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22 Ağustos 2010 Pazar

Is Everyone Going To Ascend?

Is Everyone Going To Ascend?

ani he yar
Is everyone going to ascend?

Difficult question isn't it? Especially with the many messages
out there.

My husband asked me the same question last night.

The answer is that the earth is going to ascend into a
non-physical dimension. This does not mean there will
not be physical dimensions though.

Many souls have chosen to be here for learning purposes and they will move
into the 5th dimensional frequencies and higher upon the New Earth. This is a
time of great learning for each soul as the process of ascension is something that
was only taught to the few and not the many. Now every soul on earth is able to
take part in the learning process and has the change to evolve greatly by being
here. So yes they will ascend into the 5th dimension.

The ones that have chosen to fully ascend, by this I mean cosmic ascension, the
teachers for the New Earth, have been called. I don't know if they are listening,
but the call has gone out for those who are willing to hear.

Now that the merging of the Core of our Earth with the New Earth is complete
and the merging has begun of the rest of our earth we can expect many more
interference as well as fear being sent to earth. The merging of the Core was
a simple task compared to what is happening now and I have been feeling the
clearings extremely within myself. I take it from day to day. As one day I can be
in complete depression, full depression. Next day gone and I know that the
clearing is complete. That is just emotionally; physically it is exhausting
sometimes as the physical body is changing into the crystalline frequencies and
from there into diamond frequencies.

Ascension is something we do many times; a move into a higher frequency is
an ascension.

What we are talking about is Cosmic Ascension, meaning when the physical
body turns into a non-physical body, a light body.

This is why you have to find your own path, your own truth, your own light.

More in the next newsletter.

Connecting with the Universal


Cosmic Crystalline Grid

We are starting new workshops, connecting with the Universal and Cosmic Crystalline Grids that have been placed a long time ago to assist the energies in returning to the Source Frequencies. There is one Grid within our universe and this Grid is connected through the Cosmic Crystalline Grid to all other universes, or the Cosmos. These Grids have been dormant for a long time and became activated during the merging of our crystalline core with the New Earth.

There is three parts of us that need to be merged. The Light and Dark light that is within all of us. We call it Dark and Light, but its two different frequencies that oppose each other at times of fear. The other part is our own crystalline core. The spark of Source within us.

Once these three merge fully we can ascend into oneness.

This is how we build the crystalline structure and frequencies to support the change into the Diamond frequencies that are needed to ascend into full oneness.

We have already done a lot of work and it's time for the next steps.

The first one is to connect to the Universal Crystalline Grid to allow for support in building our crystalline structure further. This will allow for more universal awareness and conscious universal awareness.

The next step is the connection to the Cosmic Crystalline Grid to raise our frequencies even more and have the full support of all energies available at this time to complete the crystalline structure within us.

These connections will bring in more of your own crystalline parts that are already within the higher frequencies in spirit. Allowing you to work fully as a master being within your own power. Within your own power is the ability to connect universally and cosmically with all beings that are here to serve as conduits for the crystalline frequencies transmitted to earth at this time

So what does it do for you?

It opens your awareness to new levels, allowing you to see what is real and what is not.

It assist in further bringing in the energies needed to complete your crystalline structure and from there the diamond frequencies.

Many will think the Merkabah is our ascension vehicle, it is not. It is part of the crystalline structure being activated. The Diamond Body is our Ascension vehicle.

We attain the Diamond Body by bringing in the crystalline frequencies and allow these crystalline energies to start building the crystalline structure within us.

Once we complete the crystalline structure ( and this includes the merkabah), we begin the process of completing the Diamond Body.

In this time however, we can work on both processes at the same time.

" There is much to be learned and you have no time."

This is the truth, and this is how it feels to me many times, I feel like running out of time, and there is so much to know and learn before I can fully complete the Diamond Body.

As we work on both process we also begin the awaken the Diamond consciousness, the connection to both crystalline grids allow for further expansion of the Diamond Consciousness.

The experiences will be different for each person as we all know. The one thing that it brings to all is the capability of more fully understand, and being consciously aware. It will allow you to further explore what it means to be in Live and Light, but the most important thing is what it means to be in oneness.

We have all been taught to be Love and Light, but as I understand it at this point in my awareness it's not about Love and Light, it's about oneness within ourself.

Within Source there is no Love or Light, these are still human conditions being placed upon us until we can fully move into the oneness, where all fear has disappeared, love and light has disappeared, and only the oneness remains.

With these workshops you not only move beyond fear, you move beyond the frequency of love, light into the oneness of the crystalline core within us slowly merging with the dark and light. Ascending into full beingness. Full oneness.

The connections are the first two workshops on our way to completely restoring ourself into full mastery of oneness.

I do suggest for anyone to fully experience and fully allowing for the energies to do their work, to have a J-Seal removal and Cosmic Axiatonal Alignment. The J-Seal removal will remove anything that prevents you from moving into higher frequencies. The Cosmic Axiatonal Alignment will reconnect the energy lines within you that connect all part of your crystalline structure to your crystalline core.

We have a J-Seal removal planned this Saturday August 21st at 5:00PM EST.

We have a Cosmic Axiatonal Alignment planned on Sunday August 22nd at 5:00PM EST.

The normal cost for the J-Seal removal is $ 49.00, the Cosmic Axiatonal Alignment $ 35.00.

For anyone who has signed up for the first workshop the cost will be $ 49.00 for the both of them. Email me if you would like to attend both of them before starting the Connection workshop

The connection to the Universal Crystalline Grid and Cosmic Crystalline Grid workshop is on Saturday August 28th at 5:00 PM EST and Sunday August 29th at 5:00 PM EST.

The cost for this two day workshop is $ 99.00.

You can sign up here

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