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21 Temmuz 2009 Salı

The Crystal Light Technology of the Arcturians and Melchizedek

The Crystal Light Technology of the Arcturians and Melchizedek

Experience yourself in a crystal cave. where we Ask the Arcturians and Melchizedek to send down a projection of crystal. You sit right underneath this crystal that is like a feeder tube. A liquid crystal is siphoned into the crown of the head. You are now receiving a treatment of crystal energies. Drink and absorb this in. It is knitting the bones into the structure of the perfect body to carry the Light. It creates a structure and foundation for your Light body physically. you will Feel the crystalline structure of your own form. This crystal light technology is another road to healing on many, many levels. Melchizedek told us the liquid crystal has the effect of "neutralizing" all imbalanced energies within the physical, etheric, astral, mental, and spiritual bodies. What he recommends is that after you sit for a while in the crystal cave and absorb the liquid crystal, call forth the Golden Cylinder of the Arcturians to pull out and vacuum up any and all negative energy that has now been neutralized. This Arcturian crystal light technology will also neutralize all alien implants, which is another enormous advantage.

When you are done you must ask to remove the neutralized energy. This is very important. So this technology is a two-step process. All of the various Arcturian technologies can be divided into two aspects. The first is the "neutralizing" effect, and the second is activational.

Next Lord of Arcturus will place a crystal in each chakra. Breathe deeply and allow this process to take place. Ask him to then activate these crystals. You will feel them begin to spin in each chakra in a clockwise manner. Feel the expansion from front to back and back to front in each chakra. This creates a feeling and reality in your chakras of one unified chakra. Breathe deeply and allow this to be incorporated through your whole body system. These crystals are very light but very strong. They are gifts from the Masters that you must go out into the world with and share the Light that they help to intensify!!!

Crystal Technology for Healing Etheric Wounds

We will Call to the Lord of Arcturus and the Arcturians to come forth with their liquid crystal technology to cauterize any etheric wound on all levels. This is done from the furthest reaches within traveling
outwards until healed. We will Call forth to Vywamus to reweave the etheric webbing upon request. This creates a true healing for the etheric wound will no longer be present. It brings all the bodies back to their original state.

Crystalline Protection for Children

This next tool is specifically designed for children, not for adults. It is a new technology designed to help New Age children who are very vulnerable when young. This tool is for the purpose of providing extra protection as the healing is going on. we will Call forth to Djwhal Khul, Lord Maitreya, Vywamus, and the Lord of Arcturus for a crystalline web of golden screening protection. It is placed around the field of the child, enfolding it and creating a barrier until the child is able to hold the healing totally within themselves. This is available to any and all children of your own or children you work with.

Join us saturday July 18 at 8:30 pm EST

register here

Cost 25.00

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