: INTEGRATING YOUR HIGHER SELF - $11. Plus S&H. BOTH 12-1 & 12-2 CD'S: $20. Plus S&H.12-3 * IT IS TIME TO RELEASE PAST LIFE KARMA AND CLAIM A LIFE OF EASE AND GRACE MEDITATION: LADIES OF THE GODDESS ENERGY * INITIATION INTO THE ORDER OF THE GODDESS - $11. Plus S&H.12-4 A JOURNEY INTO YOUR ANCIENT PAST * MEETING YOUR ANIMAL SPIRIT GUIDE AND YOUR GUARDIAN ANGEL - $11. Plus S&H.12-5 THE BREATH OF INFINITY & STILL POINT MEDITATION * OPENING THE INFINITY GATEWAY - $11. Plus S&H 12-6 SEVEN CRYSTALLINE SPHERES OF HIGHER CONSCIOUSNESS MEDIATION - $11. Plus S&HTHE EVOLUTION OF HUMANITY * SYMPTOMS OF ASCENSION COMPILED BY RONNA / SACRED SCRIBE*OVERLIGHTED BY ARCHANGEL MICHAEL AND THE COSMIC COUNCIL OF LIGHT. A 8 ½ x 11 Spiral-bound booklet * 60 pages of vital information. ** $11. USA * $15. Canada and Mexico * $20 International ** Price includes first class postage ** US Funds only ** PLEASE ALLOW TWO WEEKS FOR DELIVERY.


Archangel Michael's latest book of messages gives us universal wisdom teachings that were originally reserved for only the most advanced initiates in the retreats and secret wisdom schools. WOULD YOU LIKETO: Open the portals to your Sacred Heart and Sacred Mind in order to reconnect with the multi-facets of your Divine Self? * Heal, harmonize and revitalize your physical, mental and emotional bodies? * Learn how to tap into the cosmic storehouse of abundance and prosperity? * Claim your spiritual wisdom as you learn to commune with your Higher Self? * Global Priority: $25 PLUS S&H * $7 USA * $13 Canada & Mexico * $17 Overseas * You may request less expensive First Class S&HOPENING TO CHANNELExpanded consciousness and mental telepathy are aspects of your Divine heritage. However, this ability must be reactivated and practiced if you wish to become a proficient and clear channel. Because these are such critical times for humanity and the Earth, Archangel Michael is encouraging all of us to diligently strive to open our "private lines of communication " with the higher realms. An important component of Self-mastery is developing the ability to connect and interact with your Guardian Angels, your Spiritual Guides and Celestial Teachers. Therefore, under AA Michael's and the Cosmic Council's guidance, I have just completed an expanded version of the OPENING TO CHANNEL booklet. I have been instructed to offer this valuable information to the faithful aspirants on the Path. Each of you is needed as a SENTINEL OF LIGHT and a WORLD SERVER. ** OPENING TO CHANNEL * 8 x 11 SPIRAL-BOUND BOOKLET * 160 Pages of vital information * $20 US. Plus S & H via Priority Mail * $6 US * $11.50 Canada * $ 13.50 Overseas REVEALED COSMIC TRUTHS FOR ASCENDING HUMANITYArchangel Michael's latest book of messages gives us universal wisdom teachings that were originally reserved for only the most advanced initiates in the retreats and secret wisdom schools.

REFERENCE & REVELATONS * GLOSSARY & ILLUSTRATIONSCompanion spiral-bound booklet for Archangel Michael's five books of messages. This booklet contains in-depth descriptions of the most important words and terms that AA Michael has used in his messages over the past sixteen years. It contains excerpts of the latest and most essential concepts, techniques, meditations and affirmations from AA Michael's wisdom teachings, plus 18 pages of illustrations. It is a valuable tool for those who are seeking en-Lighten-ment, and also for those who have a desire to share and teach the tools of ascension and the secrets of Self-mastery.

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Numerology Readings with Intuitive Guidance

Personal Profile & Forecast

What is a numerology reading?

Your Personal Numerology Readi ng describes all aspects of your chart as they are understood in numerology, including opportunities,challenges, and lessons you may encounter in this lifetime, as well as solutions.

Your Life Path reveals a broad outline of the opportunities, challenges and lessons you will encounter in this lifetime.

Your Birthday indicates some special talent you possess, a gift to you that will help you along your life's path.

Your Hidden Passion number reveals a desire and aptitude.

This is a sampling; there is much more.

You will receive an MS Word copy of your reading of over 50 pages.

Private Sessions are recorded as an mp3 and sent to you via email, normally within 24 to 48 hours of the appointment. Sessions are provided via telephone or Skype.

Register for a reading here:


Healing Dysfunctional Relationships - Breaking Agreements and Cutting Cords

Clean up the discordant energy of a previous relationship.

Open the way to a new relationship.

Change the dynamics of a current relationship.

The purpose of these sessions are to break agreements and cut cords created in relationships that became dysfunctional and painful, enabling one to move forward, unencumbered by energetic ties to the past.

By doing this we clear the way for new harmonious relationships, or change the dynamics of a current relationship. In other words we unload excess baggage. Private Sessions are recorded as an mp3 and sent to you via email, normally within 24 to 48 hours of the appointment. Ses

[Message clipped] View entire message