31 Ağustos 2010 Salı
Message From Archangel Michael, September 2010 Through Rev. Michelle Coutant
Through Rev. Michelle Coutant
"The Way Of One Who Achieves Greatness"
Dear Ones,
At this time many of you are at a crossroads. You have opportunities to raise your consciousness, to raise your vibrations to new heights, or you may stay with the status quo you have achieved and continue on in this way. There is no right or wrong Dear Ones; it is a personal choice which each one of you must make. It is a personal choice for each one of you as to how long you choose to remain in the lower vibrations. There comes a time in your spiritual growth when you will reach a plateau, and it is easiest to take the path of least resistance, in this case remaining at the plateau which you have spent much time, much dedication and perseverance, in achieving, and reaching this level of growth. We tell you, Dear Ones, that you must keep on reaching for the higher level. You must polarize the higher level, you must begin to magnetize the next higher lever to you, even as you are achieving, integrating and bringing into balance and harmony, the level at which you now reside. These levels also coincide with the initiations you must pass to continue to new levels of spiritual growth.
There is a time of integration, balancing, and harmonious acceptance as you settle at a new level of spiritual growth. As you integrate new concepts, new truth, the old truth which was yours, is replaced with a new and higher truth. This is the path of spiritual attainment. One may call it climbing the spiritual ladder; one may call it climbing a spiritual mountain. It matters not, the words used for description. You must understand that you will rise up the path, and you will fall back on the path, you will rise up on the path and fall back. It is as if there is an ebb and flow in your integration, and you must stay focused as you experience the ebb and flow, so that you ultimately move up the path. You must remain in your dedication and your truth and your diligence.
We ask you now that as you achieve a new level of spiritual growth that you do not "rest on your laurels." We know you are weary, we know you are tired, but we ask you, Dear Ones, to be the greatest and highest version of your Selves that you can possibly be. We ask you to persevere, to stand in your light, and to raise your light quotient to the highest level that you are capable of holding with ease and grace. We ask you to continue on the path, once you have integrated the last segment of truth and wisdom and growth that you have attained.
Move forward once again, Dear Ones, reach up the spiritual ladder to the next step. The rungs of the spiritual ladder are not linear. You may be on one step of the ladder, yet reaching up into the higher steps, the higher rungs of the ladder for much greater truth and wisdom. Allow yourselves this great movement, Dear Ones. Allow yourselves to step out of linear time, as you see it. Allow your Selves to continue your path, expanding and ever increasing your wisdom and your truth. You must go within your heart center as you become comfortable at a level of attainment. Your will know when this time is. You will instinctively know that you have achieved a new level. You must go within your heart center and be within the love of your Sacred Heart. You must ask for the strength, the courage, the wisdom, and the vigilance, and the dedication to continue on.
Each level you achieve is as if you have polished yourself, as you are a shining diamond and you now shine just that much more brightly. You are a jewel whose light has been dimmed, and now this light is being refined, and polished to the brilliant light that it shone upon its inception.
This is the way of the spiritual warrior, Dear Ones. This is the way of one who achieves greatness; it is the way of the one who achieves ascension, liberation, and integrated ascended mastery. It is the path of wholeness, the path of completeness. It is the path leading to the All That Is, the God Source within you. Each level you achieve brings you into a deeper connection with your inner wisdom and your inner Divine Self. Each new level of growth you achieve brings you into a stronger and deeper integration of your God Self. Each new level you achieve brings you into greater balance and harmony within your four bodies. You must seek and you must ask for integrated ascension. This is the way of the great ones who have kept on the path, never giving up, in the face of all adversities.
As you continue to lift yourselves up on your spiritual path the rewards become greater and greater, even as more is expected of you. You are expected to light the path for others, as others have shown the way for you. You are all teachers, and you each have been given gifts which are unique to you, to share with others. As you awaken to your spiritual potential, you awaken to your gifts. We ask you to share your gifts, radiate your light out to all humanity and the planet, and be the bright, beautiful, God Selves, which you came here to be, in all your glory.
We of the higher realms are here to assist you on your path to self mastery and your return to the higher realms. You are never alone, we are here by your side in love and in joy.
I am Archangel Michael and I bring you this truth.
You may copy and share, with Love and Blessings. Please copy the message in its entirety, giving credit to Archangel Michael through Rev. Michelle Coutant, and provide a link to: www.transformingradiance.com.
Visit Michelle's website at: www.transformingradiance.com
Email: michelle@transformingradiance.com
All my Love and Blessings,
3472 S.W. Oar Court, Palm City, FL. 34990, USA
The Energies of September Jennifer Hoffman
It's not surprising that TV shows like "Hoarding: Buried Alive" are popular. We have been buried for lifetimes by our baggage and were not aware of it until we started shining our light within. Light does one thing, it illuminates the darkness-all of it. Light is not judgmental, it will shine on the dust bunnies under the bed just as brightly as it does in the window to show us that a new day has begun. Now that we know where the dust bunnies are, we have to clean them. Mercury is still retrograde the first half of this month, so we have lots of support for our process. This is a time to take charge and do it or it will be done for us.
September is another month for release but now we have to start the work of renewal. Now that we know what is holding us back, we have to replace it with something else. As in August, we have to be clear on what we want and start manifesting. As I was thinking about what to write for this article, the words "manifest, manifest, manifest" kept coming up. So September is a month for manifesting in conjunction with clearing. And I believe that the manifesting will flow more smoothly, as long as we go in the direction we are guided.
I have a lovely conversation with a friend over the weekend who was struggling. She was manifesting but things were not flowing and her life was a series of efforts that led nowhere. There was an aspect to her work she had been avoiding and she was not willing to go in that direction. But that is where she was supposed to go, and she knew it. This is our path as September begins. What are we being guided to do that we are avoiding and how can we go there, as we are shown and release the fear that holds us back? The Universe is relentless and it will push us in our chosen direction until we decide to stop fighting and surrender. Be brave, courageous, bold and take action. Clean the dust bunnies out with gusto and manifest the most wonderful, amazing miracles as you replace fear with trust and lack with effortless manifestation. Have a wonderful month.
Wisdom From The Ascended Masters, August 23, 2010 (2)
*"Relationships" Via The Akashic Records *
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*Through Rev. Michelle Coutant*
*Please explain the concept of seeing others as our Master Teachers.*
Dear Ones, you will assist yourselves greatly in your quest to bring harmony
and balance into your relationships, when you see each interaction with
another as an opportunity to learn. You may be greatly assisted if you will
stand back and see each one in your life as a Master Teacher. It matters
not if it is a close love relationship, if it is a family relationship, if
it is a passing relationship with someone you meet in your daily life. It
could be in relationship to someone that your work with. Each relationship
is an opportunity to learn spiritual lessons. Each opportunity will present
you with growth and wisdom if you are willing to see your relationships from
this aspect.
Your relationships are your greatest opportunity for growth, as you will be
tested each day, and you will have lessons presented to you each day. The
people, places, and situations you draw to you are the exact people,
experiences, and situations needed for you to learn lessons and gain
wisdom. You may simply use the term Master Teacher as you see each person
you interact with, throughout the day. This will be a very simple trigger
and a reminder that this person has something to say to you, something to
teach you, even if it is a very short encounter. There is always something
to be learned in every situation. The interaction with another does not
have to be one of stress, or charged emotions, to be a situation for
learning and wisdom gained. A simple conversation, may present much wisdom
to you, if you are aware that the person you are speaking with has been
drawn to you for a reason and has something of great value and wisdom to
impart to you.
*How can we assist ourselves to be open to this concept each day?*
First and foremost, listen, Dear Ones. Set aside the need to be right. You
ego greatly comes into play when one must continually speak in defense,
pressing their own thoughts, beliefs and concepts upon another. Listen and
hear, truly hear what the other person has to say. Allow them to speak all
that they choose to speak and remain silent after they are finished
speaking. There will be a reduction of the charged energy of the situation,
if it is one of stress, as the other person will know that they have been
heard. This, Dear Ones, allows you also, the time to choose your thoughts
and words carefully, and stay centered in love. When you remain in the
state of love and listen, all can be resolved in love. Deep breathing will
assist you to stay centered in your heart, as you quietly listen. Holding
the thought form of this person as your Master Teacher, will assist you as
you listen, and truly hear what it is that the other person has to teach
you. You will find yourselves able to express yourselves more clearly, when
it is your turn to speak, when you have truly listened to the other person
as your Master Teacher, as you stay centered in love.
*Please explain the concept of raising the vibrations when we are
interacting with others, to resolve situations which are out of balance and
Dear Ones, if you know you are about to engage in an emotionally charged
encounter, take the time to meditate for a few minutes with the intention of
raising your own vibrations to the highest possible vibrations you are
capable of holding with ease and grace. As you become adept in the process,
you will be able to do it in only a few moments. High vibrations will
assist low vibrations to rise. The low vibrations will seek equilibrium
with the higher vibrations. Intend to fill the room with the vibrations of
love, intend for the situation to be resolved for the highest outcome for
all concerned. Intend for love, joy, harmony and balance and peace, to
prevail. Breathe deeply and call upon us to assist you to maintain the
vibrations in the vibrations of love. We will assist, you, but you must
ask. Call upon the Ascended Masters, and the angels and all beings of the
Divine Law of One, which resonate with you. We will assist you. It is
Cosmic Law that you must ask, before assistance may be given.
Dear Ones, you will find that miracles occur and situations that you thought
had no resolution in the higher light, can be resolved in good will, with
the highest outcome for all concerned. It is the power of love and wisdom
and the will to hold these vibrations, which has assisted you and all
involved to bring balance and harmony into the situation.
*What wisdom can you share with us, to help us to maintain balanced and
harmonious relationships?*
Beloved Ones, set your egos aside. In relationships based on Christ
consciousness, there is no room for the ego. There is no room for the lower
vibrations, fear, and the emotions of the ego. You must set your intentions
for every moment to be one of the God Self, to be a moment in your Christ
consciousness. You must set your intention to think, speak, feel, and act
only in the God consciousness of your Divine Self. Hold foremost in your
mind that each soul is on their own journey, each soul is on a different
path, a different journey than you are, and you must hold compassion and
unconditional love for all souls. Do not compare yourself to another, as
you will find yourselves lacking. There will always be souls who are
farther along on their spiritual journey than you are, and do not compare
yourselves to those that are seemingly not on their spiritual path. Every
soul is on their path at all times. It is their choices made through free
will, their thoughts, their actions, their feelings, which determine where
they are on their path. Superiority and inferiority are emotions of the
ego. It does not serve the highest good of any and all when comparisons of
the ego are made with another.
Beloved Ones, you must set your boundaries, and hold your personal power in
love and compassion as you hold the intention for the highest outcome at all
times, in unconditional love. Maintain your strength and courage with the
intention to stay centered in peace and harmony. You will find that you
will indeed maintain peace, harmony, love, and joy even when others around
you become unbalanced. Your inner strength and love will assist them to
return to balance and harmony.
Dear Ones, you are meant to walk as Masters. The Master remains calm and
heart centered in love and will, wisdom and compassion, even as the Master
claims their personal power, with kindness toward all. It can be done, Dear
Ones, and it is a path of great rewards. As you climb the spiritual
mountain, you will find that great strength, courage, trust, and faith will
assist you greatly. You will find that you are never alone and you will be
assisted as much as we are able to assist you, as you show your dedication
and your diligence and your perseverance to lift yourselves up to the higher
realms, to your home among the stars. Go the distance, Blessed Ones, go the
distance. You have only forgotten the joy, the love, the beauty, the
harmony, the exquisiteness of the higher realms. Each step of the way
brings you new remembrance and new beginnings.
Call upon us, Dear Ones, Call upon us in love, in joy, in challenges. Call
upon us.
*We are the Ascended Masters, here to assist you on your journey home to the
higher realms.*
You may copy and share, with Love and Blessings. Please copy the message in
its entirety, giving credit to the Ascended Masters through Rev. Michelle
Coutant, and provide a link to: www.transformingradiance.com/
Visit Michelle's website at: www.transformingradiance.com
Email: michelle@transformingradiance.
All my Love and Many Blessings,
3472 S.W. Oar Court, Palm City, FL. 34990, USA
Wisdom From The Ascended Masters, August 2010 Messages (1)
Blog, Wisdom From The Ascended Masters. Enjoy with much love and blessings,
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*Wisdom From The Ascended Masters, August 5, 2010*
*A Dialog Via The Akashic Records*
*Through Rev. Michelle Coutant*
*What wisdom can you offer to those who are struggling on their spiritual
Dear Ones, it is a time of great learning and accelerated growth. Each of
you chose to incarnate at this time, knowing that the path would be filled
with many spiritual lessons and tests for each of you. Do not despair, as
you have all the spiritual gifts available to you to assist you on your
journey. As you incarnated you asked for and were given, the appropriate
spiritual gifts to assist you in your transformation. You must go into
meditation and ask for your spiritual gifts to be activated, to be made
aware to you and you must begin to use theses spiritual gifts to assist
you. Every soul on this planet has spiritual gifts available to them.
You must hold your determination at the forefront. You must use
discrimination and you must continue to trust that you are up to this
challenge that is before you. When you look back upon this lifetime, you
will see it as a most blessed gift, the lifetime that you had been waiting
for, for eons. This is it, and the challenges are great. In the human
realm you say to each other, 'that which is worth having is worth working
for" and "what is worth having most is what you must work the hardest for".
Sometimes the spiritual path requires you to release, as much as it
requires you to work hard. The hard work you will be required to do, comes
to you in the form of educating yourself, as to the nuts and bolts of what
is required to raise your consciousness. You must do the work to stay
within your heart center each Now Moment, which requires the diligence of
noticing your thoughts each moment. There is the work which is required of
you, of learning how to follow the straight and narrow path, of always
making the highest choices of the Master. You must ask yourself in each
moment, if the choices you are making and the thoughts you are thinking are
the thoughts, actions, and choices of a Master. As you raise your
consciousness, much is expected, as much is given. You are expected to live
in impeccability, as a Master. Do not despair, Dear Ones, you have not been
given more than you can handle.
The process of releasing the old outworn vibrations which no longer serve
you will greatly assist you, as you raise your consciousness. Releasing the
low vibrations will make way for the new and higher vibrations, which will
allow you to come into the peace and harmony, and the love and the joy,
which you are seeking to be.
Meditate when you are in despair, when your trails and struggles seem so
great. Meditate and ask to connect to the Ascended Masters and the angels
whom you resonate with. We are here to assist you and we will help you in
the moment to return to the love of your Sacred Heart, if you will connect
with us. Ask us to give you a shower of light and love. This will greatly
assist you to return to the love of your Sacred Heart. Feel our love, and
you will return to balance and harmony within your heart. Allow us to
assist you. Allow the company of the heavens to assist you. You are never
alone and we will assist you to the greatest extent allowed by Cosmic Law.
Bask in the vibrations of the Ascended Masters and feel the love and support
offered to you. You will greatly enhance your journey and you will move
forward more easily and gracefully upon your spiritual path which you have
*How do we come to the place of total surrender to God?*
Beloved Ones, you must have a clear knowing of what it is you desire, and
your desire must be that which is for your highest good and for the highest
good of all. You must be very clear about what it is that you desire. Many
of you vacillate from one moment to the next and you are not at all clear
about what it is you choose to create. God is most desirous of fulfilling
all your dreams and desires, as God knows no lack and limitation. This is
the human condition which you have experienced in the third dimensional
reality. You are the God Source, so you too, are limitless, having every
experience available to you which you choose to experience for your highest
good and the highest good of all.
Be in meditation and breathe deeply and ponder upon the expansiveness and
the limitlessness of God, of you, of all Creation. Blend your
consciousness, your physicality, and your total and complete awareness in
this deep, deep knowing of all Creation. This is you, Dear Ones. Feel
this. Incorporate it into your very Beingness. For you are all Creation.
Draw this substance of all Creation into your physical body, your mental and
emotional bodies, and fill your heart with the love of the Creator, this
unconditional love of Source. Meditate upon this often, and each time you
do so, surrender to this unconditional love of all creation, surrender to
the God Source. It is you. Surrender to this knowing. Surrender and allow
this life force to flow through you unimpeded. This, Dear Ones, is the
surrender you are asking for and in this moment you may surrender your
desire and dreams to the God Source, to all Creation, and know that you are
in alignment with all Creation, as you have asked for your dreams and
desires to be for your highest good and the highest good of all Creation.
As you are in the universal flow of life force substance, you are in the
flow of abundance, love, joy, peace and harmony and the fulfillment of your
*How do we find the place of trust and faith?*
Trust and faith is a byproduct of raised consciousness. As you begin to let
go of that which no longer serves you, you come into the awareness that
there is no separation, there is only One Mind, One Heart, and that is the
mind and heart of God and it is the mind and heart of you. As you begin to
understand, and know this truth, you develop the wisdom of the knowing and
along with this wisdom, comes the ability to trust and have faith that you
are One with the God Mind and One with the God Heart. All that God knows
and experiences is yours for the asking. God knows only light without
needing to know darkness. There becomes trust and knowing and faith that
this experience is available to you also, as you are God.
*How do we "let go and let God"?*
Breathe Dear Ones, with the conscious intention of letting go of all that
no longer serves your highest good. Breathe with the intention of filling
yourselves with the vibration of the All That Is. There is no need to hold
tightly to all that you desire in the human realm. The All That Is knows
all your dreams and desires and there is no room for lack and limitation
within the All That Is. Fill yourselves with the All That Is, breathe it
in, breathe and breathe continually. Breath in the prana, the elixir of
life and you will have no room for the lower vibrations which limit you and
block your manifestation of your dreams and desires. Fill yourselves with
the All That Is, Dear Ones. It is so simple yet most do not understand how
vital is the process of deep breathing, and how this fills your very Being
with the God Source. You have "let go and let God", when you fill each Now
Moment in this way.
*What other wisdom would you like to offer at this time?*
Dear Ones, release the old patterns of low self worth. You are the God
Source and the Divine Mind. The Divine Mind knows only unconditional love,
as the Divine Mind is unconditional love. You are the Divine Mind. Feel
it, breathe it, Be it. And fill your moments with this unconditional love.
Feel this love in meditation and every moment as you breathe. Know that
this love is you, and fill yourselves with this love, be this love and fill
your field with this love. Look in the mirror every day and see the
beautiful Being that you are, and love yourself as you look at your
reflection in the mirror. Love the beautiful physical body which is your
vessel which you have chosen for this lifetime. It has served you well and
will continue to serve you well if you will shower it with love and take
care of it as befitting of a Divine vessel of God.
Love yourselves, Dear Ones, and as you do, you will radiate this love
outward to the earth and humanity and all life forms. You will be filled to
overflowing with love, and your life will be filled with abundance and
miracles and you will have a bounty of love to share with all those around
you. You will not only greatly assist yourselves in the transformation you
desire, but you will greatly assist the earth and all life forms in this
great shift of the ages.
*We are the Ascended Masters. Call on us, Dear Ones. We are here to assist
you in this time of ascension. *
You may copy and share, with Love and Blessings. Please copy the message in
its entirety, giving credit to the Ascended Masters through Rev. Michelle
Coutant, and provide a link to: www.transformingradiance.com/
Visit Michelle's website at: www.transformingradiance.com
Email: michelle@transformingradiance.
All my Love and Many Blessings,
22 Ağustos 2010 Pazar
Ra Ne Ma Ri, the time is now.
Ra Ne Ma Ri, the time is now.

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Is Everyone Going To Ascend?
Is Everyone Going To Ascend?
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Important !!!!! Cosmic Axiatonal Alignment this Sunday, start your crystalline body
Important !!!!! Cosmic Axiatonal Alignment this Sunday, start your crystalline body

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18 Ağustos 2010 Çarşamba
Beloved masters, the winds of change are blowing strongly within your inner and outer worlds, and you often feel you are being tumbled about by the winds of fate. You are being bombarded with so much new information that your body and brain are in overload. Everything is changing so rapidly in your world that you can no longer depend on what was considered to be the "norm," and there is such a plethora of new information that it is difficult to know what to believe. Old concepts are being updated and the philosophies of the Eastern and Western worlds are blending as higher expanded truths are being presented for your learning as humanity strives to become spiritual adults and masters of their destiny.
There are many paths to en-LIGHTEN-ment and many variations and levels of the truth; however, the universal laws and Creator truth are immutable. There are essential truths in every religion, and if you strip away the dogma, man-made superstitions and limitations, you will find they all contain more similarities than differences. Instead of criticizing or condemning the beliefs of others, would it not be better to seek a common ground of understanding? The majority of humanity does not have a clue about the origins or major beliefs of other religions, and yet there is condemnation of all beliefs that are not one's own. The core cause of all the wars of the past and the wars that are presently raging around the world are based on conflicting religious beliefs. How sad and how futile. There can be no winners; everyone loses in the rage and fury for supremacy that is rampant on Earth.
I have asked my messenger to research and give you a condensed synopsis of some of the similarities and the differences between the Eastern and the Western world views, as well as a condensed overview of the major religions of the world, past and present. It is important that you understand the customs and beliefs of your brothers and sisters around the world if you are to move forward on the path of reunification and harmony.
Humanity is gradually moving beyond the narrow concept of isolationism and secular "religion" into the expanded and cohesive truth of spirituality whereby you turn inward and connect to your own Divine Source for Creator truth and universal laws to guide you, instead of turning to someone you think is more knowledgeable and powerful than you. In the past, humanity has been mostly of a "herd-state" mentality, and it has been a common practice to follow the man-made religious laws as defined by others: dogmatic beliefs or superstitions which were/are often steeped in fear.
Herein we will list some of the similarities and also some of the differences:
SIMILARITIES: CONCEPT OF GOD: Eastern view: Belief in a Supreme Deity, maker of all souls and all things and in lesser deities. Western view: Belief in a Supreme Deity, maker of all souls and all things, including angelic beings and the heavenly host.
ON SALVATION AND GOD'S WILL: Eastern view: Salvation is through strict obedience to God's will and the descent of His grace through spiritual enlightenment. Western view: Salvation is through strict obedience to God's will, usually through a messiah, prophet, minister or priest.
ON GOOD CONDUCT: Eastern view: Moral living is essential to spiritual progress, for unrighteous thoughts, words and deeds keep you from spiritual liberation. Western view: Religion is based on ethical and moral conduct as outlined in the ten commandments; the opposite leads you away from God.
ON THE NATURE OF REALITY: Eastern view: There is more to reality than we can experience with the five senses. The soul is immortal, deathless and eternal, and will ultimately be liberated from the cycle of rebirth. Western view: There is a reality beyond what we experience on Earth. The soul is immortal, deathless and eternal, living forever in God's presence or separated from Him in an eternal hell.
DIFFERENCES: REGARDING CREATION: Eastern view: The universe exists in endless cycles of creation, preservation and destruction. There is no absolute end to the world. We are a part of God and God is within us. Unity is stressed. Western view: The world was created by God and at some point in the future it will be destroyed. He is distinct from it and rules from above. A dualistic nature of the world and humanity is stressed.
THE TRUE GOD: Eastern view: There is but one true and absolute God. All souls are destined to receive God's grace through experience on many paths according to their understanding, temperament and maturity. God is pure love and Consciousness. Western view: There is but one true God and one true religion. Those who accept it will enjoy God's grace; all others, unless they repent and come to "your" God, will suffer eternally in hell. God is loving as well as wrathful.
ON KNOWING GOD: Eastern view: Personal, inner and often mystical experience of God is the foundation of Eastern religions. Man can and ultimately must come to know God during earthly life. Individually oriented and introspective. Western view: It is presumptuous for man to seek personal knowledge of God. The basis of religion is not experience but belief, faith and a virtuous life. Socially oriented and extroverted.
ON HELL AND EVIL: Eastern view: God is love and all souls are a facet of God. Each soul is guided as it experiences karma interactions into dharma (enlightenment and alignment with universal laws). Hell is the lower astral planes, not a physical place, nor is it eternal. Karmic suffering is a state of mind during life or between lives. There is no intrinsic evil. All is good. All is God. Only the veil over our intuitive-intellectual mind keeps us from realizing our personal relationship with God.
Western view: On judgment day the physical body of every soul who ever lived is brought to life. Pure souls are granted entrance into heaven, while sinners are sent to everlasting hell. There is genuine evil in the world, a living force which opposes God's will. Satan and his demons embody this evil, as well as in man if he develops evil tendencies and does not follow God's commandments.
HINDUISM: Hinduism is the world's oldest religion; it predates recorded history, and has no human founder. Its major scriptures are called The Vedas. There are nearly one billion followers, mostly in India. Hinduism is a vast and profound religion whose followers believe in one, all-pervasive Supreme Being who is both Creator and unmanifested reality. They believe that all souls are evolving toward union with God and will ultimately gain spiritual knowledge and liberation from the cycle of rebirth. They believe in karma, the laws of cause and effect by which each individual creates his own destiny by his thoughts, words and deeds.
BUDDHISM: Buddhism began about 2,500 years ago in India and was founded by Gautama Siddhartha, the Buddha, "Enlightened One." The Buddha's essential teachings are contained in the Four Noble Truths. There are over 300 million believers throughout China, Japan, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Burma, Indochina, Korea and Tibet. There are three main sects, Theravada, Tibetan and Mahayana. Zen Buddhism, well-known in the West, is a Japanese Mahayana school. Their goal in life is nirvana (salvation). They believe in the "Middle Path," living moderately, avoiding extremes of luxury and asceticism. They believe in love and compassion for all creatures that live, and that man's true nature is Divine and eternal. They believe in karma, dharma, reincarnation and the passage on Earth as an opportunity to end the cycle of birth and death.
TAOISM: Taoism began about 2,500 years ago in China and was founded by Lao-Tzu, whom Confucius described as a dragon riding the wind and clouds. The Tao-te-Ching, or "Book of Reason and Virtue," is among the shortest of all scriptures, containing only 5,000 words. There are approximately 50 million believers, mostly in China and other parts of Asia. The Tao or the Way, has never been put down in words, rather it is left for the seeker to discover within. The primary goal of Taoism may be described as the mystical intuition of the Tao, which is the Way, the primal meaning, the undivided unity and the ultimate reality. He who has realized the Tao has uncovered the layers of consciousness and sees the inner truth of all things. Taoists believe in the oneness of all creation, in the spirituality of the material realms and in the brotherhood of all men.
CONFUCIANISM: Confucianism began about 2,500 years ago in China by the supreme sage, K'ung-fu-tsu (Confucius) and Second Sage Meng-tzu (Mencius). Its major scriptures are The Analects, Doctrine of the Mean, Great Learning and Mencius. There are over 350 million adherents, mostly in China, Japan, Burma and Thailand. Confucianism is, and has been for over 25 centuries, the dominant philosophical system in China and the guiding light in almost every aspect of Chinese life. Confucius urged individuals to strive for perfect virtue, righteousness, and improvement of character. He taught that man grows spiritually by living truthfully, serving selflessly, and aligning himself with the Eternal way through humility, simplicity, serenity and effortless action. They believe God is the sovereign One, the omnipotent, immortal and personal Creator, a being beyond all time and space. They believe in the oneness of all creation, in the spirituality of the material realms and in the brotherhood of all men.
ISLAM: Islam began about 1,400 years ago in present-day Saudi Arabia. It was founded by the Prophet Mohammed and its major scripture is The Koran. There are over one billion followers, mostly in the Middle East, Indonesia, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Africa, China and Eastern Europe. There are two main divisions of Islam. The Sunnis are followers of the political successors of Mohammed. The Shiites are of Mohammed's family successors, all martyred at an early age. Islam means "submission," surrender to the will of God, called Allah. Those who submit are called Muslims. Islam is based upon the Five Doctrines and observance of the Five Pillars. The virtues of truthfulness, temperance and humility before God are foremost for Islam, and the practice of fasting, pilgrimage, prayer and charity to the Muslim community are most necessary to please Allah. They believe that the soul of man is immortal, embodied only once on Earth, then entering heaven or hell upon death according to its conduct and faith on Earth. The primary goal of Islam is to enjoy eternal life, both physical and spiritual, in a heavenly paradise with Allah.
JUDAISM: Judaism began about 3,700 years ago in Egypt-Canaan, now Israel. It was founded by Abraham, who started the lineage, and Moses, who emancipated the enslaved Jewish tribes from Egypt. Its major scripture is The Torah (the first five books of the Old Testament and the Talmud). There are about 12 million believers world-wide, over half in the United States. Jews are divided into Orthodox, Conservative and Reform sects, with other regional and ethnic divisions. The religion of the Jews is inseparable from their history as a people. By far the most profound characteristic of Judaism is its strict monotheism. The Jews hold an unshakeable belief in one God and one God only from whom all creation flows. Much stress is placed on the hallowing of daily existence, worship in synagogue, prayer and reading the scriptures. They believe obeying God's laws brings rewards in the future life when the Messiah will come to overthrow evil and reward the righteous in God's kingdom on Earth. The soul thereafter will enjoy God's presence and love. They believe that man has two impulses: good and evil. He can either follow God's law or rebel and be influenced by Satan, who caused God's Creation to go astray. One must strive to follow justice, charity, ethics and honesty, being true to the one true God, Yahweh.
CHRISTIANITY: Christianity began a little over 2,000 years ago in what is now Israel. Its major scripture is The Bible, Old and New Testament and was founded by Jesus (Yeshua) of Nazareth. There are estimated to be about 1.5 billion Christians. Christianity consists of three main sects: Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox and Protestant. Among Protestants there are over 20,000 denominations. Most Christian faith revolves around the basic principals of the Apostles' Creed, but with important exceptions to its various beliefs. Christianity has an unswerving conviction that it is the only true religion, the only path to salvation. They believe man's plight is caused by disobedience to God's will. Man needs redemption from the forces of evil which would enslave and destroy him: fear, selfishness, desire and the supernatural forces of the Devil, sin and death against which he is powerless. Stress is placed on acceptance of Jesus as God and Savior, on good conduct, compassion, service to mankind, faith and preparation for the Final Judgment. Only "good" Christians will be saved and accepted in heaven. The goal of Christianity is eternal life with God in heaven, a perfect existence in which God's glory and bliss are shared.
For your higher understanding, we have touched on some of the major religions and beliefs of the world. Next month we will give you a brief overview of some of the less well-known but still important religions: Janism, Sikhism, Shintoism, Zoroastrianism, shamanism, and spiritualism.
Beloveds, can you not see that there is a strong pattern, a compatible philosophy that is the basis for all religious beliefs: the belief in a Supreme Being, a desire to personally know the Creator, a belief in the intrinsic goodness of humankind, and the priceless value of love, harmony, charity and faith. Are the differences so important that wars must rage and separation of family, cultures, and nations must prevail? Unity consciousness is the foundation of spiritual teachings of the present and future, not the separatist views of the past. The current religions of the world are based on the spiritual teachings of a particular time, beliefs and energy of the past. It is time to let go of the negative, restrictive, dis-empowering, fear-based teachings of the past, as humanity prepares to move into the realms of higher learning and self-mastery. Why not glean the beauty and positive aspects of each religion as you strive to embrace and live your own higher truth? The Creator and our Father/Mother God does not care what religion you are, or what you call your beliefs. You are known by your radiance and by the Love/Light you give forth. Our greatest desire is for you to understand and experience the ecstasy of the harmony and Oneness that are available to you in the higher realms of Light. We are ever near to guide and protect you.
I AM Archangel Michael.
*** Transmitted through Ronna Herman
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14 Ağustos 2010 Cumartesi
Alpha & Omega: The Dimension of Truth - Metatron/Tyberonn
Alpha & Omega: The Dimension of Truth
Greetings Masters ! We greet each of you in this moment with Unconditional Love.
Masters, the Cardinal Grand Cross is is a time of great awakening and transformation on the Earth plane. The Earth and all of her kingdoms are transitioning to great and greater consciousness. Life is protracting in aggregate.
Indeed we say to you that there is even greater life that circles about and above your planet now in this phase. It is beyond and because of the intensity of the Grand Cross. It is an energy consciousness that wishes to enter your mass field of awareness. It is light of a sublime nature. It does not hold logic, it does not hold vision, it is not the light of promise but it is the light of wellness and we will say to you that if you will allow this light to enter your sphere of influence, your field of awareness, you would find yourself lighter in spirit almost immediately and this is only achieved by intent.
Humanity seeks promise, and endeavors for light, and this is requisite. Yet few on the path work to bring in wellness, and we tell you it would compliment your path, soften your journey.
For hidden in the waves of the Grand Cross is a subtle brilliance of wellness that is now more available to humankind. You can apply and avail yourself of it but YOU must call it forward, and become it. Seek and ye shall find. You must engage the light of the truth of wellness within yourself. Because in seeking greater knowledge one does not always seek or choose to include wellness, self love, but they are synergistically required to do so in achieving the crystalline vibration. They are complimentary and each would benefit by it.
And so we begin our topic...
Conscious Kingdoms of Earth
The Human kingdom on Earth is the most conscious of all Earthen Kingdoms. Yet humanity at this time is still somewhat unaware of much of its consciousness.
The Earth itself is a celestial Consciousness and supports many forms of sentient awareness within and with-out. Even without the consciousness of humanity, the Sentient Earth is a growing conscious being, that in many aspects is more fully aware of mankind and the Cosmos, than mankind is at this time. Because the Earth nurtures and provides the matrix of mankind's linear and nonlinear Earthen experience, humanity tends to think of the earth as a Feminine Energy. In truth the Earth is neither and both, as in truth are YOU.
The Earth homes many Kingdoms and Sub-Kingdoms that have symbiotic relationships with one another and indeed with Mankind and the Unified Earth. Among these are the Mineral Kingdom, the Plant Kingdom and Animal Kingdom. Each of these are also sentient, but humanity has forgotten much of its ability to communicate and receive the wisdoms and true support that each of these offer.
Plant Wisdom
And so we are asked to speak of sacred plant teachers, for indeed within these are a unique lens that is offered to those who wish to experience a wisdom that existed prevalently in the Alchemy Schools of ancient days.
It is but one modality of intense introspection. And without endorsement or condemnation, we tell you that It is one of many individually discerned choices that can lead to greater awareness. But indeed a path that is available to the few who truly desire to enter its dimension of truth. It is a crucible of amplification within a juxtaposition of that termed Alpha & Omega.
Dear Ones, the plant kingdom has a unique ability to interact with humanity that is quite specialized, because it has the ability to work directly in the mental field, in a way quite different from the mineral kingdoms.
The mineral and plant kingdom can interact in myriad ways, opening auric energies, holding space for communication and multidimensionality, yet only the sacred plant kingdom has the ability to enter the body physical via the bloodstream. This alters brainwave frequency in a manner that allows primary consciousness to enter the ultraviolet of the subconscious dream-scape in lucid state, devoid of frontal ego-personality narrative.
Medicinal Plant Affect
The plant kingdom offers medicinal qualities that no other kingdom on earth can do in the same way. Plants are able to affect the pressure of your bloodstream, both upward and downward. Certain herbal plants are able to elevate your emotions and moods. Others are capable of regulating the hemispheres of the human brain, and in so doing are capable of modulating how you relate to your greater essence, the unconscious aspects of multi-dimensional mind.
Campestral societies of the indigenous have known of this for millennia, as did the ancient Mystical Societies of the Egyptians, LeMurians and Atlanteans.
They knew through direct communication, that certain plants were capable of altering thought waves, the very resonate patterns of the brain. And as such gateways that were otherwise difficult to enter, were opened through the alliance of that termed the sacred plant medicine.
So they learned that as brain waves were altered so were thoughts, and as thoughts were altered consciousness could either expand or contract its perception of realities. It was as if the hemispheres of the brain could be turned on their side and viewed from a different lens of perception.
And so in this unique lens, the contents of the human brain are shifted and can be viewed in perceptions that are expanded in means that are above the linear alignment of space and time. Acute awareness well beyond the norm becomes both possible and probable within this effect.
Doors of Perception
Doors are thus opened to another dimension of perception, to other realities, unique aspects of the mind, and can allow for great transitional visions and breakthroughs of creativity and understanding, often allowing for deeply embedded 'energy blockages' to be confronted and released.
We will say then that psychoactive plants to varying degrees can be of great assistance, varying according to the energy and light quotient of the individual. To some it is of immeasurable value and to others less so. It is a question of readiness, of system of belief, and of individual choice and discernment.
Question to Metatron: A few years ago I took ayahuasca, and I seemed to go through many dimensions. I felt is if i was in this place for years, yet it was only 5-6 hours in linear-time. Can you expand on what occurred. Was it an experience only of the mind ?
AAMetatron: It is both. This most sacred of herbs allows entrance to one focal dimensional overlay, and that is the dimension of Truth. The essence and experience is one of travel thru many dimensions but it is indeed the mind that travels , and travels far. The Beingness moves, but only slightly. Just as the heavens seem to shift each night bit by bit, degree by degree yet bring great change to the plane of earth, the dimension of ayahuasca brings a vast perception expansion, but it does so in one dimensional overlay, and that is the sacred dimension of Truth.
Dear One, you were indeed in a place above linear time, and the life review you relived truly passed through 40 years of experience. This you were keenly aware of, and was part of the great joy you realized in re-entering your physical body. The knowledge that you could carry the deeply fire-scripted understandings and lessons into your present unfinished experience in this lifetime. That is the gift of this plant journey. It takes one to the dimension of their consolidated individual Truth in association with their lifetime and all that relates to it, you see. In other words, all that one can hope to gain, discover, enlighten and learn are held in the fulcrum of one single point within this unique coagulated vision. It is both the Alpha & Omega uniquely conjoined in one complex dimension of Truth as aligned to one's own frequency. This is where you traveled to and what one experiences in this profound journey. It is a meeting of the self, yet the whole self as related to this lifetime, you see. What is encountered then is the complete result of who you are and who you can be. All that is untrue, all that does not serve you, all that is in imperfection is fully and painstakingly revealed. All that separates you from perfection, from worlds and realities is what you must encounter. That is why this most noble of herbs is so sacred.One confronts the self in a crucible of reality. It is exemplified by the serpent consuming its own tail, and by that we mean the entirety of one's experience is revealed in one purifying vision, one crucible setting.
Question to Metatron: In my first experience, I had a life review, and in the second I was met with Teachers. Can you explain the uniquely different experiences?
AAMetatron: Dear One, as we have said, in truth you had in the initial journey what the Christians refer to as the 'afterlife judgment'. You reviewed your life, as if in real time, and where you had hurt another, you felt that hurt from their perspective, sought and obtained release of the energy. You did likewise for those that had hurt you, the energy was purged, cleansed. You experienced a great opportunity to experience what most of humanity experience after physical death, an intensive review of your lifetime.
The immeasurable gift is that you were given the opportunity through this experience to come back into the linear and make adjustments.
Accordingly the first experience enabled the second. And we will say doors were opened that remain open, and your Beingness is in much greater clarity. For what did not serve you, that you may term negative experience was released in one night which otherwise could have taken several lifetimes.
The purging was appropriate in the first experience, it was what was required in your frequencial truth, likewise in the second, it was teachers that you sought, and teachers that were appropriate in your expansion. Does that answer your query?
JT: Yes, thank you.
AAMetatron: And so we continue in this most interesting discussion.
We will tell you that the human experience is often riddled with adverse emotional reactions to life interactions, and certain restrictive energy obstacles occur in the emotional and mental bodies that close windows of the mind.
Certain sacred plants of the psycho-active genre, when taken in ceremonial manner by a learned facilitator can assist in re-opening these doors and windows. Once opened they rarely close again, or remain open for a long time and so quantum leaps in awareness and parity are enabled.
Gateways of Mind
Yet the plants that enable the hallucination of the mind can be most beneficial to some and less so to others. It is therefore imperative that one be able to navigate within perspective of the experience. That you term illusion is in truth a corridor, a gateway of the mind that leads to other realities and dimensions.
For example, as we have said, the corridors opened by the medicine plant termed ayahuasca, can lead one into unresolved embedded energies from traumas in the present and other lifetimes by offering the path to the experience. In this way the present or past life issue comes into clear focus and the energies associated with it are re-lived in actual reality aspect with opportunity to release what need be liberated to remove the trapped obstruction. One may also change the outcome or finish an uncompleted mission that was not completed in the previous experience.
The Cumulative Focus
Accordingly the mind is expanded to an array of multidimensional time hologram realities and is not locked into one perception. Many become available within what we call the focal dimension, the one dimension of Truth as it relates to the individual.
Yet be aware that strength and especially wisdom are necessary to accomplish these releases and completions. Simply having access to the doorway of expansion does not necessarily mean one will have the key to open it or the ability to navigate within its offered realities. A certain level of intent, will, fortitude and light quotient are requisite to establish the conscious wisdom and ballast to navigate and manifest these benevolent outcomes.
The Requite of Preparation
Strength begets strength and wisdom initiates even greater wisdom, but both require effort and preparation, you see. And it is essential to understand that one must enter these realms in a state of preparation, and devoid of fear. For if one enters in a haphazard fashion, if one enters expanded reality state in fear, that fear must be overcome or one will experience an amplification of that fear. Indeed it is not an experience of frivolous pursuit and requires strength, preparation and courage.
Without these attributes, one merely hallucinates or one only experiences dreams or nightmares. In some cases nothing occurs. And accordingly one returns from whence they came without the rewards that were available. The key is that the vibration of the seeker must then match the highest purpose of the journey. Such plants were never intended for recreation for entertainment you see. One is meant to enter as if entering the holiest of Cathedrals, in reverence, respect and with great considered purpose.
If one enters the expanded reality realm without preparation, one will encounter an experience that has no redeeming merit. What one puts in, one will harvest. If nothing is sewn in sacred intent, nothing of value will be reaped. That is so in all endeavors of growth and of spirit. And with the highest intent, the ability to enter without fear is tantamount. That is among the preparation attributes required, for fear is ever the vibrational static of disruption, a frequency that is not harmonic to the experience, you see.
So let it be understood that there is indeed a sentient consciousness of the highest order available within the experience of ayahuasca, which is presently by far the most profound of all the sacred plant medicines. It is the one then that offers the most gain and provides the highest frequency for wisdom.
Process: The ingestation connects the seeker to the ultraviolet area of the subconscious mind. It is akin in process to what may be termed the 'near death' experience. The ego consciousness must 'go to sleep' and the sub conscious opens into lucid dreamscape taking one into the dimension of Truth. In effect a rewiring occurs that benevolently opens corridors into the greater state of consciousness. It is a process that enables the advanced seeker to deal with imperfection, review perfection and confront the full experience from birth to present, and reboot. It is in essence a rebirth. The ancient Mystery Schools used this process for the advanced student . It is similar in effect to the 5 day fasting process, but occurs in much faster timing and often in greater detail.
Now, if one misunderstands the purpose or misapplies the experience, and enters haphazardly out of mere curiosity, the sentient frequency is not matched and the greater experience simply cannot vibrationally occur. And for that reason, masters, they are NOT for everyone. We will also add that while these plants offer an incredible opportunity for clearing and truth, they are certainly not the only method of obtaining such clarity.
The plant carries an extremely high frequency and a great degree of the consciousness of the Earth itself, and accordingly offers incredible transformation for those that choose this lens, and for those that are ready. The plant kingdom offers gateways, but the most important gateway is entered and directed from within.
Divine dimensional light for each human is transmitted from within your own being, not from without. It is based upon the energy of one's own truth, the confirmations that are the Cosmos and from the place they are aggregated. They are expanded within you as only light frequencies can be and then vibrate themselves into the mind and heart where by the magic of your intent they are converted to wisdom. But it is important that you will know that it is energy that you send, energy that you receive, energy that you speak, and that you guide, and that you call upon that reveals to you your true divine self. There are many paths to enlightenment, but all must contain the one Truth from within.
Points of light and infinity dot your planet, and indeed they can offer great acceleration, Lake Titicaca is among the most pristine of these. But the most important portal, you see, is within your heart, and you ever carry it with you. Such is the gift of the human kingdom on Earth. I am Metatron, and I share with you these Truths. You are Beloved !
..And so it is.