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17 Mart 2010 Çarşamba

Soul Transitions Vibe Report March 12, 2010

Soul Transitions Vibe Report March 12, 2010
15 March 2010 - 12:18am | Leilah
Nancy Leilah Ward

Small Sprite


Once again, it’s well into the month and the vibe report has been slow to come through. My guides tell me I’m being recalibrated (I’m quite sure this is happening to most of us at this time). It has felt like I’ve been moving up a spiral and I haven’t landed anywhere yet. In fact it feels like everything is suspended, and I am hanging in mid-air. Has the year 2010 started yet? What is going on? Where am I? Why do I feel like a stranger in a strange land, surrounded by what looks familiar but feels somehow different? Astrologically we are going through a time of recalibration and reassessment as we prepare for the Vernal Equinox and renewal. Clearing out the old and planting new seeds.

Check your engine
During this current transition, we may find ourselves needing more rest than usual and there have also been feelings of inertness – as mentioned last month, there’s been many moments of staring off into space and then “waking” up, wondering how long we’ve been in the void. This emptiness is part of the re-wiring process.

I’ve been hearing about people having problems with their electronic equipment (be sure to back up your computer) and car problems that are computer related. The check engine light in my car has been going on and off and I’ve been hearing of this same issue with several other people. Two weeks ago, due to severe snowstorms, I had no electricity, telephone or internet for several days. I’ve been looking into the symbolism of this and the words “power source” keep coming up. So I’ve been meditating on bringing in my Higher Self – not just in my meditation practice but whenever I think of it during my day.

On my radar
As we all know, strange weather patterns and earthquakes have been happening. And what are those spheres that showed up around the sun on the NASA SOHO sun observatory at the end of January? It is said that the spheres are as large as the Earth. Apparently the photos were removed from NASA’s website but they can be found online. Are they real? What the bleep do I know? These are things that have come across my radar – things I’ve been wondering about. Here’s another one: HAARP (which stands for High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program, and has been called America’s weapon of mass destruction). I’ve been hearing about this for years – the HAARP facility was constructed in Alaska 1993. According to Wikipedia its purpose is to analyze the ionosphere for developing “enhancement technology” for radio communications and surveillance purposes. Its Ionospheric Research Instrument is a high power transmitter which operates in the high frequency range and is used to excite areas of the ionosphere. Why? I don’t know, look it up – I’m not a scientist but am interested in all things energy related. Conspiracy theories abound, some of which have to do with this program causing earthquakes and changes in weather patterns. Last summer, here in the Hudson Valley we were inundated with rain and in some of the southern states, they were experiencing severe draught. I have to say I felt like I was living in some geek’s weather controlling learning curve!

Waves of Love
Energetically, we are receiving waves, yet again, of very strong high vibrational frequencies of love. This has been happening for quite a few years now, but the force is getting stronger and stronger. It is clearing out dense vibrational frequencies that we have stored in our energy bodies – these are related to thoughts, feelings and beliefs that are not our personal truth and so we are going through another deep cleansing process, which leaves many of us feeling like we’re in limbo. This energy is clearing the accumulation of all that is NOT us, so that we can move beyond our former limitations. This makes us feel disoriented as familiar patterns of thought are being washed away – that is, if we surrender and allow it to happen. At times this may make us feel uninspired or empty, wondering what happened to our motivation. At other times we may have a feeling of inner strength that maybe we’ve never felt before. Our deep authenticity is being given more room to grow within us as the density of false beliefs is being removed. Tune in to yourself – do you feel this “real” you beginning to shine forth more than ever before? We need to give this process time, allow ourselves to be steadfast within the rush and the flow of energy and know that the memories, images and emotions that come up are simply passing through to be released. Yes, we’ve been here before, but this is a much stronger wave of love and it’s releasing, as my friend Kelly Beard says, “the sticky stuff on the bottom.” We need to get plenty of rest and drink a lot of water.

Changing of the Guides
So where are Many of One? They are receding as I am moving forward. My good friends have assisted for many years during the shift, and now that the shift has occurred, I have crossed a threshold. I’m in a new frontier and they stand at the borderline waving goodbye. “Yes, m’dear you’re being upleveled,” they say. I don’t like goodbyes and in some way I know that Many of One are part of the “bigger” energies that are approaching. “Godspeed…On you go, welcome to the next level. New guides coming in.” I’m being graduated from kindergarten, being pushed out the door into new territory. And I am not sure where I am, but here I am so let’s see what comes through. But before I continue, check in on how you feel, for we have all crossed a threshold. Do you feel yourselves in new territory? Explore the within – remember, “As above, so below.” So as you see changes in your life, you can know that there are changes in your inner world. Also, these changes may appear to you in dreamtime, for it seems that our dreams are being activated. During the recalibration process we may not remember any dreams, but when we’re in the period of integrating the new energetic frequencies, our dreams may become quite active.

Marching Forward
When I tune into this month of March, I see myself on a beach, walking along with the ocean to my left and all around me and in front of me are huge black rock pinnacles jutting up through the sand. I walk between them and around them, moving forward, but they make it so I can’t see far ahead at all and I can’t see what’s around the corner. This speaks to staying in the moment of now. So onward I go. It’s beautiful and mysterious and the ocean is my only reference point.

The Vastness of Being
Well that was fun. Now, are you ready for a communication from the Beings of Vastness, or the vastness of your being? We are still Many of One as are all beings, but we are coming from a deeper, vaster connection in the cosmos. As you open to receive this communication, you are agreeing to connect with a High Counsel of Universal Wisdom. We will gently take you into deeper places of teachings that correspond to where you have evolved to at this time and we will attempt to carry you forward by planting seeds of wonder in your consciousness. As always, it is up to those who read these words to ascertain whether the information vibrates with you. We ask our channel to move outward from her rational mind and open the channel wider to allow information she has not considered to flow through – there is a feeling that the information will resonate with her soul as she, like most of you who read these words, is a Star Traveler, who, from a vaster perspective of her being, has seen many worlds.

We will still provide counsel for navigation through the changing, shifting energies of the physical plane but also offer a perspective that contains ancient wisdom and intergalactic connections. We invite you to listen with an open mind, an open heart and a playful imagination.


Humanity is coming full circle - ancient times are coming back into the present. There have been great technologies and teachings on this planet throughout recorded and unrecorded history. And the tales of history that have been told have become distorted through time, however a vein of truth flows through all. We are the Ancient Ones come to deliver messages to you in times to come regarding those who have walked on earth before.

The noise from humanity has gotten so loud and you are being bombarded with frequencies not only from your own televisions, cell pones computers and other electronic devices, but from the frequencies of energetic experiments through technological advancement. These frequencies have created a tight web around the earth and there are frequencies being sent into the ionosphere affecting weather patterns and brain wave functioning. The ringing in the ears is part of these transmissions. Do not despair, you are here to bring back and advance your own individual power – and to realize and cultivate the power that humans have when working in groups – the power of group energy of focused thoughts and feelings. You are more powerful than your technology! You have yet to know what you are capable of doing – you are capable of shifting energetic frequencies. You do it all the time but mostly unconsciously. So you are at a time in your evolution where you are learning about directing energy through thought and feeling. There are many teachers who offer tools to do just this.

And there are messages coming through from many different channels with guidance on the importance of finding stillness within and most of all loving yourselves. The vibration of love is at one with the Creator of All Things. It is time for you all to stop criticizing yourselves, telling yourself you’re a loser, a failure, or that you’re unworthy of Divine Love or happiness. Many people have been taking desolate walks down memory lane, examining every decision made and judging them as all wrong. What you need to do is honor and bless your life, bless your past, own the knowledge that you did the best you could do, and start from where you are now in your life. Now is the only reality you know. It’s a practice, to bring yourselves back into the present moment. And then you can begin to breathe yourselves and feel yourselves forward on your paths.

Within the changes and shifts that are happening, you are being drawn to one another. Can you not feel this? There is a longing for community and as you create these circles of communities, they grow and overlap each other forming the vesica pisces and the flower of life. This is sacred geometry of harmony and balance. Contemplate the circles in your life - circles of friendships, circles of soul family connections, circles of wisdom and higher learning. There are physical circles and etheric circles – you have a circle of spirit guides – your personal posse – each with a different purpose to assist you on your path.


Remember you were chosen to come to this earth plane at this time – and you chose to be here. No one said this was going to be easy! That wasn’t why you came here. Oh no, dear ones, part of your mission is to see beyond the veil of illusion – the illusion of lies that has been fed to humanity for centuries. The lies that create the fear within and the lies that keep you separate from the Creator, from Nature and from one another. You have the energy of Divine Source flowing through you. This has been said so many times in so many ways and we will keep on saying it, for we are here to remind you of who you really are. Each of you have a uniquely personal relationship with your spiritual essence. There are so many names for this – it is called Chi, Energy, Spirit, Divine Source, God, Great Spirit. It doesn’t matter what you call it, what matters is the feeling you find within the essence – we direct you to the feeling of love and innocence. We tell you this energy is what enlivens you – it is the 21 grams that leaves the body upon physical death. This essence is within all life. As you continue to release the dense energies of fear and all the derivatives of fear, you make room for this essence to flow freely within you. And when you allow this, you feel happy, you feel innocent. You can cultivate this in daily musings or meditations. You can cultivate this while doing your favorite form of exercise or creative expression. In other words, by doing that which you love, you allow more love – more of the Divine Essence - to flow through you and then it radiates out from you and fills your aura and draws to you experiences that reflect this love and happiness. So every moment is a meditation.

As you get to know your guides you can ask them for specific help in this regard. The feelings of fear waft through the airwaves, poking at you, sometimes shoving you, doing whatever they can to get your attention and as you turn your attention towards fear it sends its tentacles within you and grows and soon you feel despair or depression – as if it will always be this way – the fear sucks hope from you. Now, it would be too easy to say “don’t give in to this energy,” for many were born with fear all around them and were fed fear from their care givers, unknowingly, because fear has been top dog here on this planet for so long. Each generation carries fear within them and the fear causes events to happen that seem to prove the fear as real. But the fear is truly not part of you. And this is one of the reasons you have come to Earth at this time – to dispel fear – to diffuse it – and of course you do this within your own being. There is no other way. We non-physical beings love you so much and we have said this time and again that we see you as brave and courageous ones for coming into this paradoxical place of polarity. We are here to assist you whenever you need it. Call forth the help you need to cast the fear out of your beings. This is the great challenge of the times you are in.

Joy, happiness, love, freedom, creative expansion and fun, fun, fun are what humanity is designed to experience! You are surprisingly resilient beings. Your blessed sense of humor is what helps you navigate the churning waters of despair. Laugh in the face of fear. Love in the face of fear. Cultivate your energetic connection with the nature spirits and with mother earth.

Another mission you have is to do this – to praise, honor and care for Mother Earth, your home. This brings us back to the circles. The Earth herself is a circle, the feminine energy is a circle. When you gather around the sacred fire, you do so in a circle. There are circles of people who are finding ways to live harmoniously upon the Earth. There are practical ways of doing so – collaboration, cultivation and composting – and there are energetic ways of doing so through ceremony. There is an individual task for each person. Vision yourselves living in community with one another in the timeless moment of now and feel into what your personal focus would be – are you one who cultivates the plants, or do you spin the plants into cloth? Are you one who feels the earth energies and communicates with the spirits that tell you where to plant and where to place your homes? Are you one who initiates ceremony or are you one who tells the stories that keeps the hearts of people aligned with love? Are you one who makes the music to heal and raise the vibration in the physical body or are you creator of visions to expand the imaginations of the people? Each of you has a gift to bring to the center of the circle. Vision your future into being.

We see you moving back into a way of living that looks like circles of families with all being parents to the little ones who are born into this world. This looks like tribes living together, but the difference is that the tribes will not be warring with each other for any reason. This is where the circles overlap into the elliptical vesica pisces. There will be a coming together in love and respect. There will be gatherings where the people will show each other what they have discovered – new ways of moving energy and new ways of creation will be gifted to humanity as you cultivate the responsibility of your energetic creations in the world.

This is a glimpse into the future – what you are growing and dreaming yourselves towards. This is a small part of what these times are leading up to. And it begins with casting off fear. The fear is an entity – a scary monster (we say this with humor) – that actually served a purpose on your evolutionary path but is no longer needed or welcome here. So each of you, in your own way, as you dissipate the fear within you and learn to not allow the fear to take root within you, are doing your part for the whole – the circle of humanity. And you have so much support in the physical and non-physical realms. As you do what you can to cast off fear, remember to fill yourselves with Light and love. You need to fill the places within you that were emptied of fear with the energy of delight. “Let de light shine within you!”

All are being called and accelerated to the vastness of your beings. You are being given a gift to rise up upon waves of light as you allow the untruths to be removed from your energy bodies. Surrender to the experience. A new day is dawning as you embody more and more light and move into the 4th and 5th dimensions and beyond, to one day fully live in your light body.

Reach out to one another – you are here to help each other and love one another.

Blessings, until we meet again.

Nancy Leilah Ward
The Vastness of Being

Thinking about what you do not want to happen is a form of meditation and meditation creates Manifestation.
- Carol Barbeau

Copyright © 2010 by Nancy Ward and Smote Hill Press. All rights reserved. Permission is granted to freely redistribute this article as long as the author’s name and website are included.

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