March 28th : Easter 2010...Ascension and Transformation....and Coming into "Right Relationship" It is hard to belive that it is that time of year again! The Easter week-end is approaching. Here in South Africa it is a four day holiday when everyone "takes off" for the coast for a last celebration of relaxation in the sun before the cold weather sets in for Winter. Last year, at this time, I was in Brazil, and so much seems to have happened to me in the last year. We are certainly changing and transforming at high speed!
But, back to Easter. In the traditional Christian community, it is the celebration of the Death and Resurrection of Jesus. But, in reality, it is a reworking of the ancient archetypal story of the death of the masculine principle and its miraculous rebirth and resurrection through the Feminine principle. This story is as ancient as the Sumerians, where the Goddess Innana descends into the underworld to rescue her mortal husband and return him to life, or the Egyptians where the Goddess Isis finds the scattered limbs of her murdered husband, Osiris and conceives a miraculous child called Horus who rebirths the masculine spiritual warrior principle.
So, how did this ancient story become a central part of the celebrations of the Christian year? In the case of the Christian story, there was indeed a masculine and a feminine principle incarnated in Yeshua and Mary Magdalene. They came to the Earth as Avatars to bring the seeds of the New Consciousness, that which we call the Christ Consciousness, to the western world. This was done through the work and teachings of both of them in Israel, and later by Mary Magdalene in France. The Seeds of the Christ Light that are flowering now were laid down two thousand years ago.
So, how did Easter and eggs and rabbits get mixed up with the coming of the Christ Light. Well, Easter is a form of the name of the Goddess, Astarte, another form of the name of Innana, and she was celebrated as the Goddess of Fertility and Creation. The eggs and the rabbits are obvious symbols of procreation, and these were grafted on to the story by the Catholic Church, as it took over Pagan Europe in the name of Christianity. The Catholic principle was to merge the Pagan iconography and symbols with the new teachings. And so the ancient fertility celebrations were connected into the story of the death of Christ and the process of Ascension.
Ascension is the ability to move beyond the duality of the Third Dimension and into the Miraculous flow of Love and Miracles at the Higher Consciousness of the Fifth Dimension. This was taught by the Christ Avatars with their focus on the Heart, Unconditional Love and the Oneness of All Things. But, it also seems fitting that the ancient teachings of the redemption of the Warrior by the Goddess should become part of the Ascension story and that it should be brought into consiousness now. Everything has a purpose and a reason!
In the case of Yeshua and Mary Magdalene, after the death of Yeshua in the Holy Land, it was Mary Magdalene as the Feminine principal who carried the Seeds of Light to France and nurtured the Christ Consciousness in the western world, until the time was ready for the "second coming" or the "Ascension" of Humanity to the level of the Fifth Dimension or the Christ Consciousness. The "Child" that was born of their Sacred partnership was a symbolic child, the New Earth Consciousness that would lift Humanity into the Fifth Dimension after a period of darkness.
So, for me, this time of Easter is always a time to give gratitude for the life of Yeshua as the Masculine Christ energy that brought the Seeds of Light. But it is also a time to celebrate the life of Mary Magdalene as the Feminine Christ energy, who took those Seeds to Europe where they were nurtured by those who carried the Light in their DNA and ensured that at the right time the "Child of Light" would be born in the Hearts of Humanity, and that the powerful energies of the "end time" cycles would ensure that the "Child" of the New Consciousness would be birthed as a New Consciousness of Love and Unity.
The Essence of this Easter time, and the story of the Christ energy, seems to me to also be summed up in the Native American term "Right Relationship" or what I would call "Sacred Relationship". This is where the energies flow in perfect Harmony and Balance with Divine Will, so creating Divine Harmony and Joy. As I wrote in an earlier Log, in our lives on this Earth, everything is a matter of Relationship and Partnership! Our lives and our creativity are connected with our ability to co-create with others. To fully enter into the Fifth Dimension means to bring those Relationships into Right Balance and create Sacred Relationship.
In this period from now until 2012, the focus will definitely be on this aspect of our Spiritual Growth and Evolution, finding Harmony, Balance and Right Relationship. This will especially be part of the way in which we create relationships that embody the interaction of the Masculine and Feminine principles.
In the past I have done much work with the Twin Flame energy, which is another way of describing the power of Sacred Relationship or Union between Soul Partners who embody the Masculine and Feminine principals within themselves and their partnership. I found that there was much misunderstanding and distortion in the way people perceived these partnerships. Firstly, many people seemed to think that a Twin Flame relationship was a Romantic relationship that ended in marriage and parenting and happy ever after in the surburban nuclear family image of pop culture. That is probably because our culture is so grounded in the nuclear family economic model that people find it difficult to conceive of a relationship that might go beyond these parameters. The whole idea of the "family" is a matter for the "parenting contract" between those who seek to have children and the souls that desire to incarnate through them, and it is not part of the Twin Flame or Sacred Union. The purpose of Sacred Union is to incarnate the Masculine and Feminine principles as a direct mirror of the Union of the Divine Energies in the Source. This creates a tremendous field of creative power that expresses the Love of the Divine and can bring people into the Awakened state of Higher Consciousness very rapidly. It is a gift from the Divine and should be treated with deep respect and great honor.
Of course, when you enter into a romantic relationship, or a parenting/family contract, these contracts need to also be honored and treated withy deep respect for the gifts within them, and being in Sacred Relationship extends to all levels of our lives.
Now, to return to the Twin Flame or Sacred Union Relationship. After people realized that the Twin Flame aspect of Sacred Union was primarily a merging of Soul Energy, there developed also an unfortunate tendency among awakening beings to get "high" on the soul merging energy and to desire to repeat this energy "merging" with as many people as possible. This is, of course, all in divine order. Awakened Beings enjoy merging their soul energies and experiencing the bliss of communion on the deeper levels, but this is also not Sacred Union. It is just a kind of Sacred Family Hug.
Sacred Union is when two Conscious Beings merge their energies at the Heart Center and then extend that energy into the Soul Sphere and Ground it into the Earth Sphere, so that they represent the merging of Divine Love, the Masculine and Feminine principles expressed as Divine, Unconditional Love. The "Flame" that is created, which is called the "Golden Rose Flame", is held in the High Heart of each individual and in the Joint "Heart of Hearts" that is created when the two energies become One with the Divine Heart and create a Sacred Union Light Body that is an expression of the Merging of Heaven and Earth within their partnership.
Yes, this is a wonderful experience! Yes it is becoming available to more and more Conscious Beings at this time of Change and Transformation. But, yes, it also requires commitment and focus and courage. It requires the courage to develop a deep intimacy with one person, and to forgo the "highs" of moving from one person to the next in a series of "non attached" energy mergings that are considered to be Sacred Union, but are empty of the depth and intimacy and grace of true Sacred Union when it is in Right Relationship.
It is not so much a matter of finding the "right" person, but a matter of having the courage and strength to surrender to the Process of Love as it finds you. Love is always seeking for you and asking for you to allow the deep surrender into Sacred Union. It is not something that is difficult and that can only be found by the fortunate. It is a natural process, like breathing, but breathing very deeply so that you expand and grow!
When we forgo the Hollywood/Bollywood formulas for the expression of love through Sex and youthful Beauty and Procreation, we will enter a new level of consciousness where we will flow into the Expression of Love as a Sacred Gift that merges Heaven and Earth in many ways and according to Sacred Contract. For those wishing to experience Divine Sacred Union, it is not a matter of searching for the right partner, but of being willing to "die" in the Will (the masculine principle within) so that you may be reborn through Love (the feminine principle within).
When the Will comes into Balance with Love as expressed through the Soul and Spirit, then you can be reborn to Higher Consciousness and experience Love on the Higher Octave of the merging of Heaven and Earth. You can ascend into Harmony with the Divine Will and express the Divine Love through Balance and Partnership. is to Easter.... that time of the year when Sacred Love, Rebirth and our Ascension into Divine Will and Harmony can be Celebrated!
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